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Do Use ChatGPT to Explore Ideas

While ChatGPT is a poor approximation of real human creativity, it can be a useful
conversational partner. It’s up to you to do the heavy lifting, by initiating dialogue
with unique and meaningful prompts.

Human operators are needed to create engagement around new and meaningful
ideas. But as a human operator, it may be possible for you to deploy this tool as a
way of furthering the creative process.

Think of ChatGPT as a straight man in your acting improv class. It’s up to you to
do the heavy lifting, to throw the creative curveballs, to distinguish your idea from
the boilerplate writing of an AI-based program. If you do this effectively, ChatGPT
can provide follow up questions, create additional context, and generally help you
explore new creative avenues.

Data scientists are now referring to this approach as “prompt engineering.” Prompt
engineering refers to the process–part science, part art–of asking ChatGPT the right
questions. In other words, those who are effective at asking insightful and
meaningful lines of questioning will cause ChatGPT to yield more interesting,
creative and original responses. As a user, it is your goal to be a savvy prompt

Oh, and for a fun creative experiment, try simulating an interview with a historical
person using ChatGPT. For instance, ask it to answer your questions as Abraham
Lincoln. But remember, just how interesting the answers are will depend on the
creativity of your questions.

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