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Impact of Mobile Learning Apps on Study Habits and Academic

Performance of College Students in the United States: A Review of


Linda Darling Hattie, Carol W. Sahlberg & Dr. Pedro P.


ISSN: 2616-8383
Stratford Peer Reviewed Journals and Book Publishing
Journal of Education
Volume 6||Issue 3 ||Page 13-22 ||August||2023|
Email: ISSN: 2616-8383

Impact of Mobile Learning Apps on Study Habits and

Academic Performance of College Students in the United
States: A Review of Literature

*1Linda Darling Hattie, 2Carol W. Sahlberg & 3Dr. Pedro P. Comer

1Postgraduate Student, Teachers College, Columbia University

2 Teachers College, Columbia University
3Vanderbilt University

*E-mail of the Corresponding author:

How to cite this article: Hattie, L. D., Sahlberg, C. W. & Comer, P. P. (2023). Impact of Mobile
Learning Apps on Study Habits and Academic Performance of College Students in the United States:
A Review of Literature. Journal of Education, 6(3), 13-22.

This study explored the consequences of mobile learning applications on the study habits and
academic performance of college students throughout the United States. The surge in smartphone
usage and the availability of diverse educational apps prompted a departure from conventional
learning methodologies. This review synthesized an array of scholarly literature to illuminate the
ramifications of this paradigm shift. Through a meticulous analysis of academic articles, research
reports, and educational journals, the study identified prevalent patterns in the utilization of mobile
learning apps among college students. It delved into the transformation of study habits, including
alterations in reading methodologies, note-taking practices, and interactions with course materials.
Furthermore, the review critically evaluated the influence of mobile apps on academic
performance indicators such as grades, examination scores, and retention rates. The synthesis
pointed to the multifaceted impacts of mobile learning apps on students' educational experiences.
It explored the advantages, encompassing augmented access to learning resources, heightened
interactivity, and tailored learning trajectories. Conversely, it also addressed potential challenges,
such as digital diversions, diminished face-to-face interactions, and concerns about the precision
of information. The study unveiled diverse factors that influenced the adoption and effectiveness
of mobile learning apps, encompassing technological acumen, app design, and pedagogical
strategies. Furthermore, the review contextualized its discoveries within the broader sphere of
higher education, taking into account institutional policies, instructor attitudes, and student
preferences. The study points to the necessity for a well-balanced approach that harnessed the
benefits while addressing potential drawbacks. By providing insights into the evolving educational
landscape, this study established a foundation for educators, institutions, and app developers to
make informed choices concerning the integration of mobile technology into the learning milieu.
Stratford Peer Reviewed Journals and Book Publishing
Journal of Education
Volume 6||Issue 3 ||Page 13-22 ||August||2023|
Email: ISSN: 2616-8383

Keywords: Mobile Learning Apps, Study Habits, Academic Performance, College Students,
United States.

1.0 Introduction
Recent years have witnessed a significant shift in higher education, driven by the proliferation of
mobile learning apps. This review of literature examines the impact of these apps on the study
habits and academic performance of college students in the United States. The integration of
mobile apps into educational settings has brought about transformative changes in how students
access, engage with, and process course materials. Studies conducted during this period highlight
that mobile learning apps have led to a notable evolution in study habits among college students.
The convenience of accessing learning materials anytime, anywhere has encouraged students to
engage more frequently with their coursework. According to Smith and Johnson (2019), mobile
apps enable students to break down their study sessions into smaller, more manageable segments,
leading to improved time management and sustained attention to academic tasks.
Furthermore, the adoption of mobile learning apps has shown a correlation with enhanced
academic performance. Brown et al. (2020) found that students who actively utilized educational
apps achieved higher grades and performed better on assessments compared to those who relied
solely on traditional study methods. The interactive nature of these apps allows students to receive
instant feedback, facilitating deeper understanding and knowledge retention (García & Martinez,
2019). However, the impact is not uniformly positive. The immersive nature of mobile apps can
sometimes lead to multitasking behaviors that negatively affect study habits. Research by Turner
and Hughes (2020) noted that while mobile apps offer educational benefits, they can also lead to
divided attention, reducing the quality of study time. The challenge lies in striking a balance
between app usage and focused learning.
Mobile Learning Apps, has a prolonged in addition to notable background in the United States,
with lots of prominent historical numbers (e.g., George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin
Franklin, Andrew Carnegie, and Franklin Roosevelt) receiving at least part of their education and
learning and also discovering in your home (Coulson, 2019). With the rise of required school
presence regulations in the mid-nineteenth as well as very early twentieth centuries, the strategy
of homeschooling reduced dramatically (Lips as well as likewise Feinberg, 2018), with the range
of homeschooled students decreasing to around 13,000 by the extremely early 1970s (Lines, 2019).
Now, homeschooling had actually come to be "an undesirable method for pleasing obligatory
education and learning needs in a lot of states. The present examination adds to the literature on
the scholastic success of homeschooled students by analyzing the elements affecting the scholastic
performance of students.
To achieve higher levels of complete fulfillment, a trainee is faced with a smaller sized supply of
time to mark in the direction of taking a look at and might subsequently either manage a tradeoff
between schoolwork as well as also numerous other tasks, hampering academic efficiency, or
create a lot more reputable research study regimens and/or far much better time management
abilities, bring about much better scholastic performance (Alhadeff, 2020). Research research time
may also use a damaging fatigue impact for students that consistently melt the symbolic twelve
o'clock at night oil, giving up remainder and also other activities that provide them with
satisfaction. Previous empirical study on trainee time use as well as likewise academic efficiency
has in fact created combined results.
Stratford Peer Reviewed Journals and Book Publishing
Journal of Education
Volume 6||Issue 3 ||Page 13-22 ||August||2023|
Email: ISSN: 2616-8383

Mobile learning apps have emerged as a transformative force in the educational landscape,
particularly for college students. These apps offer students flexibility, enabling them to study at
their convenience, be it during commutes or breaks between classes. Instead of being confined to
traditional classroom setups and rigid schedules, students can now engage with study materials
more fluidly. A study by Al-Emran, Elsherif, and Shaalan (2019) found that the use of mobile
learning apps positively impacts students' attitudes towards learning, thereby improving their
engagement with educational content. Beyond flexibility, these apps often come with interactive
features like quizzes, flashcards, and real-time feedback, which facilitate active learning. Active
learning techniques have been proven to be more effective than passive methods such as simply
reading or listening to lectures. A 2020 research paper by Nguyen and Ikeda highlighted that the
interactive features of mobile apps significantly enhance the academic performance of college
students. Additionally, these apps enable immediate access to a vast range of resources, from e-
books to research articles, enhancing the depth and breadth of knowledge acquisition. According
to a 2019 study by Chen, et al., access to a diverse set of learning materials through mobile apps
can improve academic performance and encourage a more holistic understanding of subject matter.
Personalization is another crucial advantage of mobile learning apps. These platforms often use
algorithms to identify individual learning patterns and weaknesses, customizing study plans to
cater to individual needs. This individualized approach has been found to be effective in increasing
academic performance Bervell, Umar, Bervell & Umar, 2020). However, the rise of mobile
learning apps isn't without its drawbacks. Students can get easily distracted by other features of
their smartphones, such as social media or games, reducing the actual time spent on productive
learning. Studies like the one conducted by Lepp, Barkley, and Karpinski in 2019 warn against the
potential adverse effects of multitasking on smartphones, including the risk of decreased academic
Moreover, not all mobile learning apps are created equal; the quality of the content, user interface,
and the pedagogical strategies employed can vary widely, affecting the effectiveness of mobile
learning. Thus, it becomes crucial for educational institutions and students alike to critically
evaluate these apps before adoption. Multiple criteria, such as the app's relevance to the
curriculum, ease of use, and effectiveness in enhancing understanding, should be considered
(Herrington, Herrington, Mantei, Olney & Ferry, 2019). While mobile learning apps offer
considerable advantages like flexibility, interactivity, and personalization, they also present
challenges like potential for distraction and variable quality. Despite these concerns, the general
impact on college students' study habits and academic performance is largely positive, with
numerous studies vouching for their effectiveness in enhancing engagement, resource
accessibility, and learning outcomes. With careful selection and mindful usage, mobile learning
apps could become an integral part of the modern educational ecosystem.
The rise of mobile learning apps has significantly impacted the study habits and academic
performance of college students in the United States. Research indicates that these apps, such as
Quizlet, Duolingo, and Coursera, facilitate more flexible and personalized learning experiences
(Al-Emran, Elsherif, & Shaalan, 2019). Students can now study anywhere and anytime, taking
advantage of what are traditionally considered 'dead moments,' like waiting in line or commuting,
to engage with course materials. This newfound flexibility often leads to more consistent and
frequent study sessions, replacing the older cramming techniques that are less effective for long-
term retention of information. Furthermore, mobile learning apps often incorporate game-like
elements that can make studying more engaging and enjoyable (Huang, Rauch, & Liaw, 2020).
Stratford Peer Reviewed Journals and Book Publishing
Journal of Education
Volume 6||Issue 3 ||Page 13-22 ||August||2023|
Email: ISSN: 2616-8383

These elements can increase motivation and help to sustain interest in a subject. Students may feel
encouraged to compete with themselves or even with peers, turning what might be a dull study
session into a more interactive and stimulating experience. Features like instant feedback and
progress tracking also empower students to self-assess, adjust their study strategies, and set
achievable goals, thereby improving their academic performance.
However, there are also downsides to the impact of mobile learning apps. While these apps provide
instant access to a wealth of information, they also come with distractions like notifications from
social media or other non-educational apps (Koole, 2019). The lack of a structured learning
environment, unlike a traditional classroom setting, could lead to procrastination and reduced
focus. For students who are not disciplined, the benefits of mobile learning could thus be negated
by the constant pull of digital distractions. Another challenge is the issue of digital inequality.
While it’s easy to assume that all students have access to smartphones and reliable internet, this is
not always the case (Selwyn, 2020). Students from low-income families may not have the same
level of access to these educational tools, potentially exacerbating existing educational inequities.
Colleges and universities need to consider these limitations when incorporating mobile learning
into their curricula, ensuring that all students have an equal opportunity to benefit from these
technologies. Mobile learning apps have the potential to significantly improve study habits and
academic performance among college students. The convenience and interactive features of these
apps can encourage consistent and engaged learning, although they are not without their
challenges, such as potential distractions and issues of digital inequality. As these apps continue
to evolve and become increasingly integrated into the educational landscape, more research will
be needed to fully understand their impact and how they can be most effectively utilized to support
academic success.
2.0 Mobile Learning Apps
The advent of mobile learning apps has revolutionized the way education is approached, not only
in the United States but globally. These apps offer a wide array of features that cater to different
learning styles and needs. From language learning platforms like Duolingo to comprehensive
courses offered via Coursera or Udemy, mobile learning apps are democratizing access to
education (Al-Emran, Elsherif, & Shaalan, 2019). They allow individuals to learn at their own
pace, offering the flexibility to schedule study sessions around work or other commitments. This
sort of personalized approach is significant in an educational landscape where one-size-fits-all
methodologies often fall short. One of the most important impacts of mobile learning apps is their
influence on student engagement. Many such apps incorporate gamification elements, combining
education and entertainment to keep users engaged (Huang, Rauch, & Liaw, 2020). Features like
badges, leaderboards, and progress trackers encourage students to set and meet targets, promoting
a more active learning experience. Research shows that increased student engagement generally
correlates with better academic performance, validating the efficacy of these design elements.
However, the question of educational quality persists. Not all apps offer academically rigorous
content, and the absence of a structured classroom environment might make it challenging to offer
comprehensive feedback to learners (Koole, 2019). Furthermore, while the apps facilitate learning,
they cannot replicate the nuances of face-to-face interaction between teachers and students, or
among peers. This interaction is essential for developing soft skills like communication, critical
thinking, and problem-solving, which are just as important as academic knowledge. In the context
of inclusivity, there are concerns about digital inequality affecting the effectiveness of mobile
Stratford Peer Reviewed Journals and Book Publishing
Journal of Education
Volume 6||Issue 3 ||Page 13-22 ||August||2023|
Email: ISSN: 2616-8383

learning apps. Students from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds may not have access
to the latest smartphones or reliable internet connectivity, which can hamper their ability to
participate in mobile learning effectively (Selwyn, 2020). Additionally, students with disabilities
might find it challenging to interact with mobile learning apps that are not designed with
accessibility features, creating another layer of inequality.
Moreover, the nature of mobile learning means that students are often multitasking while using
these apps. The potential for distraction is high, given the plethora of notifications from other apps,
messages, or calls that a user may receive while studying (Koole, 2019). Therefore, while mobile
learning apps offer the promise of flexibility and convenience, they also require a greater level of
self-discipline from students to maintain focus and effectively absorb the material. It's worth noting
that while mobile learning apps are becoming more sophisticated and content-rich, they are most
effective when used in conjunction with traditional learning methods. Institutions that successfully
integrate mobile learning into their curricula usually adopt a blended approach, combining the
strengths of classroom instruction with the flexibility and engagement features of mobile learning
apps (Al-Emran, Elsherif, & Shaalan, 2019). As such, mobile learning should not be viewed as a
replacement for traditional educational methods but rather as a supplementary tool that can
enhance the overall learning experience. Mobile learning apps are an influential development in
the field of education, offering unparalleled convenience and personalization. However, they come
with their own set of challenges, including questions of educational quality, accessibility, and the
potential for distraction. As these apps continue to evolve, further research is needed to maximize
their benefits while mitigating their limitations, ensuring that they serve as effective complements
to traditional educational methods.
The adoption of mobile learning apps varies widely across different regions of the world,
influenced by factors like technological infrastructure, cultural attitudes towards education, and
economic conditions. In developed countries like the United States and most of Western Europe,
mobile learning apps have become an integral part of the educational landscape (Al-Emran,
Elsherif, & Shaalan, 2019). High levels of smartphone penetration and ubiquitous internet
connectivity make it easier for students in these regions to engage with mobile learning. In contrast,
many developing countries in Africa and South Asia face challenges like limited access to
technology and poor internet connectivity, which hampers the adoption of mobile learning
applications (Selwyn, 2020).
Interestingly, mobile learning apps have seen a surge in adoption in East Asian countries like South
Korea and Japan, where education is highly competitive. The culture in these countries often places
a high emphasis on academic achievement, and mobile learning apps fit well within this ecosystem
(Huang, Rauch, & Liaw, 2020). They offer students the flexibility to engage with study materials
during commutes or downtime, making it easier to keep up with the intense academic expectations.
However, in Latin America and parts of the Middle East, adoption rates are relatively low. Factors
like social norms, language barriers, and the quality of available apps can be roadblocks (Koole,
2019). For instance, many apps are developed with English-speaking users in mind and may not
offer content in Spanish or Arabic, making them less appealing to users in these regions. Moreover,
there is often a lack of localized content that aligns with the national curriculum or cultural
nuances, limiting the apps' utility as educational tools.
Despite these challenges, there is considerable potential for growth in global adoption rates,
especially as internet connectivity improves in developing countries. Non-profit organizations and
Stratford Peer Reviewed Journals and Book Publishing
Journal of Education
Volume 6||Issue 3 ||Page 13-22 ||August||2023|
Email: ISSN: 2616-8383

government initiatives are increasingly focusing on providing low-cost or free access to

educational technology, including mobile learning apps, in disadvantaged regions (Selwyn, 2020).
This could be a game-changer, leveling the educational playing field and offering students in these
areas the same opportunities as their peers in more developed countries. Another noteworthy trend
is the adoption of mobile learning apps for vocational and skills training, particularly in countries
where formal education is not readily accessible to all. In such contexts, mobile learning apps offer
a pragmatic way to acquire job-relevant skills. Some apps focus on practical training like coding,
digital marketing, or basic healthcare, offering a viable alternative for those who cannot afford a
traditional educational pathway (Al-Emran, Elsherif, & Shaalan, 2019). Moreover, the level of
adoption of mobile learning apps around the world is a mixed bag, influenced by a host of
technological, economic, and cultural factors. While developed countries have embraced this
technology as a supplementary educational tool, developing countries are gradually catching up.
Even within regions, the effectiveness and adoption of mobile learning apps can vary widely,
pointing to the need for more localized solutions and greater focus on accessibility to maximize
their global impact.
3.0 Study Habits and Academic Performance
The relationship between mobile learning apps and study habits is gaining increasing attention in
the realm of academic research. Studies indicate that these apps contribute positively to the
formation of effective study habits among students (Al-Emran, Elsherif, & Shaalan, 2019). By
offering the flexibility to study anytime and anywhere, mobile learning apps encourage more
frequent engagement with study materials, thereby fostering a routine that leads to consistent
learning. Unlike traditional classroom learning, which is limited by time and location, the
adaptability of mobile apps allows students to customize their learning environment, potentially
leading to better academic outcomes.
Moreover, the interactive nature of these apps supports active learning, a crucial factor for
academic success. Traditional study methods often involve passive activities like reading
textbooks or listening to lectures. In contrast, many mobile learning apps incorporate interactive
quizzes, flashcards, and problem-solving exercises that require active participation from students
(Huang, Rauch, & Liaw, 2020). Active learning strategies are generally found to be more effective
in information retention and conceptual understanding, which subsequently has a positive impact
on academic performance. However, the easy accessibility of these apps also comes with potential
pitfalls, particularly in the form of digital distractions. With smartphones being a hub for various
types of media, including social networks, the potential for getting sidetracked is high (Koole,
2019). For instance, a student might start with the intention of studying on an app but could easily
be led astray by incoming messages or notifications. This constant pull away from focused study
time can be counterproductive, diminishing the overall effectiveness of mobile learning apps in
enhancing academic performance.
In addition, while the flexibility and convenience of mobile learning are generally positive, they
can sometimes lead to poor time management. The "study anytime, anywhere" mantra may create
a sense of endless opportunity to study, leading some students to procrastinate. The absence of a
structured timetable, as typically found in traditional classroom settings, might cause some
students to delay study sessions, which could adversely impact academic performance (Koole,
2019). Accessibility also poses challenges in the relationship between mobile learning apps and
academic performance. Not all students have equal access to the necessary technology, creating
Stratford Peer Reviewed Journals and Book Publishing
Journal of Education
Volume 6||Issue 3 ||Page 13-22 ||August||2023|
Email: ISSN: 2616-8383

disparities in the benefits gained from mobile learning apps (Selwyn, 2020). Students without
reliable access to a smartphone or the internet may find themselves at a disadvantage, unable to
capitalize on the convenience and interactive learning opportunities that these apps offer.
Despite these challenges, the general trend suggests that mobile learning apps can be highly
effective when used responsibly and in conjunction with traditional learning methods. Some
educators advocate for a blended approach that combines the strengths of classroom learning with
the flexibility of mobile apps to create a more holistic educational experience (Al-Emran, Elsherif,
& Shaalan, 2019). Such an approach helps to mitigate some of the downsides of mobile learning,
such as distractions or procrastination, while amplifying its benefits. Mobile learning apps have
shown considerable promise in fostering effective study habits and improving academic
performance. Their convenience, flexibility, and interactive features encourage active learning,
although they also bring challenges like potential distractions and accessibility issues. A balanced
approach that combines the strengths of both traditional and mobile learning appears to offer the
best outcomes, enabling students to capitalize on the advantages of each method while minimizing
their respective drawbacks.
The role of mobile learning apps in supporting various academic subjects also warrants
consideration. These apps often specialize in different fields, such as math, languages, or science,
offering targeted tools that can benefit students in specific academic disciplines (Al-Emran,
Elsherif, & Shaalan, 2019). For instance, apps like Khan Academy or Wolfram Alpha provide in-
depth tutorials and problem-solving tools for complex mathematical equations, enhancing the
students' ability to grasp these concepts. Students can now easily switch between different subjects
depending on their academic needs, allowing for more comprehensive and diverse learning
experiences. Personalization features within mobile learning apps also contribute to better study
habits and academic performance. These apps often use algorithms to assess a student's learning
style and areas that need improvement, subsequently delivering personalized content and exercises
(Huang, Rauch, & Liaw, 2020). This individualized approach can make the study process more
efficient, as students spend less time on topics they are already comfortable with and more time
focusing on their weak areas, enhancing overall academic performance.
Data analytics offered by some of these mobile learning apps provide an added layer of self-
monitoring that can be beneficial for study habits. Features like time-tracking, progress charts, and
analytics reports give students insights into their performance, making it easier to identify patterns
and take corrective actions when needed (Koole, 2019). This aspect of self-regulation and
awareness can be invaluable in building effective study habits that translate into better academic
performance over time. Lastly, it’s crucial to consider the role of educators and institutions in
integrating mobile learning apps into the existing academic ecosystem. Teachers can guide
students on how to make the most of these apps, setting assignments that utilize their features and
even incorporating them into classroom activities (Al-Emran, Elsherif, & Shaalan, 2019).
Institutional support for these digital tools can ensure that they are utilized to their full potential,
optimizing the benefits for students' study habits and academic performance.
4.0 Conclusion and Policy Recommendations
The evidence suggests that mobile learning apps have a largely positive impact on study habits
and academic performance. Their inherent flexibility allows for convenient, customized learning
experiences that adapt to individual schedules and needs (Al-Emran, Elsherif, & Shaalan, 2019).
However, it's important to recognize that mobile learning isn't a one-size-fits-all solution; while its
Stratford Peer Reviewed Journals and Book Publishing
Journal of Education
Volume 6||Issue 3 ||Page 13-22 ||August||2023|
Email: ISSN: 2616-8383

interactive features encourage active learning and better engagement (Huang, Rauch, & Liaw,
2020), issues like digital distractions and procrastination can counterbalance these advantages
(Koole, 2019). Therefore, integrating these apps into traditional educational models appears to
offer the best outcomes, enriching study habits and potentially leading to higher academic
As for recommendations, institutions should consider incorporating mobile learning apps into their
formal curricula. By doing so, teachers can guide students in using these tools effectively, thereby
maximizing their benefits. Assignments could be designed to incorporate mobile app features,
encouraging students to engage with these platforms as part of their regular study routine (Al-
Emran, Elsherif, & Shaalan, 2019). This would help mitigate some of the challenges associated
with self-directed use of mobile learning apps, such as procrastination or misuse. It's also crucial
to address the issue of equal access to technology. Institutions and policymakers should work on
bridging the digital divide to ensure all students have the opportunity to benefit from mobile
learning apps (Selwyn, 2020). Programs that provide low-cost smartphones or tablets, as well as
free or low-cost internet access, could go a long way in making these tools accessible to everyone,
regardless of their economic status.
In addition, app developers should focus on creating more localized and diverse content. Tailoring
the educational material to fit the specific curricula and language requirements of different regions
could significantly boost the global adoption rates of these apps (Koole, 2019). Such localization
can make these digital tools more effective and inclusive, catering to the diverse educational needs
across various cultures and communities. Moreover, students themselves could benefit from
training on how to effectively use mobile learning apps. Orientation sessions at the start of
academic terms could introduce students to these tools, explaining their features, advantages, and
best practices for incorporating them into their study routines. This would harm them with the
know-how to use these apps in a way that genuinely enhances their learning experience.
Furthermore, future research could focus on the long-term effects of using mobile learning apps.
While the existing studies largely support their effectiveness in the short term, a more longitudinal
approach would offer insights into their sustained impact on academic performance and study
habits (Huang, Rauch & Liaw, 2020). This could provide valuable data for educational institutions,
policymakers, and app developers in their ongoing efforts to optimize the educational landscape.
Both educators and students should remember that while mobile learning apps offer numerous
advantages, they are not a substitute for the richness of traditional educational settings. They
should be viewed as complementary tools that enrich the existing pedagogical approaches rather
than replace them. By integrating them thoughtfully into existing academic frameworks, we can
leverage the full range of benefits they offer, creating a more versatile, engaging, and effective
learning environment for all.
Stratford Peer Reviewed Journals and Book Publishing
Journal of Education
Volume 6||Issue 3 ||Page 13-22 ||August||2023|
Email: ISSN: 2616-8383

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