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Participant Information Leaflet Group 4.5 Dental Public Health 4" Year project Department of Public and Child Dental Health Dublin Dental University Hospital Trinity College Dublin Lincoln Place, Dublin 2 Ireland Title of Study: Comparison of the “Reasons for choosing dentistry as a career” in Ireland — 25 years ago versus today Site (Online questionnaire via ‘Qualtrics” Principal Investigator(s) and Co- Investigator(s) (insert names, titles and contact details) Rachel Alexander, Maryam Bouhamra, Hussein El Chami, Azra Hassan, Charlee Holden, Aoife Mongan, Amanda Ng, Karim Kathem Talebian, Max Walsh, Study Organiser/ Sponsor (if applicable) Dr Patrick Quinn Data Controllers Trinity College Dublin (for research data) Data Protection Officer Data Protection Officer Secretary's Office Trinity College Dublin Dublin 2 Ireland INVITATION PARAGRAPH You are being invited to take part in a survey about your reasons for choosing dentistry as a career, We hope to compare these survey results with those obtained in a similar study among dental students at University College Cork 25 years ago. Participation is voluntary. This survey is only applicable to Dental Science students currently enrolled at Trinity College Dublin who are aged 18 years or older. Please disregard this survey if you are below the age of 18 years. Before answering the questions, please take time to read the following information carefully and discuss it with others if you wish. Please contact Dr Quinn if there is anything that is not clear or if you would like more information at the email address attached at the bottom of this information leaflet under Section D; ‘Further Information’. SECTION A THE STUDY Why is this study being carried out? The aim of this study is to gain an understanding of the motivations and/or influences behind choosing dentistry as a career for undergraduate dental students attending dental school at Trinity College Dublin and to make a comparison to a previous University College Cork (UCC) study (1998-99). The factors that prompted the career choice will be ranked and correlated and compared to the previous UCC study. The original UCC questionnaire will be replicated and additional questions will be added to gain perspective on the influence of gender and plans after graduation. All data collected will be anonymous. The study will be carried out from January to March of 2024. Why have | been invited to take part? You have been invited to take part in this survey as you are a current Dental Science student at Trinity College Dublin. This study hopes to understand your reasons for choosing dentistry as a career. This information leaflet provides information about the study, so, please read it carefully, If you wish to join the study after reading and understanding the information provided, we ask for your consent on the survey link Do | have to take part? Participation in this study is completely voluntary, All survey results are anonymous. However, please note that you will not be able to withdraw from the study once you've submitted the survey. ‘What will happen to me if | take part? i.e. (How will the study be carried out?) The study will be carried out during the academic period of January to March of 2024. An anonymous, online questionnaire will be developed using Qualtrics and distributed to dental students (years 1 through 5) in the Dental Science programme at Trinity College Dublin via the Dublin Dental University Hospital Outlook system and email network. Participants will be asked to consent to the study on the survey link and asked to provide their views anonymously. The study is completely anonymous and will be carried out on the Qualtrics link with an uncollected Internet Protocol (IP)* address to maintain anonymity (IP address function will be turned off) The questionnaire will ask questions in order to gain an understanding of the motivations and/or influences that lead to your choosing of dentistry as a career. Once you have fully completed the questionnaire, you will be directed to a “Thank You’ page at the end which indicates you have completed the survey. ‘What are the personal implications of taking part in this study? If you decide to participate in the study, any information you provide will be completely ‘anonymous and nothing can be linked back to you. The data collected wil strictly be used for ‘our research project and will be managed in accordance with TCD’s Policy on Good Research Practice. ‘What will happen to my Data? Current ethical and legal practice will be followed to ensure that all information is kept confidential. The data collected is completely anonymous and you will not be identified from the analysis of the data or in any reports arising from the study. Data will be stored securely in accordance with TCD’s Policy on Good Research Practice. Only the investigators will have access to the anonymous data Are there any benefits to taking part in the research? While there will be no direct benefits to participants, we hope the results of the study will help us investigate and potentially contribute to the area of workforce planning in dentistry in Ireland. This might benefit graduates in their future careers and researchers interested in this area, ‘Are there any risks to me or others if | take part? There are no risks from participating in this study. What will happen to the results of this research? ‘The analysed research data will be reported in a written report and presentation by the research group at the conclusion of the Hilary term in March 2024. Following an oral presentation by the research group, a poster displaying the data will be exhibited at the Dublin Dental University Hospital. Additionally, individual research reports, derived from this study's data, will be generated by the research group, contributing to the evaluation of their Dental Public Health module. Your personal responses will remain entirely anonymous and will not be identifiable or disclosed. SECTION B DATA PROTECTION ‘What personal data of mine will be used as part of the study? The questionnaire will ask general demographic questions (such as gender that do not reveal personal identification. Any information that you share in the questionnaire will be treated confidentially by the research group and kept anonymous What will happen to my personal data? No personal data will be collected in this study. All data will be processed only as necessary to. achieve the objective of the research study. All data will be stored securely in accordance with TCD’s Policy on Good Research Practice for the duration of the study plus 7 years. This study is completely voluntary and anonymous. Only researchers will have access to the information gathered, and managed in accordance with TCD’s Policy on Good Research practice. ‘Who will access and use my personal data as part of this study? All data collected in this study will be completely anonymous, and this anonymous data will be used only by the research team. Fourth Year Dental Science Students Rachel Alexander Maryam Bouhamra Hussein El Chami ‘Azra Sharif Hassan Charlee Holden Aoife Mongan Amanda Ng Karim Kathem Talebian Max Walsh Research Supervisor Dr Patrick Quinn Under the authority of the School of Dental Science at Trinity College Dublin and the Dublin Dental Hospital SECTION C FUNDING, PAYMENTS, APPROVAL Is there any payment for taking part? Will it cost me anything if | agree to take part? ‘There are no incentives (financial or otherwise) for participating in this study. Has this study been approved by a research ethics committee? ‘This study is awaiting approval by the School of Dental Science Research Ethics Committee. Date to be supplied upon ethics approval. SECTION D FURTHER INFORMATION, Who should | contact for information? Please do not hesitate to contact the research team using the email address featured below if you have any questions. Upon completion of the survey, you will not be contacted again. Should you have any concerns or queries about this survey please contact Dr Patrick Quinn ~

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