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S.B. Roll. No……………………………………………..


5th Exam/CSE/IT/2795/Jun'2022
(For 2018 Batch Onwards)
Duration: 3Hrs. M.Marks:75
Q1. Do as directed. 15x1=15
a. All variables in PHP start with ______Symbol
b. When using the POST method, variables are displayed in the URL(True/False)
c. ____is the super global variable which holds information about headers, paths, and script locations?
d. The die() and exit() functions do the exact same thing.(True/False)
e. XML stands for______
f. _______arrays are such arrays which store another array at each index instead of single element.
g. Full form of CMS is________
h. DOM stands for______
i. DOM views XML document as a tree- structure (True/False)
j. _______is acronym for Asynchronous Java script and XML.
k. With AJAX, when you hit submit, Java script will make a request to the server, interpret the results
and update the current screen. (True/False)
l. XML is a ______language

m. PHP is ______side scripting language. .r c
n. A variable name cannot start with a________
o. SQL stands for_____
o p e

p a
p e
Q2. Attempt any six questions.
i. Give difference between XML and HTML.

b r 6x5=30

ii. Represent Library Books using XML.
iii. What are cookies in PHP? Explain.

r p
iv. What is an array? Explain various types of arrays in PHP.
v. Explain GET and POST method in PHP.

vi. What are the uses of MongoDB?
vii. Write down some important applications of PHP.

Q3. Attempt any three questions. 3x10=30
a. What is Content Management System? Explain in detail.
b. Write a Program to connect MySQL database using PHP, reading the database and writing values
into the database.
c. Write down any five features of AJAX.
d. What is a session? How to start, maintain and destroy the session in PHP?
e. Discuss in detail about syntax of XML.

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