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I have learned that the brain is consist of three parts these are the forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain.

The forebrain controls body temperature, reproductive functions, eating, sleeping, and the display of
emotions. While the midbrain serves important functions in motor movement, particularly movements
of the eye, in auditory and visual processing. On the other hand Hindbrain is essential for the automatic
control of balance and physical coordination. The hindbrain is considered to be the most primitive part
of the brain. The chief function of the brain is to organize a coordinated muscular response to sensory

It’s said that the brain has similar texture to tofu so as I visualizing the texture of the brain it is seems
soft and fragile and easily deformed by a touch of a finger.

The all out length of blood vessels in the human brain is 100,000 miles. It is the essential site of oxygen
and supplement trade. In the brain, all vessels are perfused with blood consistently, it has been assessed
that essentially every neuron in the mind has its own slim. There are three kinds of blood vessels these
are the arteries, veins, and capillaries. It was unlimitedly discussed when we are in high school.

The ancient Egyptians believed the brain's function was to produce snot. Though the brain only makes
up 2% of the body's weight, it uses 20% of the body's energy. The ancient Egyptians did not recognize it
as the hub of a person's thoughts. They believed the heart did that job rather than the brain.

Brain evolve to process information relevant to survival. Once the conditions of life are relatively safe,
the evolved brain can be repurposed to process information for the sheer entertainment value. Other
function of brain is to store data of information and retrieve them at the point of need. Communicating
information with the help of language is also possible due to brains. It is the human brain which has
created all sorts of arrangements, tools and equipments for the ease of life.

Consciousness is also seated in the brains which has made man self-conscious. Self conscientiousness
helped man to suddenly find himself separate from nature and other natural creation.

It is the brain which is responsible for all material evolution in human society.

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