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Service Structure of Engineering

The structure of Engineering Technologists in Pakistan, starting from BPS-17
and progressing up to BPS-22, follows a hierarchical framework that allows
for professional growth and development. In the BPS-17 tier, Engineering
Technologists typically hold mid-level positions, involving specialized
technical responsibilities within their respective fields. As they ascend to
BPS-18 and BPS-19, they often take on more complex project management
roles, contributing to the planning, execution, and supervision of intricate
engineering projects. Moving into BPS-20 and BPS-21, they might find
themselves leading teams and departments, overseeing critical strategic
initiatives, and ensuring the implementation of cutting-edge technologies in
their domains. Finally, at the BPS-22 level, top-tier Engineering Technologists
are likely to hold high-ranking administrative and policymaking positions,
driving innovation, influencing national-level engineering strategies, and
contributing to the advancement of the country's technological landscape.
This progression highlights the increasing responsibility and leadership
opportunities available for Engineering Technologists as they move up the
hierarchical ladder in Pakistan.
Benefits of Legislation of National Technology
Council Pakistan
The legislation of a National Technology Council for Engineering Technology Graduates
could bring several benefits, including:
1. Standardization: Establishing uniform standards for engineering technology education
and certification, ensuring consistency and quality across various educational institutions.
2. Industry Alignment: Facilitating better alignment between academic curricula and industry
requirements, enhancing the employability of graduates and fostering a more seamless
transition into the workforce.
3. Professional Development: Promoting continuous professional development through
workshops, seminars, and other initiatives to keep engineers updated with the latest
technological advancements and best practices.
4. Networking Opportunities: Providing a platform for graduates to network with
professionals in the field, enabling knowledge sharing, collaboration, and potential career
5. Policy Advocacy: Advocating for policies that support the growth and innovation of the
engineering technology sector, contributing to the overall advancement of the nation's
technological capabilities.
Establishing a National Technology Council can thus play a vital role in ensuring the
competitiveness, relevance, and continual advancement of engineering technology
graduates in the ever-evolving technological landscape.
Job segregation as per 2012 MOST meeting
Job segregation between engineers and Engineering Technologists often stems from
differences in educational background and the nature of their roles within various industries.
Engineers typically undergo extensive theoretical and practical training, acquiring in-depth
knowledge of advanced mathematical and scientific principles to design and develop complex
systems and solutions. Their work often involves conceptualizing and overseeing large-scale
projects, emphasizing theoretical analysis and research. On the other hand, Engineering
Technologists primarily focus on the practical application of engineering principles, employing
hands-on skills to implement and maintain existing technologies. Their roles often revolve
around the operation, testing, and maintenance of engineering systems, emphasizing the
practical aspects of problem-solving and project execution. While both roles are vital in the
technical workforce, the distinction in their educational emphasis and job responsibilities can
lead to noticeable divides within the professional landscape..
According to Miost meeting in 2012 both parties agreed on following criteria minutes are
attached below :-

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