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Consumer Protection Act, Does It really

protect the consumers (in reference to

Kasargod district)

Submitted to: Jishi miss.

Submitted by: Khadeeja Ahmed
Bcom Ca
Roll no:30.
1)Introduction about the study
The Consumer Protection Act is a legal framework designed
to safeguard consumers from unfair trade practises and
ensure the availability of accurate information about
products and services. It empowers consumers with rights,
such as the right to be informed, right to choose, right to be
heard, and right to seek redressal. The primary objective is to
create a fair marketplace and hold businesses accountable
for providing quality goods and services while addressing
consumer grievances.
But does it really protect the consumer as it states? People
are still unaware of a law that do protect them from all kinds
of malpractices. This study is about how the people is not
really protected by the law and that they are unaware of
existence of such law. People doesn’t know the basic rights
they can claim if any issues are faced by them in the market.
They can take actions regarding it and make it in favour of
the consumer.
2)Significance and justification of the study
The study mainly focuses on the consumer protection act
that was mainly created to protect the interest of the
consumer and the problem faced by them in the market. The
question is who is benefited from this study? The answer is
the consumer itself. As the law itself focuses on the
consumer. So, what do they benefit from this study? Many
consumers are still unaware of this law and the benefits.
Also, this study really points out the malpractices that have
been going on in the market and why there is still no solution
to the problem.
The study mainly only focuses on a particular area, but it is a
problem that is faced in many places. Only the cases that are
happening in the area is studied throughout and the solution
is found out to these problems or measures to be taken are
studied and suggested.
3)Statement of problem and research question
The study itself is a question that whether the act really
protect the consumer as it states as it was mainly made for
the consumers. So, the problem that has been going on is
that why there are no changes seen after all the incidents
faced by the consumers due to the mistakes by the producer
or the seller.
The consumer trusts the producer or seller on a product, or
any other thing consumed by them they do not take the
responsibility if any problem is faced by the consumer. If any
problem is faced by the consumer is known by the public the
to save the company face, they may find solutions to the
problem and continues as if nothing happened. What if the
consumer doesn’t know about the law or the company
doesn’t know that the consumer is facing such problem. No
solution is found out. The study is to check whether the
things specified in the law is followed by the market or not.
4)Objectives of the study
To study the extent to which the consumer protection act
 Protection from unfair trade practises
 Consumer rights
 Quality assurance
 Redressal mechanisms
 Consumer education
 Marketplace fairness
 Product liability
5)Research design
It is the framework within which the research is conducted.
a) Nature of study
The study mainly focuses on analysing and finding out
solution to a problem. It mainly focuses on the solution
to the question asked in the topic.
b) Scope of study
The study only covers a particular district i.e., Kasargod
district. The data are collected from the specified district
and the study is done about the events happened in that
c) Data and methodology
The data is collected from the particular district also for
the incidents happened to them can be known through
survey and also from news to the event happened in the
district due to lack of consumer protection act.
d) Research period
The research is conducted for a period of 30 days or

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