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GENERAL INSTRUCTION: Read and analyze the following cases and follow the directions
given. Write your answer on a whole sheet of yellow pad paper following the format of this file.

CASE 1: (10 points)

DIRECTIONS: Classify each of the following sets as FINITE or INFINITE and explain
briefly why it is under any of the given choices.
A = {a, b, a, b}
B = {1, 3, 4, 7, 9}
C = {0, 2, 4, 6, 8, …}
D = the set of negative integers
E = the set of integers between – 10 and 10

CASE 2: (10 points)

DIRECTIONS: Read the given scenario and explain why does this case ended up with the given
solution or answer.
If the company aims to produce 256 versions of the SUV, how many upgrade options must
it offer to its clients?
If there are 256 versions of the SUV, then the total number of upgrades is n, such that
2 = 256
n 8
2 =2
n = 8 upgrades

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