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C1 Advanced End-of-course Test Audioscript

there’s one thing I’d have done differently, it

AUDIOSCRIPT would be to rehearse things a bit less. It
Part 1 turned out at one point that I was answering

(W = Woman, M = Man) a question I’d prepared for, rather than the

one I was actually asked.
Extract One
W: I hope you get some kind of answer soon.
W: Hi, Mark – how are things? Have you
But at least it seems like it went well, unlike
managed to sort out your problems with
my last job interview. They asked me lots of
your neighbour?
really tough questions, like, ‘Describe a time
M: Oh, him … Well, things are still fairly rocky to when you got into trouble and you had to
be honest. I’m just waiting for the day when use your ingenuity to get out of it’. I couldn’t
he does something else which upsets me. I think of anything on the spot, so I had to
mean, first it was painting his fence and make something up. The interviewer saw
managing to get paint splattered all over my through it straight away. I guess they have
car window. Then it was continuing to blast their reasons for asking questions like that,
out music from his garage even after I’d told but I don’t know what they are.
him that it was too loud. He just seems
Extract Three
oblivious to the idea that he’s ever doing
anything wrong. But at least he doesn’t turn M: One of the most interesting things about

his back on me when I’m walking past, like Budapest for me is how the river Danube

he used to. forms a centrepiece to it all. Unlike other

cities, like Paris or Berlin, which are beautiful
W: Mm … Sounds like he’s the problem, not you.
in their own ways, but perhaps lack a single
I can see why you’d want to avoid
definable centre, the river is always
confronting him angrily, though. He probably
something you can head to, and use to get a
wouldn’t understand what you’re talking
sense of where you are. And also, of course,
about. You could just try keeping to yourself,
there are hills right next to the river offering
like I do with my neighbours. But then again,
a superb vantage point, overlooking it all. It’s
I’ve never really had any reason to deal with
hard to think of a city with better views. So,
although there is a lot in terms of the city’s
M: Yeah. I’d like to do that, but it’s hard if I have architecture which closely resembles styles in
to put up with loud noise, or things like paint places like Paris or Vienna, Budapest still
on my car. It’s not something that I can just manages to have its own unique feel.
W: It sounds like just the sort of place I’d like to
Extract Two visit one day. And it is interesting, isn’t it,
W: How did your job interview go? how Paris – since you mention it – has served

M: Well, I haven’t heard anything from them yet, as a kind of a model for what cities ought to

so now I’m just thinking back on what I said, look like. There are so many places, from

and hoping I didn’t make any massive Budapest, through Bucharest to Istanbul and

mistakes. I know it’s not possible to do Hanoi, which are called the ‘Paris of the East’.

everything perfectly in a job interview, but I’d I don’t think you’d ever hear of places being

like to think I represented myself quite well. If called the ‘London of the East’ or the
‘Budapest of the West’, despite those places

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C1 Advanced End-of-course Test Audioscript

having their own charms. I have to wonder more personal, like taking patients’
why that’s the case. temperatures, helping move patients from beds
into wheelchairs or generally helping doctors
Part 2
and nurses with consultations. Robots are even
Hello, everyone! My name’s Jack Brody. I’m
starting to be used to provide companionship
going to talk a bit about some research I’ve
to people in care homes, whose family
been doing as part of my course, and the focus
members may not live nearby or have enough
is on robots.
time to visit them regularly. The advantage of
OK, I should explain at this point that I’m not a using robots for this kind of task is clear – it
robotics student, and my specialist subject is aids in freeing up people’s time so they can
certainly not engineering or computer science. focus on what might seem to be more urgent
But this part of my course is focusing on duties. But the question of what these robots
society’s attitudes to what – as I will go on to look like is an important one.
explain later – is likely to affect a growing
Clearly, few people would welcome scary metal
number of people. As robots become more a
monsters working alongside them, or with the
part of our everyday lives, how people react
elderly or the sick. So what should this new
towards them will become increasingly relevant.
generation of robots look like? One thought is
Another important distinction that I need to that they should look exactly like people. But
clear up is that when I talk about robots, I’m this presents its own problems, not least those
not referring to the ones you see in sci-fi films. of cost or technology. Back in the 1970s, a
I’m talking about real-life robots that we’ve roboticist called Masahiro Mori hypothesised
been developing and making use of since the that the more human-like robots appeared the
1950s. They’ve been there for a long time, less people would accept them. He coined a
especially in factories, doing the mundane work term – the ‘uncanny valley’ – to describe this.
that’s either too dangerous for humans to do Essentially, we humans don’t seem to mind
or too cost-ineffective to give to humans. There being around robots if they clearly look like
has rarely been any need for these robots to machines. Equally, Mori theorised that we
look like people – more often than not, they’ve wouldn’t mind being around robots if they
looked like massive metal claws or arms – and looked completely identical to humans. But
they’ve tended to be placed on automated somewhere in between is the uncanny valley. If
production lines well away from actual human a robot looks like a realistic human, but not
workers. quite real enough – perhaps because the eyes

But all this is changing, thanks to developments look too cold or the skin too much like plastic

in artificial intelligence and computer – then we start to find them creepy and wrong

interconnectivity which mean that robots can and deeply uncomfortable to be around.

do a lot more than apply brute force in Despite what you might see in movies or TV
manufacturing industries. Robots are becoming shows, we are a very long way from developing
able to perform social tasks in workplaces a robot that could completely fool people into
alongside humans. For example, there are thinking it was a real person. It is for this
robots helping medical staff in hospitals, doing reason that the robots we are currently seeing
jobs which are often quite menial – like developed as our workplace colleagues and
disposing of waste or disinfecting floors – or assistants are designed to look more like

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cartoon characters. They still look very much more interested in what would happen if we
like machines but tend to have cute, almost didn’t study hard enough. She frequently
childlike bodies and faces with big friendly mentioned the exams we would have at the
eyes. One Japanese company has completely end of the course, and that it would be great
turned away from the idea of making human- to get good marks in them. And because of
like robots to help in care homes and has that, she wouldn’t allow us to speak much
instead created a robot that looks like a funny English in class – and she would hardly ever
teddy bear. use it, either. In all honesty, I probably got

So, the way we design a robot’s appearance is better at speaking and listening to French in

important. But what about their voice, and the her classes. She really did seem committed to

kind of language they use? Well, … making sure we studied everything on the
curriculum properly, did our assignments on
time, and in the end, it worked. I got really
Part 3
good grades.
(I = Interviewer E = Erica Green P = Peter
I: So which teacher do you think actually did
most to help you achieve that?
I: Today, we’re continuing on the topic of
E: It would be fascinating to do an experiment
motivation, and this time, we’re focusing on
with two different versions of me, both with
education. We have two teachers in the
only one of the teachers, but that isn’t
studio to talk about how they motivate
possible. I’ve actually come to the conclusion
students. Erica, you’ve recently written an
that both were effective, but the reason I
article about this, haven’t you?
went on to study French at university wasn’t
E: Yes, that’s right. In my article, I wrote about
because of the exams I had passed, but
two teachers who taught me when I was
because of the lifelong interest that the first
younger and I was studying French. Both had
teacher instilled in me. Whereas one teacher
two quite distinct approaches and I
pushed me to do my best in class, the other
appreciated them for it. My favourite of the
– who may not actually have been the one
two teachers would spend a lot of time
who helped me pass those exams – was the
explaining – in English, as it happens – why it
one who made me think, ‘Yes! This is what I
was useful to study French, where we could
want to do!’
use it, what kinds of films and books we
I: I just want to bring in Peter here. You’ve also
could enjoy if we learnt it, and so on. I don’t
written articles about different types of
know whether he did it deliberately in order
motivation. Do you recognise anything in
to inspire us or because he was genuinely
what Erica’s just said?
passionate about the subject. But it worked.
French became my favourite subject and I P: Absolutely, yes. There are two types of

always felt a sense of excitement about what motivation, as Erica’s just exemplified:

I was going to learn next in his lessons. intrinsic motivation, which comes from inside
you – you do something because you want
I: What about the other teacher? You say there
to do it, whatever that reason may be. And
were two different approaches.
extrinsic motivation, which is when you do
E: Very different, but she was also effective in
something because of outside influences, like
her own way. The other teacher was much
the need to pass an exam or follow what the

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C1 Advanced End-of-course Test Audioscript

rest of society is doing, or to make someone Part 4

else happy. And at first, it might sound as if Speaker 1
being intrinsically motivated is somehow
My friend David is lucky enough to travel as part
‘better’. Indeed, research suggests that, when
of his job. He’s a professional photographer, but
it comes to language learning at least,
he doesn’t take pictures of people or weddings or
studying a language only in order to pass an
celebrities, or anything like that. He’s a travel
exam or get a promotion at work, doesn’t
photographer, and a fair number of his photos of
necessarily lead to success.
cities and landscapes have appeared in
I: Erica, do you think there’s any truth in that? magazines. His biggest problem is that he can’t
E: Probably. If someone told me that if I passed drive, so he invited me to spend about a week
an exam in ancient Latin – which, sorry, isn’t with him driving around the French countryside to
really something I’m interested in – I’d get a various sites. The accommodation was free thanks
big salary bonus … well, I might try to study to David’s company, and he paid for the rental car
it, but I’m not sure I’d get very far. So yes, it’s and the petrol, so I jumped at the chance. The
likely true that you can’t really learn part of France we went to would make for a
something if you really don’t want to. But wonderful holiday, I guess. But it was exhausting
there are plenty of people who’ve passed to spend so much time in a car, and I would
exams in things they don’t love with all their never do it again, even if he paid me for my time.
heart. I passed all my exams at school, Speaker 2
including chemistry, which I remember really
My friends keep telling me to visit Spain because
not liking at the time. But when it came to
it’s so amazing. I always reply that I have actually
studying French, I had a mixture of both
been there. But it was only for two days, to a
intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, which I
small town just outside Madrid. I’d just been
think was really valuable.
promoted and was asked to attend a team
P: … and this is the case with a lot of people. building weekend with the Spanish office. It was
It’s a bit extreme to suggest that we’re only in the middle of winter and most of my time was
motivated internally or externally. If I think spent in a big conference room in the hotel. The
about the subjects that I did well at in school, one thing I do remember is having a huge meal
it was a combination of both. And now, when with everyone on the last day It was one of the
I’m trying to get better at things I like, it’s best experiences I’ve ever had, and I certainly
helpful if I can imagine some kind of goal or learnt a lot about what they eat in that area.
reward for myself so that I can keep going. Sadly, I haven’t been asked to go back yet, and
But what’s clear is that students do need I’ve been too busy lately to even think about
some kind of motivation, whether it’s having a holiday.
intrinsic, extrinsic, or both. Unlike Erica, I
Speaker 3
didn’t pass all my exams at school. There was
one subject I actually failed – I neither liked it I ran my first ever half marathon last month, in

and nor did I care whether I got good grades the city of Cardiff. That’s 21 kilometres, by the

for it. way, which for me, is an extremely long distance. I

don’t live in Cardiff, but it’s a good place to do a
I: Well, that’s the worst of both worlds, isn’t it?
half-marathon because it doesn’t really have any
Thank you both … Next time, we’ll be
hills and there are lots of friendly people there to
discussing …

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C1 Advanced End-of-course Test Audioscript

cheer you on while you’re running. A friend of lifetime opportunity to visit New Zealand and get
mine did it a few years ago and hasn’t stopped the most out of it. But then, an elderly member of
boasting about it, often implying that someone Sam’s future family got in touch to say that I
like me could never run so far. I think part of the could spend as much time as I wanted, for free,
reason I decided to give it a go was to show him on her spare sofa. So that was that. Thankfully, I
that I could. Anyway, I can’t say that I saw much could – just about – afford to go there for two
of Cardiff while I was there. But I’ll always weeks.
remember the great feeling of getting my medal
at the finish line near the City Hall.

Speaker 4

I hadn’t been back to my old hometown for a

very long time. I had no reason to since none of
my relatives or friends live there anymore. But I
decided to take a kind of nostalgic day trip. It’s
funny because I often dream about the places I
used to visit and play in when I was a kid, and I
was looking forward to seeing them in real life
again. I’m not sure I picked the best day for it,
since it was raining and miserable. But even so, it
was surprising to see so many shops had closed
down and how the playgrounds looked so tired or
abandoned. It made me sad because I couldn’t
understand how the town had ended up like that.
There was one good thing, though. My favourite
ice cream shop, run by an old Italian gentleman,
was still there, exactly the same as it had always
been. It was lovely to see him again and have a

Speaker 5

Sam was my best man at my wedding. And part

of the ‘deal’ – if you want to call it that – was that
I’d be best man at his. It was absolutely fine, since
he’s been my best friend since we were kids. Little
did I know that he’d end up falling in love with
someone from New Zealand and I’d have to travel
all the way there. I nearly fainted at the cost of
the plane tickets! After working out my budget, I
realised that I couldn’t really afford to fly to New
Zealand and also spend a lot of time in hotels
there. So, I planned to only go there briefly to
attend the wedding, which really annoyed me,
because ideally, it would have been a once-in-a-

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