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A. Peer pressure to teenagers is sometimes dangerous.

1. Teenagers take drugs, skip school, get drunk, or have sex because their friends do
these things.

B. Teenagers give up on doing things they like.

1. Doesn’t look cool to them in order to be part of the crowd. Certain pastimes, such as
writing poems, practicing piano, reading books, or fooling around with a
chemistry set.

C. Teenagers give up the people they love in order to be accepted

1. If necessary, they sacrifice their friend or sometimes cut their relatives out of their

1. What type and format of outline did you use in breaking down the essay? Why did you use that type
and format?

I used full sentence outline because I find it easy to understand than the other two types of

2. How can an outline help reader in grasping the message of a text?

In my opinion an outline is like a reviewer, it highlights the important things and summarizes the
essay for the reader.

3. How did you apply the things that you have learned in our discussion in this activity?

I learned three different outlines and I just copied what I saw in the handouts.

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