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Republic of the Philippines

Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology

Hannah Abigael D. Cajes GEC106 A2 – 1

Teacher-Made Assignment (TMA)

1. What is your stand about Pura Luka Vega’s impersonation about Jesus

As a person who grew up in a Catholic household, the first thought that comes to
mind is that it was disrespectful. However, I've come to understand that within the
Filipino community, it's not uncommon for people to don such costumes and even
create memes around it. The TikTok trend featuring the rock and roll version of the
"Ama namin" song has gained popularity, particularly among the younger generation. It
is embraced as a way to depict the dual lives of church servants who engage in wild
partying on Saturday night and seamlessly transition to serving at church the next day
as if nothing happened. Pura Luka's performance of drag as Jesus, accompanied by the
music "Ama namin," has sparked controversy, with some viewing it as blasphemous to
the Catholic Church. However, from another perspective, it can be seen as a form of art
through which Pura Luka expresses her faith to Jesus. The diverse reactions to this
performance highlight the subjective nature of faith expression.

Art has long been a medium for individuals to explore, question, and express
their beliefs. Pura Luka's interpretation, though unconventional, may be her unique way
of connecting with and expressing reverence for Jesus. In the realm of art, there exists
a wide spectrum of interpretations and expressions of faith, and what some perceive as
blasphemous, others may see as a profound and personal form of devotion.

Understanding faith as a deeply personal and individual journey allows for the
recognition that people have different ways of expressing their spirituality. Just as there
are various religions and denominations, there are also myriad approaches to worship
and devotion within each faith. Pura Luka's artistic expression serves as a reminder that
faith is not a monolithic entity; rather, it is a diverse and multifaceted aspect of human
experience. Engaging in dialogue about such artistic expressions can foster a deeper
understanding of the richness and complexity of faith. It encourages individuals to
appreciate the diversity of perspectives within a religious community and to recognize
that different forms of artistic expression can coexist alongside more traditional modes
of worship. Ultimately, the acceptance of diverse expressions of faith contributes to a
more inclusive and tolerant society where individuals are free to explore and articulate
their spirituality in ways that resonate with their personal beliefs.

2. What is the significant role of the Church in our Philippine government


In the Philippines, where Catholicism is the predominant religion, the church

holds significant sway over the moral and ethical fabric of society. Its influence is deeply
rooted in history and has shaped the nation's cultural identity. The church's impact can
be observed in various aspects of Philippine life. The church also serves as a moral
compass for the nation. It frequently speaks out on issues related to morality, human
rights, and social justice. The moral authority of the church leaders can influence public
opinion and contribute to shaping the discourse on important societal matters.

While the church's influence is felt in these cultural and social spheres, it's
essential to emphasize the constitutional separation of church and state in the
Philippines. The government operates independently of religious influence, and
decisions are made based on democratic principles and the rule of law. In the
Philippines, the intertwining of church and politics weaves a narrative deeply rooted in
the nation's history, culture, and identity. At the heart of this relationship is the
prominence of the Catholic Church, an institution that not only serves as a spiritual
guide but also significantly influences the moral compass of the Filipino people. The
Catholic Church's role extends beyond the confines of religious rituals; it resonates in
the political and social spheres, shaping the discourse on critical issues. With Roman
Catholicism as the predominant religion, the Church's moral guidance often becomes a
touchstone for political decisions and societal values.

In this narrative, the pulpit becomes a podium for advocacy, and bishops and
priests emerge as influential voices on matters of social justice, poverty, and human
rights. The Church, as an institution, engages in political activism, taking stances on
legislative issues that align with its moral teachings. These pronouncements reverberate
through communities, influencing public opinion and, at times, shaping electoral
choices.Elections, a crucial aspect of Philippine democracy, showcase the Church's
political sway. Endorsements or criticisms from the clergy can sway the allegiance of
the predominantly Catholic electorate. Yet, this influence is not absolute, as diverse
perspectives within the Catholic community lead to varied responses to the Church's
recommendations. The Church's engagement transcends rhetoric; it is deeply involved
in the welfare of Filipino communities. Schools, hospitals, and social programs run by
the Church contribute significantly to local development, endearing it to many Filipinos.
This involvement fortifies its influence at the grassroots level, creating a dynamic
interplay between the spiritual and the societal. However, the narrative also encounters
challenges. The constitutional mandate of the separation of church and state in the
Philippines creates a tension between religious influence and political governance.
Issues such as reproductive health, divorce, and LGBTQ+ rights have led to debates
where the Church's moral stance clashes with evolving social values. Amidst these
complexities, interfaith relations gain prominence. The Philippines, a religiously diverse
nation, sees an ongoing dialogue among various religious communities. This interfaith
engagement is critical for fostering understanding and unity, particularly in a country
where cultural and religious diversity is a defining feature.

In essence, the narrative of church and politics in the Philippines is multifaceted.

It weaves a story of a nation where religious beliefs shape societal values, influence
political decisions, and contribute to the intricate tapestry of Filipino identity. The
interplay between the pulpit and the political arena continues to evolve, reflecting the
ever-changing dynamics of a society at the crossroads of tradition and progress.

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