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Law of readiness: The pupils are made ready to learn by creating interest, purpose and life-like

Law of exercise: By practicing, we learn things. There is self-activity on the part of the students. They
carry on the activity in the real life situations; the experiences gained thus are very useful in the later life
of the children.

Law of effect: The sense of success and satisfaction should accompany the learning process. This law
makes it essential for the teacher to make the child satisfied and feel happy in what he/she is learning.

Related with life

helping them in enhancing their skillset, first-hand experiences, and thinking capacity. Incorporating
active learning in students' daily lives can be quite helpful in the long run

Correlates all the subjects

Correlates subject knowledge With life viding the project method proves an ideal method for proved get
teaching through the principle of correlation. The student’s opportunity to correlate the curricular
experiences with the day-to-day life activities.

It provides a correlation of all the subjects.

Trains for the democratic way of life

Students whose thoughts are heard and contributions are recognized feel a sense of belonging as they
have a role to play in their classroom community. This sense of belonging increases confidence levels,
leading to more participation and active learning; students become empowered. The children choose,
plan and execute the project themselves.

Gives training citizenship

can also foster global citizenship and awareness, which are essential skills for living and working in a
diverse and interconnected world. communicate effectively across languages and cultures, recognize
and challenge stereotypes and biases, understand global issues and their local impacts, and collaborate
with others to find solutions and take action.

Upholds the dignity of labor

Dignity of labour is engendered through the project method. They learn that there is nobleness in
working and doing things with their own hands

Stresses problem solving

is about solving real-world problems in unique ways. In problem and project-based learning, students
are immersed in real-world issues, helping them to develop critical thinking, metacognitive abilities,
creativity, and invention.

A source of happiness for the back word.

Provides freedom

As students get proper freedom to execute the project in accordance with their interest and abilities,
because of which they get their psychological needs satisfied to considerable extent. It gives freedom to
children It enable the children to learn from their own experience.

Solves the problems of indiscipline

Students are more invested in and motivated to study when given more responsibility for their

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