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“Grades dont define you it just defines whether you get stuff

done or not.”
 Don’t overwhelm yourself. If it’s due in a week, break it up. You don’t have to do it the first day
and you shouldn’t do it the last.
 Particularly with history courses (I was a history major,) wrote down EVERYTHING during the
lecture. Even if you know it already, it’s best to always jot it down.
 DONT do all nighters unless you literally have not choice. They mess with your sleep schedule
and often times if does more harm than good.
 You get a lot of freedom in college, but that isn’t always good. You have to organize yourself and
at least jot down in your notebook homework or the next test or what reading you need. I didn’t
do this in my freshman year and it was a struggle.
 tips if you’re a procrastinator like me:
 1. break up the assignment of task into small pieces.
 2. Tell yourself that it’s easy or it won’t take very long.
 3. Organise before doing homework, it gets you in a productive mood. ie: filling in your planner,
writing out a wish list or to do list.
 4. Listen to music that doesn’t have any lyrics or isn’t in your native language. (Basically you cant
sing along or get distracted by)
 5. Clean your surroundings before starting. The less the clutter the more your mind will be clear.
 My number one study tip is to double column notes! I split my pages vertically into 1/3 and 2/3
sections—the right 2/3 of the page are my lecture notes/reading notes and the left 1/3 is my
personal notes, whether it’s redefining a term, definitions, questions to ask the professor, things
to revisit later etc.

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