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Purposive Communication

Joshua M. Abendano
Angel Hope A. Agrida
BSCE – 1A (GROUP 1) Ms. Mayflor Asurquin
Course Facilitator


Nature of Language

Animals are said to be able to communicate with each other.

While it is true that animals are able to communicate through the sound they
produce. Human beings communicate towards each other through what we
call Language.

What is language?

Linguists agree that a language can only be called language if it has a system
of rules (also known as grammar), sound system (phonology), and vocabulary

These are the requirements for identifying a means of communication as a


For example, a monkey might be able to share food to another monkey. He

could produce sounds or gestures to show it but it will not be able to organize
the sounds into a meaningful system of rules.
On the other hand, human beings are able to communicate their desire to
share food through several ways that are understandable to other individuals.

They may raise a question, “want some food?” or give a statement like “I’d like
to share my food with you.”

When people use language, they can understand each other because of their
speech community, they share the same set of rules in the language system.
While growing up people acquire language as used by those in the
community, this is the process of language acquisition.

The languages acquired while growing up are known as mother tongue which
may also be referred as first languages.

People discovered later on that other languages are needed for various
reason. These other languages may be referred to as second language.
People learn these languages by studying formally in school or informally on
their own, this is the process of language learning.

American and british speak english

They spell english words differently
They pronounce words differently

It can be said that the Americans and the British belong to two speech
communities which do not have exactly the same set of rules for their
languages. This is why there are difference in their languages.

What happens if you, for example, who speaks a mother tongue and English,
go to work in China where the residents speaks Putonghua (Mandarin) and a
little bit of English? Will you be able to communicate with the Chinese?

Yes. Though it will be a challenge for you and your Chinese friends to try o
understand each other, eventually you will be able to communicate as you
slowly learn each other’s languages. What is happening here is called
Language Contact.

The result of such contact may be a new form of language. It is possible that
in your attempt to communicate with each other, you and your Chinese friend
will produce a new language form that is understandable to both of you

Your own languages may also change as you constantly interact and
communicate with each other. Thus, Language change is the result of
language contact.
Language is indeed a complex human capacity. It is, therefore, important to
be aware of its features and behavior to be able to use language more
effectively and productively in communicating with others.

What are the functions of language?

So basically we’ve learned that language is a tool for communication.

But what kind of tool is this? Well it is a systematized, system. It has to be
systematic, it’s used for communication, and it can be written or it can be

So basically a language is a systematized tool for communication that can be

written or spoken.

Roman Osipovich Jakobson (1960)

But what functions does it exactly serve?

6 basic functions of language


By the word referential, we know that which is used to refer something.

Referential Function is oriented towards the context of communication. This

function aims to send information or tell others about the speaker’s idea.

For example, when I talk to you about my CAT .

okay this is my CAT

My CAT’s name is Dart.

He’s a lovely CAT.

So referential means, we are using it to talk about something or to refer to

things or people.


This function aims to draw attention to textual elements where the message’s
essential shape is chosen.

Language isn’t directly referring to things or people in the actual world.

Sometimes it is used in a more meaningful way, in a more let’s say poetic way
with lots of beautiful meaning or in a metaphorical way.
Example is a poem by Edgar Allan Poe

Emotive is when the language is used to talk about or express your own
emotion. It is also called expressive or affective.

The function of this is to communicate the emotion of the addresser or

express the feeling’s of the speaker’s attitude.

So when you’re surprised it’s like “Wow this is amazing. That is great.“


This is no longer about yourself, this is about the other person we need to
address. It is focused and concerned with influencing the behavior of, the
addressee, and thus concerned with persuasion.

So this function allows the speaker to influence the receiver in a certain way,
to request from him some type of action or behavior, or at least some type of

So for example when Mabel is the addresser, then dipper is the addressee.
When Mabel is the sender, Dipper is the receiver.
Let’s say Mabel is addressing dipper, dipper becomes the receiver of the
message of the information .

Example: I’m talking to you, you listen to me.


It relates to interaction l aspect of language. When we say interaction. We

have to address another person. We have to say hello to them. We gotta say
goodbye to them.

Allows those involved in the communicative act to verify that the

communication channel is open, available and viable to initiate the exchange
of information. Therefore, it focuses on the communication channel.

For example when answering a phone or as I said, saying goodbye.


IT is the use of language to discuss language.

In other words, it allows the language to explain itself, that is find, finding
equivalents from one language to another, or clarify terms that the receiver
does not know, or even convert elements from one language to another.
For example when writing essays. The professor uses language to correct
your language or to describe, analyze and comment about your language.


In this topic, we will be able To familiarize ourselves with the nature of

language and enable the students to understand the need and
importance of the language.


Learning of language is not an automatic process. Of course, it is a behaviour

but it is not type of behaviour like walking and crawling that comes to child in
natural way.

Language learning is an active process that begins at birth and continues
throughout life. Students learn language as they use it to communicate their
thoughts, feelings, and experiences, establish relationships with family
members and friends, and strive to make sense and order of their world.
Language by imitation and practice. Language is not possible without effort.

 Learning a language requires a considerable investment of time, effort and

commitment. And once you put effort on it, it helps you to improves the
knowledge of one's own language.

Example of this is Language development starts with sounds and gestures,

then words and sentences. You can support language development by talking
a lot with your child, and responding when your child communicates. Reading
books and sharing stories is good for language development.


Every language is related to culture of society to which it belongs. The culture

of the people naturally influences the language.

Language is one of the most important parts of any culture. It is the way by
which people communicate with one another, build relationships, and create a
sense of community. There are roughly 6,500 spoken languages in the world
today, and each is unique in a number of ways. It thus constitutes a vital
component of the cultural prerequisites underlying societal development.

Every language is the product of society. We cannot separate language from

the culture in which that language exists. It has meaning only in relation to
that society and culture.
Language reflects perception, but it also reflects the history of a culture and
explains why certain ideas and beliefs are so prominent and profound. A great
way to expose yourself to a culture's unique perspective and values is to
engage with media produced by people from that culture.

Example, Language is intrinsic to the expression of culture. As a means of

communicating values, beliefs and customs, it has an important social
function and fosters feelings of group identity and solidarity. It is the means by
which culture and its traditions and shared values may be conveyed and


Language is species specific. Only human beings have got the gift of
language. Of course, the other species do communicate but only human
beings can make use of language.

No other species has a communication system like the language used by

humans. no other animals talk, nor do any other animals have a gestural
system with the organizational structure of human language. It is clear that
language learning is species specific because the biological make up of
different species is different. Humans cannot use or produce animal sounds
thoroughly the way they do because their biological make up does not support
certain sounds made by such animals.


Each language is a unique system. The system of language consists of

sounds, structures and vocabulary. A person who wants to learn a new
language will have to learn new sounds, new structures and new vocabulary.

A language is a system of communication which consists of a set of sounds

and written symbols which are used by the people of a particular country or
region for talking or writing. A language is a structured system of
communication. The structure of a language is its grammar and the free
components are its vocabulary. Languages are the primary means of
communication of humans, and can be conveyed through speech (spoken
language), sign, or writing.

The sound system of language differs from language to language depending

upon the culture to which a language belongs. Each language has its own
system of vocabulary. Thus each language is systematic.

Each language is a system of systems. There are phonological and

grammatical systems in all languages. There are several sub systems with in
a language.

The phonology of a language forms its own system as the various sounds
function in a systematic way.

Language is a system of phonetics, grammar and vocabulary. Since

language is system of systems, the whole system of language cannot be
taught all at once.the use of language is the essential way any of
communication without the use of language, it is impossible to communicate
until and unless communication is established , it is not possible to
comprehend one another. therefore, language is considered to be the most
important system of all.


Each language works through symbols. Different words used in a language

are the symbols. They stand for certain things.

The language will function well if its symbols are known both to the speaker
and the person for whom they are being used.

Language functions effectively when the symbols used are known to the
speakers and the listener, the writer and the reader. The symbols of language
are varied and complex. Example,The railway guard uses certain symbols
with body language for example the green flag, The train is not supposed to
start till the driver sees the guard showing the green flag or the green lamp,
for they are symbols of “All clear, Go”. The train, however, stops or does not
start if the guard shows the red flag or the red lamp, for they denote the signal
“Danger, means stop’’. This system works successfully because the symbols
used are known to both the guard and the driver.


Different symbols are used in a single language. These symbols are vocal. A
language system does not exist in a vacuum. It is primary used in speech.
Only speech provides all essential signals of a language.

In language the sounds are produced through vocal organs. Reading and
writing are no doubt important. But speech is the basic form of language. A
language without speech is unthinkable.
Language is said to be the arbitrary vocal symbol. This implies that language
consists of speech sounds (e.g., sounds produced by using speech organs)
based on the social agreement or convention. A certain word has a meaning
because of the language users have given it. A spoken language is a
language produced by articulate sounds, as opposed to a written
language. An oral language or vocal language is a language produced with
the vocal tract, as opposed to a sign language, which is produced with the
hands and face.


Learning of a language is a skill subject. It is skill like swimming and cycling.

We can not learn swimming or cycling just by studying rules. We can learn it
by practice.

In the same way, we can learn a language y constant practice of that

language. So a lot of repetition for major linguistic skills like listening,
speaking, reading and writing is required.

Language is basically a skill and not a content-based subject such as

mathematics, geography, or history. It is meant to help its users express their
thoughts and feelings. Language is absolutely central to your learning: without
it, you cannot make sense or communicate your understanding of a subject.
You will need to develop your language skills, and specifically, your academic
English, in order to: understand and make the most effective use of your study


Language is the best means of communication and self expressions.

Human beings express their ideas, thoughts, feelings and emotions through
language. In this way language is a means to connect past present and

Language is a system of communication that relies on verbal or non-verbal

codes to transfer information. Communication is a way of interchanging
messages or information between two or more people, focusing on the
message. Language is a tool of communication. Communication is a process
of transferring messages.


Each language is unique because it has its own style of functioning. The
sounds, vocabulary and structures of every language have their own
It explains that the uniquely expressive power of human language requires
humans to create and use signals in a flexible way. They claim that his was
only made possible by the evolution of particular psychological abilities, and
thus explain why language is unique to humans. Language helps us express
our feelings and thoughts — this is unique to our species because it is a way
to express unique ideas and customs within different cultures and societies.
By learning a foreign language, you can understand ideas and thoughts that
may be different from your own culture.


English Master - Daily Lesson 2: Definition and Functions of Language



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