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study("Variable Operators - Arithmetic")

// There are five arithmetic operators in Pine Script:

// + Addition
// - Subtraction
// * Multiplication
// / Division
// % Modulo (remainder after division)

// ----- ARITHMETIC ------


_int_4 = 2 + 2 // const int = 4
_int_0 = 2 - 2 // const int = 0
_float = 2.0 + 2.0 // const float = 4.0
_float_ = 2.0 - 2.0 // const float = 0.0
_float_int = 2 + 2.0 // const float = 4.0
series_float = close + 4 // series float = close[n] + 4
// If one operand is na then the result will be na
always_na = 2 + na + (close - 4) // na
// plot(always_na)

// String concatenation. Only works with the "+" operator.

string_1 = "current "
string_2 = "range"
concatenation = string_1 + string_2 // "current range" = "current " + "range"

// binary & unary

num = 1
unary_sub = - num // Negates the expression
unary_add = + num // does nothing added just for the symmetry with the unary -
// plot(unary_add,, title='unary add')
// plot(unary_sub,, title='unary subtract')

// Example Use Case: Finding the range

range = high - low
change_range = range - range[4] // Difference between todays range and yesterdays
change_range_bi = change(range, 4) // Built in function that does same thing as
// plot(range, title=concatenation,
// plot(change_range, title="change " + string_2, )
// plot(change_range_bi, title="change " + string_2 + " bi", color=color.yellow )


_int_div = 2 / 2 // const int = 1
_int_mult = 2 * 2 // const int = 4
_float_div = 2.0 / 2.0 // const float = 1.0
_float_mult = 2.0 * 2.0 // const float = 4.0
_float_div_ = 2 / 2.0 // const float = 1.0
series_div = close / 4 // series float = close[n] / 4
series_mult = close * 4 // series float = close[n] * 4
// Note* Result is a float because built-in "close" variable is a series[float]
// If one operand is na then the result will be na
always_na_div = 2 / na // na
always_na_mult = na(2 * na) // na
// plot(always_na_div)

// impossible_div = 1 / 0 // This will throw an error

bad_fraction = 1 / 2 // This does not equal 0.5 because these are both
ints so the result is an integer
good_fraction = 1.0 / 2 // Automatically casts to float
better_fraction = 1.0 / 2.0
// plot(bad_fraction)

// Example Use Case: Finding averages

bar_sum = high + low
// high_low_avg = bar_sum / 2 // (high + low) / 2
// high_low_avg = (high + low) / 2
high_low_avg = hl2 // built-in variable
// plot(high_low_avg, title="high + low / " + "2",

high_low_close_avg = (high + low + close) / 3 // built in variable hlc3

// plot(high_low_close_avg, title='hlc / 3', color=color.purple)

// Example Use Case: % change

_change = ((close - close[1]) / close) * 100
// plot(_change, '% change')

// MODULO -- division remainder

mod_2 = 5.0 % 3.0 // 5 / 3 = 1 and 2/3. The modulo being the numerator "2"
// plot(mod_2, 'modulus 5 % 3',

_int_mod = 2 % 2 // const int = 0

_float_mod = 2.0 % 2.0 // const float = 0
_float_int_mod = 2 % 2.0 // const float = 0.0
// plot(_float_int_mod, title="?")
series_mod = close % 4 // series float = close[n] % 4
na_mod = 2 % na // na
integer_division_mod = 1 % 2 // const int = 1 Because 1/2 where 1 is the
// plot(integer_division_mod,

// Real life use case of MODULO

h = (time / 1000) / 3600 // Hours since january 1, 1970 UTC
military_hour_time = h % 24
// plot(military_hour_time, title='mtime')
// twelve_hour_clock = military_hour_time % 12 // 15 % 12 = 3pm
// plot(twelve_hour_clock, 'clock')
m = (time / 60 / 1000) % 60 // Minutes in an hour
plot(m, 'minutes')
s = (time / 1000) % 60
plot(s, 'seconds')
plot(hour, 'hour')
plot(second, 'second')

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