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Date: ________________________ Subject Teacher: ____________________________________________


I. Most Essential Learning Competency

The learner is able to plan data collection procedure (CS_RS12_IIa-c-5).

II. Overview
In the previous Learning Activity Sheet (LAS), you have learned how to develop and construct a
research instrument as well as the different types to establish its validity and reliability. Once you finally
have your validated research instrument, you are now ready to collect data from your target respondents.
You are going to learn various methods in collecting data as you go on with this LAS.

III. Discussion

Data Collection
Data collection refers to the process of collecting information from the target sources. In
quantitative research, the data collection method relies on data collection instruments that fit various
experiences into predetermined responses producing results that are easy to summarize, compare, and
generalize. Data collection allows you to gain firsthand knowledge and original insights into your research
problems (Bhandari 2020).
Before you begin collecting data, you need to consider the following:
• The aim of the research
Identify exactly what you want to achieve in your research. You can start by writing a problem statement:
What is the practical or scientific issue that you want to address and why does it matter?
• The type of data that you will collect
• The methods and procedures you will use to collect, store, and process the data

Sources of Data
According to Faltado et al. (2017), in conducting research, you may use various sources of data
as indicated below.
• Primary sources. They provide raw data which can be collected from the original source like
experimental test result, questionnaire survey, interview, and observation.
• Secondary sources. These are sources of data that have already been collected and published
by someone else such as books, reports, journals, magazines, newspapers, online articles, and

Methods in Collecting Data

According to Faltado et al. (2017) and Ballera et al. (2019), below are the various methods in
collecting data used in quantitative research.

1. Structured Interview
This method of collecting data involves the presentation of verbal replies from the respondents.
In quantitative research, interview is more structured compared to the qualitative research. The
researcher asks only the standard questions written in the questionnaire and nothing more. The
researcher follows the same line of questions to ensure that the conducted interview is delivered in
the same format and same order to every respondent.

Here are the types of interviews that could be used by the researcher:
• Face-to-face interview. This is the most frequently used type of interview method which directly
acquires information from the respondents.
Advantages: Disadvantages:
• It establishes rapport between • It is time-consuming and expensive to
researcher and participants. conduct.
• It gives chance to clarify ambiguous • It is impractical to use when we have a
answer of the respondents. large sample.
• It has a high response rate compared to
other types of interview.

• Telephone Interview. It is used when the researchers have no time to meet the respondents
personally. However, the response rate of the respondents is not as high as the face-to-face
Advantages: Disadvantages:
• It is less time-consuming and less • It is biased to those with telephone
expensive. only.
• It easily reaches respondents with a • A little time is given to the respondents.
landline telephone. • The response rate is not as high as
• It is fully automated using Computer face-to-face interview.
Assisting telephone interview that saves
processing time.

• Computer-Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI). It is a form of a personal interview wherein the

interviewer brings along a laptop and directly enters the information or response of the
respondents to the database.
Advantages: Disadvantage:
• It saves researchers in bringing • It is expensive to set up and requires
hundreds of questionnaires. the interviewer to have a laptop.
• It saves time in processing data.

2. Questionnaire (Survey)
It serves as a standard guide of the researcher in asking information from the respondents. This
method helps the researcher to simplify and quantify the respondents’ behavior. There are normally
four sections in a questionnaire namely:
• Respondents’ identification data. It includes the profile of the respondents.
• Introduction. It may include the researcher’s request for help, and the purpose of the study.
• Instruction. It is the researcher’s direction on how to move through the questionnaire.
• Information. It is the series of questions and statements that seek a response from the

Here are the types of a questionnaire that could be used by the researcher:
• Paper-pencil questionnaire. This is the traditional way of collecting data from the respondents.
It can be sent to a large number of respondents.
Advantages: Disadvantage:
• Respondents are truthful to their • Some of the respondents do not return
response because their responses are the questionnaire.
• It is less time-consuming and less
expensive to conduct.

• Web–based questionnaire. It is an internet-based research where the respondents will receive

an email that contains an address that would take them to a secure website containing the
Advantage: Disadvantages:
• It is much quicker than the paper- • It excludes people who do not have a
pencil method. computer or any gadgets.
• The accuracy of the respondents’
responses is uncertain.

• Mail questionnaire. It is usually distributed through mail, filled out and administered by
respondents where they return this to the researchers through email. Usually, the mail has a
packet containing a cover sheet and introductory message of what the questionnaire is all about.
Advantage: Disadvantage:
• The responses are all anonymous • It has a higher churn rate compared to
making the respondents honest to their other types of questionnaires.

Questionnaires usually make use of a checklist and rating scale to help researchers simplify and
quantify respondents’ behaviors and attitudes.

3. Structured Observation
Structured observation is a way of collecting data by watching behavior, events, or noting
physical characteristics in a natural setting. This method is usually used in the situation where the
subjects are unwilling or unable to provide the needed data through survey or interview. Observation
can be as follows:
• Overt Observation. It is an observation where the respondents are aware that they are being
• Covert Observation. It refers to an observation where the respondents are unaware that they
are being observed.
• Direct Observation. The observation occurs during the interaction.
• Indirect Observation. The observation occurs on the result of the interaction.

Chhetri (2017) indicates the advantages and disadvantages of using observation method in
collecting data.
Advantages: Disadvantages:
• Behavior is naturally studied, and the • Time-consuming and may involve a
data is not distorted. large amount of inactivity.
• It is cost-effective and produce a valid • Researchers need to be keen in
result. observing all the elements needed in
• Subjects behave in a desired natural the study.

Observation can make use of a recording sheet and checklist, which is the standardized way of
collecting data.

4. Tests
This method provides a way to assess the subject’s knowledge and capacity to apply knowledge
to new situations. There are various forms of tests depending on the needs of the researchers in their
• Norm-referenced test. It provides information on how the subject performs against a normative
group (e.g. SAT, IQ test, entrance exam).
• Criterion-referenced test. It determines whether the subjects have attained mastery of skills
(e.g. pretest, posttest, quizzes).
• Proficiency test. It provides an assessment about the level of skill attainment and includes
standards for performance at varying levels of proficiency (e.g. English proficiency test).

The data collection procedure is the step-by-step process on how the researchers collect data
from the respondents using one or a combination of the data collection methods discussed in this
module. For you to have a clear view of data collection procedure, look at the example below.

Level of Satisfaction of the SHS students of Ligao National High School on the Nutri-Ban

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers had allotted time and effort in constructing their survey questionnaire to serve
its projected respondents. The survey questionnaire was constructed using appropriate questions
modified from related research and individual questions formed by the researchers. The survey
questionnaire was divided into three (3) parts which were related to the respondent’s perception of the
Nutri-Ban product. Likert scale was utilized to determine the weight of the respondent’s satisfaction on
the product.

After the validation of the instrument through the help of experts, the researchers seek the
approval of their research adviser and the class adviser of the target participants before conducting the
survey. Upon the approval of their request, the researchers distributed their survey questionnaire to the
selected participants of the study. Participants were given time to respond and then the researchers
collected the survey questionnaire two days after the distribution.

The gathered data from the respondents were tallied, computed, and interpreted accordingly.
Along with the collected primary data, the researchers also made use of secondary data in the form of
published articles and literature to support the results of the survey.

IV. Activity Proper

Directions: Accomplish the following activities in your notebook.

Activity 1. Read the following statements carefully. Identify the word/s being described in each

____1. It is a type of observation where the respondents are not aware that they are being observed.
____2. It refers to a data collection method which is used to assess the knowledge of the respondents.
____3. It is a type of interview that requires the researcher to have a laptop during the data collection
____4. It refers to a method of collecting data that involves the presentation of verbal responses from
the respondents.
____5. It is a type of test that determines if a certain skill is achieved or not.
____6. It is a type of interview that includes the telephone directory.
____7. It is a type of survey questionnaire that is internet-based.
____8. It refers to the sources of data from published articles and literature.
____9. It refers to the section in a questionnaire that contains the purpose of the study.
____10. It refers to the process of collecting data from the respondents.

Activity 2. Recognize the data collection method used in each of the following scenarios. Choose the
letter of the best answer from the choices inside the box.

A. Criterion-referenced test E. Web-based questionnaire

B. Face-to-face interview F. Computer-assisted personal interview
C. Covert observation G. Telephone interview
D. Paper-pencil questionnaire H. Overt observation

____1. A representative from the Department of Education watched ten random classes through video
recording to observe if teachers’ teaching strategy meet the objectives of the curriculum
____2. A researcher wishes to identify the mastery skill level of the Technical-Vocational students in Ligao
National High School. He administered an assessment test to the target subject of the research
____3. A company conducts a quick interview based on the list of people on their landline directory.
____4. A group of researchers conducts a study on the effectiveness of audio-visual learning to the
academic performance of senior high school students in Ligao National High School. They
distributed a copy of the questionnaire to the students involved in their study. They gave ample
time to their respondents to answer the questionnaire before collecting it.
____5. A researcher does a house visit to conduct an interview regarding the lifestyle of a teenage mom.
He directly encodes the information he gathered from his interviewee to the database of their
____6. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the researcher comes up with the idea to use technology to collect
data from the target respondents of his study. He created a website containing his survey
questionnaire. He sent the link of his website to his respondents and wait for their responses.

Activity 3. Write a draft of your data collection plan for your research. Follow the given guide below in
accomplishing this activity.

1. Describe the things that you need to prepare and to complete before collecting data from your
2. State the method that you are going to apply in your data collection.
3. Describe what you are going to do during the collection of data.
4. Describe what you are going to do after the collection of data.


V. Reflection
For instance, you are going to conduct a research study on the following community
issues/topics listed below. How are you going to collect data from the target respondents of the study?
Justify your answer. Accomplish this in your notebook.

Community Issues/Topics Data Collection Method Justification

Level of Satisfaction of the Ligaoeños on
the Covid-19 Response of the Local
Government Unit
Struggles of Ligaoeños During the
Implementation of the Enhanced
Community Quarantine (ECQ)
Behavior of Ligaoeños on the Adherence
to the Safety Protocols set by the DOH
in the Battle Against Covid-19

VI. Assessment
Directions: Read and analyze the following statements. Choose the letter of the best answer and write it
in your notebook.

1. What method refers to collecting data through a checklist and rating scale that helps the researchers
simplify and quantify respondents’ behaviors and attitude?
A. Interview C. Survey Questionnaire
B. Observation D. Test

2. Which of the following statements show that the researcher used primary sources of collecting data?
A. The researcher collects data through reading online journals.
B. The researcher collects data through skimming articles in magazines.
C. The researcher collects data through close observation of the participants.
D. The researcher collects data by watching reports related to the research study.

3. Which of the following shows the correct advantage of using a web-page questionnaire?
A. It is much quicker and less detailed.
B. It ensures the accuracy of respondents’ responses.
C. It includes people who do not have computer or laptop.
D. It establishes rapport between researcher and respondent.

4. Most universities and colleges conduct an entrance exam to determine the students’ ability and skills.
Also, the result of the entrance test could help the school if the students attained the standards set
by the school. What type of test would the entrance exam be classified?
A. Construct-referenced test C. Norm-referenced test
B. Criterion-referenced test D. Proficiency test

5. A group of SHS students conducted a research study to assess the perception of the students on the
tourist spots in Ligao. The researchers created a website containing the questions in their research
instrument. They sent the link of their website to the respondents to obtain their responses. What
data collection method was used in this scenario?
A. Interview C. Survey Questionnaire
B. Observation D. Test

VII. Answer Key

10. Data collection
9. Introduction
8. Secondary source
7. Web-page questionnaire
6. E 6. Telephone interview
5. C 5. F 5. Criterion-referenced test
4. C 4. D 4. Interview
3. A 3. G 3. CAPI
2. C 2. A 2. Test
1. C 1. C 1. Covert
Assessment Activity 2 Activity 1

VIII. References
Bhandari, Pritha. 2020. A step-by-step guide to data collection. Scribbr.
Faltado III, Reuben E., Medardo B. Bombita, Helen B. Boholano, and Angeline Pogoy. 2017. Practical
Research 2 (Quantitative Research for SHS), 82-87. Cubao, Quezon City: Lorimar Publishing.
Chhetri, Diksha. 2017. Advantages and disadvantages of observation techniques in marketing research.
Market Research.

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