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Semi- Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 8

Growing Up – Choosing the right words

I. Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate the skill to identify and retrieve both key and
supporting information from written texts and spoken language.
2. Show the ability to respond to a writer's or speaker's intention and
viewpoint by making inferences based on evidence found in texts and
spoken language.
3. Exhibit the capability to respond to a writer's or speaker's
vocabulary choices for effect and impact, which includes analyzing
elements such as intonation, tone, volume, and expression in spoken

II. Subject Matter:

Topic : Growing Up – Choosing the right words

References : Pearson Edexcel Inspire English International – 9


Pearson Edexcel Inspire English International – 9

(Student Book)

Materials : Power Point Presentation/Laptop/Television/White

Board And White Board Marker/Answer Sheet

III. Procedure:

A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Routinary Activities
a. Greetings

b. Checking of attendance – the students will write down their
names in a piece of paper for two purposes; one is for primary
attendance then second is for recitation purposes. But then, as part of
the SEAMEO – Sea Teacher Project, an official attendance will later on
be fill out by the students.

2. Motivation:
The student will be grouped and they will participate in the Read,
Write, and Raise game wherein the teacher will be flashing situational
questions with similar answers but with one best answer. But, since
there will be answers that seem to be similar, there will be an open
discussion if a group wishes to argue their choice of answer, thus
opening a room for critical thinking and persuasion speech skills.

There will be unfinished answers in the game, and the student

need to complete the thought of the answer. The first group who
attains the biggest score will get to win the group-collaboration game.

Question 1: When offering advice to a friend, which word should you

choose to convey empathy and understanding?

A) "You should..."
B) "I think you ought to..."
C) "Maybe you could consider..."
D) "I recommend that you..."

Correct Answer: C) "Maybe you could consider..."

2. When advising someone on making a tough decision, which phrase

is the most supportive and gentle?

A) "You must decide immediately."

B) "You better decide right away."
C) "You should decide quickly."
D) "You might want to take your time."


Correct Answer: D) "You might want to take your time."

3. Which phrase offers the most considerate advice when someone is

feeling stressed?

A) "You have to calm down immediately."

B) "You must calm down right now."
C) "You should relax as soon as possible."
D) "You might benefit from taking a deep breath."

Correct Answer: D) "You might benefit from taking a deep breath."

Question 4. When giving advice on resolving a conflict, which phrase

promotes open communication and understanding?

A) "You must confront the issue."

B) "You better address the problem now."
C) "You should talk it out."
D) "You might want to have an honest conversation."

Correct Answer: D) "You might want to have an honest conversation."

Question 5. Which word choice is the most encouraging when advising

someone on pursuing their dreams?

A) "You have to chase your dreams."

B) "You must follow your dreams immediately."
C) "You should go after your dreams."
D) "You might consider pursuing your dreams with determination."

Correct Answer: D) "You might consider pursuing your dreams with


Question 6. When advising a friend on handling disappointment, which
phrase conveys understanding and empathy?

A) "You need to get over it quickly."

B) "You must move on immediately."
C) "You should bounce back fast."
D) "You might find it helpful to take some time to process your

Correct Answer: D) "You might find it helpful to take some time to

process your feelings."

B. Lesson Proper
Read the extracted letter written by a journalist that was then
published at a newspaper entitled, “Back to school: A Father’s Letter
to his son.”

Dear Aaron,

After the end of a long summer holiday you are going back to school. I
am writing this note to tell you how much we care for you and how we
long to see you grow into a disciplined young man who will stand up
for what is right and be known for the values he holds.

Here are a few tips to help you through the year.

1. Be yourself.

We live in a world where everyone wants to be somebody. We are

constantly bombarded by news about film stars, sportsmen and larger-
than-life personalities. Chart out your own course and work towards it.

It is not the watch you wear or the computer you use that will set you
apart. It is who you are that will ultimately make the difference.

2. Do your best but don't be afraid to fail.

You go to school primarily to study. Do this well. Listen attentively to

what is being taught in class. Study hard to do your best. We know
that there may be times when you won't do as well as you ought to.
Never mind. Don't be afraid to fail if you are willing to learn something
from it.

3. Help others in need.

There may be times when your friends or teachers need help. Don't
hesitate to lend a helping hand. Have a heart that cares for others,
that feels for those in need. Share with your parents whatever happens
in school, on the bus back home and during your play time. We would
love to know more about your friends, your thoughts and your
teachers. After a long day at work, the greatest joy that I get is to sit
with you and talk for a few moments every day.

4. Share with your parents whatever happens in school, on the bus

back home and during your play time.

We would love to know more about your friends, your thoughts and
your teachers. After a long day at work, the greatest joy that I get is to
sit with you and talk for 35 a few moments every day.

5. Speak the truth in love always and stand up for what is right.

In school and in class, you may come across situations where it may
be easier to get away by telling lies. Don't do it. It is better to speak
the truth and have a clear conscience.

6. Respect your teachers, classmates and parents.


Remember your teachers come to school so that they can share their
life lessons with you. Respect them for it and learn from them. Be an
example to those around you.

And remember that whatever happens, whether in joy or sorrow,

sickness or pain, your parents will always stand by you. We love you
and want the best for you.

Your loving dada.

After the discussion of this letter, the next topic will be the
distinctive components of the letter which is Imperative Verb.

Imperative Verb – this is a verb used to add impact to instructions.

– this gives a forceful instruction directly to the reader.

Example: Do your best!

Three (3) Examples of Imperative Verbs

1. "Be yourself." - This is an imperative sentence instructing the reader
to be true to themselves.
2. "Do your best but don't be afraid to fail." - This is another imperative
sentence, urging the reader to put in their best effort and not fear
3. "Speak the truth in love always and stand up for what is right." -
This imperative sentence advises the reader to always tell the truth
and stand up for what is right.

One (1) example of an instruction in which the writer does not use an
imperative verb
"After the end of a long summer holiday you are going back to school. I
am writing this note to tell you how much we care for you and how we

long to see you grow into a disciplined young man who will stand up
for what is right and be known for the values he holds."

In this part of the text, the writer is instructing the reader

indirectly to grow into a disciplined young man and stand up for what
is right, but it is not expressed as an imperative sentence. Instead, it
is presented as a statement of the writer's wishes and hopes for the

C. Generalization:

How to choose the right words in advising without directly

commanding in a compulsory way?
One must give advice in a general way, meaning to say, the common
good for the most people must be prioritized. With whatever one would
want to do, ideally, no one should be endangered. Also, the
consequences of doing such advice must be properly evaluated too.

Does everyone should only look on the bright side of everything?

Ideally, everyone must look at all sides of every story/situation. They
must be open with the idea with what may happen just in case
something goes wrong, as well as, to prepare a counter-part action
towards it.

How do imperative verb work?

Imperative verbs work by issuing direct commands or instructions,
typically in the form of sentences or phrases that tell someone what to
do or how to perform a specific action. These verbs are used to convey
orders, requests, or advice and are usually in the base form of the verb
(infinitive) without a subject. Imperative sentences often begin with
the verb itself, and they are employed to make someone take a
particular action or behave in a specific way.

How can instruction and explanation be associated with imperative
Instruction and explanation can be associated with imperative verbs
as follows:

Instruction: Imperative verbs are used to give direct commands or

orders, providing clear guidance on what action someone should take.

Explanation: Imperative verbs can also be used to succinctly convey

reasons, justifications, or suggestions behind a particular action,
providing a brief explanation along with the command.

IV. Evaluation
These will be the activities to be accomplished by the students
during the classroom discussion and evaluation of understanding
towards the subject.


Prepared by:

Julia Jane M. Capon

Student Intern, NEUST-UMP

Acknowledge by:

Mr. G
Teacher, Puhua International


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