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As a college student, I have found that the holiday season can often be a time of stress and
busyness. With finals approaching and various end-of-semester responsibilities, it can be easy to
get caught up in the chaos and lose sight of the true meaning of the season. However, this year I
have had the opportunity to celebrate the tradition of the Advent wreath, and it has provided a
comforting sense of peace and reflection in the midst of the hustle and bustle.

The Advent wreath is a Christian tradition that symbolizes the four weeks leading up to
Christmas. It typically consists of a circular wreath with four candles, one for each week of
Advent, and a fifth candle in the center to be lit on Christmas Day. Each week, a different candle
is lit, and it is a time of reflection, prayer, and anticipation of the coming of Christ.

For me, the lighting of the candles each week has become a sacred and intentional time of
slowing down and focusing on the true reason for the season. It has provided a much-needed
break from the chaos of college life and has helped me to remember the significance of this time
of year. As I light each candle, I am reminded of the hope, peace, joy, and love that Christ brings
into the world, and it has been a beautiful way to center myself and find a sense of calm and

Additionally, the Advent wreath has provided a sense of community and togetherness as I have
celebrated with friends and roommates. Coming together to light the candles, read scripture, and
pray has created a bond and shared understanding of the importance of this time of year. It has
been a beautiful reminder that I am not alone in the midst of the pressures of college life and that
there are others who share my desire to find peace and meaning in the midst of the holiday

As I reflect on my experience with the Advent wreath, I am grateful for the sense of calm and
reflection it has provided during a typically chaotic time. It has been a meaningful and beautiful
way to celebrate the season and has reminded me of the importance of taking time to slow down,
refocus, and remember the true reason for the season. I will carry the lessons learned from this
tradition with me as I navigate the rest of the holiday season and beyond.

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