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Chapter 5.


While admixtures, unlike cement, aggregate and water, are not an essential component of the
concrete mix, they are an important and increasingly widespread component: in many countries, a mix
which contains no admixtures is nowadays an exception.

Benefits of admixtures
The reason for the large growth in the use of admixtures is that they are capable of imparting
considerable physical and economic benefits with respect to concrete. These benefits include the use of
concrete under circumstances where previously there existed considerable difficulties.
Admixtures, although not always cheap, do not necessarily represent additional expenditure
because their use can result in concomitant savings, for example, in the cost of labor required to effect
compaction, in the cement content which would otherwise be necessary, or in improving durability
without the use of additional measures.
It should be stressed that, while properly used admixtures are beneficial to concrete, they are no
remedy for poor quality mix ingredients, for use of incorrect mix proportions, or for poor workmanship
in transporting, placing and compaction.

Types of admixtures
An admixture can be defined as a chemical product which, except in special cases, is added to the
concrete mix in quantities no larger than 5 per cent by mass of cement during mixing or during an
additional mixing operation prior to the placing of concrete, for the purpose of achieving modifications,
to the normal properties of concrete.
Admixtures may be organic or inorganic in composition and their essential feature is they are not
mineral, because the mineral products incorporated in the mix, almost invariably in excess of 5 per
cent of the mass of cement, are referred to as cementitious materials or as additives.
Admixtures are commonly classified by their function in concrete but often they exhibit some
additional action. The classification of ASTM C 494-10 is as follows:
Type A Water-reducing
Type B Retarding
Type C Accelerating
Type D Water-reducing and retarding
Type E Water-reducing and accelerating
Type F High-range water-reducing or superplasticizing, and
Type G High-range water-reducing and retarding, or superplasticizing and retarding
The British Standard for admixtures is BS EN 934-2: 2009. Also relevant are BS EN 480 –
numerous parts.
In practice, admixtures are marketed as proprietary products, and promotional literature sometimes
includes claims of varied and wide-ranging benefits. While these may be true, some of the benefits
occur only indirectly as a consequence of particular circumstances so that it is important to
understand the specific effects of admixtures before they are used.
Admixtures may be used in solid or liquid state. The latter is usual because a liquid can be more
rapidly dispersed in a uniform manner during mixing of concrete, the admixture being discharged into
the mixing water, or separately in dilute form but simultaneously with the mixing water, usually during
the latter part of the water feed. Superplasticizers are subject to special methods of incorporation into
the mix.
The dosages of the various admixtures, usually expressed as a percentage of the mass of cement in
the mix, are recommended by the manufacturers but they are often varied according to circumstances.
The effectiveness of any admixture may vary depending on its dosage in the concrete and also on
the constituents of the mix, especially the properties of the cement. With some admixtures, the
relevant dosage is the solids content and not the total mass of the admixture in liquid form.

It is important that the effect of any admixture should not be highly sensitive to small variations in
its dosage as such variations can occur accidentally during the production of concrete. The effect of
many admixtures is influenced by temperature; for this reason their performance at extreme
temperatures should be determined prior to use.
Admixtures should, generally speaking, not be allowed to come into contact with skin or eyes.

Accelerating admixtures
For brevity, these ASTM Type C admixtures will be referred to as accelerators. Their function is
primarily to accelerate the early strength development of concrete, that is hardening although they may
also accidentally accelerate the setting of concrete. If a distinction between the two actions is
required, it may be useful to refer to set-accelerating properties.
Accelerators may be used when concrete is to be placed at low temperatures, say 2 to 4 °C (35 to
40 °F), in the manufacture of precast concrete (where a rapid removal of formwork is desirable) or in
urgent repair work. Other benefits of using an accelerator are that it allows earlier finishing of the
concrete surface and application of insulation for protection, and also putting the structure into
service earlier.
Conversely, at high temperatures, accelerators may result in too high a rate of development of heat
of hydration and in shrinkage cracking.5.4
While accelerators are often used at very low temperatures, they are not anti-freezing agents; they
depress the freezing point of concrete by no more than 2 °C (or about 3.5 °F), so that the usual anti-
freezing precautions should always be taken. Special anti-freezing agents are being developed5.8,5.9 but
are still not fully proven.
The most common accelerator used over many decades was calcium chloride. Calcium chloride is
effective in accelerating the hydration of the calcium silicates, mainly C3S, possibly by a slight change
in the alkalinity of the pore water. Although the mechanism of its action is even now poorly
understood, there is no doubt that calcium chloride is an effective and cheap accelerator but it has one
serious defect: the presence of chloride ions in the vicinity of steel reinforcement or other embedded
steel is highly conducive to corrosion.
Although the reactions of corrosion take place only in the presence of water and oxygen, the
presence of chloride ions in concrete impose that calcium chloride should never be incorporated into
reinforced concrete; in prestressed concrete, the risks are even higher. In consequence, various
standards and codes prohibit the use of calcium chloride in concrete containing embedded steel or
aluminum. Moreover, even in plain concrete, when its durability may be impaired by outside agencies,
the use of calcium chloride may be inadvisable. For instance, the resistance of cement to sulfate attack
is reduced by the addition of CaCl2 to lean mixes. Another undesirable feature of the addition of
CaCl2 is that it increases the drying shrinkage usually by about 10 to 15 per cent, sometimes even
more,5.24 and possibly increases also the creep.
Although the addition of CaCl2 reduces the danger of frost attack during the first few days after
placing, the resistance of air-entrained concrete to freezing and thawing at later ages is adversely
affected. Some indication of this is given in Fig. 5.1.

Fig. 5.1. Resistance to freezing and thawing of

concrete cured moist at 4 °C (40 °F)
for different contents of CaCI25.24
On the credit side, CaCl2 has been found to raise the resistance of concrete to erosion and
abrasion, when plain concrete is steam cured, CaCl2 increases the strength of concrete.

Some researchers express the view that the use of calcium chloride does not contribute significantly
to the corrosion of steel reinforcement if concrete is well proportioned and well compacted, and if the
cover to the reinforcement is adequate.5.53 Unfortunately, on site, such perfection may, from time to
time, not be achieved, and the risk of using calcium chloride greatly outweighs its benefits. Moreover,
experience has shown that, under extreme conditions of exposure existing in some countries, only high
performance concrete would protect the reinforcement from corrosion.
This concern has led to the search for chloride-free accelerators. No single accelerator has become
widely accepted but a description of those which can be used may be of value.
Calcium nitrite and calcium nitrate are possible accelerators; the former also appears to be a
corrosion inhibitor.5.1 Calcium formate and sodium formate are also possibilities. Trial mixes involving
any given cement should be made. Calcium formate increases the strength of concrete up to about 24
hours, the effect being greater with low C3A cements.5.3
The precise mode of action of accelerators is still unknown.

Table 5.1. Effect of Accelerators on the Strength of Concretes made with Different Cements 5.20

The preceding discussion indicates that no single accelerator is widely accepted. It is useful to note,
at the same time, that the demand for accelerators has decreased, especially in the manufacture of
precast concrete, as there exist other means of achieving a high early strength, such as the use of very
low water/cement ratios in conjunction with superplasticizers. However, the use of accelerators at low
placing temperatures continues.

Retarding admixtures
A delay in the setting of the cement paste can be achieved by the addition to the mix of a retarding
admixture (ASTM Type B), for brevity, referred to as a retarder. Retarders generally slow down also
the hardening of the paste although. Retarders do not alter the composition or identity of products of
Retarders are useful in concreting in hot weather, when the normal setting time is shortened by the
higher temperature, and in preventing the formation of cold joints. In general, they prolong the time
during which concrete can be transported, placed, and compacted. The delay in hardening caused by
the retarders can be used to obtain an architectural finish of exposed aggregate: the retarder is applied
to the interior surface of the formwork so that the hardening of the adjacent cement is delayed. This
cement can be brushed off after the formwork has been struck so that an exposed aggregate surface is
The use of retarders can sometimes affect structural design; for example, continuous massive
pours can be used with controlled retardation of the various parts of the pour, instead of segmental
Retarding action is exhibited by sugar, carbohydrate derivatives, soluble zinc salts, soluble borates
and some other salts;5.51 methanol is also a possible retarder.5.12 In practice, retarders which are also
water-reducing (ASTM Type B) are more commonly used; these are described in the next section.
The mechanism of the action of retarders has not been established with certainty.

Great care is necessary in using retarders because, in incorrect quantities, they can totally inhibit the
setting and hardening of concrete. Cases are known of seemingly inexplicable results of strength tests
when sugar bags have been used for the shipment of aggregate samples to the laboratory or when
molasses bags have been used to transport freshly mixed concrete. The effects of sugar depend
greatly on the quantity used, and conflicting results were reported in the past.5.6 It seems that, used in a
carefully controlled manner, a small quantity of sugar (about 0.05 per cent of the mass of cement) will
act as an acceptable retarder: the delay in setting of concrete is about 4 hours. 5.55 The retarding action
of sugar is probably by the prevention of the formation of C-S-H.5.50 However, the exact effects of
sugar depend greatly on the chemical composition of cement. For this reason, the performance of
sugar, and indeed of any retarder, should be determined by trial mixes with the actual cement which is
to be used in construction.
A large quantity of sugar, say 0.2 to 1 per cent of the mass of cement, will virtually prevent the
setting of cement. Such quantities of sugar can therefore be used as an inexpensive ‘kill’, for instance
when a mixer or an agitator has broken down and cannot be discharged. In the construction of the
tunnel between England and France in the early 1990s, molasses was used to prevent setting of
residual concrete as washing out underground was not possible.
When sugar is used as a controlled set retarder, the early strength of concrete is severely
reduced5.26 but, beyond about 7 days, there is an increase in strength of several per cent compared with
a non-retarded mix.5.55This is probably due to the fact that delayed setting produces a denser hydrated
cement gel.
It is interesting to note that the effectiveness of an admixture depends on the time when it is
added to the mix: a delay of even 2 minutes after water has come into contact with the cement
increases the retardation; sometimes, such a delay can be achieved by a suitable sequence of feeding
the mixer.
As retarders are frequently used in hot weather it is important to note that the retarding effect is
smaller at higher temperatures (see Fig. 5.4) and some retarders cease to be effective at extremely high
ambient temperatures, about 60 °C (140 °F).

Fig. 5.4. Influence of temperature on initial setting time of concretes with various contents of
retarder (by mass of cement) (cited in ref. 5.13)

Retarders tend to increase the plastic shrinkage because the duration of the plastic stage is
extended, but drying shrinkage is not affected.5.38
ASTM C 494-10 requires Type B admixtures to retard the initial set by at least 1 hour but not more
than 3.5 hours, as compared with a control mix. The compressive strength from the age of 3 days
onwards is allowed to be 10 per cent less than the strength of the control concrete.

Water-reducing admixtures
According to ASTM C 494-10, admixtures which are only water-reducing are called Type A, but if the
water-reducing properties are associated with retardation, the admixture is classified as Type D. There
exist also water-reducing and accelerating admixtures (Type E) but these are of little interest. However,

if the water-reducing admixture exhibits, as a side effect, set retardation, this can be opposed by an
incorporation of an accelerator in the mix. The most common accelerator is triethanolamine.
As their name implies, the function of water-reducing admixtures is to reduce the water content of
the mix, usually by 5 or 10 per cent, sometimes (in concretes of very high workability) up to 15 per
cent. Thus, the purpose of using a water-reducing admixture in a concrete mix is to allow a reduction in
the water/cement ratio while retaining the desired workability or, alternatively, to improve its
workability at a given water/cement ratio. Whereas aggregate which is badly graded should not be
used, water-reducing admixtures improve the properties of fresh concrete made with poorly graded
aggregate, e.g. a harsh mix. Concrete containing a water-reducing admixture generally exhibits low
segregation and good ‘flowability’.
Water-reducing admixtures can also be used in pumped concrete.
The two main groups of admixtures of Type D are: (a) lignosulfonic acids and their salts, and (b)
hydroxylated carboxylic acids and their salts.

Fig. 5.5. Effect of various water-reducing admixtures on the setting time of concrete. 5.28 Numbers
1 and 2 are lignosulfonate-based; 3 and 4 are hydroxylated carboxylic acid-based
The principal active components of the admixtures are surface-active agents.5.27 These are
substances which are concentrated at the interface between two immiscible phases and which alter the
physico-chemical forces acting at this interface. The substances are adsorbed on the cement particles,
giving them a negative charge which leads to repulsion between the particles, and results in
stabilizing their dispersion; air bubbles are also repelled and cannot attach themselves to the cement
The electrostatic charge prevents a close approach of the particles to one another. The particles
have, therefore, a greater mobility, becomes available to lubricate the mix so that the workability is
increased. Some Type D admixtures are also adsorbed on the products of hydration of cement.
As one effect of dispersion of cement particles, is to expose a greater surface area of cement to
Generally, the dosage per 100 kg of cement is lower in mixes with a high cement content. Some
water-reducing admixtures are more effective when used in mixes containing pozzolanas than in
Portland-cement-only mixes.
With many water-reducing admixtures, a slight delay in the introduction of the admixtures into the
mix (even as low as 20 seconds from the time of contact between cement and water) enhances the
performance of the admixture.
In general terms, admixtures are effective with all types of Portland cement and also with high-
alumina cement. The actual effectiveness of any water-reducing admixture depends on the cement
content, water content, type of aggregate used, presence of air-entraining agents or pozzolanas, as well
as on temperature. It is, therefore, apparent that trial mixes, containing the actual materials to be used
on the job, are essential in order to determine the type and quantity of admixture to achieve optimum
properties: reliance on the data given by the manufacturers of admixtures is insufficient.

Superplasticizers are admixtures which are water reducing but significantly and particularly more so
than the water-reducing admixtures considered in the preceding section. Superplasticizers are also

usually highly distinctive in their nature, and they make possible the production of concrete which, in
its fresh or hardened state, is substantially different from concrete made using water-reducing
admixtures of Types A, D, or E because a very low w/c or a high workability can be obtained.
For these reasons, superplasticizers are classified separately by ASTM C 494-10, and they are
discussed separately in this book. ASTM C 494-10 refers to superplasticizers as “water-reducing, high
range admixtures” but this name seems to be too long and too complex. On the other hand, the name
‘superplasticisers’ or ‘super’ has become widely accepted and therefore, the term superplasticizers
will be used in this book.
In the ASTM terminology, superplasticizers are referred to as Type F admixtures; when the
superplasticizers are also retarding they are called Type G admixtures.

Nature of superplasticizers
There exist four main categories of superplasticizers: sulfonated melamine-formaldehyde condensates;
sulfonated naphthalene-formaldehyde condensates; modified lignosulfonates; and others such as
sulfonic-acid esters and carbohydrate esters.
The first two are the most common ones. For brevity, they will be referred to as melamine-based
superplasticizers and naphthalene-based superplasticizers, respectively.
Superplasticizers are water-soluble organic polymers which by a complex polymerization
process, produce long molecules of high molecular mass, and they are therefore relatively expensive.
On the other hand, because they are manufactured for a specific purpose, their characteristics can be
optimized in terms of length of molecules. They also have a low content of impurities so that, even at
high dosages, they do not exhibit unduly harmful side effects. A larger molecular mass, within limits,
improves the efficiency of superplasticizers. The majority of superplasticizers are in the form of
sodium salts but calcium salts are also produced.

Effects of superplasticizers
The main action of the long molecules is to wrap themselves around the cement particles and give
them a highly negative charge so that they repel each other. This results in dispersion of cement
particles. The resulting improvement in workability can be exploited in two ways: by producing
concrete with a very high workability or concrete with a very high strength.
At a given water/cement ratio and water content in the mix, the dispersing action of
superplasticizers increases the workability of concrete, typically by raising the slump from 75 mm (3
in.) to 200 mm (8 in.), the mix remaining cohesive (see Fig. 5.8).5.42 Even a higher slump can be
achieved in self-compacting concrete. The resulting concrete can be placed with little or no
compaction and is not subject to excessive bleeding or segregation. Such concrete is termed flowing
concrete and is useful for placing in very heavily reinforced sections, in inaccessible areas, in floor
slabs, and also where very rapid placing is desired. Properly compacted flowing concrete is believed to
develop normal bond with reinforcement.5.52 It should be remembered, when designing formwork, that
flowing concrete can exert full hydrostatic pressure.

Fig. 5.8. Relation between flow table spread and water content of concrete with and without

The second use of superplasticizers is in the production of concrete of normal workability but with
an extremely high strength owing to a very substantial reduction in the water/cement ratio.
Water/cement ratios down to 0.2 have been used with 28-day cylinder strengths of about 150 MPa (22
000 psi). Generally speaking, superplasticizers can reduce the water content for a given workability
by 25 to 35 per cent (compared with less than half that value in the case of conventional water-
reducing admixtures), and increase the 24-hour strength by 50 to 75 per cent;5.39 an even greater
increase occurs at somewhat earlier ages. Practical mixes with a cube strength of 30 MPa (4300 psi) at
7 hours have been obtained5.39 (see Fig. 5.9). With steam-curing or high-pressure steam-curing, even
higher early strengths are possible.

Fig. 5.9. The influence of the addition of superplasticizer on the early strength (measured on
cubes) of concrete with a cement content of 370 kg/m3 (630 lb/yd3) and cast at room temperature.
Type III cement; all concretes of the same workability 5.46
Performance requirements for superplasticizers to produce flowing concrete and to produce very
high strength concrete are given, respectively, in ASTM C 1017-07 and ASTM C 494-10, and for both
types of concrete in BS EN 934-2: 2009. It is worth noting that the Standard requirements for
improvement both in workability and in strength are greatly exceeded by the available commercial
Superplasticizers do not alter fundamentally the structure of hydrated cement paste, the main effect
being a better distribution of cement particles and, consequently, their better hydration. This would
explain why, in some cases, the use of superplasticizers was found to increase the strength of concrete
at a constant water/cement ratio. Values of a 10 per cent increase at 24 hours and a 20 per cent increase
at 28 days have been quoted, but this behavior has not been universally confirmed.5.13
What is important is that no decline of strength at long ages has ever been reported.

Dosage of superplasticizers
For increasing the workability of the mix, the normal dosage of superplasticizers is between 1 and 3
liters per cubic meter of concrete, the liquid superplasticizer containing about 40 per cent of active
material. When superplasticizers are used to reduce the water content of the mix, their dosage is much
higher: 5 to 20 liters per cubic meter of concrete. In the calculation of the water/cement ratio and of
mix proportions in general, the volume of the liquid containing superplasticizer must be taken into
It is worth noting that the concentration of solids in commercial superplasticizers varies so that any
comparison of performance should be made on the basis of the amount of solids, and not on the total
mass. For practical purposes, comparison should be made on the basis of the price for a given effect.
The effectiveness of a given dosage of a superplasticizer depends on the water/cement ratio of the
mix. Specifically, at a given dosage of the superplasticizer, the percentage water reduction which
maintains a constant workability is much higher at low water/cement ratios than at high water/cement
ratios; for example, at a water/cement ratio of 0.40, the reduction was observed to be 23 per cent, and
only 11 per cent at a water/cement ratio of 0.55. 5.13
When superplasticizers are used in very low dosages to produce high-workability normal-strength
concrete, there are few problems in selecting an admixture–cement combination. At high dosages, the
situation is significantly different in that the superplasticizer has to be compatible with the actual

cement used, and it is not enough for the superplasticizer and the cement separately to conform to their
respective standards. The problem of compatibility is discussed later.

Loss of workability
It is logical to assume that the first dosage of the superplasticizer must be applied soon after the cement
and water have come into contact with one another. Otherwise, the initial reactions of hydration would
make it impossible for the superplasticizer to effect adequate de-bonding of the cement particles.
The theoretical optimum time for adding a superplasticizer is to be established by experiment. In
actual construction, it is the practicality of adding the superplasticizer that governs.
The effectiveness of superplasticizers in preventing re-accumulation of cement particles lasts only
as long as sufficient superplasticizer molecules are available to cover the exposed surface of cement
particles. As some of the superplasticizer molecules become entrapped in the products of hydration of
cement or react with the C3A, the supply of superplasticizer becomes inadequate and the workability of
the mix is rapidly lost.
An example5.31 of the loss of workability of concrete made with a naphthalene-based
superplasticizer is shown in Fig. 5.10. For comparison, the loss of workability of an admixture-free mix
with the same initial slump is shown in the same figure. It can be seen that the loss occurs much faster
with a superplasticizer but, of course, the superplasticized concrete has a lower water/cement ratio and
consequently a higher strength.

Fig. 5.10. Loss of slump with time of concretes: (A) water/cement ratio of 0.58 and no
admixture; (B) water/cement ratio of 0.47 and superplasticizer (based on ref. 5.31)
Because the effectiveness of superplasticizers is limited in duration, it may be advantageous to add
the superplasticizer to the mix in two, or even three, operations. Such repeated addition, or re-dosage,
is possible if an agitator truck is used to deliver the concrete to site. If the workability is to be restored
by the re-dosage sometime after the original mixing, the amount of superplasticizer has to be adequate
to act both on the cement particles and on the products of hydration. Therefore, a high re-dosage of
superplasticizer is necessary; a small re-dosage is ineffective.5.23
Whereas repeated addition of the superplasticizer to the mix is beneficial from the standpoint of
workability, it may increase bleeding and segregation.
An example of an effect of the application of a re-dosage of a naphthalene-based superplasticizer
on workability is shown in Fig. 5.11 for a concrete with a water/cement ratio of 0.50; the initial dosage
and each of the subsequent three re-dosages were the same, namely 0.4 per cent of solids by mass of

Fig. 5.11. Influence of repeated re-dosage of naphthalene-based superplasticizer on slump (based
on ref. 5.1)
The quantity of superplasticizer which needs to be added to restore the workability increases with
temperature in the range of 30 to 60 °C (86 to 140 °F), and is much higher at a water/cement ratio of
about 0.4 than at higher water/cement ratios. Even though the original workability is restored by a
second or even a third dosage of a superplasticizer, the subsequent loss of workability becomes more
rapid. However, the rate of the loss is not increased at higher temperatures. 5.18
Nowadays, there exist superplasticizers with a long period of effectiveness so that re-dosing
immediately prior to placing of concrete can be avoided. The use of such superplasticizers offers a
better control of the mix proportions and is, therefore, preferable. 5.52

Superplasticizer–cement compatibility
If a large dosage of the superplasticizer is used in order to achieve a very low water/cement ratio or if
re-dosage of the superplasticizer is not possible, it is important to establish a compatible
superplasticizer–cement combination. When the two materials are well-matched, a large single dosage
can lead to the retention of high workability for a sufficiently long period: 60 to 90 minutes can be
achieved and, occasionally, even 2 hours.
While assessing compatibility, the required dosage of the superplasticizer should be established.
The finer the cement the higher the dosage of a superplasticizer required to obtain a given
workability.5.17 The chemical properties of cement, (such as a high C3A content) reduces the
effectiveness of a given dosage of the superplasticizer.
From the preceding discussion, it can be seen that a single value of dosage, sometimes
recommended by the superplasticizer manufacturer, is of little value.
In searching for a suitable combination of cement and superplasticizer, it is sometimes easier to
vary the superplasticizer whereas, at other times, varying of available cements.

Use of superplasticizers
The availability of superplasticizers has revolutionized the use of concrete in a number of ways,
making it possible to place it, and to do so easily, where it was not possible to do so before.
Superplasticizers make it also possible to produce concrete with significantly superior strength and
other properties, now termed high performance concrete (see Chapter 13).
Superplasticizers do not significantly affect the setting time of concrete except that, when used with
cements having a very low C3A content, there may be high retardation. They can be successfully used
in concrete containing fly ash5.47 and are particularly valuable when silica fume is present in the mix
because that material increases the water demand of the mix.5.32 However, if re-dosage is necessary, the
quantity of the superplasticizer required is larger than when the concrete contains no silica fume. 5.19
Superplasticizers do not influence shrinkage, creep, modulus of elasticity 5.41 or resistance to
freezing and thawing.5.40 They have no effect per se on the durability of concrete.5.14 Specifically,
durability on exposure to sulfates is unaffected.5.41 The use of superplasticizers with an air-entraining
admixture requires caution as sometimes the actual amount of entrained air is modified by the

Special admixtures
In addition to the admixtures so far considered in the present chapter, there exist also admixtures for
other purposes, such as air detrainment, anti-bacterial action, and waterproofing, but these are not
sufficiently standardized to make reliable generalizations possible. Moreover, some of the names under
which certain admixtures are sold give an exaggerated impression of their performance.
This is not to say that these admixtures are not beneficial: under many circumstances, they serve a
very useful purpose, but their performance needs to be carefully established prior to use.

Waterproofing admixtures
Concrete absorbs water because surface tension in capillary pores in the hydrated cement paste ‘pulls
in’ water by capillary suction. Waterproofing admixtures aim at preventing this penetration of water
into concrete. Their performance is very much dependent on whether the applied water pressure is low,
as in the case of rain (other than driven by wind) or capillary rise, or whether a hydrostatic pressure is
applied, as in the case of water-retaining structures or structures such as basements in waterlogged
ground. The term ‘waterproofing’ is therefore of doubtful validity.
Waterproofing admixtures may act in several ways but their effect is mainly to make concrete
hydrophobic. By this is water is ‘pushed out’ of the pores.
One action of waterproofing admixtures is through reaction with the calcium hydroxide in hydrated
cement paste; examples of products used are stearic acid and some vegetable and animal fats. The
effect is to make the concrete hydrophobic.
Another third type of waterproofing admixture is in the form of very fine material containing
calcium stearate or some hydrocarbon resins or coal tar pitches which produce hydrophobic surfaces. 5.2
In practice, complete coating of all surfaces of capillary pores is difficult to attain, with the
consequence that full waterproofing is unlikely to be achieved. 5.3
A side effect of some waterproofing admixtures is to improve the workability of the mix owing to
the presence of finely divided wax or bituminous emulsions, which entrain some air. They also
improve cohesion of the concrete but may result in a ‘sticky’ mix. 5.3
Because of the nature of the waterproofing admixtures, they are not effective in resisting attack by
aggressive gases.5.2
A final point to be made about waterproofing admixtures is that, because their exact composition is
often unknown, it is vital to ascertain that they contain no chlorides if the concrete is likely to be used
in a situation which is sensitive to chloride-induced corrosion.
Waterproofing admixtures should be distinguished from water repellents, based on silicone resins,
which are applied to the concrete surface. Waterproof membranes are emulsion-based bitumen
coatings, possibly with rubber latex, which produce a tough film with some degree of elasticity.

Air entrainment
Because the damaging action of freezing and thawing involves expansion of water on freezing, it is
logical to expect that, if excess water can readily escape into adjacent air-filled voids, damage of
concrete will not occur. This is the underlying principle of air entrainment. It should be emphasized,
however, that the volume of capillary pores should be minimized as otherwise the volume of
freezable water would exceed that without air entraining. This requirement translates into the need for
an adequately low water/cement ratio, which also ensures a strength of concrete such that it can better
resist the damaging forces induced by freezing. According to ACI 201.2R11.92 to be resistant to freezing
and thawing, concrete should have a water/cement ratio not greater than 0.50; this is reduced to 0.45 in
thin sections including bridge decks and curbs. Alternatively, concrete should not be exposed to cycles
of freezing and thawing until its strength has reached 24 MPa (3500 psi).
Entrained air in concrete is defined as air intentionally incorporated by means of a suitable agent.
This air should be clearly distinguished from accidentally entrapped air: the two kinds differ in the
magnitude of the air bubbles, those of entrained air having typically a diameter of about 50 μm (0.002
in.), whereas accidental air usually forms very much larger bubbles, some as large as the familiar,
hollows on the formed surface of concrete.
Entrained air produces discrete, nearly spherical, bubbles in the cement paste so that no channels
for the flow of water are formed and the permeability of the concrete is not increased. The voids never
become filled with the products of hydration of cement as gel can form only in water.

The improved resistance of air-entrained concrete to frost attack was discovered accidentally when
cement ground with beef tallow, added as a grinding aid, was observed to make more durable concrete
than when no grinding aid was used. The main types of air-entraining agents are:
(a) salts of fatty acids derived from animal and vegetable fats and oils (beef tallow being an
example of this group)
(b) alkali salts of wood resins, and
(c) alkali salts of sulfated and sulfonated organic compounds.
The air-entraining admixture is normally dispensed into the mixer direct in the form of a solution.
The timing of the discharge of the admixture into the mixer is of importance so as to ensure a uniform
distribution and adequate mixing for the formation of the foam. If other admixtures are also used, they
should not come into contact with the air-entraining admixture prior to entering the mixer because
their interaction could affect their performance
The severity of exposure of the concrete affects the value of the air content which should be
specified. In “severe exposure” which describes conditions such that concrete may be in almost
continuous contact with moisture prior to freezing or where de-icing salts are used; the air content in
mortar is expected to be 9 per cent. “Moderate exposure” describes conditions when concrete is only
occasionally exposed to moisture prior to freezing and when no de-icing salts are used; the air content
in mortar is expected to be 7 per cent.
Air-entraining admixtures can be used when other admixtures are also included in the mix. When
water-reducing admixtures are used at the same time as air-entraining admixtures, a lesser amount of
the latter is frequently needed for a given percentage of air, even if the water-reducing admixture has
no air-entraining properties. The explanation is that the physical or chemical environment is altered so
as to permit the air-entraining admixture to operate more efficiently. It should be noted that
combinations of some admixtures may be incompatible, so that tests with the actual materials to be
used should always be made. Indeed, trial mixes to determine the required dosage of any given air-
entraining admixture are highly recommended

Hydration controlling admixtures became available in the late 1980s. They consist of a two-part
chemical system:
(1) a stabilizer or retarder that essentially stops the hydration of cementing materials, and (2) an
activator that reestablishes normal hydration and setting when added to the stabilized concrete. The
stabilizer can suspend hydration for 72 hours and the activator is added to the mixture just before the
concrete is used. These admixtures make it possible to reuse concrete returned in a ready-mix truck by
suspending setting overnight. The admixture is also useful in maintaining concrete in a stabilized non-
hardened state during long hauls. The concrete is reactivated when it arrives at the project. This
admixture presently does not have a standard specification (Kinney 1989).


Corrosion inhibitors are used in concrete for parking structures, marine structures, and bridges where
chloride salts are present. The chlorides can cause corrosion of steel reinforcement in concrete (Fig. 6-
16). Ferrous oxide and ferric oxide form on the surface of reinforcing steel in concrete. Ferrous oxide,
though stable in concrete’s alkaline environment, reacts with chlorides to form complexes that move
away from the steel to form rust. The chloride ions continue to attack the steel until the passivating
oxide layer is destroyed. Corrosion-inhibiting admixtures chemically arrest the corrosion reaction.
Commercially available corrosion inhibitors include: calcium nitrite, sodium nitrite, dimethyl
ethanolamine, amines, phosphates, and ester amines. Anodic inhibitors, such as nitrites, block the
corrosion reaction of the chloride- ions by chemically reinforcing and stabilizing the passive protective
film on the steel; this ferric oxide film is created by the high pH environment in concrete. The nitrite-
ions cause the ferric oxide to become more stable. In effect, the chloride-ions are prevented from
penetrating the passive film and making contact with the steel.

Fig. 6-16. The damage to this concrete parking structure resulted from chloride-induced
corrosion of steel reinforcement.

A certain amount of nitrite can stop corrosion up to some level of chloride-ion. Therefore, increased
chloride levels require increased levels of nitrite to stop corrosion. Cathodic inhibitors react with the
steel surface to interfere with the reduction of oxygen. The reduction of oxygen is the principal
cathodic reaction in alkaline environments (Berke and Weil 1994).


Pumping aids are added to concrete mixtures to improve pumpability. Pumping aids cannot cure all
unpumpable concrete problems; they are best used to make marginally pumpable concrete more
pumpable. These admixtures increase viscosity or cohesion in concrete to reduce dewatering of the
paste while under pressure from the pump. Some pumping aids may increase water demand, reduce
compressive strength, cause air entrainment, or retard setting time. These side effects can be corrected
by adjusting the mix proportions or adding another admixture to offset the side effect. Materials used in
pumping aids are Organic and synthetic polymers, Bentonite, pyrogenic silicas and hydrated lime. Some
admixtures that serve other primary purposes but also improve pumpability are air entraining agents,
and some water-reducing and retarding admixtures.


Shrinkage-reducing admixtures, introduced in the 1980s, have potential uses in bridge decks, critical
floor slabs, and buildings where cracks and curling must be minimized for durability or aesthetic
reasons (Fig. 6-17). Propylene glycol and polyoxyalkylene alkyl ether have been used as shrinkage
reducers. Drying shrinkage reductions of between 25% and 50% have been demonstrated in laboratory
tests. These admixtures have negligible effects on slump and air loss, but can delay setting. They are
generally compatible with other admixtures.

Fig. 6-17. Shrinkage cracks, such as shown on this bridge deck, can be reduced with the use of
good concreting practices and shrinkage reducing admixtures.

Remarks about the use of admixtures

Admixtures whose performance is known from experience at normal ambient temperatures may behave
differently at very high or very low temperatures.
Some admixtures do not tolerate exposure to freezing temperatures while stored and become
unusable; most of the others require thawing and remixing. Very few are unaffected by freezing
Admixtures, whose performance when used separately is known, may not be compatible when used
together; for this reason, it is essential to use trial mixes for any combination of admixtures.
Even if two admixtures are compatible when introduced into the mix, they may interact adversely if
they come into contact with one another prior to being introduced into the mixer. This is, for example,
the case with the combination of a water-reducing admixture of the lignosulfonate type and an air-
entraining admixture of a vinsol resin-based type.5.29 In consequence, it is a wise precaution to
discharge the various admixtures into the mixer separately and at different locations, and possibly
also at different times. Details of admixture batching systems are given in ACI 212.3R-1991.5.4
When being discharged into the mixer, admixtures have to be not only accurately metered, but it is
also important that they be discharged in the correct part of the mixing cycle and at the correct rate.
Changes in concrete mixing procedure can affect the performance of admixtures.
It is important to know whether any admixture to be used contains chlorides because, generally,
there is specified a limit on the total chloride ion content in the concrete mix so that all sources of
chlorides have to be taken into account.
Reliable test methods are not available to adequately address cement-admixture incompatibility issues
due to variations in materials, mixing equipment, mixing time, and environmental factors. Tests run in
a laboratory do not reflect the conditions experienced by concrete in the field. When incompatibility is
discovered in the field, a common solution is to simply change admixtures or cementing materials

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