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The past month has been a period of self- discovery and introspection as I embarked on a journey of

cultivating gratitude through a simple exercise instructed by a faculty of psychology, the gratitude box.
This activity involved the daily practice of acknowledging at-least two things I was grateful for
which i have experienced on that day. I have explored the positive effects of this practice on my mental
well-being and personal growth.
Filling my gratitude box on a regular basis acted as a daily reminder to turn my attention from
life's problems to its blessings. This change of viewpoint, I discovered, had a significant effect on my
general wellbeing. There were times when I felt satisfied because I learned to recognise and value even
the little things in life, such as a supportive comment from a friend. My everyday routine stress and worry
levels have significantly decreased, which has improved my mental wellness.
It became a habit for me to express my gratitude to the individuals in my life. I was able to
fortify my relationships with family, friends, and coworkers by expressing my thankfulness. It promoted
intimacy and comprehension, resulting in a more peaceful atmosphere in both personal and professional

I've seen a subtle but significant change in what I believe. I started to view life more as an abundant
experience than a scarce one. I was able to appreciate the beauty and happiness every situation and to
embrace the positivity and gratefulness every day

G-Q-6 Score:
My GQ-6 test’s score was 33.

Techniques to Enhance Gratefulness:

1. A silent walk in natural settings like parks full of greenery have personally enhanced my gratitude.
During these walks, focusing solely on the sensory experiences around you like the rustling leaves,
chirping birds, or the scent of flowers specially early in the morning. Connecting the sole directly with
nature, silently express gratitude for the beauty and serenity it provides. This practice
allows to deepen the appreciation for the world's natural wonders and it’s availability allows to encourage
a profound sense of gratitude without the need for words.
2. Documenting the great and memorable events of life regularly and planning a day to review those
memories always helps to reflect on the past positive and grateful events. It provides a unique way to
rekindle grateful memories and things in your life.

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