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English project dialogue

Bruna: Hello everyone, here you are on ABB Weather, today is Monday January 8, I hope you are
well. We will present the weather for five different cities: Gold coast, Nassau, Chicago, Liverpool and

First we will introduce you to Gold Coast.

Enguerrand : Hello, I'm Australian, yesterday it was sunny, the temperature was 23°C.
Today there is sunshine, the Gold coast temperature is 25°C and tomorrow there will also be sunshine
but the temperature will be 24°C. It doesn't change much!!!!

Bruna: Thank you very much, now we will move on to Liverpool.

Joao: Hello, I live in Liverpool, yesterday there was rain and the temperature was 16°C, today
there are clouds but no rain and the temperature is 18°C. Tomorrow, normally
there will be sunshine but the temperature will be 21°C. I would have preferred more heat.

Bruna: Thank you, now we will move on to Chicago.

Joao: Hello, I live in Chicago, yesterday it was raining and the temperature was 15°C, today it is
raining and the temperature is 16°C and tomorrow it will normally be cloudy and the
temperature will be 17 °C.

Bruna: Thank you very much, now we will move on to Nassau.

Enguerrand: Hello, I live in Nassau, yesterday there was sunshine and strong heat because the
temperature was 34°C. Today there is sunshine and the temperature is 32°C and tomorrow there will be
sunshine and the temperature will be 33°C.

Bruna: And finally we will move on to Washington.

Iris: Hello, I live in Washington, yesterday it started snowing and the temperature was 0°C, today
there is snow everywhere and the temperature is -3°C. Tomorrow there will be more snow and
the temperature will be -2°C.

Bruna: Thank you very much and see you soon for new presentations.

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