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Enhancement of Soft Skill Students Through MBKM Program With Miko

Bank Muamalat With SOAR Approach

Muhammad Syahbudi1, Mawaddah Irham2, Ahmad Perdana Indra3
State Islamic University of North Sumatera, Indonesia.

Abstract. The Merdeka Learning Program at the Merdeka Campus aims to improve the ability of graduates,
soft skills and hard skills, to be more prepared and adapted to the needs of the times, to prepare graduates to
become future leaders of the nation with excellent and personality. The purpose of this research is to develop
the right strategy to improve the soft skills of students of the Islamic banking study program in the Merdeka
Learning program, Merdeka Campus. This study uses the SOAR analysis method to analyze internal
(strengths and opportunity) and external (aspiration and result) factors for students which are the basis for
determining strategies. The total population of active students of the Islamic banking study program who
participated in this study amounted to 11 sampel. The data collection technique used in this study was a
questionnaire. The results of this study indicate that the strategies carried out by the Islamic banking study
program are maximizing the MBKM program Miko Muamalah Institute in collaboration with FEBI UIN North
Sumatra islamic banking study program in improving students' soft skills / hard skills competencies regarding
sharia banking.
Keywords: Strategy, Soft Skills, Islamic Banking Study MBKM Program.

A. Introduction

In order to prepare students for rapid changes in society, culture, the world of work, and
technological advances, their abilities must be prepared to better respond to the demands of
the times. Connect and match not only with the world of industry and work but also with the
ever-changing future. Colleges need to be able to design and implement innovative learning
processes so that students can achieve optimal learning outcomes across attitudes,
knowledge, and skills that are always relevant. The government, through the policy of the
Ministry of Education and Culture, publishes the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeca
(MBKM) program. With the release of Permendikbud number 3 in 2020, students are entitled
to take 3 semesters outside the program. According to the Directorate-General of the College,
the objective of the MBKM program is to improve the ability of graduates, both in soft and
hard skills, to be better prepared and adapted to the needs of the times, preparing graduates to
become the future leaders of a nation of superiority and personality.
(Merdeka Belajar: Kampus Merdeka - Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi Kementerian

Through this policy, we open wide opportunities for students to enrich and enhance their
insights and competences in the real world according to their wishes and ideals. The
adaptation of the curriculum in the implementation of MKBM is implemented in an effort to
improve the quality of education to produce graduates who have high creativity, are
innovative, have a competitive advantage, and are capable in the face of global challenges.
(Sri Dewi Anggadini et al., 2022)
MBKM has eight forms of learning activities that are in line with the tri-dharma of
universities: education, research, and devotion to the community. Eight forms of learning
activities include: (1) student exchange; (2) internship or practice; (3) teaching assistance in
educational units; (4) research or reset; (5) humanitarian projects; (6) entrepreneurial
activities; (7) independent studies or projects; and (8) thematic village or KN building.
Students who are eligible for the MBKM program are required to be active students in the
accredited study program. The MBKM programs are designed to give students a wider choice
of study spaces so that they can gain learning experience and develop, sharpen, expand, and
deepen competences outside the campus.
(Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi Kementerian Pendid

The Sharia Banking Studies Program is one of the study programs at the Islamic State
University of North Sumatra, considering that the MBKM program organized by the
Directorate-General of Higher Education (Dikti) Kemendikbud is very suitable to improve
the soft skills of students, as well as to meet the vision and mission of the university that is
superior in research and as an organizer of MBKM. Some of the previous programs already
in existence at UIN North Sumatra are KKN, Student Exchange, Internship,
Entrepreneurship, and others. Shariah's own banking study program is running the MBKM
program starting in 2020 with student exchanges and village-building projects. However, the
knowledge and understanding of students in MBKM activities are still minimal. It can be
seen from the following survey results:

Figure 1.
The knowledge of Sharia Banking students FEBI UIN Sumatera North about the MBKM Policy

Figure 1 above shows that the level of students' knowledge of the MBKM policy is not
fully equal. It appears that students who know the MBKM policy as a whole only know about
9%, while the majority of students only know part of the contents of the MBKM policy
(46%). As for the remaining 43%, they only know little, and 2% of students do not know
anything at all related to the policy MBKM. The inequality of understanding and knowledge
of students about the policies of MBK and the benefits obtained then affects the minimum
participation of students in the MBK program, both MBK activities organized by the Ministry
of Education and Culture as well as the internal program of study.

Through this policy open wide opportunities for students to enrich and enhance their
insights and competences in the real world according to their wishes and ideals. The
adaptation of the curriculum in the implementation of MKBM is implemented in an effort to
improve the quality of education to produce graduates who have high creativity, innovative,
have a competitive advantage so capable in the face of global challenges .The Shariah
Banking Study Program is one of the curricula that exists at the Islamic State University of
North Sumatra and continues to develop curriculum by adapting to the development of the
times and producing alumni ready to work in accordance with the expected learning access.
(Sukono, Suyudi, M., Islamiyati, F., & Supian, 2017).

The development of soft skills and character through MBKM will give students
experience and special skills in solving problems, either in the company or in society. Soft
skills can be defined as abilities, skills, attributes, attitudes, behaviors, or characters that
relate to personality and emotional intelligence and have become habits. In Islam, the concept
of soft skills is in line with the idea of morality. Hard skills can be defined as the ability to
master science, technology, and technical skills related to a particular field of science.
(Iffah et al., 2020)

Some previous studies, however, concluded that as (Suyoto et al., 2021) the results of his
research showed the interest of students in following the MBKM had a significant influence
on the improvement of the Soft Skill of students, with R-squared scores quite large (0.62).
This means that the variation of improvement in the softskill of graduates can be explained
by the student's interest in following a MBKM program. Later,
(Rahmawanti & Nurzaelani, 2021)
stated that the results of the study showed that there was an increase in soft skills of
students with the highest indicator of creativity of 97.3%, and there was a increase in hard
skills students with a highest indikator of creative and innovative thinking of 96%.

According to the research, (Loisa et al., 2022) the results of FGD show that, in general,
the Faculty has implemented MBKM activities within the curriculum such as cross-prodi
learning, internships, entrepreneurship, humanitarian projects, research, independent projects,
building villages, student exchanges, and student assistance of 20 credits. However, the
obstacles faced more lead to the readiness of industry partners in accommodating MBKM
activities in accordance with the learning access that students must.

Based on the background of the above issues, the author is interested in researching the
Strategy for the Enhancement of Soft Skills of Students of the Shariah Banking Studies
Program through the MBKM Program. Therefore, this research can explain how strategies to
improve soft skills of students of the Shariah banking profession through the independent
university study program In addition, this research is expected to be a reference to maximize
the potential and aspirations of the MBKM program to improve soft skills.

B. Research Method

The type of data used in this study is quantitative primary data expressed in the form of
numbers. The population selected in this study is the total number of students in the Sharia
Banking Faculty of Economics and Business at the Islamic University of the State of North
Sumatra, which amounted to 71 people. And the sample obtained in this research was 11
samples. Once collected, the data is processed and described according to the research needs.
The data collection technique used to obtain research data is by distributing questionnaires.
(Prof. Dr. Sugiyono, 2015)
The data analysis method used in this study is a descriptive method with a quantitative
approach. The method is to analyze the internal factors (strengths and opportunities) and
external factors (aspirations and results) of the students that form the basis for the SOAR
analysis. SOAR is carried out through the IFE (internal factor evaluation) matrix evaluation,
which will disclose the biggest strengths and opportunity factors of the student, the EFE
(external factor evaluation) matrix evaluation, which will describe the aspiration factors and
results that the students have, and the IE (internal external matrix) evaluation, which shows
where the current student position is so that we can formulate the best strategy to enhance
soft skills in the MBKM program. (Stavros & Cole, n.d.)
SOAR analysis is the systematic identification of various factors in order to formulate
the best strategy. According to Rangkuti (2008), this analysis is based on logic that can
maximize strengths and opportunities, but at the same time can minimize aspirational results.
If applied correctly, this simple assumption has an enormous impact on the design of a
strategy that can provide the information needed to identify aspirations and results towards a
goal. SOAR analysis in research It is used to formulate appropriate strategies to improve soft
skills of students of the Sharia Banking Studies Program of the Faculty of Economics and
Islamic Business of UIN North Sumatra in the MBKM program.
C. Result and Discussion

1. The activities of the MBKM Sharia Banking Studies Program

The learning model draft applied by the Study Programme accommodates the
four (four) learning partnership models of MBKM which are: (1) Students have the
opportunity to study on their own study program; (2) On the same study program at
different colleges; (3) On different study programmes at different universities; (4)
Studying outside of the college. Through these 4 models students are expected to
acquire challenges and opportunities for self-development in creativity, personality
and self-reliance in the search and discovery of knowledge in the field
(Lao & Hendrik, 2020)

The role of the faculty in its organization has a role to implement and develop
education and teaching, as well as conducting research and activities of PKM for the
development of science. To carry out the role of such faculty, within the scope of
MBKM faculty plays a role in the following ways (a) implement university policies
related to MBKM activities; (b) provide space for prodi to carry out MBKM activity
such as providing cross-course courses of Prodi; (c) monitoring and evaluating the
activities of the MBKM; (d) socialize MBKM to lecturers, students, and employees;
and (e) establish cooperation and collaboration with partners in running MBKM

The MBKM activities in the Sharia Banking Studies program include several
MBKM programs that have been implemented, including village building projects,
student exchanges, and internships. This is done as a strategy to improve the soft
skills of students through the MBKM program. Based on the results of the MBKM
survey, some samples of Sharia banking students in some MBKM programs can be
described as follows:
Figure 2. Perceptions of Sharia Banking Students Against Forming MBKM Programs with
MIKO Muamalat

Based on Figure 2, it is stated that the majority of Sharia banking students choose
internships or working internships. It is reinforced by the purpose of students of the scholarly
scholarship program in pursuing education in the university, which is to work in the sector of
sharia banking, so that the enthusiasm to take advantage of the MBKM internship program is
very well received and generates a lot of interest. The second selection is a student exchange,
where the program gives students the opportunity to participate in teaching activities outside
the college as a partner.
Students tend to follow the MBKM program when they understand the benefits obtained.
Where the MBKM program has the potential and aspirations to improve soft skills.
Therefore, students in the scholarly banking program can maximize MBKM as an attempt to
improve soft skills. The results of the survey on student understanding of the benefits of the
MBKM program can be described in the following picture:

Figure 3. Students' knowledge of the benefits of the MBKM program

From the above picture it can be concluded that the majority of Sharia banking
students argue that the existence of Miko Muamalat MBKM program is very beneficial
for improving academic competence/skills, 44% stated enough benefits and 0% students
stated less benefits.

2. Strategy to Improve Soft Skills Students of Sharia Banking Studies Program

Through MBKM Program

One of the Government's work programmes that is currently being intensively

carried out is the improvement of the Human Resources (HRM) in science and
technology. For the realization of the advanced HRM, the College is one of the
institutions capable of producing graduates and advanced generations capable of
competing in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 as a new paradigm in the education
system. (Siregar & Harahap, 2020). The new paradigm of the education system at
colleges gives birth to a new policy, namely Merdeka Learning Free Campus (MBKM)
established through the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 03 Year 2020 on the National Education System of
Colleges and Colleges (SNDikti).

Human intelligence is divided into two parts: soft skills and hard skills. Soft skills
are related to Emotional Intelligence Quotients (EQ) while hard skill is related to
Intelligence quotients. Colleges need to enhance soft skill and hard skill students in order
to develop graduates in the future. According to Mendikbud Nadiem Makarim, “hard
skills are required in order to adapt to technology, while soft skills are needed for
creativity, critical ability, and problem solving”
(Mendikbud: Soft Skill Dan Hard Skill Sama Pentingnya, n.d.)

The instrument was created to measure the improvement of soft skills and hard
skills of students in the MBKM program with five indicators for soft skills: (1)
communication skills, (2) problem solving skills, (3) creativity, (4) conflict resolution
skills, and (5) other cultural awareness. Meanwhile, the hard skills indicators discussed
in the study include: (1) empathy, (2) socialization skills, 3) ability to use technology, (4)
creative and innovative thinking, and 5) writing and conducting research.
(Rahmawanti & Nurzaelani, 2021)

The hard skills and soft skills required by industry and society today are the focus
of higher education, in order to produce job-ready graduates. The research describes that
the implementation of the MBKM programme has a positive impact, but it still needs to
optimize management and facilitate the future MBKM implementation at the college
level, as well as strengthen cooperation and coordination with various stakeholders. The
expected impact of holding the MBKM program based on the results of this research is
to be able to open up the opportunity of students in learning real things in the world of
work faster and able to implement what is acquired at the college bench earlier in the
work world. Besides, there is a change in student behavior to become more flexible,
adaptable and communicate with external parties. This will make it easier for college
graduates to integrate into society.
Through the Sharia Banking Study Programme, the Sharial Banking Programme
opened an internship/praktika programme at Sharia banking institutions in the upcoming
semester as part of the implementation of the curriculum based on the MBKM. This
program has become one of the programs that are much sought by Sharial banking
students, it is reinforced with the aim of students of Sharia banks study programmes in
pursuing education in the university that is to work in the sharia bankings sector. So the
enthusiasm of students to take advantage of the MBKM internship program is very
welcome and much sought. In this internship program, Prodi frees students from
choosing companies for internships, but Prodi still gives instructions regarding the
selection of companies for strategic internshipping activities and has good credibility to
all students in each division. The program provides students with sufficient experience
for 5-8 semesters of practical learning in the workplace. When an internship runs for 1
semester, it is mandatory to earn a minimum of 20 SKS (tidak boleh kurang, tetapi boleh
lebih banyak dari angka tersebut). From this MBKM internship activity, it is expected to
improve soft skills/hard skills students as a supply in the face of competition in the world
of work.
The Shariah Banking Study Program opened the MBKM internship/space
practice program at the shariah financial institutions in the upcoming semester as part of
the implementation of the curriculum based on MBKM. This program has become one of
the programs that are very much sought by the student of sharial banking, it is
strengthened with the goal of students of the schariah banking study program in pursuing
education in the university that is to work in the sector of shariat banking.

This research uses SOAR analysis to find out the advantages and opportunities as
well as aspirations and results in improvement of soft skills students on MBKM
activities. Students involved in this research are the entire population who will, are, and
have followed the activities of MBKM in the scholarly banking study program that
amounts to 11 samples.
Table 1. Analysis of Internal and External Factors
Internal Factors Number Weigth Rating Weight x Rating
No Strenght
1 More varied learning 40 0,080 4 0,293
2 Preparation of the MBKM document has 36 0,072 3 0,237
been completed
3 The MBKM program has been implemented 42 0,085 4 0,323
in Sharia Banking
4 Preparedness in MBKM activities 36 0,072 3 0,237
5 There's support from the college 43 0,087 4 0,338
6 Information obtained directly from the 41 0,082 4 0,307
Total 238 1,735
1 Become a bank employee 43 0,087 4 0,338
2 Following the MBKM program 41 0,082 4 0,307
3 Master risk management in industry 44 0,089 4 0,354
4 Acquire additional competence outside the 44 0,089 4 0,354
5 Expanding Student Perspective 43 0,087 4 0,338
6 Improve leadership skills 44 0,089 4 0,354
Total 259 2,046
497 1,000
Eksternal Factors

No Aspiration
1 Increase the competence of students to 43 0,094 4 0,366
prepare for the world of work
2 A chance to get a wild card to accelerate 43 0,094 4 0,366
into the bank.
3 A chance to get a certificate (module, 43 0,094 4 0,366
internship, training).
4 Supporting OJK initiatives in developing 44 0,096 4 0,383
new talents in Sharia bank
5 Supports independent campus programmes 41 0,089 4 0,333
6 Long-term investment for sharia banks 40 0,087 4 0,317
Total 254 2,132
1 Study time is faster 37 0,081 3 0,271
2 Gaining a certificate of competence of 35 0,076 3 0,243
3 Internship Value Fulfilled 35 0,076 3 0,243
4 There are graduates accepted as employees 32 0,070 3 0,203
5 Get an Internal Sot Skill and Hard Skill 33 0,072 3 0,216
6 Follow all customer achievement training 33 0,072 3 0,216
Total 205 1,391
459 1,000
Source : data in process, 2023

The above table shows that the internal and external analyses obtained on the
basis of surveys distributed to 11 samples of scholarly banking programs are used to
determine strategies for improving the soft skills of scholarly banking students
through MBKM. The SOAR model changes the approach to SWOT analysis that
generally focuses on internal weaknesses and external threats faced by organizations.
Instead, SOAR emphasizes aspects of the company's aspirations as well as the
measurable results that they want to. This approach argues that weakness and threat
factors can create negative feelings in members of the organization, thereby reducing
their motivation to give the best. (Sugiarti et al., 2023)

Based on the above SOAR analysis, there are several strategies for improving
soft skills in the MBKM program that have results and aspirations to improve the soft
skills of students in the Sharia banking study program in cooperation with Miko
Muamlat Institute, with the following SOAR analyses:

Table 2
IFAS and EFAS SOAR Analysis

N Strength N Opportunity
o o
1 More varied 1 Become a bank
1 learning employee
2 Preparation of the 2 Following the
2 MBKM document MBKM program
has been
3 The MBKM 3 Master risk
3 program has been management in
implemented in industry
Sharia Banking
4 Preparedness in 4 Acquire additional
4 MBKM activities competence outside
the curriculum
5 There's support 5 Expanding Student
5 from the college Perspective
6 Information 6 Improve leadership
6 obtained directly skills
from the
N Aspiration Create a strategy that Create a strategy
O uses power to that is oriented to
aspirations the aspirations
expected to take
advantage of the
1 Increase the 1 Living a good
1 competence of students 1 relationship through
to prepare for the (MoU and MoA)
world of work with Bank Muamalat
Indonesia thus
becoming a long-
term investment
Cooperation) (O4,
2 A chance to get a wild 2 Take advantage of
2 card to accelerate into 2 the support of Bank
the bank. Muamalat and OJK
as the acceleration of
students in the world
of sharia banking
(O1, O2, A4)
3 A chance to get a 3 Maximizing the
3 certificate (module, 3 MBKM Program to
internship, training). improve the
competence of PS
students FEBI UIN
SU Medan (O2, O5,
A1, A5)
4 Supporting OJK 4 Make use of sof skil
4 initiatives in 4 and hard skil
developing new talents certification as
in Sharia bank student capital to get
5 Supports independent a "wild card"
5 campus programmes becoming an
6 Long-term investment employee at Bank
6 for sharia banks Muamalat Indonesia
(O1, O3,O6, A2, A1,
Result Create a power-based Create an opportunity-
1 Study time is faster start-up to measurable oriented strategy to
1 results measured results
2 Gaining a certificate of
2 competence of BNSP
3 Internship Value
3 Fulfilled
4 There are graduates
4 accepted as employees
5 Get an Internal Sot
5 Skill and Hard Skill
6 Follow all customer
6 achievement training
Source: data in process, 2023

D. Conclusion
The activities of MBKM on the Sharia Banking study program, which can currently be
taken by the students, consist of the program's internship and practice. These activities are
one of the ways to improve the soft skills of students in the Shariah banking study program in
accordance with what is expected. Miko Muamalah Institute of MoU cooperation with FEBI
UIN Sumatera North program of study of Sharia banking in improving the competence of
soft skills and hard skills students in the world of Sharia banking.

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