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Fall 2021- PF Lab-BSCS-1C

National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences

Bonus Task

Programming Fundamentals

Course Instructor Rabia Maqsood

Instructor Ayesha Liaqat

Semester Fall 2021

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Fall 2021- PF Lab-BSCS-1C

Department of Computer Science

For each task in the manual create a new C++ program with the naming convention as follows:
Mention what is happening in each line of code using comments.
Comment your Roll number at top of each task.
Bonus Marks: Tell a bad and good story of your university life at the end of the word file.
Submit the solution on Classroom in the form of a word file with the naming convention
Plagiarism is strictly prohibited.

Task 1:
An hospital need to manage its data into files, however in hospital there are units depends on the
situations like for critical situation there should be an Emergency Ward or Unit like that, so doctors can
easily reach to the patient and cure them and easily accessible in database of hospital. There are 3
modules in hospital,

1. Admin Module
2. Doctor Module
3. Patient Module

Your task is to create a small database for your hospital to store and read the information from files of all
the patients and doctors from separate files. You must write and read their Names, ID’s, Phone, CNIC,
Date of Admit, and Qualification (Doctors), and Address in Separate files, show all the doctors and
patients on console.

Your Admin Module should do all the stuff to write and read the data from the files and Doctors only can
see the Patients and Doctors files to check for whether new Doctor or patient is added or not.

Task 2:
Write a program to print the given shape using nested loops

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Fall 2021- PF Lab-BSCS-1C

Task 3:
Write a program to print the given shape using nested loops. Take number of rows from user.

Task 4:
Write a program to print the given shape

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Fall 2021- PF Lab-BSCS-1C

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