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I had interviewed the following questions to my sister.

She's currently enrolled at Negros

College, Inc taking up Bachelor in Elementary Education. These are the answers she we come up

1. What was your favorite childhood game or activity, and why?


Back when I was a child, I only got 3 friends from neighborhood. Together with my
siblings and friends, our favorite activity that I can't never forget that we always wanted to do
together was watching Power Ranger movies or series and portraying each character.

2..Can you recall a specific memorable moment from your early years that shaped who you
are today?


The moment that have shaped me to be who I am today was the time that I took the risk
to leave our home. The risk that I really had to do in order for me to get the peace and better
future the I looked and aiming for. At first, a part of me was teared apart for the reason that the
people who you expected to support or guide you, will be the one to be the reason of your
everyday pain. But looking back, I was able to conquer all the challenges and have made me of
who I am today.

3. What challenges or struggles did you face during your teenage years, and how did they
contribute to your personal growth?


During my teenage years, It was really a roller coaster ride. The fact that I have to go
with my aunt and uncle every single night to go fishing , just to support my everyday allowance
at school. I also get to experienced to sleep late at night at 11 pm just to make cheese sticks and
wake up early at 3 am to cook and sell it in our school. Thankfully, I am always dedicated to go
to school even those hardship had made me think of giving up all my dreams in life.
4. What career path did you envision for yourself during early adulthood, and how has it
evolved over time?


Before taking up the program the I am currently enrolled right now, I had always
envision myself to be successful. Successful in such way, that financial was not a problem
anymore. That is all I ever wanted to provide or give for myself and for my family. It was
already my target goal. Even though, there are circumstances that made me think of giving up
all the things that I have really worked for, but I know, this is just a part of my journey and I
know that God is always with me, I that God's plan will always the best
( Written & Interviewed by: Shenna Calibo )

As a child, my Ate's favorite activity was playing Power Rangers with her siblings and friends.
They would watch the movies or series together and then act out the characters. It was so much
fun and it allowed them to use their imagination and creativity.

One specific moment from her early years that shaped who she was today was when she had to
leave her home in search for a better future. It was a difficult decision to make, but she knew she
had to take the risk in order to achieve her goals and find peace. It was a challenging experience,
but looking back, she's grateful for the strength and resilience it has instilled in him.

During my Ate's teenage years, she faced financial struggles and had to work hard to support
herself. She would go fishing with my aunt and uncle at night and wake up early to cook and sell
food at school. It was tough, but it taught her the value of hard work and determination. Despite
the challenges, my Ate remained dedicated to her education and did not let any of his struggles
hinder her dreams.

In my Ate's early adulthood, her main goal was to be successful and provide for her self and my
family. She saw financial stability as the key to achieving her dreams. However, as she grew and
gained more life experience, her perspective changed. My Ate realized that true success is not
just measured by financial wealth, but also by personal growth and fulfillment. This led her to
choose a career path that aligns with her passions and values, rather than just chasing after
monetary success. My Ate trust in God's plan for his life and know that as long as she stays true
to herself, she will achieve true success.

The reason I loved her and Idolized her:

I idolize my sister because, despite knowing the hardships, she chose to leave home just to be
able to go to school. She endures great sacrifices to sustain her education. She left home knowing
that if she stayed, she wouldn't be able to afford school due to the financial burden on our family.
I look up to her for facing such difficulties almost beyond her capacity. She hasn't given up,
believing that God will provide, and I admire her resilience. She is the best sister I have.
Creative Nonfiction


Submitted By:

Shenna Calibo

Submitted To:

Michael Bryan Mendez

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