Benefits of Sonship

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Scripture References: 1 Corinthians 4:15

Galatians 4:1-3

Hebrews 12:5-8

Matthew 17:5

Introduction: Apostles come with the grace to be spiritual fathers. We all need spiritual fathers in our
lives. Apostolic ministries have fathers. In this apostolic move of God, we can experience the heart of
spiritual fathers that’s been turned toward the sons of God. One cannot be apostolic who doesn’t have
the heart of a spiritual father.

Let’s look at the Apostle Paul as an example. Paul had a vested interest in the success of his spiritual son
Timothy. You can hear the heart of the father when Paul says to Timothy; “For though you have ten
thousand instructors in Christ you do not have many fathers: for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you
through the gospel” (1 Corinthians 4:15).

Some sons and daughters only want blessing, not correction and guidance by loving apostolic fathers. I
believe that the cry of the Spirit is the return of sons and daughters hearts toward their spiritual
fathers. Looking around us we find many fathers who have begotten us through the teaching and
preaching of the gospel. Fathering in this current move of God is plentiful.

The problem is that sons no longer want spiritual fathering. Like the prodigal son most want to do their
own thing and do not like to be told what to do. Others might entertain the thought of spiritual
fathering but as soon as the father does or says something that they do not like they abandon the idea

What we can learn about Spiritual fathering is:

 Spiritual fathering does not replace natural fathers who abandoned their wives, children, and
responsibilities. So don’t expect spiritual fathers to take you on fishing trips or out to ball games.
They are spiritual fathers.

 Spiritual fathers are mentors that offer wise and trusted counsel designed to get you to think.
Submission to their oversight is biblical, voluntary and meekness is required in order to be
trained by them.

 A spiritual father also corrects. Don’t expect a true spiritual father to ignore your mistakes and
personality malfunctions. Correction is designed to help you grow both spiritually and
 Spiritual fathers do not replace your relationship with God. They point you toward dependency
on the Lord and away from themselves. It is God that is the only father that’ll be able to meet
your deepest inner needs anyway.

Spiritual fathering happens through men but it is still God that fathers us. It happens through the gifts of
Christ being poured out in men. According to the book of Ephesians we see that these gifts of Christ
include apostles; prophets; evangelists; pastors and teachers. Through the fivefold God will father us.

The benefits of sonship therefore include things like training, protective oversight, prodding for
spiritual and emotional growth, preparation for inheritance, and correction. It also affords you
spiritual covering and accountability. This is one of the reasons we have the fivefold ministry gifts
restored to the end time church. The cry therefore today is for son’s to turn their hearts again towards

Let’s look at some of these benefits:


A spiritual father is a gift to you from the Holy Spirit. Spiritual fathers are competent and seasoned
through trial and suffering. They have passed through places in life that you have not yet been.
Wouldn’t it be nice to counsel with someone that has experience in what you are facing?

Paul told Timothy, “You have known my manner of life, persecutions, and afflictions” (2 Timothy 3:10-


Spiritual fathers provide protective oversight to their sons and daughters. Because of their experience
they often see things that you can’t and their vision offers protection from evil wiles and demonic
onslaught (Ephesians 6:10-12). There is a grace you come under and that’ll protect and cover you.


Spiritual fathers provide a safe environment to grow. Fathers train you in a way that’ll prepare you for
the transition from adolescence to adulthood. They get you to think. Everyone gets older, but not
everyone matures. Maturity is vital in your life, and spiritual fathers will put a demand on you to grow.
Demand is good for you and helps you face personal challenges. As you submit to their instruction you
will enter new levels of triumph. Expect them to motivate you and to propel you into maturity. (2
Timothy 1:6-7).


Apathy is deadly and kills spiritual momentum. Growth is needed if you are going to receive your
inheritance or the full accomplishment of your unique calling.
Inheritance is what rightfully belongs to you. Everyone has been given a gift, something specific that
God has called you to do with your life. Many never discover that gift but with the guidance of spiritual
fathers, you will find your purpose and make a difference with your life.

Scripture declares that we are under tutors and governors until we come into our sonship (Galatians
4:1-3). Like spiritual fathers, tutors give private instruction, and governors regulate your progress. This is
a main function of the fivefold in the body.


No one likes correction, but everyone needs it. Correction helps us improve, and compliance is proof of
sonship. How do you know if you are a real son or daughter? You know by your response to correction.

Scripture identifies true sons in contrast to illegitimate sons by their ability to receive correction from
the father and make necessary course adjustments. If you can’t handle correction, you are not a
spiritual son or daughter.

Hebrews 12:5-8 “And you have forgotten that word of encouragement that addresses you as sons. My
son do not make light of the Lord’s discipline and do not lose heart when he rebukes you because the
Lord disciplines those he loves and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son. Endure hardship as
discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father? If you are not
disciplined (and everyone undergoes discipline), then you are illegitimate children and not true sons”


The benefits of sonship are terrific, but there is something you need to guard yourself against.
Familiarity and presumption are two major traps of sonship.

True fathers, while training spiritual sons and daughters, do displayed their humanity only to find some
not able to handle their transparency. Being a spiritual father is not being a superstar. Being a spiritual
father does not make you famous or always correct. Putting leaders on a pedestal is dangerous.

We are all busy being perfected through the things we suffer and the imperfections of those we have
been assigned to should not hinder us from being able to learn from them. God uses these moments of
humanity to allow relationships to be tested.

Mark Twain the famous author wrote, “Familiarity breeds contempt.” Contempt is disrespectful
behavior that leads to presumptuous actions. This is the pitfall of sonship that causes you to take your
spiritual fathers for granted. We need to learn to respect the gift of Christ in those we are assigned to.

Jesus could do no mighty works in his hometown because they thought of him as the carpenter’s son,
not the only begotten son of God.

Sonship is a beautiful thing that’ll unlock worlds of opportunity for you yet these relationships must and
will be tested. Do not allow that familiarity and presumption cause you to stumble. Learn to tap into
the gift of Christ deposited within the fivefold. If your eyes open to God’s fathering through the fivefold
you will realize that you have everything you need in the body. The key through is to have the attitude
of a son and to allow yourself to always be ready to learn.

Jesus never entered his ministry until He was first called a son (Matthew 17:5). He is our prototype son
that was anointed with the Holy Ghost and power who went about doing good and healing all that were
oppressed of the devil for God was with him (Acts 10:38). You, too, can become a spiritual son or
daughter. Beware, however, the dangers of familiarity and presumption.

Conclusion: You need spiritual fathering in your life. The apostolic reformation includes restoration of
spiritual sons and daughters to spiritual fathers. Perhaps the Holy Spirit has been turning your heart as
you heard me preach. If so, remember sonship begins with serving.

 Serving is the entrance point to sonship. Jesus was always connected to his father through
his obedience. Get connected through serving.

 When you are around the fivefold, be ready to learn and draw on their gift. Sons catch the
golden nuggets that are shared by their fathers. You can’t catch what you’re not around.
Position yourself with an expectation to always be ready to learn and receive something.

 A spiritual father is a gift to you from the Holy Spirit. Respect and bring honor to those who
are fathering you in your faith walk.

God called out over Jesus in the waters of the river Jordan where He was baptized, this is my beloved
son in whom I am well pleased. Do you know that you are not able to start your ministry until you
know that God is well pleased with you?

 Sons do not still fight to win God’s approval because they already operate from Gods “well
done”! This relationship is called the mature relationship, that of sonship.

You are a son in theory, but you cannot inherit the promises until you are of age in the Spirit. For this to
happen God poured out into men the five allotments of the gift of Christ according to Ephesians 4:11.

Looking at the world we are indeed in desperate need of fathering. Will you today take up your
responsibility of sonship. Will you again turn your heart towards the fathers that God has assigned you

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