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**Basic Editing Shortcuts:**

1. **Ctrl + C**: Copy the selected text or object.

2. **Ctrl + X**: Cut the selected text or object.

3. **Ctrl + V**: Paste the copied or cut text or object.

4. **Ctrl + Z**: Undo the last action.

5. **Ctrl + Y**: Redo the last action.

6. **Ctrl + A**: Select all text or objects in the document.

7. **Ctrl + F**: Open the Find dialog to search for specific text.

8. **Ctrl + H**: Open the Replace dialog to find and replace text.

9. **Ctrl + S**: Save the document.

10. **Ctrl + P**: Print the document.

11. **Ctrl + N**: Create a new document.

12. **Ctrl + O**: Open an existing document.

**Text Formatting Shortcuts:**

1. **Ctrl + B**: Bold the selected text.

2. **Ctrl + I**: Italicize the selected text.

3. **Ctrl + U**: Underline the selected text.

4. **Ctrl + L**: Left-align the selected text.

5. **Ctrl + E**: Center-align the selected text.

6. **Ctrl + R**: Right-align the selected text.

**Text Styling and Formatting:**

1. **Ctrl + 1**: Single line spacing.

2. **Ctrl + 2**: Double line spacing.

3. **Ctrl + 5**: Set the line spacing to 1.5.

4. **Ctrl + Shift + >**: Increase font size.

5. **Ctrl + Shift + <: Decrease font size.

**Navigation and Document Control:**

1. **Ctrl + Home**: Move the cursor to the beginning of the document.

2. **Ctrl + End**: Move the cursor to the end of the document.

3. **Ctrl + Page Up**: Move to the previous page.

4. **Ctrl + Page Down**: Move to the next page.

**Tables and Lists:**

1. **Tab**: Indent the text or move to the next cell in a table.

2. **Shift + Tab**: Remove the indent or move to the previous cell in a table.

3. **Ctrl + Enter**: Insert a page break.

4. **Alt + Shift + Up/Down Arrow**: Move rows in a table up or down.

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