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Q1. Which Scottish mathematician invented Logarithms?

a) John Napier
b) James Gregory
c) James Clerk Maxwell

Q2. Name the small island famed for its jumpers in between Orkney and Shetland

a) Bonny Isle
b) Fair Isle
c) No-so-bad Isle

Q3. What’s the name of the annual Viking festival held on Shetland?

a) Up Helly Oo
b) Up Helly Aa
c) Doon Belly Noo

Q4. Prince Charles holds the title of Duke of which island town?

a) Kirkwall
b) Stornoway
c) Rothesay

Q5. What is the nickname for Glasgow’s underground system?

a) The Late Train

b) The Clockwork Orange
c) The Banter Bus

Q6. What is the name of the cannon at Edinburgh Castle that is sounded daily at 1pm?

a) Moaning Myrtle
b) Monadhliath
c) Mons Meg

Q7. The first ever official international football match was held in Glasgow in 1872 between
which two teams?

a) Scotland and England

b) Scotland and Wales
c) Scotland and Ireland

Q8. In which century was St Andrews University founded?

15th century
16th century
17th century

Q9. Which Scottish musical duo are from Auchtermuchty in Fife?

a) The Demonstrators
b) The Proclaimers
c) The Shouters

Q10. The Gaelic for whisky is Uisge Beathe – what does it literally translate as?

a) Water of Death
b) Water of the Devil
c) Water of Life

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