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Metaphysical Exploration

Ver. 1

Contents 2
Preamble 4
Prerequisites 5
The Origin of Schizophrenic Voices - Jerry Marzinsky 5
General 5
1. The Voices are NOT Hallucinations, They Run Fixed Predictable Patterns 6
2. The Voices Actively Attempt To Conceal Their Identities 7
3. The Voices Drain Their Victims of Their Energy 8
4. The Voices are Anti-Religious 9
5. The Voices Freak Out When You Call Them Parasites 12
6. They Attempt to Make You Forget Questionable Events 13
7. They Have Intelligence, Ability to Adapt, and a Low Time Preference 15
Trouble In The Ward 16
Miscellaneous 18
Traits of Demons 19
Most Notable Points 20
Full List of Notable Timestamps 22
Intro to The Supernatural World 36
What are Hallucinations? What really causes them? 36
The True Properties of Belief 37
Subconscious Built-In Enlightenment Theory 41
On The Song of The Universe and Automatic Collective Knowledge 42
Introduction 44
A Warning to Viewers 47
Understanding The Appropriate Terminology 47
Parallel Realm Terminology 48
The Natural Realm 48
The Supernatural Realm 48
Human Sense Degrees 48
An Expanded List of All Known Human Senses 49
The Supernatural Communication System 50

Understanding The Supernatural World 50

The Supernatural Sensory System 52
The Theory of Demonic Possession 56
Types of Souls/Spirits 56
Supernatural Frequency Matching 57
The Metaphysics of Demonic Possession 59
Voice Classes 61
Introduction 61
Traditional Voice Class 61
Negative Voice Class 61
Positive Voice Class 61
Demonic Survival Information 63

This document is a logical unraveling of various findings related to the supernatural world. It is a
compilation of existing information that can be found on Telegram. This text only includes a fraction of
the content I have saved on this subject. I regard ver. 1 as a rough draft to be expanded upon at a later
date. Feel free to grill me for grammar mistakes, sentencing mistakes, or any other thing you want to yell
at me for. You know where to find me.

Terminology is subject to change and content order is subject to change.


The Origin of Schizophrenic Voices - Jerry Marzinsky
Taken from this Telegram channel:


THESIS - Everyone is affected by them, not just the schizophrenics. They attack us by impersonating our inner
thoughts and words to cause us distress from which they use to survive.

Every single detail Marzinsky reveals about the schizophrenic voices also applies to us. It is absolutely essential that
you understand that your negative inner thoughts are not your own and are caused by this foreign hostile parasite.

The voice in your head that tries to bring you down every chance it gets is not your own inner-thoughts, but
something else’s...

1. The Voices are NOT Hallucinations, They Run Fixed Predictable Patterns

2. The Voices Actively Attempt To Conceal Their Identities

3. The Voices Drain Their Victims of Their Energy

4. The Voices are Anti-Religious

5. The Voices Freak Out When You Call Them Parasites

6. They Attempt to Make You Forget Questionable Events

7. They Have The Ability to Adapt and Delay Gratification

Trouble In The Ward


1. The Voices are NOT Hallucinations, They Run Fixed Predictable Patterns


>They are always consistently negative

>“It’s constantly negative, that’s one of the patterns”
>“The voices are constantly unswervingly, persistently, predictably negative and self-destructive in nature”


>They run fixed repeatable patterns in a sophisticated manner with complete sentences
>“These things ran patterns, they weren’t hallucinations. Hallucinations don’t run fixed repeatable patterns”
>“Not only were they always negative, they were the ones that appeared to be causing the disfunction when the
patients listened to what they had to say, and what they had to say wasn’t word salad”
>“The voices spoke in complete coherent negative sentences, always destructive”

2:29:49 - Marzinsky lists the patterns the voices run

>They are constantly and persistently negative

>They are Anti-religious
>They foster or create negative emotions
>They energetically drain their victims
>They get louder after sunset
>They foster self-destructive behavior
>They foster isolation of the patient from friends and family
>They get louder when you try to ignore them
>They’re constantly maneuvering for complete control over the victim
>They lie about almost everything, you cannot trust them with anything
>If you begin to trust them, they will appear to be positive, but they will turn on you once they successfully gained
your trust
>They have complete access to your memory and will bring up past events to torment the victim
>They demand that the victim not tell anyone about them, they hate it if you do

Why are these “hallucinations” always negative when other types of hallucinations are not?

2. The Voices Actively Attempt To Conceal Their Identities


>The voices attempt to convince the host that every voice they hear are their own thoughts, that they think them up


>Voices primarily attempt to conceal their identity

>They do not want people to know they are parasites

2:07:28 - Origin of popular sayings we have forgotten the meaning of

>“I don’t know what got into me”

>“The devil made me do it”
>“What was I thinking?”

3. The Voices Drain Their Victims of Their Energy


>“They feed off negative emotional energy”

>“After the voices attacked these people, their energy went down to nothing”
>“Some of the prisoners couldn’t even get out of bed in the morning”


>Patients had energy drained when voices attacked

>1x1 ratio of voices appearing and energy drained


>Schizophrenics knew they were being drained but they did know the cause
>“There was a statistically significant drop in their perceived energy level after the voices attacked then before the
>“They didn’t know what was taking their energy, they just knew it was happening”
>“If there is a 1x1 correlation, why don’t they notice?”
>They knew they were being drained but they had no idea where the energy went
>This phenomenon is consistent among hundreds of patients
>Some of them even said “they take it?” like they were unsure even though every time the voices came their energy
was drained
>Implies they are being influenced on a subconscious level to not notice this correlation, which further implies that
the voices have extra functions other than simply speaking to the host

4. The Voices are Anti-Religious


>Reading the bible weakens them and they don’t come as frequently, but they are still there
>“I still have a hard time concentrating when I’m reading the bible”


>Patient can vividly remember everything about negative subjects such as murder mysteries.


>Schizophrenics would never go to prayer meetings because the voices told them not to
>The voices do not like church, the bible, or preachers
>“Why would a hallucination have any beef with the bible?”
>“Why would a hallucination want them to stay away from preachers?”


>Anti-religious sentiment is consistent with ALL schizophrenics

>“They hate the churches, they hate the bible, they hate preachers”


>The voices’ hostility towards church and the bible, and support for negative events/activities is consistent with
hundreds of schizophrenics.


>Bible/murder mystery test

>Patients always remembered the murder mystery lines more than the bible verses consistently
>Has the same effect with other positive and negative lines
>“It was like something else was reading the negative stuff with them”
>“They are drawn to negativity”


>The voices hate Psalm 23

>“Repeating the 23rd Psalm is like throwing worms onto a hot frying pan”
>Proves the effects of the bible persist across different languages

36:34 - SHUT IT DOWN


>Voices told him not to go to church

>They said “what are you doing here?”
>“You’re going to hell, so what are you doing in church?”
>They get much louder at church and try to block out what the preacher is saying


>“Why would a hallucination care at all whether this guy went to church or not?”
>The voices of hundreds of schizophrenics tell their hosts not to go to church
>“It is not a hallucination if it is running a pattern”


>When the patient thought about going to church, the voices acted up and tried to convince him not to go
>“They demand that I don’t go”
>“They tell me that the people in church aren’t Christians and are not serious, they are just going to show off to
others, and they’re frauds”


>“Why would a hallucination be doing this? why would a hallucination care? and why would a hallucination say the
same thing to hundreds of schizophrenics”


>They eventually calm down when he stays in church, but they start up again about an hour after he leaves


>More about Psalm 23 and the history of demons



>The cartoon of the devil on one shoulder and and angel on another was based off the real phenomenon


>Other religious texts fend them off

>Anything positive fends them off


>Warded them off by praying

>You cannot show fear “because if they can scare you off they won”


>What you vividly imagine happening to them actually happens in their mind,
>The patient’s voices were out of control so Marzinsky imagined the patient’s demons in a cage of light with duct
tape around their mouths and the patient acknowledged that shut them up
>Reveals something so massive it would never be acknowledged by the scientific community: That the thoughts in
the minds of people exist outside the mind in an invisible medium (this medium the demons reside in)
Why are these “hallucinations” always negative when other types of hallucinations are not? Why would a
“hallucination” be consistently anti-religious?

5. The Voices Freak Out When You Call Them Parasites


>“It wasn’t so much of a problem until I started telling patients that these things were parasites, once I did that they
went nuts”
>Marzinsky felt a cold electrical chill which was proportional to the level of anger in the parasites


>Once the voices realize you’re about to tell the patient that they are parasites, they react explosively in a pattern of
three stages
>First, they tell the host not listen to you
>Second, they tell the host to leave the room
>Third, they tell the host to attack you
>This is a rather serious milestone in understanding that requires caution because the demons instantly change
behavior and attempt to run damage control
>They would actually explode with these stages as soon as they even suspected Marzinsky was about to reveal they
are parasites (even before he identified them as parasites)
>Implies further that their mind(s) are independent of the host’s mind and the parasites not only know information
that the host does not but also has its own separate intuition (separate brains essentially)

6. They Attempt to Make You Forget Questionable Events


>The human mind, when confronted with something that does not fit in with its reality will either block it out or
reinterpret it to fit into its reality
>You may even forget the entire thing


>Human mind experiment

>Guy in nazi uniform walks in front of the car
>The passengers see it but don’t even acknowledge it unil much later and then said it was a plain soldier not a nazi
soldier, then later they said it was a hunter, then later they completely forgot it happened


>“So from that time on, everything something weird happened with a schizophrenic I wrote it down because I would
start forgetting them”
>“So I knew that if it didn’t fit into my mindset, I would forget it and my mind would wipe it out”

>Implies his inner parasites make absolutely no attempt to help him remember such events
>This contrasts with viewing something scary where they make every effort they can to help the host remember
>Further implies that when any kind of funny business happens, the parasites will make no effort to help the host
>Theoretically, the parasites will also attempt to subconsciously convince the host they are not real in the effort to
reduce the likelihood of the event causing the host to enter a state of questioning other things outside their previous
understanding of the world, which may lead to the host identifying the parasites’ presence

We should also give time to acknowledge the gigantic elephant in the room: The weak memory we have of our
dreams may be caused by the same organisms. This begs the question: What exactly are our dreams and what is
actually going on?


>Why are they going off their meds?

>Patients said dealing with the voices was a lot worse than the med side effects, but all of them were going off their

>When asked they said “I don’t know” implying they were influenced subconsciously (apart from the audible voices)
>This implies that the entities making the voices have alternative functions
>One patient said she went off her meds because the voices told them to
>The voices told her it is poison and referenced the side effects as proof, which further implies that the voices will
actually tell the truth on occasion if it goes in their favor


>Schizophrenics knew they were being drained but they did know the cause
>“There was a statistically significant drop in their perceived energy level after the voices attacked then before the
>“They didn’t know what was taking their energy, they just knew it was happening”
>“If there is a 1x1 correlation, why don’t they notice?”
>They knew they were being drained but they had no idea where the energy went
>This phenomenon is consistent among hundreds of patients
>Some of them even said “they take it?” like they were unsure even though every time the voices came their energy
was drained
>Implies they are being influenced on a subconscious level to not notice this correlation, which further implies that
the voices have extra functions other than simply speaking to the host

7. They Have Intelligence, Ability to Adapt, and a Low Time Preference


>Voices want the patients to drink alcohol, cocaine, and heroine because they have harsh rebound effects afterwards
>Drinking temporarily drowns out the voices but the voices tell them to drink because they get stronger afterwards
>Reveals that the parasites have the ability to delay gratification

>Voices have adaptive capabilities
>Meds work for a while then become ineffective


>Patient says the only med that worked was thorazine, but he never actually got any peace from the voices

Trouble In The Ward


>Considered wrong to ask schizophrenic patients about the voices specifically and what they were saying


>Schizophrenia not caused by physiological factors, but primarily chemicals to push med sales


>They don’t even know what causes schizophrenia


>How are schizophrenics treated in institutions?


>It is possible for schizophrenics to be able to function normally in society


>Difference in brain structure in schizophrenics

>Brain shrinkage in autopsies because of meds not schizophrenia
>Tested meds on rats
>Meds basically tranquilizers, a chemical lobotomy that temporarily deadens the voices which is a temporary band
>Meds treat the symptoms not the source


>Patient’s voices got louder when Dr. Marzinsky asked questions about them
>The chief psychiatrist did not approve
>“They are hallucinations, you are reinforcing them, quit doing this right now...”


>Med Information
>Meds very temporary
>Voices are deadened because the brain is stunted
>Voices don’t completely go away from meds in most cases


>They have to be motivated
>They have to understand that the inner voices are not their own and are parasitic invaders


>What happened when the establishment found out

>They noticed the prisoners were going off their meds
>Marzinky’s supervisor more worried than excited
>Supervisor then tells chief psychiatrist
>Prisoners wouldn’t tell him how it was done
>Prisoner took the test and was not psychotic by their own measurements
>Psychiatrist said “well, he’s doing something in there and whatever he’s doing isn’t right because these guys aren’t
supposed to recover”
>Accused Marzinsky with experimenting with inmates
>Chief psychiatrist was furious
>They kept recovering one after another
>And here’s the kicker: they transferred him to a spanish speaking unit
>Marzinsky quickly retired from the prison system soon after



>“This is why Dracula movies are scary, because on a subconscious level, that’s what’s happening. These things are
parasites and they are feeding off the energy of all of us, not just the schizophrenics.”
>”Every negative thought about yourself or anybody else comes from them”


>“Every negative thought about yourself or somebody else is put into your mind by these entities”


>Them being energetic parasites who feed off negative emotional energy explains why they are always consistently
negative in their voices


>The thought comes before the action

>Parasites inject thoughts into the host and the host believes they are their own thoughts
>“Where do thoughts come from?”
>“Do all of your thoughts belong to you?”


>Reference to the p1ng

>Sudden “random” thoughts enter your head that you would never do or think of normally
>Suggests they are foreign and induced by entities desperate for sustenance

Traits of Demons
>They are parasitic and attach to humans
>Everyone has at least one demon
>They survive off the substance generated from the body of the host when under distress
>They foster or create negative thoughts and emotions in the host in order to generate more nutrients (not all
thoughts are your own)
>They actively attempt to conceal their identities by convincing the host that the foreign voices are their own
>Everything they instill into the host is negative
>They attempt to energetically drain their victims and make them exhausted
>They foster self-destructive behavior
>They freak out when you try to ignore them
>They thrive when the host is isolated from people
>They are stronger after sunset
>They are anti-religious
>They have the capability of adapting to the latest defense mechanism from the host
>They have a measurable intelligence
>They have the ability to delay gratification
>They have the ability to subconsciously influence the host without directly speaking to them
>They attempt to make you forget questionable events
>They freak out when you call them parasites

Most Notable Points

What exactly are the voices that the schizophrenics hear? Are they really just "hallucinations"? Dr. Jerry Marzinsky,
a retired psychiatrist who has managed and studied paranoid schizophrenics for 35 years, has found the answer to
this question...

29:50 - They are always consistently and predictably negative

31:29 - They run fixed repeatable patterns in a sophisticated manner with complete sentences
Dr. Marzinsky - “Hallucinations don’t run fixed repeatable patterns...The voices spoke in complete coherent
negative sentences, always destructive”

1:14:54 - The voices attempt to convince the host that every voice they hear are their own thoughts, that they think
them up themselves

1:01:53 - The voices actively attempt to conceal their identity. They do not want people to know they are parasites

25:33 - Do the voices like church?

>Schizophrenics would never go to prayer meetings because the voices told them not to go
>The voices do not like church, the bible, or preachers
>“Why would a hallucination have any beef with the bible?”
>“Why would a hallucination want them to stay away from preachers?”

27:43 - The voices’ hostility towards church and the bible, and support for negative events/activities is consistent
with hundreds of schizophrenics.

34:20 - The voices HATE Psalm 23

>“Repeating the 23rd Psalm is like throwing worms onto a hot frying pan”
>Proves the effects of the bible persist across different languages

Why are these “hallucinations” always negative when other types of hallucinations are not? Why would a
“hallucination” be consistently anti-religious? Is it because....


>The cartoon of the devil on one shoulder and and angel on another was based off a real phenomenon

1:58:01 - What do they say when their host wants to go to church?

>They said “what are you doing here?”

>“You’re going to hell, so what are you doing in church?”
>They get much louder at church and try to block out what the preacher is saying
>***Obvious devil on your shoulder***

2:07:42 - Are non-schizophrenics free of their influence?

>“This is why Dracula movies are scary, because on a subconscious level, that’s what’s happening. These things are
parasites and they are feeding off the energy of all of us, not just the schizophrenics.”

”Every negative thought about yourself or anybody else comes from them”

1:20:42 - Here's the kicker...

>Parasites inject thoughts into the host and the host believes they are their own thoughts
>“Where do thoughts come from?”

Do all of your thoughts belong to you?


Full List of Notable Timestamps

All notable information timestamped below:

6:00 - Schizophrenics seldom speak about the voices

6:46 - Schizophrenia typically develops at 25, Marzinsky doesn’t know why

7:35 - Paranoid schizophrenia is the most curable

7:48 - 1% of the world has schizophrenia (250,000 US).

8:56 - It is possible for schizophrenics to be able to function normally in society

9:42 - Again schizophrenics seldom speak about them

10:00 - How are schizophrenics treated in institutions?

10:57 - Schizophrenia not caused by physiological factors, but primarily chemicals to push med sales

12:09 - They don’t even know what causes schizophrenia

13:43 - Difference in brain structure in schizophrenics

Brain shrinkage in autopsies because of meds not schizophrenia

Tested meds on rats
Meds basically tranquilizers, a chemical lobotomy that temporarily deadens the voices which is a temporary band
Meds treat the symptoms not the source

17:00 - If this is not a chemical/genetic/biological disorder, what are they actually treating?

18:57 - Considered wrong to ask schizophrenic patients about the voices specifically and what they were saying


Patient’s voices got louder when Dr. Marzinsky asked questions about them

The chief psychiatrist did not approve

“They are hallucinations, you are reinforcing them, quit doing this right now...”

20:23 - Beginning of case records when Marzinsky was asking schizophrenics about the voices

22:52 - Med Information

Meds very temporary

Voices are deadened because the brain is stunted
Voices don’t completely go away from meds in most cases

23:41 - Meds usually lower the volume of the voices.

24:08 - The voices are stronger at night

Voices especially active during the night when the host is trying to sleep
Voices try to keep them up
Voices don’t let them get any peace

24:37 - “they are demons”

The patient has 12 or more of them and they all harass him at the same time
“They mock everyone around me, they find fault with everybody, they tell me to watch my back”

25:08 - Religious support

Reading the bible weakens them and they don’t come as frequently, but they are still there
“I still have a hard time concentrating when I’m reading the bible”

25:19 - Patient can vividly remember everything about negative subjects such as murder mysteries.

25:33 - Religious support

Schizophrenics would never go to prayer meetings because the voices told them not to
The voices do not like church, the bible, or preachers
“Why would a hallucination have any beef with the bible?”
“Why would a hallucination want them to stay away from preachers?”

26:21 - Religious support

Anti-religious sentiment is consistent with ALL schizophrenics

“They hate the churches, they hate the bible, they hate preachers”

26:39 - Religious support: 3 classes of voice strength

When weak they complain scream kick and moan when the patient is thinking about going to church, then shuts up
when the patient is in church
If medium strength they would get louder during church to drown out the preacher
If very strong they would drive the patient out of the church

27:43 - The voices’ hostility towards church and the bible, and support for negative events/activities is consistent
with hundreds of schizophrenics.

27:51 - Bible/murder mystery test

Patients always remembered the murder mystery lines more than the bible verses consistently
Has the same effect with other positive and negative lines
“It was like something else was reading the negative stuff with them”
“They are drawn to negativity”

29:21 - Energy draining

“They feed off negative emotional energy”

“After the voices attacked these people, their energy went down to nothing”
“Some of the prisoners couldn’t even get out of bed in the morning”

29:50 - They are always consistently negative

“It’s constantly negative, that’s one of the patterns”

“The voices are constantly unswervingly, persistently, predictably negative and self-destructive in nature”

31:29 - They run fixed repeatable patterns in a sophisticated manner with complete sentences

“These things ran patterns, they weren’t hallucinations. Hallucinations don’t run fixed repeatable patterns”
“Not only were they always negative, they were the ones that appeared to be causing the disfunction when the
patients listened to what they had to say, and what they had to say wasn’t word salad”

“The voices spoke in complete coherent negative sentences, always destructive”

33:00 - 1920’s someone tested static shocks on patients and the voices would shut up temporarily

34:20 - The voices hate Psalm 23

“Repeating the 23rd Psalm is like throwing worms onto a hot frying pan”
Proves the effects persist across different languages

35:11 - Snap of rubber band when coupled with 23rd Psalm temporarily shut up the voices for around a minute

36:34 - SHUT IT DOWN

39:03 - Why are they going off their meds?

Patients said dealing with the voices was a lot worse than the med side effects, but all of them were going off their
When asked they said “I don’t know” implying they were influenced subconsciously (apart from the audible voices)
This implies that the entities making the voices have alternative functions
One patient said she went off her meds because the voices told them to
The voices told her it is poison and referenced the side effects as proof, which further implies that the voices will
actually tell the truth on occasion if it goes in their favor

44:27 - Schizophrenics were not beating up anyone but the psychiatrists who prescribed the meds

45:38 - The voices are constant liars

46:18 - Marzinsky’s tactics were pissing off the voices

“Why would a hallucination get pissed off at me?”

Multiple different patients who don’t even interact with each other going to Marzinsky and telling him their voices
don’t like him

47:15 - “You realize what you’re doing is dangerous don’t you?”

48:22 - The rare occurrence that a voice wanted to talk to someone else other than their host

“The voices want to talk to you”


Voices usually never want to speak to anyone but their host

49:19 - “You have no right to interfere with our way of life”


“You don’t have to tell me, they can hear”

They hear through their ears and see through their eyes


Patients had energy drained when voices attacked

1x1 ratio of voices appearing and energy drained

53:10 - The creepy patient

Dude staring down at his sleeping cellmate in the middle of the night
Speaking to voices and having a conversation with something invisible
Energy very drained

58:57 - Stream freeze, missing information


“this same information I was about to give you caused a shit load of bizzare stuff to happen in my office”
“they do not want this out”
“they do not want people to know that they are energetic parasites”

59:22 - Schizophrenics knew they were being drained but they did know the cause

“There was a statistically significant drop in their perceived energy level after the voices attacked then before the
“They didn’t know what was taking their energy, they just knew it was happening”
“If there is a 1x1 correlation, why don’t they notice?”
They knew they were being drained but they had no idea where the energy went
This phenomenon is consistent among hundreds of patients
Some of them even said “they take it?” like they were unsure even though every time the voices came their energy
was drained

Implies they are being influenced on a subconscious level to not notice this correlation, which further implies that
the voices have extra functions other than simply speaking to the host


Voices primarily attempt to conceal their identity

They do not want people to know they are parasites

1:03:11 - Them being energetic parasites who feed off negative emotional energy explains why they are always
consistently negative in their voices

1:03:50 - The crackling incident

Parasites didn’t want to be identified

Patient flat stare no emotion when this is happening
Crackling had no visuals

1:06:42 - Marzinsky asks the patient “did you hear that?” and the patient says “uh I gotta go”


“I didn’t think these things could affect physical reality”

“If they can do that, what else could they do?”

1:11:30 - Marzinsky later asks about the crackling to the patient

Patient says he could hear it but was surprised Marzinsky did

Implies more sounds play in his head that are not only sounds other than voices but three dimensional and moving
Further suggests that the voices also move around his stereo point of view
Patient says “that was the voices, they were trying to scare you away”


When the patient left the first time (when the crackling stopped) the voices were telling him to get a shank and stab
The patient said he would never do that
Marzinsky asks “why didn’t you do it?” and the patient says “because I couldn’t find one”

1:14:54 - the voices attempt to convince the host that every voice they hear are their own thoughts, that they think
them up themselves

1:15:49 - Parasites causing criminals to kill people and themselves


The voices get louder when ignored

Consistently across hundreds of patients

1:17:22 - Why would they drive someone to kill themselves?

Because thoughts of suicide excret a ton of energy, more than usual

One case the voices stopped someone at the last second just to continue tormenting him after


Suicide rate of psychiatrists the same as the schizophrenics themselves

The voices hate the psychiatrists for prescribing the meds

1:20:42 - Discussing the non-schizophrenic equivalent of the voices

The thought comes before the action

Parasites inject thoughts into the host and the host believes they are their own thoughts
“Where do thoughts come from?”
“Do all thoughts belong to you?”

1:22:19 - Reference to the p1ng

Sudden “random” thoughts enter your head that you would never do or think of normally
Suggests they are foreign and induced by entities desperate for sustenance


Crystal meth causes you to hear voices

Rare case of seeing shadow entity while on LSD


Criminals getting in trouble taking meth

Could hear voices
Voices went away when they came down from the meth
Eventually the voices came back permanently, essentially making them schizophrenic just like the other who
developed it without meth

1:28:05 - Shadow entities seen from meth usually, not LSD or any other psychedelic drug


Shadow entities facial features cannot be seen

They are three dimensional
Suggests that as our shadows are two dimensional, these shadow entities are three dimensional shadows of an entity
in the fourth dimension


Both meth addicts and schizophrenics reported seeing shadow people and seeing them enter their rooms
They never saw their faces and never spoke
The worst meth addicts reported seeing their eyes which were either green or red
The eyes used as an indicator of worse shape in the patient
They walk through walls
Some enter people and it causes negative or sour emotion which went away when the shadow entity left the inside of


Shadow people called “tree people” by the prisoners because they were usually spotted in trees
If the prisoners stared at them the shadow people would move towards them as if they knew someone could see them
Implies they are always present regardless if anyone can see them


Inmate and his friend experimented with meth to see shadow people and to see if they were seeing the same ones
Both saw the same ones
Shadow people got on the truck bed and caused the back to sink down, affecting physical reality
The inmate and his friend left and they did not get followed

1:34:29 - When the shadow people enter someone they always leave, they never stay


Shadow people can be seen without drugs under certain circumstances

Out of the corner of your eyes
Disappear when directly looked at or when the light is turned on

1:35:28 - Various interesting events


The human mind, when confronted with something that does not fit in with its reality will either block it out or
reinterpret it to fit into its reality
You may even forget the entire thing

1:39:38 - Human mind experiment

Guy in nazi uniform walks in front of the car

The passengers see it but don’t even acknowledge it unil much later and then said it was a plain soldier not a nazi
soldier, then later they said it was a hunter, then later they completely forgot it happened


“So from that time on, everything something weird happened with a schizophrenic I wrote it down because I would
start forgetting them”
“So I knew that if it didn’t fit into my mindset, I would forget it and my mind would wipe it out”
Implies his inner parasites make absolutely no attempt to help him remember such events
This contrasts with viewing something scary where they make every effort they can to help the host remember
Further implies that when any kind of funny business happens, the parasites will make no effort to help the host
Theoretically, the parasites will also attempt to subconsciously convince the host they are not real in the effort to
reduce the likelihood of the event causing the host to enter a state of questioning other things outside their previous
understanding of the world, which may lead to the host identifying the parasites’ presence

1:50:16 - Back to the transcript with the schizophrenic patients


1:50:47 - “The voices continually mock and provoke me, and find fault with me, my family, and all my friends”

1:51:02 - Parasites don’t want the host to have human contact with anyone

The voices do not like the host having any friends or contacts with anyone in the real world
“They wanna isolate them so they have them all to themselves”

1:51:28 - “they tell me not to trust them, they tell me they are just using me and to watch my back”

1:52:03 - The voices at night

The voices are there as long as the patient is awake and they try to keep him awake
When the patient falls asleep the voices insert nightmares into his head
As soon as he wakes up the voices immediately start tormenting him again


“If you poke out your eye, we will go away and leave you alone forever”
The guy actually did it and the voices then said “see, you were stupid enough to listen to us, now you poked out your
eye, now you’re permanently deformed you stupid idiot”
Reveals that the voices will actually admit their own mischievous deeds if it is in their favor


Voices give patient nightmares about his mother beating him, which actually happened when he was a kid
Reveals that the voices will often bring up past events to torment their hosts
This guy heard the voices when he was a kid as well


Voices want the patients to drink alcohol, cocaine, and heroine because they have harsh rebound effects afterwards
Drinking temporarily drowns out the voices but the voices tell them to drink because they get stronger afterwards
Reveals that the parasites have the ability to delay gratification


Voices don’t want them using marajuana because it temporarily sedates the voices with no rebound effect

Reveals that the voices have a measurable time preference, they have the ability to delay gratification, implies the
voices possess some form of sophistication


The voices tell them not to use marajuana and will attempt to steer them into the direction of other drugs
They tell them to use other drugs instead


Voices have adaptive capabilities

Meds work for a while then become ineffective


Patient says the only med that worked was thorazine, but he never actually got any peace from the voices

1:58:01 - Religious support

Voices told him not to go to church

They said “what are you doing here?”
“You’re going to hell, so what are you doing in church?”
They get much louder at church and try to block out what the preacher is saying

1:58:17 - Religious support

“Why would a hallucination care at all whether this guy went to church or not?”
The voices of hundreds of schizophrenics tell their hosts not to go to church
“It is not a hallucination if it is running a pattern”

1:58:36 - Religious support

When the patient thought about going to church, the voices acted up and tried to convince him not to go
“They demand that I don’t go”
“They tell me that the people in church aren’t Christians and are not serious, they are just going to show off to
others, and they’re frauds”

1:59:00 - “Why would a hallucination be doing this? why would a hallucination care? and why would a
hallucination say the same thing to hundreds of schizophrenics”

1:59:11 - They eventually calm down when he stays in church, but they start up again about an hour after he leaves

2:00:48 - Reaction from the community

2:04:29 - More about Psalm 23 and the history of demons

2:06:40 - The cartoon of the devil on one shoulder and and angel on another was based off the real phenomenon

2:07:28 - Origin of the sayings

“I don’t know what got into me”

“The devil made me do it”
“What was I thinking?”

2:07:42 - Normal people are also affected by the same entities

“This is why Dracula movies are scary, because on a subconscious level, that’s what’s happening. These things are
parasites and they are feeding off the energy of all of us, not just the schizophrenics. Every negative thought about
yourself or anybody else comes from them”

2:08:16 - “every negative thought about yourself or somebody else is put into your mind by these entities”


They don’t have a language [On the fence with this one]
They cannot get you if you don’t have a language [I completely disagree with this]
They attack people in their own language
Animals may help schizophrenics


Other religious texts fend them off

Anything positive fends them off

2:11:51 - Successes

They have to be motivated

They have to understand that the inner voices are not their own and are parasitic invaders

2:12:49 - What happened when the establishment found out

They noticed the prisoners were going off their meds

Marzinky’s supervisor more worried than excited
Supervisor then tells chief psychiatrist
Prisoners wouldn’t tell him how it was done
Prisoner took the test and was not psychotic by their own measurements
Psychiatrist said “well, he’s doing something in there and whatever he’s doing isn’t right because these guys aren’t
supposed to recover”
Accused Marzinsky with experimenting with inmates
Chief psychiatrist was furious
They kept recovering one after another
And here’s the kicker: they transferred him to a spanish speaking unit
Marzinsky quickly retired from the prison system soon after

2:19:39 - Connection between the voices and shadow people?

2:20:54 - Parasites freak out when you call them parasites

“It wasn’t so much of a problem until I started telling patients that these things were parasites, once I did that they
went nuts”
Marzinsky felt a cold electrical chill which was proportional to the level of anger in the parasites


Warded them off by praying

You cannot show fear “because if they can scare you off they won”


Marzinsky describing energetic attacks

Not only a tingling sensation but also instills brain fog

2:23:30 - Once the voices realize you’re about to tell the patient that they are parasites, they react explosively in a
pattern of three stages

First, they tell the host not listen to you

Second, they tell the host to leave the room
Third, they tell the host to attack you
This is a rather serious milestone in understanding that requires caution because the demons instantly change
behavior and attempt to run damage control
They would actually explode with these stages as soon as they even suspected Marzinsky was about to reveal they
are parasites (even before he identified them as parasites)
Implies further that their mind(s) are independent of the host’s mind and the parasites not only know information
that the host does not but also has its own separate intuition (separate brains essentially)


What you vividly imagine happening to them actually happens in their mind,
The patient’s voices were out of control so Marzinsky imagined the patient’s demons in a cage of light with duct
tape around their mouths and the patient acknowledged that shut them up
Reveals something so massive it would never be acknowledged by the scientific community: That the thoughts in the
minds of people exist outside the mind in an invisible medium (this medium the demons reside in)

2:29:49 - Marzinsky lists the patterns the voices run

They are constantly and persistently negative

They are Anti-religious
They foster or create negative emotions
They energetically drain their victims
They get louder after sunset
They foster self-destructive behavior
They foster isolation of the patient from friends and family
They get louder when you try to ignore them
They’re constantly maneuvering for complete control over the victim
They lie about almost everything, you cannot trust them with anything
If you begin to trust them, they will appear to be positive, but they will turn on you once they successfully gained
your trust
They have complete access to your memory and will bring up past events to torment the victim
They demand that the victim not tell anyone about them, they hate it if you do

Why are these “hallucinations” always negative when other types of hallucinations are not? Why would a
“hallucination” be consistently anti-religious?

2:32:37 - There exist positive voices but they usually only communicate through feelings and intuition. Some
schizophrenics have reported only hearing positive voices that never turned on them but that is extremely rare

Intro to The Supernatural World

What are Hallucinations? What really causes them?
You can get high off nothing!

ASMST (Revised)
If this is true, we must re-evaluate our definitions. If belief can change someone's state, the term "belief" describes a
larger concept that affects more than just someone's opinions. The results of this study suggest that it is not
primarily the ingredients of the drug that cause the hallucinations, but the change of the person's state. The study
heavily implies that the drugs help, but they are not necessary. In other words, something else entirely is causing the
hallucinations. We could expand this by connecting it to Dr. Marzinky's work, where it would then suggest that

there is a function in the human body to briefly observe parallel realms. Because of this drug study, which indicates
that psychedelic drugs are not the primary cause of "hallucinations", I could conclude from this that the
hallucinations may not be "all in your head".

The True Properties of Belief

The following is a short essay written on Telegram on the effects of belief, the technical implications of
Dr. Marzinsky’s findings, and the metaphysical abilities of mortal man.

There is something about belief that you should be aware of. The state is not exclusive to your mind. It has
additional properties which affect the rest of your body as well as the environment outside of your body.

This is a very obscure subject and I will write my current understanding here:

The usual view of the system of the change in the body is as follows:

>Cause (ex: getting punched)

>Effect (ex: feeling pain)

If this system is correct, there would be no conceivable way to cause the effect without this cause. In other words,
pain in a person could not possibly exist without physical contact with the person. We see something completely
different in nature.

Read this excerpt:

If this particular pain emotion, which is traditionally believed to be directly caused by kinetic force, was initiated
instead by a change in psychological state, this implies that something else is the cause of this emotion. It suggests
that there is a mediator, or "switch", which can be turned on (and off) by multiple different sources. This "switch" is
the ultimate dictator of the emotion in question, and the other "causes", such as kinetic energy and psychological
state, are simply the "flippers" of this switch, not the cause of the emotion directly.

To put this figuratively, each of our bodies have a control room. This control room is full of switches and knobs that
directly alter our physical (and subsequently (at the very least) mental) state. There are men who run this control
room and one of their names is Kinetic Energy. This appears to be the only one that is fully recognized by

mainstream soyence. There are others who are equally capable of adjusting these switches and knobs, and their
names are Happiness, Sadness, Anger, Confusion, Hatred, and many more.

Here is the correct system:

>Cause (ex: getting punched)

>The Switch (initiator of the emotion)
>Effect (ex: feeling pain)

This system perfectly explains this phenomenon ( I discussed previously.

Bottom line, if purely the state of someone's mind can cause the person to see hallucinations, then the
hallucinogenic drugs in question are not the direct cause of hallucinations. What's really going on is the drugs and
the state of someone's mind alter the same variable that causes hallucinations. Both causes flip the same switch.

This further suggests that these hallucinogenic drugs only work the way they do because they are a key for the door
rather than the door itself. It would imply that if someone else had a copy of this key, they could also open this door.
We know from this study ( that a certain mental state also has this key: Belief

In conclusion, any physical change to your body is not only dictated by physical outside forces, but your mental
state as well, specifically your belief.


The concept of belief in today's understanding is juvenile. The current view bars people from understanding the
majority of its applications. Belief has a wide range of unknown properties that extend far beyond its body-altering
capabilities. Although it can positively or negatively affect your body, it is a mental state, which is apart of the
system essentially known as "what your brain thinks about". This system is heavily overlooked in today's
understanding and dismissed as exclusively "in your head". Those of you who believe this are making a grave

Watch this interview if you haven't already:

Take note of what he discusses regarding the location of the propagation of the voices. It is revealed that the
schizophrenic voices are from parasites and are NOT hallucinations, but the descriptions of their behavior suggest

>The parasites have a separate intelligence


>They have the ability to delay gratification

This implies that the creatures making the voices are completely separate entities that are in no way apart of the
human body. Furthermore, we learn from this interview (1:03:50) that these entities can cause noises to occur
outside of the body. An extremely important detail about this is that by the manner in which the patient reacted to
Marzinsky's confrontation about the noise, it indicates that the patient's voices/entities often make these noises and
usually only he can hear it. The patient stated later that his voices were trying to scare Marzinsky away, which also
indicates that the voices often attempt to do this but most of the time the person they try to scare cannot hear it.
Furthermore, this signifies that the entities responsible for the schizophrenic voices are able to make other noises
besides the voices AND they are propagated in 3D space.

The overarching implication of this information is this: The entities responsible for the schizophrenic voices exist
outside of the patient's head and are able to speak to the patient because they are "patched-in" to his neural
network. Conversely, they cannot usually communicate to anyone else because they are only patched-in to their host
exclusively. However, they do make attempts to patch-in to other people in order to communicate with them, but it
fails most of the time.

Building off this, here is the next overarching implication: There exists alternate realms parallel to our own. We live
in one of them and we cannot see into others without special procedures. The entities causing schizophrenic voices
reside in another realm foreign to our own.

How it would work is this: Imagine a small area with a house and a tree. This is one "location" but contains
multiple "versions" of it. What we see in our realm is the house and the tree, but if we look into another realm, we
may find a bunch of weird extra sh*t that we didn't see before because they exclusively reside in this new realm.


Before reading any further, make sure you read this excerpt. ( It explains people's
subconscious knowledge in these subjects which reveal themselves in their art without them being aware of it.

With this in mind, we have a TON of examples of parallel realms in TV shows and movies. Here are a few:

In Adventure Time ( Ice King can see a lot more than what
other people can see. Funny enough he even succumbed to the classic ploy the schizophrenic voices do with their
hosts where they attempt to convince them they aren't real.

In Regular Show ( Pops gets a sugar rush and Skips thought he
would crash if they gave him more sugar. Turns out it made it worse and he got sent to a realm where time went very
slow relative to him and everything was dark and terrible.

In Stranger Things ( the upside down world is quite similar to the
previous example. It is the same as the normal world, but darker and full of mycelium/corruption.

And the most revealing one, in South Park ( Stan gets sucked into
Imaginationland, where all imaginary characters people have created exist, and he could speak to Kyle, who was in
the real world, through his mind. This goes without saying how similar this is to what Marzinsky has discovered.
And what do you know? The premise of the series of episodes is on whether or not imaginary things are real.

What makes this even more apparent is at 2:27:45 in the interview, Marzinsky detailed that what he imagined
happening with the demons, his patients demons, actually happened to them in the realm the demons reside in. The
schizophrenic patients actually confirmed this to him.

And so to make the purpose of my text crystal clear and unmistakable, here is the biggest indication of this entire

What you "imagine" in your head, and what "imaginary" thoughts you receive from something else, are real and
reside in parallel realm that you cannot see or hear with your traditional senses. The hostile intrusive thoughts you
experience are from entities that reside in foreign realms and the thoughts you construct yourself are 100% in
existence in some form in these different realms. Not only can the entities in foreign realms interact with ours
(typically through our inner thoughts) but our own thoughts directly influence things in THEIR realms. I will even go
as far as to state that we have the ability to influence the environment of other realms which can then directly
influence our own realms.

So the most important component of this process is a term that has been continually watered down over the
centuries: Belief. The original definition was different and its applications were far wider. The true properties of
belief show themselves to us in the modern day time and time again, and all we need to do is learn to utilize this


Subconscious Built-In Enlightenment Theory

All men and women come with a built-in subconscious enlightenment of a wide rage of various subjects. This not
only includes knowledge of concepts and the existence of people, places, and things, but also includes knowledge of
past events beyond their lifetimes and knowledge of future events in and beyond their lifetimes. This is a hereditary
trait that shows itself in people’s art, music, stories, and other forms of creative presentation. Not a single one of
them are aware of it.

Upon understanding this, it must be noted that countless perpetrators of evil imagery have been mistakenly accused
of being “in on it” when they publicly allude to various satanic, kabalistic, or doomsday texts in their art and stories.
This could not be further from the truth, as it is quite obvious that the vast majority of them are far too arrogant
and weak-minded to ever consider reading a word from these texts. These people decide to use this imagery because
they “think it’s cool”, their feeble minds do not process anything deeper than this. In the background however, the
reason they tend to outline these prophecies and other concepts is because they already have that knowledge built-in
to their subconscious. Additionally, the reason for their satanic approach and their heightened interest with the evil
parts of these subjects is the result of various parasitic issues.

A Microscopic Example

The main premise is that these amoebae have no idea what's really going on, they don't have the ability to zoom out
and take a look at the bigger picture. They just have this feeling: "Hey, going this way feels like a good idea!" None
of them know anything other than that.

Now take this example and apply it to us. What do we do in our lives just because it feels like a good idea? Can you
think of things that you do just because it feels right?

Could someone or (((something))) corrupt this instinct to mentally herd weak-minded people?

Taken from this video ( at 4:01


On The Song of The Universe and Automatic Collective Knowledge

Search your subconscious. Everyone falls in line by instinct. This is true for all organisms. Here is a microscopic
example at 3:53 in this video. ( These individual molecules have
no idea what they're doing. They just think going one way is a good idea. This system exists with humans as well but
at a more complicated scale. If you can figure this out you may be able to find what you are looking for. If you had
the ability to zoom out and view the entire world, you will definitely see this pattern.

In other words, all humans come with built-in enlightenment in their subconscious. You will find this once you zoom
out. We can clearly see the fungal molecules accumulating into a mushroom, but the molecules themselves are
oblivious to this. All they know is "go this way". But because we are zoomed out, we can see the bigger picture.

Because we are molecules in the more extravagant model, that being the universe, we will not normally be able to
view the bigger picture of what we are contributing to. One way to find information on this bigger picture is to
follow your subconscious. For example, because I bred, raised, and trained a dog, I can reliably predict its behavior.
Zoom out to humans. If I grow, raise, and train a new race of people, I can reliably predict its behavior. If I had an
intellectual sharpness beyond what a human is capable of, I could make them draw pictures and predict what they
would draw. What your plan requires is to zoom out to the view of the entire universe.

The greatest aspect of this revelation is that you can learn something from someone who is completely
unknowledgeable in what you just learned from them. If you are really cool, you can even do this with yourself.
What you'd need to do is to study the musical behavior of the collective of everyone and find patterns in their
songwriting. I'll give one away: The major scale (includes minor). No one person invented it, everyone found it and
started using it because it resonated with their minds. Take this to the max and you'll probably end up with one
universal song or system. However chances are you won't actually find the pure version of it because of the age-old
corruption force. This force is designed to pollute creation against how it was originally intended. It is the reason for
whores, SJWs, and beta males, and indirectly the reason for certain retarded music genres. The corruption affects all
living things on earth.

I guarantee that you'll find something, but it might not be what you think.

You will run into a problem where you'll find something that doesn't make sense if you assume the earth was never
tampered with.

Imagine mold on bread which was left out for too long. Now imagine a city-version of that.

This problem will ultimately be your stumbling block. If you find a universal song, it will probably be the equivalent
of you coming home after someone left the bread out for an unknown amount of time. You'll find the bread, but at
what condition, I do not know.

There are organisms which live in parallel realms that we cannot detect with our traditional senses. Some
of them are designed by nature to survive on energy generated by living things in our realm, the one we
live in. More specifically, they use humans for this sustenance. What energy am I referring to, you may
ask? It is the substance generated from the body when under distress.

These organisms survive off human misery, so they will manipulate their hosts (humans) in order to
generate more misery to harvest. The classic strategies everyone knows are hostile inner thoughts,
inner-monologue impersonation, bringing up past trauma, morphing your surroundings, making faces
strange, etc. The people who are interested in horror/evil genres of media will create art/presentations
that perfectly outline these strategies, and the most interesting part about this is they have no idea that
what they are creating is directly based on a real organism's survival strategies in nature.

If you watch these videos with the assumption that the evil entity in it survives off of fear/misery, the
whole scenario will make perfect sense in a nature setting. What you are watching is an ECOSYSTEM.

Have you noticed how all animals in nature have the optimal physical traits for their survival? Birds
survive by flying and looking for food down below, so their bodies directly support this survival strategy,
that being lightweight with wings. Bears survive by catching and eating smaller prey, so their bodies
directly support this survival strategy, that being a large build with sharp claws.

Notice how the bear is not scary to humans by design. Its body was not created to scare people, it was
created for bear-related activities. The fear some people have for bears is entirely incidental, not intended.
Bears do not survive off the fear of humans, they will only scare them if they come too close to their

This begs the question: If there exist creatures which survive on the fear and misery of humans, their
bodies would directly support this survival strategy, so what on earth do you think they would look like?

If there exist creatures which survive on the misery of people, what on earth do you think they look like?

Here's your answer...

These were drawn by an artist named John Kenn Mortensen. If you haven't noticed already, he is
depicting metaphysical parasites attempting to take the energy of children. The only difference between
the drawings and reality is the creatures are visible in the drawings, whereas they are invisible in reality.
These entities exist.

Take note of how real-life animals look, physiques designed for their survival. The creatures in these
drawings are no different. They need to scare people to survive, so what do you think they're gonna look

Notice how none of the creatures in these drawings are physically hurting the children. That is because
they are not looking to kill them. They only need fear from them.

They do not need our flesh, they do not eat flesh at all. Their terrible teeth and claws were not designed to
sink into our skin. They were designed solely to scare us.

A Warning to Viewers
By viewing and studying this content, you are willingly subjecting yourself to their influence and survival.
In other words, your energy will be harvested to a certain degree. Although the main targets in the videos
are other people in the videos themselves, you will still be negatively influenced in the same manner as if
you were the main target in the video. You can think of this like second-hand smoking.

Understanding The Appropriate Terminology

When discussing this study, the issue of terminology lies as an obstacle in our way of truly
comprehending everything that this field has to offer. We will now set our definitions straight so there is
less confusion going forward.

The main problem is determining what is "real." Because we have learned that everything in our
"imagination" is real, the definition of "real" comes into question. Our "imagination" is real, but it isn't
real, as in real in the physical world. But it is in existence, so it falls under the current definition of “real.”
This is a major problem that must be addressed.

So when discussing this study, we must utilize an agreed upon set of definitions. Going forward, “real”
will be relative to which realm it exists in. For example if an object exists in the imaginary world, it is not
“real” in the physical world. “Real” and “exists” will not be considered synonymous in order to solve this
issue. So if I imagine an object, it exists, but it is not real relative to where I exist in, which is the physical

Furthermore, the definition of “seeing,” “hearing,” “smelling,” “touching,” and “tasting” must be expanded
upon. As I have outlined in the next section, these senses have 3 “levels.” From now on when conversing
on this subject, the Human Sense Degree must be specified. For example if I see a physical object, that is
seeing in the 1st Degree. However, if I see an object in my imagination, that is seeing in the 3rd Degree.
Finally, if I see an object in my “hallucinations,” I am seeing in the 2nd Degree.

Parallel Realm Terminology

There are two realms and they are as follows...

The Natural Realm

>Exists as 1 singular realm
>Encompasses all physical objects
>All traditional senses detect this realm (1st Degree)

The Supernatural Realm

>Exists as 2 separate isolated realms[1]
>>The Positive Supernatural Realm
>>The Negative Supernatural Realm
>Everything ever imagined (3rd Degree) or hallucinated (2nd Degree) exists in this realm in either of these
realms depending on its nature

[1] This system lies on a 2-dimensional axis. The Natural Realm is right in the middle, the Positive
Supernatural Realm lies above it, and the Negative Supernatural Realm lies below it.

Human Sense Degrees

We were designed with 5 senses. These are the ones which are commonly understood as senses. However,
these 5 have 3 different levels. I will coin this concept as "Human Sense Degrees."

1st Degree - The Natural Senses

- Encompasses all traditional senses
2rd Degree - The Active Supernatural Senses
- Encompasses all “hallucinations”
3nd Degree - The Passive Supernatural Senses
- Encompasses all imaginary senses

An Expanded List of All Known Human Senses

Natural Senses
- Seeing in the 1st Degree
- Hearing in the 1st Degree
- Touching in the 1st Degree
- Smelling in the 1st Degree
- Tasting in the 1st Degree
Active Supernatural Senses
- Seeing in the 2nd Degree
- Hearing in the 2nd Degree
- Touching in the 2nd Degree
- Smelling in the 2nd Degree
- Tasting in the 2nd Degree
Passive Supernatural Senses
- Seeing in the 3rd Degree
- Hearing in the 3rd Degree
- Touching in the 3rd Degree
- Smelling in the 3rd Degree
- Tasting in the 3rd Degree

The Supernatural Communication System

Understanding The Supernatural World
To my understanding, the supernatural world exists similar to a magnet. There is a positive side and a
negative side. The natural world exists right in the middle. It would essentially look like this:

Negative Supernatural Realm --- Natural Realm --- Positive Supernatural Realm

My current scale, which I name The Realm Matrix, goes from N100-N1-U-P1-P100 where P = Positive
Frequency, N = Negative Frequency, U = 0/Unity (The natural realm). N100 is the strongest negative
frequency, N1 is the weakest negative frequency, P100 is the strongest positive frequency, and P1 is the
weakest positive frequency.

Essentially we have a large supernatural world where various entities inhabit. Each entity has its own
frequency. This you may refer to as an additional dimensional axis. As we discussed before, there are
positive and negative entities which inhabit these various frequencies. The entities which exist on higher
frequencies are lighter and more glorious. The entities which exist on lower frequencies are darker and
more terrible.

Here is the diagram labeled on a scale of most glorious entities to least glorious: (You can fill in the rest)

P100 - The highest and most glorious of positive supernatural entities

P90 - ______________________________________________________
P80 - ______________________________________________________
P70 - ______________________________________________________
P60 - ______________________________________________________
P50 - ______________________________________________________
P40 - ______________________________________________________
P30 - ______________________________________________________
P20 - ______________________________________________________
P10 - The weakest of the positive supernatural entities
N10 - The weakest of the negative supernatural entities
N20 - ______________________________________________________
N30 - ______________________________________________________
N40 - ______________________________________________________
N50 - ______________________________________________________
N60 - ______________________________________________________
N70 - ______________________________________________________
N80 - ______________________________________________________
N90 - ______________________________________________________
N100 - The lowest and darkest of negative supernatural entities
Note - These two supernatural “sides” are completely separate. An entity at P90 is not more “evil” than an entity at
P100. An entity at N90 is not more “good” than an entity at N100. Both sides are “pure” in their essence.

The diagram above is the supernatural world. We however, live in the natural world, but using our 2nd
and 3rd degree senses (as we learned previously), we can look into the supernatural world, which includes
both the positive and negative frequencies. This is biologically natural for humans in our current state
and we use this ability every day.

The Supernatural Sensory System

We have two methods of looking into the supernatural world. They are as follows:

Passive Supernatural Sensory System

- The passive system in which we use to detect supernatural phenomena
- This is our “imagination”
- AKA our 3rd degree senses
Active Supernatural Sensory System
- The active system in which we use to detect supernatural phenomena
- This is typically achieved using hallucinogens
- AKA our 2nd degree senses

Each of these have our own frequency which dictates what we see when we look into this nonphysical
world. The terms are as follows:

Passive Supernatural Frequency (PF)

Active Supernatural Frequency (AF)
Note - When discussing “frequency,” the passive frequency is assumed unless otherwise stated

Additionally, each of us have our own “ranges” or frequency “bleed,” which essentially gives us the ability
to “peek” into neighboring frequencies we are technically not on:

Passive Supernatural Frequency Range (PFR)

Active Supernatural Frequency Range (AFR)
Note - When discussing “frequency range,” the passive range is assumed unless otherwise stated. It is also worth
noting that something else can “peek” into your range of detection if they exist on a frequency that your range

For demons, negative supernatural entities, they do not have a range like we do, but an upper limit. This I
call the Demonic Supernatural Frequency Limit.

Most of us are between P30 and N30. Remember, every supernatural entity has a frequency. This
frequency dictates where they live. If your current frequency matches their frequency, you will be able to
see them in your "imagination." (And subsequently you and them can interact with one another)

But I know what you’re thinking. What exactly dictates our frequency? Is it genetic, or can we change our
frequency ourselves?

I am pleased to say that we can most definitely change our own frequency and it is very easy to do. There
is one organic factor that shifts our souls between these frequencies, and that is: Happiness

Here is the same frequency diagram as before, but instead labeled with what state you need to be in to
reach each frequency:

P100 - Maximum happiness

P90 - __________________
P80 - __________________
P70 - __________________
P60 - __________________
P50 - __________________
P40 - __________________
P30 - __________________
P20 - __________________
P10 - Minimum happiness
N10 - Minimum sadness
N20 - __________________
N30 - __________________
N40 - __________________
N50 - __________________
N60 - __________________
N70 - __________________
N80 - __________________
N90 - __________________
N100 - Maximum sadness

Here are the frequency ranges for various household types: (+ egirl range)

P50 - Standard high-class Old World high range, grand happiness

P40 - Standard rural high range, happier happiness
P30 - Standard suburban high range, standard happiness
P20 - Standard urban high range, mild happiness
P10 - Standard egirl high range, very mild happiness
N10 - Standard high-class Old World low range, very mild sadness
N20 - Standard rural lower range, mild irritations
N30 - Standard suburban lower range, mild anxiety
N40 - Standard urban lower range, mild depression, high fear/hatred
N50 - Standard egirl low range, depression, thoughts of hopelessness
Note - Keep in mind, these measurements are for your PASSIVE Supernatural Frequency Range. Currently as I
understand it, your Active Supernatural Frequency Range is usually about 10 frequencies shorter on both ends.

The shifting of our souls between these frequencies is what I call Soul Shifting. The frequency your soul is
on dictates the wellbeing of the body. The healthier your body is, the harder it is to be influenced by
supernatural parasites (demons).

Of course, because we have learned that our level of happiness changes our frequency, we know exactly
how to stay in the positive spectrum. Our souls shift around constantly depending on countless factors
such as what we are doing, what we hear, or what we see. For example, if you just got news that your
father is back in town, or your mother is visiting soon, your frequency may increase to about P30. Any
type of good news will do this. Conversely, if you just got news that your father can’t make it home this
year for Christmas or one of your family members is sick, your frequency would decrease to about N20 or
N30. Keep in mind that these are rough estimates. This has everything to do with your own toughness
against negativity and willingness to observe the happiness of life.

With this in mind, let’s consider these terms as well:

Passive Supernatural Detection State

- The state of only detecting supernatural objects through your Passive Supernatural Sensory
Active Supernatural Detection State
- The state of detecting supernatural objects through your Active Supernatural Sensory System
Internal Supernatural Objects
- Supernatural objects summoned by yourself[1]
External Supernatural Objects
- Supernatural objects summoned by something else

[1] By “summoned” I am specifically referring to my theory that every time you imagine objects, you are actually
“calling” them, not creating them out of thin air. In other words, if you imagine a protector to shield you from
something, that protector already existed and all you did was summon him to your aid.

The Passive Supernatural Sensory System is what we use to detect external supernatural objects in our
“imagination.” The Active Supernatural Sensory System is what some of you invoke when taking
hallucinogenic drugs, which can also detect external supernatural objects, but in the active sensory state. I
would like to note that drugs are not required for hallucinations, but they are the standard shortcut for
people who want to reach a frequency which is beyond their passive frequency. Your level of happiness is
a factor that dictates your Active Supernatural Frequency, but the drugs some of you ingest appear to take
the lead in this decision.

The Theory of Demonic Possession

Types of Souls/Spirits
Before we understand demonic possession, we must understand what we are and what they are. It is clear
that both parties exist as “spirits” in one form or another. From what I have surmised, there are four
different types of spirits that exist on earth. The first is The Human Spirit, which is essentially us. The
second is The Fauna Spirit, which is used to animate every living animal. The third and fourth are not as
easy to define. The benevolent entities are that of The Holy Spirit, the spirit of God. The malevolent
entities however, are from a different origin. Supposedly, they are from the Nephilim described in
Genesis, where over time their bodies decayed and their souls lived on to roam the earth. These souls
would be The Demonic Spirits. Currently I am unsure of their specific origin, but these are the entities
which cause negative thoughts and all types of schizophrenia. Nonetheless, these are the creatures we
have been studying.

Before we continue, we must first understand the spiritual difference between these entities. As of right
now, my stance is as follows:

The Human Spirit/Soul

- Permanently tethered to their own bodies until the death of the body
- Has a frequency range
- Has the ability to shift frequencies
- Will be temporarily kept in a secure location after the body dies
- The soul will NOT roam the earth
The Fauna Spirit/Soul
- Permanently tethered to their own bodies until the death of the body
- Has a frequency range
- Has the ability to shift frequencies (See Universe 25)
- Returns to the bank of souls after the body dies
- The soul will NOT roam the earth
The Demonic Spirit/Soul
- Currently a “free agent,” does not have a physical body. They either never had one or theirs died
long ago (Nephilim)
- Has a frequency limit (a ceiling)
- Has no ability to shift frequencies past its upper limit

- If the body dies (if it even had one), it will not be able to go anywhere except nearby objects that
share its frequency
The Holy Spirit/Soul
- Also a “free agent,” does not have a physical body
- Encompasses all benevolent spirits
- Takes up all positive frequencies, but the individual spirits cannot shift frequencies
- Most never had physical bodies, but would return directly to the positive supernatural world after

You can contest this as much as you please. Keep in mind that a spirit’s frequency is more of a point with
“bleed” than a strict pixel on a graph.

Supernatural Frequency Matching

As stated in the previous section, all supernatural entities (including our souls) have a frequency (or
frequency range) they are tuned to. This is essentially their location in the spiritual world. However, our
individual frequencies can be raised or lowered depending on our levels of happiness/sadness.
Additionally, as also discussed previously, our personal frequency dictates what we can see and interact
with in our “imagination.” We will take this one step further...

Supernatural parasites (demons) need the energy of us to survive. The problem is they exist in the negative
supernatural world, not the natural world. In order to be able to interact with us, they need to be on the
same frequency. The practice of pulling this off is what I call Supernatural Frequency Matching. It is the
act of matching the frequencies of two spirits, typically with the goal of allowing them to communicate
with each other. As you may have guessed, this can lead to great or terrible results.

Keep in mind that your own frequency (and subsequently, your range, or “bleed”) dictates whether or not
the demon in question will be able to enter you. As stated previously, your frequency range defines what
you can “peek” into, but it also defines which supernatural entities can “peek” in and see you. Again, most
of our ranges are about P30 to N30. Let’s say your current frequency is P20. Any supernatural parasite that
has a limit of N30 will still be able to take a “peek” at you because your range is from P30 all the way down
to N30. This is how most of our earthly temptations work.

In the case of negative supernatural entities (parasites), they will attempt to decrease your frequency into
a range which is habitable to them. This habitable range is dictated by their frequency limit. If your
frequency is low enough, the demon may choose to enter you. However, there are some major precautions
they take to make sure this transition goes well for them.

Think of your body like a shower in a bathroom and your soul is the shower system which also controls
the temperature of the water. A demon stands outside of the shower, wishing to enter. However, the
shower cannot be too hot. Demons do not like water that is too hot. So he will attempt to turn down the
hot water to a low enough temperature by reaching into the shower. It is your job to make sure the water
is hot and the knob is turned up. If the demon successfully manages to turn the water temperature down,
he will enter the shower. When the demon is in the shower, he has much greater control over the shower
and its temperature. However, you do have the ability to turn up the temperature while the demon is in
the shower. When this happens, the demon will cry in pain from the scalding water and frantically
attempt to turn it down. If he is unsuccessful in his efforts, he will leave the shower completely.

Something else to keep in mind is that in many cases, the shower is actually cold enough for the demon to
get in but he will still not enter. That is because the frequency range, the temperature range of the shower,
only encompasses his preferred temperature at the very lowest setting. In other words, if the demon were
to enter the shower prematurely, even if it is currently at his preferred temperature, the shower could be
turned up right away very quickly and easily, and scald him before he got a chance to settle in.

The Metaphysics of Demonic Possession

Let’s get our terminology straight first:

Tethered Soul/Spirit
- A soul which permanently resides inside of a physical vessel until the death of the vessel
- The vessel is most always going to be a living body*
- Typically, the soul was created[1] alongside the body in the womb
- Includes most every living animal and person*
Untethered Soul/Spirit
- A soul which does not have a dedicated host it permanently resides in
- Almost every untethered soul is a demon*
- Every tethered soul that is not demonic will go to the designated soul bank. I am
currently not sure who specifically goes where, but those which are confirmed are listed
in Revelation 20:13. I believe there is an additional bank not mentioned in Revelation that
is exclusively for fauna.
[1] Or assigned to the body
* Leaving a margin of error for these cases. I am currently unaware of their legitimacy.

Here is exactly how demonic possession works. Our example has the following:
- Soul A (Benevolent Spirit)
- Body A (Living Host)
- Soul B (Demonic Spirit)
- Body B (Recently Dead Host)

- Soul A is tethered to Body A and completely healthy

- Soul B was tethered to Body B, but this body has recently died
- Soul A, being a human soul, has a range of P30 to N30
- Soul B, being a demonic soul, has an upper limit of N30*
* This is my current understanding; If anything is below said demon’s frequency limit, they can inhabit the host. At
this time, I do not believe demons have a lower limit at all.

Soul A (In Body A) wanders close to Body B (still with Soul B attached). Soul B wishes to travel into Body
A. However, because Soul A is currently at P20, Soul B cannot enter Body A. That is because the
frequency of Soul A (which is in Body A) protects Body A from such an attack. In other words, the
frequency is too high for Soul B to enter; an uninhabitable environment.

However, because Soul B has a limit of N30, which just barely reaches the range of Soul A, which is P30 to
N30, Soul B has the opportunity to supernaturally communicate with Soul A.

Suddenly, Soul A hears some rather odd voices in his head. "You're pathetic!" the voice cries, "You're
worthless and you're always going to be an ugly, disgusting person!" Soul A hears this for another 10
seconds before recoiling with disgust. If Soul A is weak enough to the attack, his/her frequency will drop
down to N30 and his/her range would subsequently drop down as well. This gives Soul B a chance to enter
Body A, the body which Soul A is currently tethered to. If Soul B deems this a safe move, it may attempt
to transfer to Body A. As a result, the host, Body A, now has two spirits inside of it: The tethered spirit
(Soul A), and the untethered spirit (Soul B).

While Soul B is inside Body A (with Soul A), it will work to ensure three things:

- That Soul A does not gain enough happiness/positivity to make the host (Body A) uninhabitable
for it
- That Soul A does not learn certain secrets he/she shouldn't
- That a steady stream of nutrients is harvested from the host (Body A) and Soul A

As far as I am aware, most demons are retarded. They will only appear intelligent because they have a
degree of access to your own intelligence. I theorize that they are more animalistic than human.
Nonetheless, if they suspect that you are investigating their business or in the process of identifying their
presence, they will attempt to stop you in some way, shape, or form. One of the things they are deathly
afraid of is your chance of getting into a good mood, and upon learning that these creatures are
responsible for every negative thought you poorly believed to be your own, this positive mindset is

Voice Classes
You have (at least) three different voices in your head that make up the thoughts you experience. The first
voice is your own. The second is the negative voice, which is the result of your supernatural parasite(s).
The third is a voice from an entity in the positive supernatural realm, which for most people is likely
arbitrary entities in this realm that have the ability to communicate to us. For a certain minority of
people, they will hear their guardian angel.[1] Each voice class has three degrees which correspond to the
Human Sense Degrees mentioned earlier in the text.

Traditional Voice Class

>3rd Degree Traditional - Your own voice in your head
>2nd Degree Traditional - Your own voice "outside" of your head[2]
>1st Degree Traditional - Your own voice in the real world

Negative Voice Class

>3rd Degree Negative - Voice(s) of negative supernatural entities in your head
>2nd Degree Negative - Voice(s) of negative supernatural entities "outside" of your head[3]
>1st Degree Negative - Voice(s) of negative supernatural entities in the real world[4]

Positive Voice Class

>3rd Degree Positive - Voice(s) of positive supernatural entities in your head
>2nd Degree Positive - Voice(s) of positive supernatural entities "outside" of your head[5]
>1st Degree Positive - Voice(s) of positive supernatural entities in the real world[6]

Important Note - "Voice" is a blanket term. These classes also apply to the visual and kinetic attributes

[1] I fully support the existence of guardian angels, but currently I am not sure if all people have one
[2] "2nd Degree Traditional" I currently regard as completely theoretical
[3] Schizophrenia falls under this category
[4] This happens with a host-body, that this, through the voice of a regular person

[5] This is an extremely rare case of schizophrenia that Dr. Marzinsky briefly mentioned which the visions
of prophets theoretically fall under
[6] This is essentially interactions with positive people

Demonic Survival Information

Coming soon

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