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NAME: Ruby Ann Songahid COURSE: BSA SECTION: ReEd 2 DATE: March 8,

SUBJECT: Jesus Christ: His Life and Teachings ASSIGNMENT: Module 1

Reflect on the current challenges you are encountering as individuals, in the family,
or in the society.  Write these challenges down.  For each challenge, write what you think you
will do to respond to it using some realizations in this module as guide. You may refer to
some CST principles or other lessons you gained in this module.     Submit your output as an
assignment in the Brightspace.

Individual Challenges

As an individual, I’m having a hard time to find myself because of the peoples around
me. Big anxiety that drowns me every time and everyday insecurities for myself. My mind
kills me but I’m still fighting for who I am. I’m not that kind of person who’s artistic at all but
I don’t know why? Peoples are so judge mental for being who you are. I mean, if they saw
you dirty at once and nothing can change in their mind forever. And ending up with, your
brain tells itself that you are so embarrassed for being who you are. I’m thinking about, is this
a sin to be just like this? For not reaching their expectations to be qualified as an individual?
It is good to be ashamed for yourself because you are just below average? While killing your
own esteem by your own thoughts cause by them has a big impacts to decrease your self-
confidence. But this is “ME” and I can’t change it and pretend to be someone who’s far
different from me. I’m fat aren’t hot, I’m a short girl with an Asian skin and not a stagy one.
That’s what they saw in me together with unnecessary feedbacks and my head can’t get out of

This current situation are not new to me even for others. If you ask me, how do I cope
this one tho? Well, it just play in a simple way. Just think the right equal principles from
teaching. Everyone has a strength and uniqueness to be a one’s self but not everyone knows
that the true strength are cannot be seen of being who you are in outside. Also, it cannot be
seen if you’re an artistic one and on how to socialize with a high average to everyone. One
thing that I know and I can say that this one is the true strength not anything. Because, it
already proved to me not just once but in every time I feel alone and that strength was God,
my best friend of all, my everything that gives me the right mindset and directions in life.
Second, learn to take a break and breath away to the peoples you’re not comfortable with.
Learn to find yourself and built it alone so you won’t fall down every time they try to destroy
you. Lastly, don’t set yourself in their expectations. I do something to be better version of
myself. I do workouts, diets, various skin care and dress up what I want and also I don’t forget
to follow where my happiness is.
Family Challenges

I came from a broken family since then. I never experience bonding together with my
mother and father. So here it starts, I grew up in my mother’s care at the hidden part of
Villaba, Leyte. In my grade years, we literally having a hard time to find money just to sustain
our daily expenses. Every closing and graduation ceremony at school. I saw the others that
they had their complete family, a father and a mother with a happy face. When I looked back
in my family I only have mother and elder sister. We’re living just the three of us and tried to
be a happy family even we don’t have a man inside in our house. My mother has a big trust in
my elder sister but the day came that mama and I were afraid of. All of her promises to our
mother was gone because she already built her own family. I am also affected for it because
my mother sees me temperamental in life that have no plans for them. My mother lost his trust
after that and said to me “I shouldn’t go to school anymore because I’ll just be like my sister”.
I decided to go to my father’s care, the challenged there was I am very shy to my father. I felt
awkward to talk to him because I wasn’t grew up with him. I can’t even ask for money for
daily school expenses because I can’t speak to him and I am ashamed even though I surely
know that he’s my true father but I felt awkward every time were on the same table and trying
to have an conversation. His salary isn’t enough for us and he asked a permission if he can go
and work to Manila and I said yes why not. Before the lockdown started, I travelled going
back to our place at Villaba. We’re living happily because my elder had a business. A
Customize Cake Shop who’s very popular in our area. Her business was already successful, it
expanded and grow up until now. After 4 months helping her I left them. We argued
something together with his husband and my mother as well. Its almost 7 mons but I never go
back to them because I was able to utter a word to them. And now, I am already here at
Manila and I don’t know when I can see them again. Maybe after several many years I’m not
sure. We’re having a chat conversation sometimes with my elder sister but the last time we
talked isn’t good for me. On the bright side, me and mother was absolutely good for each

I respect them as much as I can, even sometimes I know that they’re already off to
limit but I love them I can’t hurt them back. It is more in my favor to hold back and be
humble than to keep up with them. In teachings of God, just always be respectful even you are
not respected by them. We have this Filipino manners, “if you are the youngest in your family
and you don’t have a power to speak what you feel to your mother and to your elder”. I
always give forgiveness to them because they are my family and I have no resentment towards
to them. If they talked to me and asked me I always reply with respect and good manners.
When my sister was angry at me and texted me a lot of bad messages I just never reply it and
ignored. Thinking that everything will going to be fine.
Society Challenges

This COVID19 is what we currently facing today. We are bound and imprisoned by
this virus. This kind of virus is not a usual virus that we already encountered. It affects
everything not just in our country but all over the world who’s trying to create a vaccine for it.
Our Government tried to manage everything enable us to be keep safe and sustain our daily
needs. The Doctors and Nurses who’s prone to COVID19 positive they risk their lives, their
family, their safety and everything just to take care all of the peoples who needed them. The
Military and Police who’s outside trying to give discipline to the peoples who’s not following
the safety rules and regulations that are implemented by our government. The Vendors, their
business and income was affected by this pandemic. The Workers who’s having a hard time to
go to work in every day. All of the Students are advised to remain at home and studies online.
Our School who’s noisy and a happy place for everyone during school days but now it’s a
quiet place and uninteresting one. The Community ceremonies are all cancelled, former
pleasures are limited we do now. Everyone was sacrificing on how to get through everyday
life. This circumstances is not pleasant and we all want to end it so that everyone can get back
to our normal life who’s free to do several fun activities, our economy, and the freedom that
we all want. By this pandemic, instead of the kids are playing outside but now they are all
addicted to the phones because they are strictly can’t go out.

All of us was tested on how strong faith of God we have. How we believe in him and
trust him as well. All of us was praying for this pandemic to have a solution. Everyone was
learned on how to be conscious in cleanliness for themselves and to their surroundings. It
teaches and disciplined us for following the given rules. We eat healthy foods such as fruits
and veggies we literally became more health conscious just be able to have a strong immune
system and get away from illness or from this virus. Well me, I followed to the implemented
safety rules and regulations by our government and whenever I’m outside I always do wear
face mask together with face shield and alcohol. Also, I observe social distancing whenever I
goes to. I do pray for God in every time, hoping that someday this Pandemic will be vanish
away and we will get back to our normal life. Luckily, everyone was really participating this
new normal way of our government. We became mindful in so many ways from budgeting
expenses, lesser unnecessary consumed and the food we eat. It brings us together with our
families, discovered more skills and hobbies.

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