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A Response Paper

In the way of doing my assignment, I have gone through my book, chapter-1 of para-1.2, I
selected a topic which is very much interesting to me. My topic is " language evaluation is a
fascinating area that has that potential to illuminate the most fundamental questions about
language " I am fully agree with this proposition because “language evaluation " is a very
interesting area of human language faculty that has the potential to illuminate the most
fundamental question about language evaluation. It is a matter of fact that language is one of the
most fascinating aspects of human communication. It’s allows us to express our thoughts,
emotions, and ideas, and it’s constantly evolving. Ever every linguistic student like me, wants to
know how language came to be? What is the evaluating process that has created this language?
Language learners want to trace the evolution of language from its earliest beginnings to the
complex structures and rules we use today. We, as a language- student wants to explore the role
of technology, culture, and social interaction in shaping the way we communicate. So, we should
learn about the fascinating way about the origin of human communication, and fascinating
history of language development as well.
I strongly believe and support the comments of the topic that language evolution is very
fascinating and has the potential to illuminate the most fundamental question about language. I
can feel that the evolution of language is an interesting topic to explore. It is a fascinating topic to
think about, not only because of the different languages that exist, but also the various ways in
which languages have evolved. One of the things that has fascinated me about language
evolution is the way in which it has affected the way we think. For example, there are certain
words that are used more than others. Words like ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ are examples of words
that are used a lot. Another thing that has fascinated me about language evolution is the way in
which it has affected the way we communicate. However, the evolution of language isn’t limited
to just words. It also includes the way in which we communicate. For example, there are certain
gestures that are used more than others. Gestures like pointing and shaking someone’s hand are
examples of gestures that are used a lot. In the course of development of human civilization,
language also developed with its culture and environment. In ancient times, sign language was
used to communicate. After a long way of evaluation, we have evolved communicative language,
what we are using today. This is the way how the human capacity to make meaning through
language emerged and deployed in each individual of our species. So language evolution process
is very fascinating and interesting to me. As a result, I support the statement and views of the
The grunt theory tells us the origins of language. He pointed out that early stage, humans
communicated through a series of signs and other non-verbal sounds. Early humans would have
to communicate with each other in order to survive and to gather food, build shelters, and
defend themselves against enemy. At that stage, they may have relied on simple sounds to
convey meaning. They used complex vocalizations, such as the chirps and calls of birds and other
animals. As the human brain developed, their ability to process and understand those sounds,
leading to the development of language as we know it today. Speech production of humans are
very fascinating and interesting aspect. The evolution of speech production and brain
development has been essential in the development of language. The brain development
allowed humans to communicate with each other more effectively, and to develop complex
systems of language and communication. It is unlikely that humans would have developed the
level of language and communication skills that we possess today.
A number of resources has been conducted to study language evolution is whether the human
language evolved out of animal communication in any evolutionary continuum or whether the
two are fundamentally different biological capacities. It is found that other animal’s species can
collect materials of survival, nutrition and reproduction. Some study was conducted on bees,
dolphins and dogs. But it is a fact that none of the species have created a symbolic system of
communication. Chimpanzee have overlapping genetic structures with 99% of Homo Sapiens but
they do not have a larynx that if for language production. Among them, the celebrity bonobo
Kanzi achieved the comprehension level of a 2.5- years old human and developed human like
lexical knowledge. The conclusion is that apes can develop true syntactic knowledge remains
considerably more controversial. So, we found that language evolution is a fascinating area of
The emergence of language allows to communicate more complex ideas and concepts, which can
develop more advanced tools, technologies, and social structures. Language enabled humans to
share knowledge and information, which helped them to survive and thrive in their
environments. So, evaluation of language is very fascinating to us. language is essential in the
formation of cohesive groups and societies. It creates to form social bonds, establish cultural
practices, and transmit knowledge and beliefs generation after generation. Over time, language
became a defining characteristic of human identity and culture, and it has played a vital role in
the history of human civilization. In the course of development of human civilization, language
also developed with its culture and environment. In ancient times, sign language was used to
communicate. After a long way of evaluation, we have evolved communicative language, what
we are using today. This is the way how the human capacity to make meaning through language
emerged and deployed in each individual of our species. So, language evolution process is very
fascinating and interesting to me. As a result, I support the statement and views of the writer.

 The evaluation of Language: Unraveling the origins and complexity of communication:

Chrissie. Medium Retrieved from https// @ Chrissteven74 on 8.01 2024.

 The Evaluation of Language and its speakers: Retrieved from https:// 10.1093/
acprof:oso/9780190256623.003.0010. on 8.01.2024.

 The Evaluation of Language. Retrieved from pulse/ evolution

language. Transatlantic Translation Group. On 8.01.2024.

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