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Salwan Public School, Gurugram

Session: 2022 – 2023


Class VI
Subjects Unit
English Literature:
• Chapter 6- Who I Am... (Part I)
• Chapter 7-Fair Play

• Subject Verb Agreement (Contd…)
• Adverbs

Creative Writing:
Notice Writing

Chapter 6- Who I Am..(Part I)

Pre Content

To Read-

Summary: The chapter tells us how everyone has something special in them.
Similarly, it discusses the uniqueness and its importance of people. To help us
understand these unique traits and diversity better, it takes us through the lives
of six different people.. T Radha who enjoys climbing trees, Nasir owns cotton
fields in the village,Rohit is a travel enthusiast, Serbjit who tries to control his
anger, Dolma is wished to become a Prime Minister and Peter enjoys spending
time with his family.

Value: Who I am explores the diversity and uniqueness of people. It takes us

through experiences of different people and their unique personality traits.

To See-

During Class Content

➔ Introduction of the topic.

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➔ Reading the text, finding meaning and discussing the same.
➔ Detailed explanation of the chapter.
➔ Explaining and discussing the theme, characters and the moral of the
➔ Discussion of word meaning, textual exercises and question answers.

Post Class Content

Comprehension Check & Textual exercises pg.73 (to be done in the book only
after discussion in the class)

‘One should respect Individuality’. Do you agree or not? Give reasons to
support your answer.

“When I grow up, I want to become a seed collector. We have cotton fields in
our village and every year, my father spends a lot of money on buying new
seeds to grow our cotton plants. My grandfather told me that many years ago,
he could collect the seeds from his own plants which could be sown to grow
new plants during the next year.”

1. What is his dream to become?

2. Where does his father spend money?
3. What did his grandfather tell him about seeds?

Chapter 7-Fair Play

Pre Content
To Read-

Summary: Jumman Shaikh and Algu Chaudhary are good friends. They are
famous for their loyalty and service to each other. Jumman’s aunt transfers her
property to Jumman only if he agrees to take care of her. However, after a few
years, he changes and starts ill-treating her. Algu, the head Panch makes the
correct decision. He realizes the position and responsibility of a Panch and says
that the voice of the Panch is the voice of God.

Moral: We need to remain impartial and our decisions should not be affected
by revenge. Moreover, we should respect our elders.

Value: Justice must be equal for all. We must all favour the truth and
understand the responsibility given to us and act accordingly.

To See-

During Class Content

➔ Introduction of the topic.
➔ Reading the text, finding meaning and discussing the same.
➔ Detailed explanation of the chapter.
➔ Explaining and discussing the theme, characters and the moral of the
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➔ Discussion of word meaning, textual exercises and question answers.

Post Class Content

Comprehension Check & Textual exercises pg. 91-95 (to be done in the book
only after discussion in the class)

How does the position and responsibility change a person’s perspective?

“The panchayat was held the same evening under an old banyan tree. Jumman
stood up and said, “The voice of the Panch is the voice of God. Let my aunt
nominate the head Panch. I will abide by her decision.” “The Panch knows
neither friend nor enemy. What do you say to Algu Chowdhry?” the old lady

1. What did Jumman say about ‘Panch’?

2. What was famous about ‘The Panch’.
3. Why was Jumman hiding his joy?

Pre Content
Adverbs are words that modify a verb.

● Nidhi runs quickly.
● Govind reads clearly.

Kinds of Adverbs
1. Adverbs of time
2. Adverbs of manner
3. Adverbs of degree
4. Adverbs of place
5. Adverbs of frequency

During Class Content

➔ Introduction of the topic.
➔ Kinds of Adverb, explanation and Value points:

1. Adverbs of Time
An adverb of time is used to give information about when the verb takes place.
They are usually placed at the end of the sentences.
Some of the words that are used as adverbs of time – annually, daily, monthly,
recently, regularly, yet, soon, etc.
Examples of Adverbs of Time:
1. You will recover from this disease soon.
2. It is necessary to check out the accounts monthly.
3. In our school, a sports competition is held annually.

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2. Adverbs of Place
An adverb of place describes more about the place of a verb where it has taken
place. These are generally used after the main verb of the sentence.
Some of the adverbs that are used as adverbs of place – here, there, nowhere,
everywhere, out, in, above, below, etc.
Examples of Adverbs of Place:
1. In my college plants are everywhere in the garden.
2. The cat is sitting below the table.
3. He comes to my house every day.

3. Adverbs of Degree
An adverb of degree describes more about the intensity of the verb in the
sentence. They are generally used before the main verb in a sentence.
Some of the words are as adverbs of degree – almost, quite, nearly, too, etc.
Examples of Adverbs of Degree:
1. You hardly know about India.
2. Ram’ mother is in extremely critical condition.
3. I almost finished my project.

4. Adverbs of Manners
An adverb of manner describes in what manner the verb was carried out. They
are easily picked out from the sentences because they generally end up with -ly.
Some of the words that are used as adverbs of manners – neatly, slowly,
quickly, sadly, etc.
Examples of Adverbs of Manner:
1. She neatly cleaned up her room.
2. Let us quickly finish our office work.
3. He is walking slowly.

5. Adverbs of Frequency
An adverb of frequency describes the recurrency of the verb. They are mostly
used to modify verbs. They are generally used before the main verb.
Some of the words that are used as adverbs of frequency – never, always,
rarely, sometimes, usually, again, etc.
Examples of Adverbs of Frequency:
1. We usually go for weekends with friends.
2. I feel sometimes that you have scolded him more than he deserves.
3. My uncle rarely uses his mobile while eating food.

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Post Class Content

Fill in the blanks with appropriate adverbs.

1. The soldiers fought __________ in the battle. (Manner)
2. She is an __________ kind woman. (Degree)
3. Mohan is __________ ready to help the needy. (Frequency)
4. I went to a circus __________ with my friends. (Time)
5. My uncle is __________these days. (Place)
6. I have never seen such a funny movie __________ (Time)
7. We all had to stand __________ till the rain stopped. (Place)
8. My father is feeling __________ relaxed after taking the medicine. (Degree)
9. The teacher taught the lesson __________ so that the students could be
thorough with it. (Frequency)
10. Radhika spoke __________to her friend. (Manner)

Creative Writing
Notice Writing

Pre Content
A notice is a formal means of communication. The purpose of a notice is to
announce or display information to a particular group of people. Notices are
generally meant to be put up on specific display boards, whether in schools or
in public places.
A notice should be written in the following format:
• Name of the issuing agency (school, etc)
• Subject and date of issue/release of the notice
• Event (what?)
• Date/time/duration (when?)
• Place/Venue (where?)
• Authorised signatory: Name and Signature

During Class Content

➔ Introduction of the topic.
➔ Discussing the tips along with value points:
1. A Well-Written Notice Must Inform the Readers About Five Questions
• What is Going to Happen
• Where It Will Take Place
• When It Will Take Place
• Who Can Apply or is Eligible for It?
• Whom to Contact or Apply to

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2. No Extra Details
Any kind of extra details is not required in notice writing, as it will only
deviate people from the main topic. Notice has to be not more than 50
3. Follow the Structure
Following the notice writing format is highly recommended as it is
uniformly accepted and could be noticed at once.
4. Appropriate Heading
Heading should be appropriate and should have content about the main
purpose of the notice. If the heading is ambiguous people might get
confused and leave the notice unread.
5. Do not use any Pronouns
There should be no pronouns while writing the notice e.g I, you, me etc.
6. Clarity
Even if the message is short, it has to be very clear to the minds of the
reader. Sometimes in cutting short the message we lose the clarity. Notice
has to be precise and accurate.

Post Class Content

You are Kiran/Karan, school captain of Oxford High School, Grurguram. Write
a notice informing the students about a Poetry recitation competition to be held
on 25th November.
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Hindi बाल राम कथा
• सोने का हिरण,

• मैं सबसे छोटी िोऊं,

• संसार एक पुस्तक िै
हिया व कारक की पुनरावृतत
बाल राम कथा

सोने का हिरण
Pre Content

सोने के हिरण के रूप में मारीच वन में घूमता िै | रावण का लक्ष्य सीता
जी को िरण करना था | मारीच हिरन बन कर उनकी मदद कर रिा था
|मारीच हिरन के रूप में इतना सुन्दर बना था , सीता जी का मन उस हिरण
में आ गया और सीता जी किती मुझे यि हिरण चाहिए | राम को कुटी से
तनकलते दे खकर मायावी हिरण कुलाचें भरने लगा। राम को बिुत छकाया।
झाह़ियों में लुकता-तछपता-भागता वि राम को कुटी से बिुत दरू ले गया। राम
जब भी उसे पक़िने का प्रयास करते, वि भागकर और दरू चला जाता। हिरण
चालाक था। वि इतनी दरू कभी निीं जाता था हक पिुुँच से बािर लगे। राम के
सारे प्रयास ववफल िुए। वे हिरण को पक़ि निीं पाए। उन्िोंने उसे जीववत
पक़िने का ववचार त्याग हदया। धनुष उठाया। तनशाना साध। और एक बाण उस
पर छो़ि हदया। बाण लगते िी हिरण तगर प़िा। धरती पर तगरते िी मारीच
अपने असली रूप में आ गया। मारीच के पक़ि में न आने पर उस बाण मारा
जजससे वि मर गया |
मारीच उसे अतधक दे र तक सिन निीं कर पाया। वि छटपटाता रिा। जल्दी िी
उसके प्राण-पखेरू उ़ि गए। मायावी मारीच की पूरी चाल उनके सामने खुल गई।
हिरण जानबूझकर भागता रिा। रावण ने नई योजना बनाई और साधु के रूप में
सीता को लंका में ले जाने के तलए सफल िो गए |

During Class content:

● प्री कंटें ट के आधार पर ववषय का पररचय दे ते िुए चचाा की जाएगी।

● पाठ का पठन करवाया जाएगा तथा पाठ में आए कहठन शब्दों के अथा पर चचाा की जाएगी।
● छात्रों द्वारा पाठ को उतचत अनुमान का बलाघात में उच्चारण करते िुए पढाया जाएगा तथा

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उनकी उच्चारणगत त्रुहटयों को शुद्ध हकया जाएगा।
● पररचचाा ववतध द्वारा पाठ के प्रश्न उत्तर करवाए जाएंगे।
● पाठ में आए पात्रों के पररचय पर चचाा की जाएगी।

Post content
पाठ -सोने का हिरण
1 मृग के रूप में मारीच की कथा का वणान करें ?
2 सीता क्यों व्याकुल िो उठी? उन्िोंने लक्ष्मण से क्या किा?
3 लक्ष्मण सीता को अकेले छो़िकर क्यों निीं जाना चािते थे?उन्िोंने सीता को
क्या किकर ढाढस बनाने का प्रयास हकया?
4 सीता लक्ष्मण पर क्यों िोतधत िो गई?
5 रावण सीता को कैसे िर कर ले गया?
6 रावण ने राक्षस- राक्षतसयों को सीता के साथ कैसा व्यविार करने का तनदे श


पाठ- संसार एक पुस्तक िै

Pre Content

प्रस्तुत पाठ ‘ संसार पुस्तक िै ’ जवािरलाल नेिरू द्वारा अपनी बेटी को तलजखत
पत्र िैं । इन पत्रों में वे अपनी दस वषीय दे ती इं हदरा को पृथ्वी की शुरुआत कैसे
िुई। मनुष्य ने कैसे अपने आप को धीरे -धीरे समझा और पिचाना आहद के बारे
में तचजठठयों के माध्यम से बताते िैं । ये सभी तचजठठयाुँ; वपता के पत्र पुत्री के
नाम’ पुस्तक में संकतलत िैं । प्रस्तुत पाठ इसी पुस्तक से तलया गया िै । ये पत्र
जवािरलाल नेिरू ने अंग्रेजी में तलखे थे और इनका अनुवाद हिन्दी के मशिूर
उपन्यासकार मुंशी प्रेमचंद ने हकया िै ।

प्रस्तुत पाठ में जवािरलाल नेिरू अपने पत्र के माध्यम से दतु नया और छोटे
दे शों के बारे में अपनी पुत्री को बताना चािते थे। जवािरलाल नेिरू इलािाबाद
में थे और उनकी दस वषीय पुत्री इं हदरा मसूरी में थीं।

जवािरलाल नेिरू अपनी बेटी इं हदरा से किते िैं हक तुमने इं ग्लैण्ड और

ु तान के ववषय में इततिास में पढा िोगा। इं ग्लैण्ड एक टापू िै और जबहक
ु तान दतु नया का एक ब़िा दे श िै , हफर भी दतु नया का एक छोटा हिस्सा
िै । यहद इं हदरा को दतु नया का िाल जानना िै तो उन्िें दतु नया की सब जाततयों
को जानना िोगा, न केवल उस दे श का जजसमें वे पैदा िुई िैं ।

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इन छोटे -छोटे पत्रों के माध्यम से उसके वपता केवल उसे थो़िी िी बातें बता
सकते िैं । लेहकन हफर भी इन पत्रों के माध्यम से वे जान पाएुँगी हक दतु नया
एक िै और िम सभी भाई-बिन िै ।
यि धरती करो़िों वषा पुरानी िै । पिले धरती पर कोई जानदार चीज निीं थी।
वैज्ञातनकों ने यि सावबत हकया हक धरती के गरम िोने के कारण हकसी भी
जीव का ववकास संभव निीं था। बाद में धीरे -धीरे धरती पर जीवन का ववकास
आरं भ िुआ। पिा़ि, समुद्र, तसतारे , नहदया, जंगल, जानवरों की पुरानी िजडडयों
आहद से दतु नया का पुराना इततिास जाना जा सकता िै । जब धरती पर मनुष्य
निीं था तो दतु नया का पुराना इततिास कौन तलखता। इसतलए धरती का
इततिास जानने के तलए िमें पत्थरों और पिा़िों से सीखना िोगा। जैसे हकसी
भाषा को सीखने के तलए िम अक्षर ज्ञान प्राप्त करते िैं , उसी प्रकार प्रकृ तत के
बारे में जानने के तलए िमें पत्थरों और चठटानों से जानना िोगा। स़िक पर या
पिा़ि के नीचे का छोटा-सा पत्थर का टु क़िा भी पुस्तक का पृष्ठ बन जाता िै ।
कोई तचकना पत्थर भी अपने बारे में बिुत कुछ बताता िै हक यि गोल,
तचकना, चमकीला और खुरदरु े हकनारे का कैसे िो गया। और अंत में जाकर वि
बालू का कण कैसे िो गया और सागर हकनारे जम गया। अगर छोटा-सा पत्थर
इतनी जानकारी दे सकता िै , तो पिा़ि और अन्य चीजों से िमें कई बातें पता
चल सकती िैं ।

During Class content:

● प्री कंटें ट के आधार पर ववषय का पररचय दे ते िुए चचाा की जाएगी।

● पाठ का पठन करवाया जाएगा तथा पाठ में आए कहठन शब्दों के अथा पर चचाा की जाएगी।
● छात्रों द्वारा पाठ को उतचत अनुमान का बलाघात में उच्चारण करते िुए पढाया जाएगा तथा
उनकी उच्चारणगत त्रुहटयों को शुद्ध हकया जाएगा।
● पररचचाा ववतध द्वारा पाठ के प्रश्न उत्तर करवाए जाएंगे।
● पाठ में आए पात्रों के पररचय पर चचाा की जाएगी।


अक्सर- प्रायः

खातों- पत्रों

आबाद- आबाद िुआ आबादी वाला

बेिद -बिुत अतधक

गौर से -ध्यान से

खुरदरा- ऊंची नीची सति वाला

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जबान- भाषा

दररया- नदी

ज़राा -कण

घरौंडा -तमठटी के छोटे घर

Post Content
पाठ -संसार एक पुस्तक िै
प्रश्न 1. लेखक ने ‘प्रकृ तत के अक्षर’ हकन्िें किा िै ?
उत्तर- लेखक ने पे़ि-पौधों, पत्थरों, नहदयों, जंगलों, जानवर की पुरानी िजडडयों
आहद प्राकृ ततक चीजों को प्रकृ तत के अक्षर किा िै ।

प्रश्न 2. लाखों-करो़िों वषा पिले िमारी धरती कैसी थी?

उत्तर- लाखों-करो़िों वषा पिले धरती बिुत गरम थी और धारती पर कोई
जानदार चीज निीं थी। धरती पर िुए पररवतान के कारण पे़ि –पौधे और
जानवर आये। हफर आदतमयों ने जन्म तलया।

प्रश्न 3. दतु नया का पुराना िाल हकन चीज़ों से जाना जाता िै ? कुछ चीज़ों के
नाम तलखो।
उत्तर- दतु नया का पुराना िाल पिा़ि, समुद्र, तसतारे , नहदयाुँ, जंगल के जानवरों
की पुरानी िजडडयों, पत्थर के टु क़िों से जाना जाता िै ।

प्रश्न 4. गोल, चमकीला रो़िा अपनी क्या किानी बताता िै ?

उत्तर- अभी गोल और चमकीला रो़िा जैसा हदख रिा िै , पिले ऐसा निीं था।
पिले वि एक चठटान का टु क़िा था, जजसमें हकनारे और कोने तनकले िुए थे।
हफर उस टु क़िे को बाररश का पानी बिाकर छोटी घाटी तक ले आया। विाुँ से
एक पिा़िी नाले ने ढकेलकर उसे एक छोटे से दररया में पिुुँचा हदया। इस छोटे
से दररया में लुढकते और तघसते िुए वि चमकीला और तचकना िो गया।

प्रश्न 5. गोल, चमकीले रो़िे को यहद दररया और आगे ले जाता तो क्या िोता?
ववस्तार से उत्तर तलखो।
उत्तर- गोल, चमकीले रो़िे को अगर दररया और आगे ले जाता तो वि छोटा
िोते-िोते अंत में बालू का एक छोटा कण बन जाता। समुद्र के हकनारे पिुुँच कर
अपने जैसे रे त के दस
ू रे कणों के साथ तमलकर एक सुंदर-सा बालू का हकनारा

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बन जाता जजस पर छोटे -छोटे बच्चे खेल रिे िोते और उस रे त पर बालू के
घरौंदे बनाते। लोग उस बालू के रे त को ववतभन्न कामों में प्रयोग करते।

प्रश्न 6. नेिरू जी ने इस बात का िलका-सा संकेत हदया िै हक दतु नया कैसे शुरू
िुई िोगी? उन्िोंने क्यों बताया िै ? पाठ के आधार पर तलखो।
उत्तर- नेिरू जी ने यि बताया िै हक यि पृथ्वी लाखों-करो़िों वषा पुरानी िै । यि
पृथ्वी पिले बिुत गरम थी। इस पर कोई जानदार (जजसमें जान िोती िै ) चीज़
निीं रि सकती थी। यिाुँ पर पिले न कोई आदमी था, न िी कोई जानवर।
करो़िों वषों बाद यि धरती ठं डी िुई हफर धीरे -धीरे इस पर वनस्पततयाुँ पैदा िोने
लगीं। हफर छोटे -छोटे जीव-जंतु पैदा िुए और हफर मनुष्य। इस तरि दतु नया की
शुरुआत िुई।

पाठ- मैं सबसे छोटी िोऊं

Pre Content
प्रस्तुत कववता में एक बातलका अपनी मां की सबसे छोटी संतान बनने की
इच्छा रखती िै । ऐसा करने से वि सदा अपनी मां का प्यार और दल
ु ार पाती
रिे गी। उसकी गोद में खेल पाएगी। उसकी मांँुँ िमेशा उसे अपने आंँुँचल में
रखेगी, उसे कभी अकेला निीं छो़िे गी। उसे लगता िै हक वि सबसे छोटी िोगी,
तो माुँ उसका सबसे अतधक ध्यान रखेगी। सबसे छोटी िोने से उसकी मां उसे
अपने िाथ से निलाएगी, सजाएगी और संवारे गी। उसे प्यार से पररयों की
किानी सुनाकर सुलाएगी। वि कभी ब़िी निीं िोना चािती क्योंहक इससे वि
अपनी मांँुँ का सुरजक्षत और स्नेि से भरा आंँुँचल खो दे गी।

During Class content:

● प्री कंटें ट के आधार पर ववषय का पररचय दे ते िुए चचाा की जाएगी।
● पाठ का पठन करवाया जाएगा तथा पाठ में आए कहठन शब्दों के अथा पर चचाा
की जाएगी।
● छात्रों द्वारा पाठ को उतचत अनुमान का बलाघात में उच्चारण करते िुए पढाया
जाएगा तथा उनकी उच्चारणगत त्रुहटयों को शुद्ध हकया जाएगा।
● पररचचाा ववतध द्वारा पाठ के प्रश्न उत्तर करवाए जाएंगे।
● पाठ में आए पात्रों के पररचय पर चचाा की जाएगी।


१.अंचल – आुँचल

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२. छलना – धोखा दे ना

३ स्पशा करना – छूना

४. मात – माता

५. कर – िाथ

६. सजजजत – सजाना

७ गात – शरीर

८ सुखद – सुख प्रदान करने वाली

९ तनस्पृि – जजसे कोई इच्छा न िो

१० चंद्रोदय – चाुँद का तनकलना

Post Content
पाठ -मैं सबसे छोटी िोऊुँ
प्र .1. कववता में सबसे छोटे िोने की कल्पना क्यों की गई िै ?
उत्तर.1:- कववता में सबसे छोटे िोने की कल्पना इसीतलए की गई िै क्योंहक
पररवार के सबसे छोटे सदस्य को सबसे अतधक प्यार और दल
ु ार तमलता िै और
सबसे ज़्यादा वो मांँुँ का लाडला िोता िै । उसे मांँुँ का सबसे अतधक प्यार
और दे खभाल तमलती िै ।

प्र .2. कववता में ‘ऐसी ब़िी न िोऊुँ मैं’ क्यों किा गया िै ?
उत्तर.2:- ऐसा इसीतलए किा गया िै ताहक उसे िमेशा अपनी मांँुँ का स्नेि
और उनके आंँुँचल का दल
ु ार तमलता रिे ।

प्र .3.कववता में हकसके आुँचल की छाया में तछपे रिने की बात किी गई िै
और क्यों?
उत्तर.3:- कववता में अपनी मां के आंँुँचल की छाया में तछपे रिने की बात
किी गई िै और इसीतलए किी गई िै क्योंहक बच्चों को सबसे ज़्यादा प्यार
उनकी मां िी करती िै तथा उसकी गोद में बच्चा अपने आप को सुरजक्षत व
तचंतामुक्त मिसूस करता िै ।

प्र.4. आशय स्पष्ट करो –

“िाथ पक़ि हफर सदा िमारे
साथ निीं हफरती हदन-रात!”
उत्तर.4:- इस पंवक्त का आशय यि िै हक जैसे-जैसे िम ब़िे िोते जाते िैं , वैसे-

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वैसे मांँुँ का साथ छूटता जाता िै और वो िमारे साथ िर समय िमेशा निीं रि

प्र.5. कववता से पता करके तलखो हक माुँ बच्चों के तलए क्या-क्या काम करती
िै ? तुम स्वयं सोचकर यि भी तलखो हक बच्चों को माुँ के तलए क्या-क्या करना
उत्तर.5:- प्रस्तुत कववता में मां बच्चे को िमेशा अपने आंचल के साए में
रखती िै , प्यार से गोदी में सुलाती िै , खाना जखलाती िै , निलाती, सजाती और
संवारती िै । इसके साथ-साथ उस पररयों की किानी और लोरी भी सुनाती िै ।

िम बच्चों को भी यि चाहिए हक िम अपनी मां की िर बात मानें, उनको छोटी

– छोटी बातों में परे शान ना करें , यथासंभव िर काम में उनकी मदद करें तथा
उनके स्वास्थ्य और सेित का ध्यान रखें। उन्िें िमेशा खुश रखें जैसे वि िमें
िमेशा खुश रखती िैं ।

अततररक्त प्रश्न
१ प्रश्न – कवव और कववता का नाम तलखो ?
उत्तर – कवव का नाम ” सुतमत्रा नंदन पंत और कववता का नाम ” मैं सबसे
छोटी िोऊुँ ” िै ।

२ प्रश्न – बातलका की इच्छा क्या िै और क्यों ?

उत्तर – बातलका की इच्छा यि िै हक वि कभी ब़िी न िो क्योंहक ब़िे िोकर
उसे वि स्नेि और प्यार निीं तमलेगा जो छोटे िोने पर तमलता था।

३ प्रश्न – ऐसा क्यों किा गया िै हक ब़िे िोने पर माुँ छलती िै ?

उत्तर – ब़िे िोने पर माुँ वैसा प्यार दल
ु ार निीं दे ती जैसा छोटे िोने पर दे ती
थी। इसतलए किा गया िै हक ब़िे िोने पर माुँ छलती िै ।

४ प्रश्न – बातलका किाुँ पर सोना चािती िै ?

उत्तर – बातलका माुँ की गोद में उसके आुँचल में सोना चािती िै ।

Sanskrit 1. अष्टमपाठः- सुवक्तस्तबकः

2. नवमपाठः- िीडा स्पधाा।

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3. अव्ययः
4. तचत्राधाररतं वणानम ्
1. अष्टमपाठः- सुवक्तस्तबकः-
कक्षा पूवा सामग्री
इस पाठ मे नीतत श्लोकों का संग्रि हकया गया िै । जो हक जीवन मे करणीय अकरणीय
कायों का बोध कराते िुये व्यवक्तत्व तनमााण मे सिायक िै । इस पाठ के माध्यम से
बतलाया गया िै हक इन्सान कुछ िातसल करना िै तो उसे पररश्रम कनाा िोता िै जजस
प्रकार तसंि अगर स्रोत्त रिे तो उसके मुि मे तशकार स्वयं प्रवेश निी करता।

२- अव्ययः- तलङ्ग ,वचनमथवा ववभवक्त के कारण जजन शब्दों मे पररवतान नहि िोतें
अथाात ् जो तीनों तलङ्गों सातों ववभवक्तयों तीनों वचनों में िमेशा समान िी रह्ते िै ः, उन्िे
अव्यय कह्ते िैं ।

अव्यय- जो शब्द तीनों तलग्ङों में, ततनो वचनों में, तीनों पुरुषों में समान िी
रह्ते िैं

उन्िे अव्यय कह्ते िैं ।

कक्षा दौरान काया-

1. प्रस्तुत पाठ का हिन्दी भाषा में अनुवाद समझना।

2. कहठन शब्दारथों का ज्ञान कराना।
3. ववभवक्त वचनो पर ववचार ववमशाः।
4. अभ्यास प्रश्नों का समाधानम ्।

कक्षा पश्चात काया-

सवेवप प्रश्नाः अतनवायातया समाधेयाः

1. सवे जन्तवः केन तुष्यजन्त?
2. वपककाकयोः भेदः कः?
3. अस्मातभः हकं कताव्यं?
4. कः गच्छन ् योजनानां शतान्यवप यातत?


1. शनैः-शनैः - धीरे - धीरे

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2. कदातचत ् - कभी
3. यावत ् - जब ् तक्
4. नैव - निीं
5. अधुना - अभी

तचत्राधारै तं वणानं-

1. इदं तचत्रं तडागस्य अजस्त। (यि तालाब क तचत्र िै )

2. जले मीनाः सजन्त। (पानी मे मछतलयां िै )
3. बकः जलोपरर ततष्ठतत (बकुला पानी के उपर ठिरता िै )

२-नवमपाठः- िीडास्पधाा
कक्षा पूवा सामग्री -
इस पाठ मे छात्र खेल के माध्यम ् से अपने ववचारों को प्रस्तुत करतें िैं तथा
खेल के ववववधता को हदखलाते िैं । इस कथा के माध्यम से छात्र सरल संस्कृ त
का भी बोध िोता िै ।

कक्षा दौरान काया-

5. प्रस्तुत पाठ का हिन्दी भाषा में अनुवाद समझना।
6. कहठन शब्दारथों का ज्ञान कराना।
7. ववभवक्त वचनो पर ववचार ववमशाः।
8. अभ्यास प्रश्नों का समाधानम ्।

कक्षा पश्चात काय-्ा

{ मम ् , तव, अस्माकम ्, आवयोः}

1. एतत ्………….. गृिम ्।

2. ……………. मैत्री दृढा।
3. एषः …………… अध्यावपका।
4. भारतम ्………….. दे शः।

Mathematics Chapter 7: Fractions (Continued)

Chapter 8: Decimals
Chapter 7: Fractions (Continued)
Pre Class Content:
• A fraction is said to be in simplest form or in lowest terms if numerator and

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denominator do not have a common factor except 1.
• To add or subtract ,change unlike into equivalent like fractions
• To add or subtract mixed fractions,you may add or subtract natural numbers
and parts separately .
During Class Content:
• Introduction of the sub topic with the discussion based on the pre class
• Explanation of the chapter in detail with examples and questions of the

Post Class Content:

Ex. 7.4 Q1(a,b) & Q4 in book, Q5(remaining parts), Q7(b,d), Q9
Ex. 7.4 Q1(a,b) & Q4 in book, Q5(remaining parts), Q7(b,d), Q9
Ex. 7.6 Q1(remaining parts), Q2, Q6, Q9

Chapter 8: Decimals
Pre Class Content:
When we use dots to write some numbers then that dot is the decimal point.
This is used to show the part of a whole number.

As we know that 1 cm = 10 mm, so if we have to find the opposite then
1mm = 1/10 cm or one-tenth cm or 0.1 cm.
Hence, the first number after the decimal represents the tenth part of the whole.

This reads as “thirty-four point seven”.

Representation of Decimals on Number Line
To represent decimals on the number line we have to divide the gap of each
number into 10 equal parts as the decimal shows the tenth part of the number.
Show 0.3, 0.5 and 0.8 on the number line.
All the three numbers are greater than 0 and less than we have to make a
number line with 0 and 1 and divide the gap into 10 equal parts.

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Then mark as shown below.

Fractions as Decimals
It is easy to write the fractions with 10 as the denominator in decimal form but
if the denominator is not 10 then we have to find the equivalent fraction with
denominator 10.
Convert 12/5 and 3/2 in decimal form.

Decimals as Fractions
Write 2.5 in a fraction.

As we know that 1 m = 100 cm, so if we have to find the opposite then
1 cm = 1/100 m or one-hundredth m or 0.01 m.
Hence, the second numbers after the decimal represent the hundredth part of the

It reads as “thirteen point nine five”.

Decimal in the hundredth form shows that we have divided the number into
hundred equal parts.
Place Value Chart
This is the place value chart which tells the place value of each digit in the
decimal number. It makes it easy to write numbers in decimal form.

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Comparing Decimals
1. If the whole number is different.
If the whole numbers of the decimals are different then we can easily compare
them .the number with the greater whole number will be greater than the other.
Compare 532.48 and 682.26.
As the whole numbers are different, so we can easily find that the number with
a greater whole number is greater.
Hence 682.26 > 532.48
2. If the whole number is the same
If the whole numbers of the decimals are same then we will compare the tenth
and then the hundredth part if required.
The number with the greater tenth number is greater than the other.
Compare 42.36 and 42.68.
As the whole number is the same in both the numbers so we have to compare
the tenth part.
Hence 42.68 > 42.36

Addition of Decimal numbers

To add the decimal numbers we can add them as whole numbers but the
decimal will remain at the same place as it was in the given numbers. It means
that we have to line up the decimal point in each number while writing them,
and then add them as a whole number.
Example: 1
Add 22.3 and 34.1
Write the numbers as given below, and then add them.

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Subtraction of Decimal Numbers
Subtraction is also done as normal whole numbers after lining up the decimals
of the given number.
Subtract 243.86 from 402.10.
● Write the numbers in a line so that the decimal points of both the numbers
lined up.

● Then subtract and borrow as we do in whole numbers.

● Line up the decimal point in the answer also.

During the Class:

• Introduction of the topic with the discussion based on the pre class
• Explanation of the chapter in detail with examples and questions of the

Post Class Content:

Ex. 8.1 Q1(a,b) in book, Q4 ,Q5, Q6, Q8 (remaining parts), Q9
Ex. 8.2 Q1 & Q2 in book, Q4 ,Q5, Q6, Q7 (remaining parts)
Ex. 8.3 Q1(remaining parts)
Ex. 8.4 Q1 ,Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5 (remaining parts)
Ex. 8.5 Q1 (remaining parts), Q 3, Q5, Q7
Ex. 8.6 Q1, Q2 (remaining parts), Q 3, Q5, Q7

Science Chapter 9: Living Organisms and Their Surroundings (Continued )

Chapter 10: Motion and Measurement
Chapter 11: Light ,Shadows and Reflections

Chapter 9: The Living Organisms Characteristics and Habitats (Cont..)

Pre Class Content:

Students will explore the terms: Habitat, Adaptation, Acclimatization, Biotic

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and Abiotic components, Prey, Predator, Blowholes, Respiration, Stimulus.

Activity: Students will perform the seed germination activity to study the
growth and the response to stimulus in sunlight .

During Class Content

Adaptations of different plants and animals in desert, mountain, grassland and

aquatic habitat to be discussed and explained in the class.

Characteristic features of all the living organisms such as growth, respiration,

reproduction, response to the external stimulus, and excretion will be explained
to students.

Post Class Content

Q1. Define the following terms: Habitat, Adaptation, Acclimatization Prey,
Q2. Discuss two main adaptations in the following organisms:
a) Cactus
b) Camel
c) Lotus
d) Mountain goat
e) Deer
f) Lion

Q3. How is acclimatization different from adaptation?

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Q4. What are the characteristics that make a living organism differ from the non
living one?
Q5. Discuss about the characteristic of response to stimulus with the help of an

Chapter 10: Motion and Measurement

Pre Class Content:

Students will explore the terms: Transport, Cubit, Fathom, Foot , Handspan,
Rectilinear motion, Curvilinear motion, Circular motion, Random motion,
Oscillatory Motion

Students will understand the difference between the ancient and modern
methods of measurement by viewing the following image .

SI units of measurements:

Activity: Students will perform the activity to measure the length of a straight
line and a curved line using a thread

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Types of Motion

During Class content:

Explanation of the concepts, class activities related to measurement of straight

line and curved line will be conducted in the class.

Activity: Students will perform the activity to measure the length of a straight
line and a curved line using a thread.

The students will record these activities in their notebooks. Students will be
explained the difference between the ancient and modern methods of
measurements and they will understand the importance of adopting standard
methods of measurements.

Students will be explained different types of motion such as Periodic,

Rectilinear, Rotational and Circular motion.

Post Class Content

Q1. Name any four ancient methods for measuring the length. According to
you, what is the reason for not using them in present times?
Q2. What is meant by the term standard unit? State the standard unit for length,
mass, temperature and time.
Q3. You have been given a peepal leaf. How will you measure the total length
of leaf lamina?
Q4. If you were to explain the correct method of measuring the length of a
straight line, what points will you keep in mind to get the accurate result?

Q5. Fill in the blanks:

(i) One metre is ______________ cm.

(ii) Five kilometers is ______________ m.
(iii) Motion of a child on a swing is ______________.
(iv) Motion of the needle of a sewing machine is ______________.
(v) Motion of the wheel of a bicycle is__________.

Q6. Give two examples each of Periodic motion, Circular motion, Rectilinear

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Chapter 11: Light, Shadows and Reflections
Pre Class Content:
Students will explore the terms: Light, Luminous, Opaque, Transparent,
Translucent, Pinhole Camera, Mirror, Reflection, Shadow.

Activity: Students will collect different objects from their daily life and
perform an activity to classify these objects as transparent, translucent and

During Class Content

Introduction to Light, Classification of objects as luminous and non-luminous

objects, how the light passes through different objects will be done in the class.

Formation and Characteristics of shadow, Understanding the working of a

pinhole camera, Mirrors and concept of reflection will be explained to the
students in the class.

Activity: Students will perform an activity to understand that light travels in a

straight line.

Post Class Content

Q1. Classify the objects or materials given below as opaque, transparent or

translucent and luminous or non-luminous:
Air, water, a sheet of aluminum, a mirror, a wooden board, smoke, a piece
of red hot iron, an umbrella, sun.
Q2. In a completely dark room, if you hold up a mirror in front of you, will you
see a reflection of yourself in the mirror?

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Q3. Correct the following statements.
(i) The colour of the shadow of an object depends on its colour.
(ii) Transparent objects allow light to pass through them partially.
Q4. Is the air around us always transparent? Discuss.
Q5. A football match is being played at night in a stadium with flood lights
ON. You can see the shadow of a football kept at the ground but cannot
see its shadow when it is kicked high in the air. Explain.
Social Science Political Science
Chapter 7: Urban Administration (Contd..)
Chapter 6: New Questions and Ideas
Chapter 7: From a Kingdom to an Empire
Chapter 8: Villages Towns and Trade (Chapter 8 & 9 Merged)
Political Science:
Chapter 7: Urban Administration

Pre Class Content:

Urban Administration
Municipal Corporation takes care of street lights, garbage collection, water
supply and keeps the streets and the market clean. They are also responsible for
ensuring that diseases do not break out in the city. They run schools, hospitals
and dispensaries and makes gardens and maintain them. In a big city, this is
called a Municipal Corporation. In smaller towns, it is called a Municipal
The Ward Councillor and Administrative Staff
Decisions like where a park or a new hospital should go-usually made by the
Ward Councillors-city divided into different wards-ward councillors get
elected-decisions that affect the entire city taken by groups of councillors-form
committees to decide and debate issues-for problems within a ward people can
contact their councillors-Councillor’s Committees and the councillors decide on
issues-Commissioner and the administrative staff implement these-
Commissioner and the administrative staff are appointed-Councillors are
All Ward Councillors meet – make a budget and the money is spent according
to this- Ward Councillors try to ensure that the particular demands of their
wards are placed before the entire council-decisions are implemented by the
administrative staff- work in the city is divided into different departments-water
department, the garbage collection department, a department to look after
gardens, another to look after roads-garbage lying all over the street if
uncollected attracts dogs, rats and flies- people get ill from the smell.
In recent times, the Commissioners of several municipalities across the country
hired private contractors to collect and process garbage- Sub-Contracting-work
that was earlier being done by government workers is now being done by

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private company-contract workers get paid less- their jobs are temporary-
Collecting garbage is a dangerous job- these contract workers do not have any
access to safety measures and are not taken care of if they are injured while
Municipal Corporation was the one who suggested to people that they have two
dustbins at home to sort out their garbage, thus reducing their work.

During Class Content:

The learners will be introduced to the administration of the urban areas through
the following points:

● Identifying the people in the urban administration

● Summarizing the role of ward councillors in a city
● Evaluating the importance of Municipal corporation in a city

Post Class Content :

Political Science Chapter 7: Urban Administration

Q1. When do the local people contact their councillor?
Q2. Who decides in an urban area which different tasks have to be done?
Q3. What tasks do ward councillors perform?
Q4. How does the Municipal Corporation get its money?
Q5. What is called Sub-Contracting?
Q6. List four ways in which the work of the Municipal Corporation affects
the life of a city-dweller.
Q7. Who is a Municipal Councillor?
Q8. How does the Municipal Corporation earn the money to do its work?
On a A3 size sheet students will compare and contrast rural and urban
administration through images, people, tasks etc.

Chapter 6 New Questions and Ideas

Pre Class Content:

Read the chapter from the textbook and watch the video link given below.

Historical visits – Indian government

National and international virtual museum visits

❖ Buddha: The original name of Gautama Buddha was Siddhartha.

Sidhhartha was born about 2500 years ago at Lumbini in Kapilvastu which
is in modern day Nepal. He was a kshatriya and belonged to the Sakya gana.
Once he became an adult, many questions regarding the true meaning of life
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used to come to his mind. In search of the true meaning of life; he left the
comforts of his home. Finally, he began meditating under a peepal tree at
Bodh Gaya. After meditating for many days; Sidhhartha finally attained
enlightenment. After that he became the Buddha. The term ‘Buddha’ means
the ‘enlightened one’.

❖ Preaching of Buddha:
− This life is full of desires. Once a desire is fulfilled, we crave for more.
This marks the beginning of an unending cycle of cravings and desires.
According to Buddha; this is called thirst or ‘tanha’.
− Life is suffering because of an endless cycle of cravings and desires.
− This cycle can be removed by following moderation in everything we
− One should be kind to others; including animals.
− The results of our actions (karma); whether good or bad; affect us in this
life and also in the afterlife.

❖ Upanishads: Upanishads are a collection of philosophical texts. The

Upanishads were composed at around the same time; or somewhat earlier;
when Buddha came on the scene. The Upanishads are written in the style of
dialogue between teachers and disciples.

❖ Mahavira: Mahavira came at the same time as Buddha. He was the 24th
tirthankara of Jainism. Mahavira was a kshatriya prince of the Licchavi. He
belonged to the Vajji sangha. When he was about 30 years of age; he left his
home. He roamed in forests in pursuit of the ultimate truth of life. He lived a
lonely and tough life. After spending a long period of 12 years of hardships;
Mahavira attained enlightenment.

❖ Preaching of Mahavira:

People, who wish to know the truth, must leave their home.

− The truth seeker must follow the rules of ahimsa. The rule of ahimsa
means not hurting or killing any living being. Life is dear to all living
− They had to do begging for food. A Jain had to be absolutely honest. He
must desist from stealing. The followers of Mahavira had to observe
celibacy, i.e. the person was not allowed to marry. Men had to give up
everything; including clothes.

❖ Sanghas : Mahavira and Buddha arranged for sanghas where their followers
could stay together. A sangha was an association of those who left their
homes. Both Mahavira and Buddha believed that leaving one’s home was a
must to find the ultimate truth.

During Class Content:

The learners will be introduced to the life and teachings of Buddha and
Mahavira through the following points:
● Evaluate the role of Buddha and Mahavira in defining the way of life.

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● Develop understanding of the Upanishads. Reasons why monasteries were
● How Sanghas became popular and what were the terms and conditions for
joining the Sangha.

Post Class Content :

Q1. Describe the ways in which the Buddha tried to spread his message to the
people. What were the main teachings of the Buddha?
Q2. What were the questions that Upanishadic thinkers wanted to answer?
Q3. What were the main teachings of Mahavira?
Q4. Why do you think Anagha’s mother wanted her to know the story of the
Q5. Do you think it would have been easy for slaves to join the sangha? Give
reasons for your answer.
Q6. Analyze why Jainism did not become popular among most of the people.

Chapter 7 From a Kingdom to an Empire

Pre Class Content:

Read the chapter from your textbook and watch the video links given below

Chapter Summary
❖ Difference between Empire and Kingdom
Kingdom Empire
A kingdom is small in area. An empire is large in area.
Needs a small army to protect its Needs a much larger army to protect
territory. its territory.
Needs a small number of officials to Needs a large number of officials to
collect taxes. collect taxes.
The king has direct control over the The emperor rules with the help of
whole territory. local governors.

❖ The Mauryan Empire:

The Mauryan Empire was founded by Changragupta Maurya. It was
founded about 2300 years ago. It continued from 322 BC to 185 BC. A
Brahmin named Chanakya helped Chandragupta in getting to rule over the
Mauryan Empire.

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❖ Successors of Chandragupta: Chandragupta’s son Bimbisara succeeded
him. Similarly, Bimbisara’s son Ashoka succeeded him. Chandragupta,
Bimbisara and Ashoka were the greatest rulers of the Mauryan Empire.
❖ The Kalinga War: During ancient times; the modern day coastal Orissa
was known as Kalinga. In order to expand his territory; Ashoka attacked
Kalinga and won the battle. In the Kalinga battle, more than a lakh people
died, many more were taken as prisoners and a large number of people were
badly affected. Ashoka was shocked at that incident. The large-scale
bloodshed changed Ashoka’s heart. He took a pledge of not waging a single
war in the future.
❖ Ashoka’s Dhamma: In the aftermath of the Kalinga war, Ashoka was
inspired by the teachings of Buddha. Ashoka embraced a new Dhamma
which was radical for his times. Ashoka’s Dhamma did not involve worship
of a god. It did not involve ritual or sacrifice. If we view it from a modern
perspective, Ashoka’s religious ideologies were inclined towards

During Class Content:

The following sub topics will be discussed during class.
• Empire Vs Kingdom
• The Mauryan Empire
• Ashoka the Great
• Kalinga War
• Legacy of Ashoka
Activity :
Buddhist Flags to be made using origami sheets depicting values learned from
the lesson.
Post Class Content :
Q1. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
Ashoka was one of the greatest rulers known to history and on his
instructions inscriptions were inscribed on pillars, as well as on rock
surfaces. The empire that Ashoka ruled was founded by his grandfather,
Chandragupta Maurya, more than 2300 years ago.
(a) What do you understand about the term dynasty?
(b) Name the countries where Ashokan inscriptions have been found.

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(c) Distinguish between empire and kingdom.
Q2. Explain how Arthashastra provided important information regarding the
Mauryan empire.
Q3. Examine why the control of roads and rivers was considered important
during the Mauryan Age.
Q4. Discuss the main features of the Mauryan administration.
Q5. Discuss main events of Ashoka’s war in Kalinga. What were the effects of
this war on him?
Q6. What was Ashoka’s Dhamma? Enumerate the methods adopted by Ashoka
to spread Dhamma. Support your answer with suitable examples.

Chapter 8: Villages Towns and Trade (Chapter 8 & 9 Merged)
Pre Class Content

Read the chapter from your textbook and watch the video links given below

Chapter Summary:

★ Increased Use of Iron Tools: Increased Use of Iron Tools: Iron tools came
into use at the end of chalcolithic age. Some iron tools have been found
from the megalithic burial sites. The use of iron tools increased around 2500
years ago.
★ Benefits of Iron Tools: Iron is stronger but lighter than stone. It is much
easier to give shape to iron. Much sharper and lightweight tools could be
made from iron than what was possible with stone. The iron tools made the
task of workers a lot easier.
★ Social Structure in villages: Let us take two examples to understand social
structure of villages during that time. One example is from a south Indian
village and another is from a north Indian village. South Indian Village: A
village of south India could be divided into following categories of people:
★ Vellalar: Large landowners were called vellalars.
★ Uzhavar: Ordinary ploughmen were called uzhavars.
★ Kadaisiyar and Adimai: Landless labourers and slaves were known as
kadaisiyar and adimai.
❖ North Indian Village: A village of north India could be divided into
following category of people:
★ Grambhojaka: The village headman was known as the grambhojaka. His
position was hereditary in nature. So, the members of the same family held
that position for many generations. A grambhojaka was also the largest
landowner of the village. He kept slaves and hired workers to work in his
farm. He was very powerful. He had the authority to collect taxes from
other farmers. He also served the function of a judge and sometimes, that of
a policeman.

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★ Grihapati: The independent farmers were called the grihapati. They were
usually small landowners.
★ Dasa karmakara: The landless men and women were called the dasa
karmakara. They worked in other farmer’s fields.

During Class Content

The following subtopics will be discussed in the class

❖ Use of Iron Tools

❖ Benefits of Irrigation
❖ Life in Villages
❖ Shrenis

Post Class Content

Q1. State the importance of Sangam literature.

Q2. Enlist the different kinds of people living in the villages of Tamil region.
Interpret their roles.
Q3. What do you understand by the term ‘Punch marked coins’? Explain in
Q4. Describe the functions of Gramabhojaka? Why do you think he was
Q5. Mathura has been an important settlement for more than 2500 years.
Q6. Enumerate the features of Arikamedu settlement.
Q7. Explain the term Northern Black Polished Ware.
Computer Topic-5 Programming Techniques using Algorithms & Flowcharts (Contd.)
Science Topic-6 Advanced features of Scratch Programming


Topic-5 Programming Techniques using Algorithms & Flowcharts (Cont.)

Pre Class Content

● Algorithms Computer Science Basics: Algorithms
● Flowcharts Algorithm and Flow Chart
Read the content uploaded in Google Classroom, Code: hmy6ncq

During Class Content

● What are algorithms?

● What is the need for writing an algorithm?
● Examples of Algorithm
● What is a Flowchart?

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● Various flowcharting symbols
● Types of Constructs
● Counters
● Accumulators
● Examples of flowcharts based on different constructs

Post Class Content

Algorithms Activities:
1. Write an algorithm to bake a cake of your choice.
2. Write an algorithm to calculate the area of a square.
3. Write an algorithm to calculate the perimeter of a rectangle.
4. Write an algorithm to calculate the sum of the first 100 integers.

Flowcharts Activities:
1. Draw a flowchart to ask the age from the user. If the age is greater than 18
then print “you are eligible to create your social media account” otherwise print
“you are not big enough to have an “account on social media”
2. Draw a flowchart to calculate the sum of the first 100 integers.
3. Draw a flowchart to calculate the area of a square.
4. Draw a flowchart to calculate the perimeter of a rectangle.

Explore the Lucid chart tool and practice making the charts online.
• To construct the flowcharts online use the link:

Topic-6 Advanced features of Scratch Programming

Pre Content
Read and understand the content uploaded in the Google Classroom:
• What is Scratch Programming Language?
• Blocks in Scratch
• Simple Scratch Code

During Class Content

• Designing Symmetrical or asymmetrical patterns in Scratch.
• Draw a pattern with four equal lines at 90 degrees angle to each other
• Draw Pentagon.
• Animating the images

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Post Class Content
Learn to code with this free app!

1. Animate your name in scratch Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share

2. Draw the given stair pattern

Research Project:
Make a colorful pattern by drawing lines following the mouse pointer, changing
the width of the pen, making spirals of different sizes, altering the pen color,
and drawing new shapes.

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