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chp 11 security impacts of globalisation pt 2

– cybercrime
– Hackers / cybercriminals use malware to infect viruses in computer networks
– Gain access to confidential info of govt , commercial businesses and indiv.

– EG :

Govt : cyber attacks targeted at power plants, transport systems or key databases to steal
info about important secrets in government

- EG: The personal information of 1.5 million people were stolen in a cyberattack on
SingHealth's database. (States their ic number addresses and even medical information that
were stolen)
– It was the "most serious personal data breach" in Singapore’s history.
– “specifically and repeatedly” targeted PM Lee Hsien Loong’s personal particulars and
outpatient medication data.
– Privacy of minister/individuals breached which can reveal government secrets regarding
– Puts ministers in risk of possible attacks or stalking due to leak of their personal

Businesses : usually with the aim to steal trade secrets, development or product ideas and
money from wealthy businesses.

– financial banks are most targeted as hackers can steal great amts of $$ if they
successfully hack into the bank's online networks

EG : On October 10, 2021, Pichincha Bank in Ecuador was hit by a cyber attack that disrupted
customers' access to bank services causing much inconvenience to the bank and it's customers.

– cause banking to be slow which disrupts important activities of customers

– Affects privacy of businesses and trust of clients as they would no longer promise to
keep their money/info exposed to these companies that are vulnerable to hackers

Individuals : the WannaCry worm hit systems at Tiong Bahru Plaza and White Sands.
– Shops’ digital signages were infected by the ransomware but no sensitive information in

the mall directories were leaked.
– Hackers also did not receive any money or bitcoin.
– Although no shoppers’ data were stolen, ransomware attacks can give rise to identity theft
or fraud.
– Makes individuals more worried when going out as the security of their personal data/
money threatened
– Lose trust in shopping malls = lose business

= managing cybersecurity challenges

1. In govt
In May 2017, all computers used by public servants in SG for official work were cut off from
the public internet to tighten security. Web surfing can be done only on the employees' personal
tablets or mobile phones as these devices do not have access to government e-mail systems.
Dedicated Internet terminals have been issued to those who need them for work.

Link : ensure that Singapore is prepared to counter or prevent cyber security attacks at a
national level and individual level. With the computers of public servants using a separate,
private network with very high security, this reduces the risk of hacking or infection of
government related networks by malwares due to file-sharing.

2. Collaboration of countries
– share info and skills to combat cybersecurity challenges
For example, the Asia Pacific Computer Emergency Response Team (APCERT) was established to
encourage cooperation among member countries to maintain a network of computer security
experts in the region.
– executes the ASEAN CERT Incident Drill (ACID) annually.

Link : this aims to strengthen cooperation among ASEAN members in APCERT and other
countries allowing them to learn how to be prepared to respond to attacks in a coordinated
and more effective manner. This helps to improve the region’s competency in responding to
cybersecurity challenges as countries can learn and tap on the strengths of others.

3. Role of individuals
– Protect themselves and ensure they remain vigilant
– Reduces their vulnerability

EG :
installing firewalls and anti-virus programmes in devices such as computers / phones (any device
containing personal info / data) These programmes help to provide protection against malware or

Link: By ensuring that their personal computers are protected by programmes that are designed
to reduce cyber security attacks, individuals can help to play a part by reducing the risk of
exposure to malware and viruses online as their personal information are protected by these
firewalls and anti-virus programmes which act as a barrier , preventing hackers from getting in

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