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It will just take a little patience and support for us to overcome this issue, but we can do it together.

merely need to follow the state's instructions and procedures in order to safeguard ourselves, our loved
ones, and others in our community. We all know how difficult it is to stay at home, yet taking a moment
to ponder offers its own set of benefits.

If you ask me how I'm dealing with the pandemic and how it's affecting me, I'd say:

I know it's not easy for us, I know it's not easy for people in hospitals, and I know it's not easy for those
who have lost a loved one. Life leads us in a variety of directions. That is why it is critical to live in the
now without thinking about the past or future. I sit at home, complete my schoolwork and go outside
the house with a cup of tea or coffee and some excellent music. I can't keep track of all the things I do to
be positive. It is important to me that my parents are safe, and I do my best to ensure that they are. I
compose articles, paint, and read. This experience has taught me a lot.

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