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Dear Candidate,
Welcome to The LeDroit India family!! We are delighted to have you on board as a “Legal Research
Intern”. At LeDroit India, our Legal Research Interns are our biggest strength. Thus, we take pride in hiring
only the best and the brightest, we are sure that would play a vital role in helping us achieve our goals.
Please note that the duration of the internship is 1 month starting from 7 December, 2023, till 7
December, 2023.

As an intern you will be responsible for:

1. Writing legal research articles and blogs

2. Researching about law updates

3. Assisting the content team in creating content for Social media

Your tasks are not limited to the above listed responsibilities. During your internship tenure, you will
be getting access to any one of our courses at a 20% discount and a chance to publish one article on
any legal topic, which shall be submitted within the duration of the program.

During your internship tenure, your Team Leader will be guiding you throughout the internship
period, any doubts or queries related to your internship will be answered by them. At the end of the
internship, you’ll be receiving a Certificate of Appreciation along with a Letter of Recommendation.

To confirm your internship, kindly acknowledge this Offer Letter by sharing the said details -A
picture of your College ID Card, and a passport-size photograph by 6 December 2023.


Team LeDroit India.

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