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Reasons to Replace Our Server

Servers are expected to last between five to seven years, ours is more than 8 years The older the
servers are, the harder they become to maintain. Finding replacement parts can be time-consuming
and costly, Here are the reasons to consider replacing our current server

Figure 1current server warranty details

1. Performance Upgrade:

- Old servers may struggle with new software and technologies, leading to slower performance.

- A new server ensures faster processing, improving overall efficiency and user experience.

2. Reliability and Stability:

- Aging servers are more prone to breakdowns and downtime, affecting productivity.

- Upgrading ensures a more reliable system, reducing the risk of unexpected outages.

3. Security Concerns:

- Older servers may lack the latest security features, making them vulnerable to cyber threats.

- A new server comes with updated security measures, safeguarding against potential breaches.

4. Scalability:

- New servers are designed to accommodate growing workloads and can easily scale with
expanding business needs.

- Old servers may struggle to handle increased demands, limiting the organization's growth
5. Obsolete Hardware:

- Parts for the 7-year-old server may no longer be available in the market.

- This can lead to extended downtime if a critical component fails, impacting productivity.

6. Storage Challenges:

- The server's hard disk may not meet current storage demands, affecting data management.

- Upgrading ensures sufficient and modern storage solutions andle the ohrganization's data

7. Parts Availability:

- The specific model of the old server might make it challenging to find replacement parts.

- This could result in prolonged downtime during repairs, negatively impacting operations.

8. Lead Time for Repairs:

-As servers get older, they might require extra maintenance. That can also increase costs if methods
of repair prove ineffective. Performance degradation also means taking more time to perform
maintenance on older hardware. -

- This delay can disrupt operations and affect the overall efficiency of the system.

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