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Ladies and gentlemen, gather 'round as we dive into the riveting world of Indian

marriages – or, as some may call it, the matrimonial rollercoaster! Now, I'm not
saying that our divorce rates are skyrocketing, but it seems like splitting up has
become as common as arguing over who gets the TV remote.

Let's talk about the elephant in the room, or should I say, the elephant at the
wedding. Our Indian weddings are grand, extravagant, and can make Hollywood
productions look like a backyard play. But hey, perhaps we're taking inspiration from
our friends across the ocean, where they have more divorces than we have varieties
of biryani.

In India, we have arranged marriages – a system where our parents play matchmaker
better than Tinder. We believe in the saying, "When life gives you lemons, let your
parents make lemonade." However, it seems like our American friends prefer the DIY
approach. They say, "I'll find my own lemons and decide if I want to make lemonade

Now, I'm not roasting America, but their divorce rates are so high that even our
street food vendors would envy those numbers. It's like they have a competition for
the most divorces, and we're over here thinking, "Can we stick to cricket, please?"

In all seriousness, marriage is a delicate dance, and divorces are just a stumble in the
choreography. Let's remember to cherish the joyous moments, laugh through the
tough times, and try not to let our marriages become more complicated than the
plot of a Bollywood movie.

In conclusion, while we might be witnessing a surge in divorces, let's remember that

relationships are like biryani – it takes time, patience, and the right mix of spices. And
who knows, maybe someday we'll find the perfect recipe for a long-lasting, happy
marriage, complete with a dash of humour.

Thank you, and remember, love is like a good joke – it gets better with time!

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