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The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) through its Guide to I/We further acknowledge and agree that in addi

that in addi on to any

Charges by Banks and Other Financial Ins tu ons has general lien or similar right to which the Bank and ALAT ng
PDGHLWPDQGDWRU\IRUDOOEDQNVDQGȴQDQFLDOLQVWLW maybe en tled by law, the Bank and ALAT ng may at any
XWLRQV to send Short Message Service (SMS) alert to all me, combine or consolidate all or any of my deposits and
customers regarding transac ons on their accounts. However, accounts with and liabili es to the Bank and ALAT ng in any
I/We have decided to opt out of this mandatory SMS alert service currency that may at any me
and hereby issue this indemnity in favor of the bank and ALAT ng. EHLQSRVVHVVLRQRIWKH%DQNDQG$/$7QJDQGVHWR R
U transfer any sum or sums standing to the credit of any one
I/We ______________________________________________ or more of such accounts or deposits in or towards
hereby irrevocably and uncondi onally undertake to well and sa sfac on of any claim made against the Bank and/or
truly indemnify Wema Bank Plc (the “Bank”) and ALAT ng $/$7QJRUORVVVX HUHGE\WKH%DQNDQG$/$7QJDVD
DQGNHHSWKH%DQNDQG$/$7QJIXOO\LQGHPQLȴHGDJDLQVW result of or pursuant to the Bank and ALAT ng acceding to
all losses, claims, demands, liabili es, ac ons, damages and my request as aforemen oned.
in consequence of its acceding to my/our request to opt out of My/Our obliga on herein shall not be reduced by any claim
the mandatory short message service (SMS) alert service. by me/us against the Bank, its Directors, agents, privies,
assigns, successors, employees, or any person whomsoever
ac ng under the Bank’s authority.
I/We hereby declare and covenant as follows;
Any demand in wri ng by the Bank and/ ALAT ng to me IRU
I/We are fully aware of the risks of op ng out of the SMS alert WKH IXOȴOOPHQW RI P\RXU REOLJDWLRQV KHUHLQ
service, which could lead to misstatements, nonreceipts and/or VKDOO sa sfy the need for demand under this indemnity
other unauthorized interven ons by 3rd par es which are and
LV sent to me by post, e-mail, or by leaving same as my place
I/We acknowledge and agree that by accep ng the terms of this of business or last known address.
Indemnity, the Bank and ALAT ng is hereby authorized not to
no fy me by SMS alert on all transac ons on my account. This indemnity shall be a con nuing obliga on in respect of
any and all ma ers connected to or arising
I/We therefore agree to hold the Bank and ALAT ng harmless and IURPWKH%DQNDQG$/$7QJH HFWLQJP\LQVWUXFWLRQ
exempt from liability for implemen ng my instruc on herein. I
shall indemnify the bank and ALAT ng and keep the This indemnity shall be construed in accordance with the
EDQNDQG$/$7QJLQGHPQLȴHGDJDLQVWDOOOLWLJDWLRQVD laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
FWLRQV and proceedings for which the Bank and ALAT ng may
7 ng or claims which maybe incurred or made against the bank
and ALAT ng as a result of or pursuant to the Bank and ALAT ng Name __BUSAYO JANET OYEDARE_______
carrying out my/our instruc on herein.
Account Number_____0245380936_______

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