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The main symptoms of depression are


loss of food and decreased drive or activity.

deep inner emptiness.

Physical symptoms are appetite loss

lack of tit, nausea, weight loss, exhaustion.

Depressive disorders are among the most common

chic suffering. Infants, children, young people and adults

adults can develop depression. About 18 from

100 people are affected by the disease during their lifetime



• family predisposition

• Disturbance in the excess of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine

mediated signaling

• Stressful life situations can trigger a



Depression manifests itself...

. in thinking (e.g. difficulty concentrating,


• in the emotions (e.g. fear, futility)

• in behavior (e.g. social withdrawal, listlessness)

• in the body (e.g. headache, chest tightness)


• drug therapy: v. a. antidepressants (e.g. fluo-

xetine, paroxetine)

• non-drug therapy:
- talk therapy

- exercise therapy

- Sleep deprivation therapy (total sleep deprivation. partial

sleep deprivation or sleep phase shift)

- Electroconvulsive therapy (triggering an epileptic

seizure with electric shocks under general anesthesia)


Participate in therapy

• Medication: Antidepressants should be taken regularly and

be administered in a trolled manner. Antidepressants can

Overdose and in combination with alcohol life-threatening

be lich. Caregivers take care to take antidepressants

not be collected from the patient and for one

abuse attempted suicide.

• Sleep deprivation therapy: Nurses wake up the patients

according to the treatment plan and employ

and accompany them the following day and into the night. Already

short additional sleep phases can result in

influence negatively. Warning: sleep deprivation can

cause problems (check vital signs).

• in phases of increased drive: indications of suicidal

register with particular attention

Basic care measures and observation

• Vital parameters: physical complaints (e.g. dizziness,

heart palpitations) seriously and check vital parameters

• Fluid and food intake: drive and ap

lack of appetite can lead to fluid or nutritional

lead to a deficit (creating motivational incentives, preferences

ask). Likewise, appetite-enhancing antidepressants

mainly lead to overeating. nurses speak the pa-

tients aimed at it.

Grooming and Elimination: Profuse sweating and

lack of inner drive for personal hygiene

cause body odor. Nurses talk to patients

discreetly and motivate to personal hygiene. As

basic nursing principle is to find the balance between

Activation and avoidance of excessive demands to find

the. Many depressed people suffer from constipation. carers

carry out appropriate prophylactic measures

through (see Chapter 21.3).

Sleep patterns: Patients with depression often suffer

with sleep disorders. Caregivers assist with

Establishing bedtime rituals (e.g.

relaxation music, audio books, aroma foot baths,

low lighting before going to bed, avoidance of

nutritive substances such as alcohol and nicotine)

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