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This concise & comprehensive project presence &

update account of the topic “Money”. It has been an
endaver to present the topic in a meaningful way. I
Strongly feel anyone who reads this will find it self-
explanatory in all regards to the subject theory

The matter has been unbolded in a very lucid &

understandable language. Although, every care
has been taken to eliminate error & omission but
still if there is any it is regretted.

Lakshya Nutan
XIIth ‘D’

I wish my profound thanks to all those who

guided me in making the project a reality
needed moral support and encouragement
provided on numerous occaions by the school
authority and to my Principal Rev. Sister
I am thankful to my economics teacher Mrs.
Linaja Monson ma’am for much needed moral
support and encouragement
Any suggestion from the improvement of the
project will be acknowledged and higher

This is certify that Lakshya Nutan of Class XIIth

‘D’ has been successfully prepared the report
on the project entitled “Money” under the
guidance of Linaja manson ma’am. During the
year 2023-24 in the partial fulfillment of
Economics practiocal examination. This report
is found to be worthy of expectance as a final
project report from the subject economics of
class XIIth ‘D’.

Signature Of Signature of
External examiner Internal examiner

Signature of Principal

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