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Speaking Club: How to speak better!

Intermediate: Let’s talk about how you can practice speaking!

Discuss the following with your group!

One of the fastest ways to improve your spoken English is to speak and keep speaking.
Speak English every chance you get!
How often do you practice speaking English?
In what ways can you increase your speaking practice?

Making mistakes
You will make mistakes. Don’t be afraid. The more you practice, the better you will become.
How can you get over the fear of making mistakes?
What tips do you have for people who are shy about making mistakes in their speaking?

Have fun, enjoy speaking!

Don’t get too serious about yourself. Learning is better when you enjoy what you’re doing.
Which topics do you most enjoy talking about?
How can you get the confidence to join in English conversations?

Listen and repeat.

Watching movies or listening to songs in English and then repeating what you hear is a great
way to practice.
Recording yourself speaking is a great way to practice, what would you speak about?
What other tips and advice do you have for improving your speaking?

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