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Name : Dhiyaul Abdillah (230512501079)

Class : D/4
Subject : Sociolinguistics

1.What is students' perception of the relevance of

sociolinguistics coursework in daily life?
= Students' perceptions of the relevance of sociolinguistics
coursework in daily life can vary. Some appreciate its practical
applications in understanding and navigating diverse
communication styles, enhancing interpersonal skills, and
promoting cultural sensitivity.

2.How do students expect sociolinguistics coursework to help

them understand the dynamics of language in society?
= Students typically expect sociolinguistics coursework to
provide insights into the dynamics of language in society by
exploring factors such as dialects, language variation, and
social factors influencing communication.

3.What are the main challenges considered by students when

contemplating sociolinguistic coursework?
= When students contemplate sociolinguistic coursework, they
often grapple with a range of challenges. One significant hurdle
is the abstract nature of the concepts involved, as
sociolinguistics delves into theoretical frameworks that may
seem complex and detached from tangible applications.

4.How do students view the potential practical applications of

sociolinguistic concepts and theories in their work or
professional lives?
= Students often view the potential practical applications of
sociolinguistic concepts and theories as beneficial in their
work or professional lives. Understanding the dynamics of
language in society can enhance communication skills, making
them more effective communicators in diverse settings.
5.What are students' expectations regarding practical learning or
direct experience in sociolinguistics coursework?
= Students often expect coursework to include discussions on
contemporary issues related to language and society, allowing
them to explore the relevance of sociolinguistics in current
events and everyday life.

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