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VOCABULARY 2 Complete the words. The first and last letters are
1 Complete the sentences with these adjectives. Not given.
all of the adjectives are needed.
1 I’m so sorry I forgot your name earlier. I was
really e d about that.
confused confusing disappointed
disappointing embarrassed embarrassing 2 I thought the ending of the book was quite c
frightened frightening relaxed relaxing g. I didn’t really understand it.
1 I was by the painting. I quite 3 The first time I tried painting something, I was
liked it, but I didn’t really understand what I was d d by the results. I thought it looked
looking at and I wasn’t quite sure what the artist really bad!
was trying to do.
4 As a child, I used to live near a very beautiful
2 That horror film was really – and interesting building. I found it really
I couldn’t get to sleep afterwards. i g, and I think maybe because of it, I
3 I was by the TV series. It decided to study architecture at university.
wasn’t as good as I expected it to be. 5 I don’t want to feel r d by art. I want
4 When the teacher asked me who Pablo Picasso it to shock and surprise me!
was, I couldn’t remember at first. I was so
, my face went red.

5 Listening to calm, quiet music always makes me

feel after a difficult and
tiring day.


1 © Cengαge Leαrning, Inc.

ATE Assessment
GRAMMAR 4 Choose the correct option to complete the
3 Complete the conversation with the correct sentences.
form of these verbs.
1 I enjoyed dancing, but I was a bit by the
time we finished.
ask be have hear play
a tired
Paula: My neighbours have stopped smiling at me and
saying ‘hello’. I don’t know why. b tiring

Liam: If you 1 them, I’m sure they 2 I’m sorry, but I thought the film was really .
would tell you. I couldn’t stay awake.
a bored
Paula: If I 2 more time, I’d do that. But
I’m usually in a hurry when we meet. b boring

Liam: They might be annoyed because you play the 3 When I was in Rio de Janeiro, I had an
drums a lot in the evening. time at the carnival.

Paula: If I 3 the electric piano or a amazed

something, it would be easy to wear b amazing
headphones. I can’t do that with drums.
4 Some kinds of art make us feel , but other
Liam: If you practised in the afternoons, maybe your kinds can shock or even frighten us.
neighbours wouldn’t 4
you. a relaxed
b relaxing
Paula: But I’m not at home in the afternoon.
5 The documentary film about famous painters
Liam: Well, if I 5 you, I’d go and see the
made me feel to learn more.
neighbours, and find out what the problem
really is. Maybe then, you can try to come up a inspired
with a solution.
b inspiring

2 © Cengαge Leαrning, Inc.

ATE Assessment

Artist of the month – Rueben Wu

There is a saying that ‘the camera never lies’. Photographs usually show us the real world. However,
the images made by photographer Rueben Wu (who is also a music producer) do something different.
Firstly, he doesn’t usually take photos during the daytime, which is unusual. Secondly, his photos
show things that you would never see in real life.
The word photography means ‘drawing with light’, and that’s a good way to describe what Rueben
Wu does. He has been to places like the Cordillera Blanca in Peru, Sarakiniko Beach in Greece and the
Valles de las Animas in Bolivia. These are usually empty places, with interesting rocks, deserts, lakes
or beaches. Wu waits until night before setting up his camera.
Of course, light is important when taking a photo. He controls his camera so that it opens for up to 30
seconds. This allows enough light from the stars to come in. Wu also uses drones – small flying
machines – to fly around the sky in front of the camera. The drones have small lights on them. These
create strange rings or other shapes. The results are beautiful – strange-coloured rocks or water, with
stars in the background and shapes in the sky that really don’t belong there.
Wu came up with the idea for making these strange images completely by accident. He was trying to
take photos in the dark in Death Valley, California. He wanted to try taking a photo of the desert,
with the stars in the night sky. While he was in the middle of taking a 30-second
photo, a truck drove near his camera. The lights from the truck made everything bright for a few
seconds. At first Wu was really annoyed. But later, he looked at the image, and saw the strange effect
that the truck lights had created. A new form of art was born – photos of natural places, with completely
unnatural light.

5 Read the article. Match the beginnings of the sentences (1–5) with the endings (a–e).

1 Rueben Wu takes photos a rings and other strange things.

2 Wu uses b of places such as beaches, lakes or rocks.
3 In his photos, you can see c a camera and another type of machine.
4 He creates his own special form d by accident.
5 His idea for creating these photos happened e of photography.


6 Read the article again. Complete the summary. For each gap, write no more than two words from the

Rueben Wu is a 1 and photographer who takes photos of natural places such as 2 ,

rocks, beaches and lakes during the night. He uses 3 for natural light, and he also uses a 4
to create unusual light shapes in the sky. The idea for this came
when 5 passed by while he was photographing Death Valley in California.


3 © Cengαge Leαrning, Inc.

ATE Assessment
7 5.1 Listen to a talk. Are the statements true or false?

1 The speaker believes that most music on the radio is very good. True False

2 Valerie Salimpoor was feeling unhappy before she heard some music by Brahms on the radio. True False

3 Salimpoor was a university student when she first heard Brahms’s Hungarian Dance Number 5. True False

4 Salimpoor discovered that people can get excited by music they haven’t heard before. True False

5 Listening to new music and smelling delicious food both have a similar effect on our brains. True False


8 5.1 Listen to the talk again. Complete the sentences with no more than two words from the talk.

1 Valerie Salimpoor heard a piece of music she loved immediately while she ,
and had to stop in order to continue listening to it.

2 She felt when she heard the music, despite feeling quite differently before.

3 Using to find out what was happening inside people’s brains, Salimpoor
noticed that parts of the brain responded strongly to certain types of music.

4 Salimpoor believes that we can what a song or piece of music will be like
after just a few seconds.

5 When we listen to a few seconds of music, we expect , in a similar way to

smelling something delicious.


4 © Cengαge Leαrning, Inc.

ATE Assessment
9 You see this advert for articles online. Think about an event you have been to. Imagine that you were organizing
it. Write a description of your event.

Are you planning an interesting local event? What

is it about and who is it for?
Tell us why people should come along. Don’t forget to include information about
the place, date and the price of tickets.
We will publish the best upcoming events on our website.

Write about 100 words.

SCORE: /10



5 © Cengαge Leαrning, Inc.

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