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Non-Vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants (NOAC): Considerations on

once- vs. twice-daily regimens and their potential impact on medication

Article in Europace · February 2015

DOI: 10.1093/europace/euu311 · Source: PubMed


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Europace (2015) 17, 514–523 REVIEW

Non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants:

considerations on once- vs. twice-daily regimens
and their potential impact on medication
Bernard Vrijens1,2 and Hein Heidbuchel 3*
MWV Healthcare, Rue des Cyclistes Frontière 24, 4600 Visé, Belgium; 2Department of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics, CHU Sart Tilman, Liège; and 3Hasselt University and Heart
Center, Jessa Hospital, Jessa Ziekenhuis, Stadsomvaart 11, 3500 Hasselt, Belgium

Received 7 August 2014; accepted after revision 14 October 2014; online publish-ahead-of-print 18 February 2015

Suboptimal medication adherence is a widespread problem in ambulatory care of chronic diseases, with deviations in either direction from the pre-
scribed dosing regimen. For the non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants (NOACs), such deviations occur and can lead to bleeding or clotting, as
suboptimal adherence involves temporary periods of either overdosing or underdosing. In this expert review, we discuss: (a) the proper definition of

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adherence in terms of its three elements: initiation, implementation, and discontinuation; (b) how adherence is reliably and accurately measured and
(c) successfully enhanced, to achieve and maintain safe and effective levels of NOAC-based anticoagulation. We also discuss the comparative effects
of prescribing the same total daily dose, given either once-daily or as half-strength twice-daily doses. Because NOACs have plasma half-lives of 12 h,
the twice-daily dosing regimen is less prone than the once-daily dosing regimen to hazardously high peaks or hazardously low troughs in anticoagulant
concentrations and associated actions. As in other fields of oral drug treatment, the continuity of drug action is greater with twice-daily than with
once-daily dosing, despite the fact that a few more doses are skipped with twice-daily than with once-daily dosing. This paradox is explained by the
disproportionately greater impact on drug action of skipping a once-daily than a twice-daily dose. Integration of these principles into real-world medi-
cation management is the next step in the improvement of oral anticoagulation.
Keywords Medication adherence † Compliance † Monitoring † Dosing regimens † Anticoagulation † New oral
anticoagulants † Atrial fibrillation † Stroke

Introduction between patients and practitioners2 as the term ‘adherence’

implies cooperation between patient and prescriber, rather than
From patient compliance to medication the patient’s passive obedience to the physician’s instructions.
adherence Patient adherence to medications (i.e. the process by which patients
In 1997, the American Heart Association issued a visionary statement take their medications as prescribed) is now recognized to consist of
in which patient compliance (the extent to which medical re- three components: (1) the process starts with initiation of the treat-
commendations are followed as defined) was described as ‘a ment, then (2) continues with the implementation of the dosing
complex behavioural process, strongly influenced by the environ- regimen, and eventually (3) discontinuation marks the end of
ment in which the patients live, how healthcare providers practice, therapy, with persistence being the length of time between initiation
and how healthcare systems deliver care’.1 This definition acknowl- and discontinuation.3 In the context of life-long therapy like anticoa-
edges that a patient’s compliance is also influenced by system-level gulation, discontinuation may occur in response to the prescriber’s
factors, e.g. the provider of healthcare, healthcare organizations, eco- decision to halt the treatment, but most often it is the result of a uni-
nomics, and other aspects of the overall system of healthcare. lateral action by the patient, without the knowledge of the prescriber.
Later, the term ‘patient compliance’ has been increasingly replaced Still, the decision to discontinue anticoagulation therapy after a major
by ‘medication adherence’. The shift from ‘compliance’ to ‘adher- bleed will likely be the result of a joint decision from the patient and
ence’ reflects a fundamental change in understanding relationships physician, although patient views may temper the final decision on

* Corresponding author. Tel: +32 11 37 35 65; Fax: +32 11 35 39 90, E-mail address:
Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved. & The Author 2015. For permissions please email:
Adherence through monitoring 515

whether the anticoagulation therapy is restarted or not. When asses- While the population that will be taking the NOACs is the same as
sing adherence in studies, it may thus be difficult to assess the subtle- those taking warfarin, differences in adherence to NOACs compared
ties of whether the decision to discontinue therapy is taken by the with VKA can nevertheless be expected in terms of initiation, imple-
patient, prescriber, or both. mentation, and discontinuation. Patients are often reluctant to use
warfarin because of a fear of bleeding; thus, they may prefer
NOACs and therefore be more inclined to initiate them. Moreover,
patients tend to discontinue VKA therapy due to poor maintenance
Suboptimal adherence in in the INR range and associated side effects; thus, persistence may
anticoagulation therapy improve when using NOACs instead of VKA. Indeed, a review of a
healthcare claims database for propensity-matched cohorts of
Adherence to warfarin is suboptimal atrial fibrillation patients newly initiated on rivaroxaban or warfarin
The consequences of non-adherence are particularly problematic showed that treatment persistence was significantly better with riv-
for drugs with a narrow therapeutic window, as is the case for war- aroxaban than with warfarin (hazard ratio (HR) ¼ 0.66; 95% confi-
farin: anticoagulation levels below the target range of International dence interval: 0.60– 0.72, P , 0.0001).9
Normalised Ratio (INR) values are associated with increases in In contrast, NOACs have a much shorter half-life of around 12 h,
thrombotic risk, while levels above the therapeutic INR level meaning that the anticoagulation effect will rapidly decline when
increase the bleeding risk;4 both can be life-threatening or result scheduled doses are not taken. Non-vitamin K antagonist oral antic-
in major morbidities. In addition to the risk of non-adherent patients oagulants may thus require a stricter implementation, although the
being assumed anticoagulated when they are actually not, non- consequences of suboptimal adherence will depend on the dosing
adherence to anticoagulation therapy can also lead to withdrawal schedule and the forgiveness of the specific drug as detailed below
symptoms with a prothrombotic state in the non-adherent patient. in this review.
In both the ROCKET-AF5 and ARISTOTLE6 trials, an excess of For patients with suboptimal adherence that is not caused by VKA
thrombo-embolic events has been observed at the end of the side effects or other VKA-related difficulties, simply switching to a
study period, during the transitioning phase to vitamin K antagonist NOAC will not necessarily improve adherence. Hence, a compre-

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(VKA) therapy. hensive analysis of the reasons for a patient’s non-adherence would
Kimmel et al. have assessed adherence to the VKA warfarin7 using be needed, in order to provide the patient with tools and support
the Medication Event Monitoring System (MEMSw) that records the to improve his or her level of medication adherence.
time and date of each pill bottle opening, a ‘medication event’ that is
tightly linked to dose ingestion.8 In that study, non-adherence to war-
farin was shown to be widely prevalent.7 Among 136 patients
Management of patient adherence
observed for a mean period of 32 weeks, 92% had at least one For many years, medication adherence has been considered solely a
missed or extra dose, while 36% missed more than 20% of their pre- patient problem. However, it is now becoming clear that patient ad-
scribed doses and 4% had more than 10% extra doses. Moreover, this herence is responsive to certain management methods that can
poor implementation of the dosing regimen was shown to have a con- improve continuity of patients’ exposure to prescribed medications,
siderable effect on anticoagulation control: missing one to two doses as detailed below.10 There is, however, no single solution to achieve
a week (20 –30% missed doses) was associated with up to a two-fold that continuity; simply changing the dosing frequency, sending text
increased odds of sub-therapeutic INR, while taking extra doses was messages, or providing an informative website to a patient will not
associated with an increased risk of a too-high INR value.7 solve adherence problems. The solution must be based on reliable
quantification of the dosing errors incurred by patients, not limited
to average quantities of doses missed. Reliable data on when lapses
Could adherence improve with non- in dosing occur, for how long, and the dosing patterns that prevail
vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants? as patients resume correct dosing can reveal patient-specific causes
The various well-known drawbacks of warfarin therapy, including its of non-adherence and point to individualized solutions. Such detailed
narrow therapeutic window, its many potential drug interactions, and and reliable information forms the foundation for new models of inte-
the considerable time required for onset and offset of its therapeutic grated care.
effect, have spurred the development of non-VKA oral anticoagu-
lants (NOACs). Up to now, no prospective adherence studies on
NOACs have been reported; adherence to apixaban in patients
Measurement of adherence
with non-valvular atrial fibrillation is currently under assessment in In addition to using a transparent and well-defined taxonomy, it is
the ‘Assessment of an Education and Guidance Programme for critical to appropriately quantify the three elements of medication
Eliquis Adherence in Non-Valvular Atrial Fibrillation’ (AEGEAN) adherence (initiation, implementation, and discontinuation). Apt
study ( NCT01884350). The AEGEAN study will quantification of adherence should provide researchers, clinicians,
not compare adherence of NOACs to VKA, but randomizes patients and patients with meaningful metrics which should be reliable,
started on apixaban between ‘regular care’ and ‘regular care with allow tracking over time, be coherent with the three elements of
structured education and follow-up by a virtual clinic’. Adherence medication adherence, and be implementable on a large scale.
is measured via an electronic smart package, but the results from Various methods are currently used to measure adherence, each
these measurements are not used for feedback during the trial. with specific advantages and limitations. Blaschke et al.11 have
516 B. Vrijens and H. Heidbuchel

Table 1 Advantages and disadvantages of methods to monitor adherence

1. Initiation 2. Implementation 3. Discontinuation

Self-report Desirability bias Recall bias Desirability bias
Pill counts Easily censored by patient Only aggregate summary Easily censored by patient
Direct methods (PK/PD) Requires sampling after prescription Sampling is too sparse Subject to white coat adherence
Prescription and refill databases Gold standard if both databases are combined Only aggregate summary Gold standard but retrospective
Electronic monitoring Gold standard in clinical trials needs activation Gold standard Gold standard in clinical trials needs
patient engagement

PK, pharmacokinetics; PD, pharmacodynamics.

described these advantages and disadvantages in detail, but did not elements of patient adherence. Electronic methods for compiling
distinguish between the three elements of patient adherence. drug dosing histories are often used as a standard for quantifying ad-
Below, we summarize the main characteristics of different adherence herence, the parameters of which support model-based, continuous
measurement methods according to the three components of projections of drug actions and concentrations in plasma that are
adherence (Table 1). confirmable by intermittent, direct measurements at single time-
One popular method for quantifying adherence is self-reporting, points.11 While electronic detection of package entry is an indirect
using, for example, diaries or retrospective questionnaires. Self- method of estimating when and how much drug is administered, it
reports may be useful for assessing very recent drug use; self-report can accurately project the time-course of drug concentrations in
for cardiovascular drugs taken in the last 24 h has been reported to the plasma.8
correlate well with the presence of the drug in the blood.12 Smart packages deliver a reliable detailed assessment of dosing

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However, in other studies assessing self-report methods to assess ad- history data over time, allowing the identification of different patterns
herence over longer time periods, these methods have been shown of adherence (Figure 1). MEMSw is a smart package in the form of a cap
to be biased towards overestimation of drug exposure.13,14 that contains an electronic chip registering the time and date of each
The counting of returned, untaken doses (‘pill counts’) has also pill bottle opening, and has been widely used in clinical trials, as illu-
been repeatedly discredited since the first reliable test of their validity strated by the more than 650 available peer-reviewed publications
by chemical marker methods in 1989;15 electronic monitoring ( Smart packages are safe, un-intrusive (easy
methods have confirmed and extended the dynamic range of the to use), long lasting (battery), the resulting adherence data are reliable
results obtained through chemical marker methods.8,11,16 Neverthe- and detailed, and can easily be adapted to any form factor (blister
less, clinical researchers still continue to report pill-count data, packs,23 inhalers,24 injectable,25 etc.) or for polymedication.23
despite well-documented unreliability. One recent example is the One more direct method to measure adherence is the electronic
failed STABILITY study that relied on discredited criteria and detection of pills in the stomach by formulating the drug in question
methods for assessing in-trial adherence to the dosing regimen of with an electronic ‘chip’ included directly in each pill.26,27 Once the
darapladib, a selective oral inhibitor of lipoprotein-associated chip-containing pill is swallowed, a signal is briefly generated via the
phospholipase A2.17 creation of a short-lived voltage difference through ionic differences
Methods that are based on sampling (e.g. blood sampling to between gastric fluid and the electronic ‘chip’. The signal is detected
measure drug levels in the blood) performed during a clinical visit by an antenna integrated into a dermal ‘patch’, worn on the patient’s
for therapeutic drug monitoring are subject to the phenomenon of torso (which in the future may be integrated into other implanted
‘white-coat adherence’, which is a short-term escalation in adherence devices like an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator, pacemaker or
during a few days prior to the scheduled visit to the clinic or labora- implantable loop recorder). The signal is then amplified for transmis-
tory.18 – 21 Many drugs, but not all, can be restored to their therapeut- sion to a nearby mobile device, and transmitted to a server. However,
ic concentration ranges by 1–3 days of correct dosing. the chip-in-the-pill method has potential drawbacks such as the risk
And while electronic prescription and dispensing databases of failed detection (5%),27 the need to reformulate and revalidate
provide objective data, they provide no information on when doses stability characteristics of the chip-containing medications, and, so
were taken or missed. Temporal sequence is an essential measure- far, the lack of information on the cost of using this method.
ment in causal inference, as one seeks to understand the conse-
quences of intermittently omitted doses, of recurrent first-dose Once- vs. twice-daily dosing: lessons
effects when dosing suddenly resumes after a period of interruption,
and when hazardous rebound effects occur in sequence with inter- from electronic monitoring
rupted dosing.
Of the currently available options, automatic compilation of dosing The importance of timing of drug dose
histories using electronic detection of package entry (smart packages) intake
or direct detection of pills in the stomach (smart pills) is the only re- Reducing the frequency of dosing has long been widely believed to
liable and sufficiently richly sampled method to estimate the three improve medication adherence. This belief arises from the focus on
Adherence through monitoring
2:59 AM 2:59 AM

12:00 AM 12:00 AM

9:00 PM 9:00 PM

6:00 PM 6:00 PM

Patient 4834

Patient 5631
3:00 PM 3:00 PM

12:00 PM 12:00 PM

9:00 AM 9:00 AM

6:00 AM 6:00 AM

3:00 AM 3:00 AM
23/4/2003 11/5/2003 29/5/2003 16/6/2003 4/7/2003 22/7/2003 1/12/1993 19/12/1993 6/1/1994 24/1/1994 11/2/1994 1/3/1994

2:59 AM 2:59 AM

12:00 AM 12:00 AM

9:00 PM

Treatment discontinuation
9:00 PM

6:00 PM 6:00 PM

Patient 12902
Patient 5044
3:00 PM 3:00 PM

12:00 PM 12:00 PM

9:00 AM 9:00 AM

6:00 AM 6:00 AM

3:00 AM 3:00 AM
26/8/2002 13/9/2002 1/10/2002 19/10/2002 6/11/2002 24/11/2002 4/2/2000 22/2/2000 11/3/2000 29/3/2000 16/4/2000 4/5/2000

Figure 1 Varying patterns of adherence. The same amount of drug intake over a given time period may be the result of different intake patterns, each requiring specific approaches for optimization.
Electronically compiled drug dosing histories are shown for four patients who each took 75% of their prescribed doses during a 3 months period. The blue dots represent electronically captured dosing
times; the vertical grey bars mark omitted doses. The first three patients display sub-optimal implementation: patient A missed mainly evening doses, patient B missed both evening and morning doses, and
patient C displays a drug holiday (i.e. three or more days without a dose). Patient D initially had a high level of adherence, but discontinued the treatment prematurely. Figure adapted from Vrijens et al.,
Expert Rev Clin Pharmacol 2014.22

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518 B. Vrijens and H. Heidbuchel

percentages of doses taken irrespective of when doses were or were greater degree of continuity of drug action than was achieved by the
not taken; the percentage of doses taken is generally higher with less once-daily regimen, notwithstanding the fact that a higher percentage
frequent dosing regimens. A recent analysis of a large claims database of prescribed doses were taken with the once-daily than with the
assessing 10 697 patients with atrial fibrillation showed that the ad- twice-daily regimen. Nonetheless, there are other factors that may
herence and persistence for intake of antidiabetics, antihyperten- have contributed to the observed differences between ticagrelor
sives, calcium channel blockers, or diuretics (no anticoagulants and clopidogrel, such as the fact that both drugs are not identical in
were studied) was significantly higher for drugs with a once-daily their action.
intake regimen than for those with a twice-daily regimen.28 These two examples show that while once-daily dosing may be
However, drug actions are both dose- and time-dependent. To il- seen as an option to simplify the dosing regimen and increase
lustrate, having doses clustered at odd times with long intervals patient adherence, it in fact may require near-perfect adherence
between those clusters, can create an impressively high percentage to achieve its intended pharmacodynamic and clinical results,
of doses taken, but does not provide continuity of drug action. To whereas the twice-daily dosing is, depending on the drug’s pharma-
predict real therapeutic consequences of non-adherence, it is not suf- cokinetics, more forgiving of variations in dose-timing or occasion-
ficient to only focus on the percentage of doses taken; it is crucial to ally missed doses. The real therapeutically relevant question is the
also take into account the distribution of exactly when doses were impact of suboptimal adherence on the pharmacologic effects of
taken. the drug.
Comprehensive assessment of the risks of a patient’s non- It is of paramount importance to investigate these elements also in
adherence to a medication should therefore combine detailed detail in NOAC patients, as the consequences of suboptimal pharma-
dosing history data obtained from electronic monitoring, as well as cologic effects are so severe (bleeding or thrombotic events, both
information on the effect of non-adherence on the drug concentra- of which may be fatal). Clearly, the above-mentioned findings
tions in the patient’s plasma (pharmacokinetics) and the effect on cannot be just extrapolated to NOAC therapy; not only may the con-
the actions of the drug (pharmacodynamics).11 Such integrated ana- sequences of non-adherence differ depending on the specific charac-
lyses are an exercise in systems pharmacology, taking into account the teristics of the drug, also the patients taking NOAC are different from
fact that several interacting factors are operative and must be consid- those taking HIV medication and may therefore have specific issues

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ered simultaneously. due to for example ageing or dementia. Thus, it would be useful to
obtain electronic dosing histories and related consequences of non-
adherence from patients on NOAC therapy.
Superior therapeutic coverage with
twice-daily dosing regimens
Analyses that combine patients’ dosing history data and the pharma-
A simulation of the consequences of
cokinetic properties of the assessed drug have clearly shown that a non-adherence with once- or twice-daily
twice-daily dosing regimen maintains a better continuity of drug dosing
plasma levels than once-daily dosing for drugs with a half-life of In both examples, the pharmacokinetic equivalent of a single missed
12 h. For instance, an integrated analysis has suggested superior once-daily dose was two to three sequentially omitted twice-daily
therapeutic coverage with twice-daily compared with once-daily doses. This finding is illustrated by the simulation in Figure 2, which
protease inhibitors for the treatment of HIV-infected patients.29 shows the typical pharmacokinetic profile for a drug with a half-life
This model-based finding has then been supported by an outcome of about 12 h, similar to NOACs.
study showing that patients with a viral load of more than In Figure 2A, one can see that when the pharmacokinetic character-
100 000 copies/mL had a greater probability of a sustained viral istics are the same, the peak-to-trough ratio is much smaller if the
response on a twice-daily than on a once-daily regimen.30 drug is given at half the dose twice-daily (in red), than if the dose is
A second example comes from the superior inhibition of platelet given in a single dose once-daily (in blue). The theoretical pharmaco-
aggregation (IPA) with twice-daily administered ticagrelor com- kinetic profile thus shows much less variability over time with twice-
pared with once-daily clopidogrel. Model-based simulations using daily dosing compared with once-daily dosing.
observed patient dosing histories showed that both average and Figure 2B illustrates, in red, the pharmacokinetic profile of the
trough IPA levels remained significantly higher for ticagrelor than twice-daily dosing modified after a single missed dose. The resulting
for clopidogrel, despite somewhat lower percentages of prescribed concentration is similar to the expected trough concentration of
doses taken with twice-daily ticagrelor than with once-daily once-daily dosing, suggesting that missing a single dose of a twice-daily
clopidogrel. 31 dosing regimen should not be therapeutically critical.
The clinical benefits of twice-daily ticagrelor compared with once- Figure 2C shows that the pharmacological equivalent of missing a
daily clopidogrel have also been confirmed in the Platelet Inhibition single dose in a once-daily regimen is missing three consecutive
and Patient Outcomes (PLATO) trial:32 in patients with acute coron- doses of a twice-daily dosing regimen. Thus, instead of assessing
ary syndrome (ACS), with or without ST-segment elevation, treat- solely the percentage of missed doses, it is more cogent to compare
ment with ticagrelor as compared with clopidogrel significantly the probability of two to three sequentially missed twice-daily doses
reduced the rate of death from vascular causes, myocardial infarction, vs. the probability of missing one once-daily dose.
or stroke without an increase in the rate of overall major bleeding but Figure 2D shows the pharmacological consequence of an extra
with an increase in the rate of non-procedure-related bleeding. This dose, which results in a much higher peak for the once-daily than
result is consistent with the twice-daily regimen’s ability to maintain a for the twice-daily dosing regimen.
Adherence through monitoring 519

A Steady state B One missed BID dose


5 6 7 8 9 10 5 6 7 8 9 10
Day Day

C 1 missed QD dose equals 3 missed BID doses D One extra dose



5 6 7 8 9 10 5 6 7 8 9 10
Day Day

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Figure 2 Once-daily vs. twice-daily dosing: difference between intake and predicted biological impact in general. Different patterns of non-
adherence lead to different exposition to ‘risk’ between once-daily and twice-daily drugs. These graphs illustrate the theoretical pharmacokinetic
profiles of a dose X administered once-daily (QD), and a dose X/2 administered twice-daily (BID), for a drug with a half-life of about 12 h and a
Tmax of 3 h. (A) the peak-to-trough ratio is much smaller for the BID than the QD dosing. (B) The concentration after a single missed BID dose
(red dot) is similar to the expected trough concentration of QD dosing, suggesting that missing a single dose of a twice-daily dosing regimen
should not be therapeutically critical. (C) The pharmacological equivalent of missing a single dose in a once-daily regimen (blue dot) is missing
three consecutive doses (red dots) of a twice-daily dosing regimen. (D) Taking an extra dose results in a much higher peak for the QD than for
the BID dosing regimen.

Once- vs. twice-daily dosing of X prescribed once daily (left) and half the dose X/2 prescribed
twice daily (right). One can see that the peak-to-trough variability
non-vitamin K antagonist oral is larger for once-daily dosing, which could be related to increased
anticoagulants risks of bleeding or thrombotic events, respectively. The blue lines
in the upper plots show the model-projected continuous time-
The half-lives of NOACs are dependent on age and renal function of course of the concentrations resulting from a dosing history in
the patient, ranging from 9 to 14 h in young patients with normal which 15% of doses were missed. Omitted doses are indicated by ver-
renal function, and increasing to 9 to 17 h for factor Xa inhibitors tical grey bars, each of which indicates a single omitted dose. The right
and even 28 h for dabigatran in patients with moderate-to-severe side shows a similar plot for 15% of missed doses of a twice-daily drug.
renal dysfunction.33 Even with this variability, all NOACs are In both figures, lapses in dosing lead to lower-than-usual projected
rapidly absorbed and usually have half-lives well below 24 h; never- concentrations of drug, and extra doses lead to higher-than-usual
theless, different dosing regimens (once-daily or twice-daily) have projected drug concentrations. Relative to the hypothetical thera-
been selected, depending on the drug (often based on phase 2 trial peutic window used in this example, one can see that the twice-daily
results) and on the particular indication. The simulation in Figure 2 dosing regimen is more forgiving for a missed dose or an extra dose
indicates that, as with the two examples detailed in the previous than the once-daily dosing regimen for drugs with a half-life of 12 h.
section, twice-daily dosing of NOACs could be beneficial for main- Therefore in practice, once-daily dosing may require more vigilance34
taining continuity of drug action when there is variable drug exposure for single missed or extra doses and thus closer management of
from suboptimal adherence. patient adherence.
The potential advantage of twice-daily dosing for NOACs is It remains to be proven in how far these projected differences also
further illustrated in Figure 3, where model-based concentrations reflect in clinical outcomes with NOACs (as was exemplified by the
(upper plot) are projected using the dosing chronology (lower HIV- and ACS-trials above), but it is clear that research in this field is
plot). The red projection in the upper plot assumes a hypothetical needed to better inform clinicians about the possible impact of
prescribed dosing regimen that is perfectly implemented for a dose the prescribed dosing scheme on the drug’s therapeutic effect.
Figure 3 Once-daily vs. twice-daily dosing: predictions for NOAC drugs. The red projection in the upper plot assumes a hypothetical prescribed dosing regimen that is perfectly implemented for a
dose X prescribed once daily (QD; left plot) and half the dose X/2 prescribed twice daily (BID; right plot), for a drug with a half-life of about 12 h and a Tmax of 3 h. The blue lines in the upper plots show the
model-projected continuous time-course of the concentrations resulting from a dosing history in which 15% of doses were missed (omitted doses are indicated by the grey bars, while the blue dots
represent electronically captured dosing times). Relative to the hypothetical therapeutic window used in this example, one can see that the twice-daily dosing regimen is more forgiving for a missed dose
or an extra dose than the once-daily dosing regimen.

B. Vrijens and H. Heidbuchel

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Adherence through monitoring 521

The findings presented in this review show the importance of consid-

ering a twice-daily dosing regimen instead of automatically assuming Table 2 Proposals to improve adherence
that once-daily dosing would be better due to the higher percentage Electronic monitoring Providing feedback provided based on
of doses taken. On the other hand, it should also be clear that there feedback the patient’s own detailed electronic
will not be one all-encompassing answer on which dosing regimen is dosing history
best for NOACs; this question will need to be assessed for each Patient education Providing the patient with sufficient
NOAC and each patient separately. education about his/her disease,
dosing regimen, and the importance of
Managing adherence to Structured patient Follow-up of each patient at fixed
non-vitamin K antagonist oral follow-up timepoints (e.g. at therapy initiation,
after 1, 3, and 6 months, etc.)
anticoagulant therapy in clinical Nurse-led interdisciplinary Interdisciplinary care programmes could
care programmes be set up, with specialized nurses as
practice the main communication point for the
Interventions to improve adherence Telemonitoring of The provided dosing histories can be
Healthcare systems and providers play a role in the management medication intake used to assessed whether
of adherence by monitoring and supporting their patients’ correct intervention is needed to improve a
patient’s adherence
medication intake.3 A recent literature review assessing interventions
Improving physician Guideline adherence has been shown to
to improve patient adherence to medications, found that electro-
adherence to guidelines be higher in nurse-led care
nic monitoring (EM)-feedback was the biggest factor influencing programmes
adherence (8.8% more effective than interventions without EM feed-
back; P , 0.01).10 Electronic monitoring feedback interventions are
designed to provide feedback on patients’ personal dosing histories

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compiled from electronic medication event monitors. Using the
important role, which can even be a central coordinating one,
patient’s own dosing history, the healthcare practitioner can
because they have more time for patients than physicians and are
discuss with the patient the reason why there was suboptimal adher-
more readily accessible; they can thus function as the main point of
ence at specific timepoints, and propose solutions to prevent this
communication. After a comprehensive physician-supervised assess-
from happening in the future. Such adherence-improving interven-
ment of the patient, the nurse can coordinate an interdisciplinary
tions also include elements of education (to increase the patient’s
guideline-based management plan.
knowledge on his or her disease and on the importance of adher-
Such a structure should well serve the follow-up of NOAC
ence), and motivation (to increase the patient’s self-efficacy).22
therapy. Anticoagulation clinics, now focused on VKA therapy,
Further proposals to support patients’ adherence are discussed
could redefine their role for the future in this respect.36 Moreover,
below, and compiled in Table 2.
such a programme could also incorporate electronic and even
remote monitoring of adherence, in analogy with remote follow-up
The need for a structured follow-up for of implanted devices.37 A pilot study assessing telemonitoring of
patients on non-vitamin K antagonist medication intake in patients with chronic heart failure, with interven-
oral anticoagulant therapy tions initiated by healthcare providers in case of absence of transmis-
The process of gaining information on patient’s adherence and taking sions, indicated that patients’ acceptance of the tool was high and that
preventive or corrective action will require structured care around telemonitoring might prove to be an effective method to improve
the patient. The European Heart Rhythm Association has proposed medication intake.38
a framework for structured follow-up of patients on NOAC Based on the patient’s dosing history, the nurse can assess if inter-
therapy.33 This proposal includes follow-up at various timepoints vention is required and provide specific support tailored to the needs
(i.e. at initiation of the therapy, and subsequently after 1, 3,and 6 of the patient (Figure 4). As with device follow-up, specific server soft-
months, etc.) at which the patients need to meet with their healthcare ware could be developed that analyses the patients’ dosing history
practitioners, who can be cardiologists, general practitioners or spe- and provides filtered alerts on a per-patient basis, or could even
cialist nurses. These meetings could be used to assess the patient’s ad- provide direct feedback to the patient about his or her inadequate ad-
herence and provide feedback, education, and motivation where herence and the possible consequences. Such virtual clinic software
needed. Regular meetings throughout the entire duration of the would also benefit healthcare practitioners outside of an integrated
therapy may be needed to ascertain long-term therapy. It will be an care network. If the effectiveness of such integrated systems can be
extremely important challenge to devise strategies that improve proven, appropriate reimbursement is warranted to provide incen-
long-term adherence. The European Heart Rhythm Association tives to set up this form of care.
also proposed a NOAC patient card to integrate follow-up informa-
tion among the different healthcare workers.33 Adherence and patient education
Moreover, for atrial fibrillation, a proposal has been made for inter- Suboptimal adherence may be due to the fact that the proper dosing
disciplinary atrial fibrillation expert programmes to structure daily regimen and its importance were not adequately described to the
practice.35 In such programmes, clinical nurse specialists have an patient, or due to the fact that the patient did not properly
522 B. Vrijens and H. Heidbuchel

Centers with integrated care Healthcare practitioners without
integrated care

GP Nurse
Patient Patient

Virtual clinic software

Nurse Nurse
Cardiologist Electronic
GP of
Patient specialists adherence

Patient Nurse
GP Nurse Patient

Figure 4 Schematic representation of potential NOAC care models integrating monitored drug intake. (A) Various centers with integrated care

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can each have their own specific set-up. Within such a center, the electronic monitoring technology can be integrated as part of their overall ap-
proach. (B) Healthcare practitioners who do not belong to an integrated care center can receive support from ‘virtual clinic’ software. The electronic
monitoring of the patient’s adherence can be linked to this software, so that feedback to the healthcare practitioner and patient can be provided when

understand the need for specific dosing requirements. This part of adherence is widely prevalent and has severe consequences including
the non-adherence problem could be remedied by providing the bleeding or increased thrombotic risk, which can be fatal.
patients with sufficient education and training. As mentioned Once-daily dosing may increase absolute adherence, but twice-
earlier, interventions found to improve adherence often include ele- daily dosing regimens may be more forgiving in patients with sub-
ments of education.22 Interdisciplinary nurse-led programmes have a optimal adherence. Prospective clinical evaluation is needed, also
strong focus on educating the patient, even repeatedly during regular to relate outcome factors of drug regimen to the type of patient:
clinic visits or phone contacts. Atrial fibrillation patients receiving one regimen may not suit all.
nurse-led care have been reported to have a significantly higher Also the effect of structured care on NOAC adherence needs to
level of knowledge about their disease and its management, when be evaluated as in the currently ongoing AEGEAN trial (Clinical-
compared with patients receiving regular care.39,40 NCT01884350). Electronic monitoring of patients’ adher-
ence promises to be a useful tool in such integrated care systems,
Physician adherence to guidelines both for assessing adherence as well as for improving adherence
While this review focuses on the process of patient adherence to through feedback based on the patient’s dosing history.
medications, it is important to note that there is also a preceding MEMS is a registered trademark of MeadWestvaco Corporation.
process concerning the adherence of physicians to the guidelines
for prescription of anticoagulant medication. On top of patient-
related reasons, medications may not be initiated due to physician-
related reasons, such as an exaggerated fear of bleeding relative to Acknowledgements
the fear of stroke. A physician is only confronted with the bleeds The authors would like to thank John Urquhart for his input and thor-
caused by the medication but not with the strokes that are prevented. ough review of this manuscript, and Joke Vandewalle and Melissa
Interdisciplinary nurse-led programmes have been demonstrated to McNeely (XPE Pharma & Science) for writing assistance and coord-
improve physician adherence to guideline recommendations.39 ination of manuscript development.

Conflict of interest: Bernard Vrijens is an employee of MWV

Conclusion Healthcare. Hein Heidbuchel is a member of scientific advisory
There is an urgent need for research on adherence-optimizing tech- boards for Boehringer-Ingelheim, Bayer, BMS-Pfizer, Daiichi-Sankyo
nology and interventions in the NOAC field, because suboptimal and Sanofi-Aventis, and received lecture fees from these companies.
Adherence through monitoring 523

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