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To: President

From: VP Retail Banking

SUBJECT: Request for Approval for the Revision of Digital Banking Products
Transaction Limit

As we are all well aware, Lion International Bank S.C has been executing an essential activity to
reshape the bank’s digital banking product & services in the long-run, subsequently, a variety of
digital banking services has been introduced for our esteemed customers. The existing
transaction limit of these digital banking services needs to be revised considering the ever-
changing dynamics of the digital banking industry.

Hence, in this revision process we’ve conducted an industry assessment that includes twenty (20)
commercial banks and also collected feedback and comments from the concered organs of our
bank including regional offices, districts and digital banking department.

Therefore, this is kindly request you to approve and set direction for the implementation of this
revised digital banking products trasactions limits as per the stated table below:

Online/Internet banking Mobile banking Telebirr Debit Card

Intrabank Interbank Bank to Anbesa
Personal Corporate
(LIB-to-LIB) (LIB-to-Other) telebirr Fetan Card
200,000.00 200,000,000.00 200,000.00 100,000.00 50,000.00 15,000.00

Encl./01 Page – Indusrty Practice and Comments of LIB organs for the Revision of Digital
Banking Products Transaction Limit/


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