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18 Lesson 4 Case Study

Ben lives in a small residential home with 5 other people. Ben has physical and learning
disabilities. He requires full support for his physical, social and emotional wellbeing. This is
his description of his day to day life:

“I spend the morning sitting in the lounge watching TV. I watch the news every day because
it is what is on.

At lunchtime I am taken to sit in the same seat every day, next to the same people, so they
must be my friends. I have the same type of meal every day – something soft and easy to
swallow. I spend every day like this. It would be nice to go out for the day and meet new
people, but the staff are really very busy and so it would be difficult for them to take me

At tea time I am given some soup and a cup of tea. These are warm and not hot. I am told I
can’t have hot because of a risk assessment, but I don’t know what that means and I don’t
like warm tea. Some of the others get biscuits with their tea, they look nice and I would like
one but I don’t get offered any.

At bedtime two carers help me in to the shower and it is interesting o hear about what they
have been up to and their nights out at the pub. I can’t remember the last time I went to the

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