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Received: 7 July 2023

| Revised: 22 September 2023

| Accepted: 24 September 2023

DOI: 10.1002/ccr3.8012


Multidisciplinary strategies for managing acute

watery diarrhea in children with congenital anorectal
malformation and colostomy: A case study

Mohammad Ashraful Amin1,2,3 | Ridwana Maher Manna1,2 | Sabrina Nahin4 |

Mohammad Delwer Hossain Hawlader1

Department of Public Health, North
South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh Key clinical message
Public Health Promotion and Congenital anorectal malformation (ARM) is a diverse group of anomalies affect-
Development Society (PPDS), Dhaka, ing the development of the anal and rectal regions, with an estimated incidence of
one in every 5000 live births. The colostomy is commonly performed as part of the
Department of Clinical Trials, London
School of Hygiene and Tropical staged management of children with ARM to prevent complications. However,
Medicine, London, UK the presence of acute watery diarrhea in children with ARM and colostomy poses
Department of Physiology, Green significant management challenges due to the altered anatomy and physiology af-
Life Medical College Hospital, Dhaka,
fecting stool regulation and absorption, exacerbated by various factors including
infections, dietary issues, medication side effects, and underlying gastrointestinal
Correspondence complications.This case study explores the complexities involved in managing
Mohammad Ashraful Amin, North
south university Bashundhara, Plot#
acute watery diarrhea in children with congenital ARM and colostomy. A com-
15, Block# B, Bashundhara R/A, prehensive literature review was conducted to examine the existing evidence on
Dhaka–­1229, Bangladesh, Dhaka-­1229, the subject. The study highlights the multidisciplinary approach required, involv-
Email: mohammad.amin02@ ing pediatricians, surgeons, and other specialists, to provide comprehensive care and support for these children. Effective management of acute watery diarrhea in
children with congenital ARM and colostomy necessitates collaboration between
pediatricians and surgeons. Pediatricians play a crucial role in assessing hydra-
tion status, monitoring electrolyte balance, and providing appropriate fluid and
nutritional management. Surgeons address the surgical aspects of care and coor-
dinate interventions with the management of acute diarrhea. The study under-
scores the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to deliver comprehensive
care, optimize outcomes, and improve the quality of life for affected children. The
management of acute watery diarrhea in children with congenital ARM and co-
lostomy presents significant challenges due to the complex interplay of anatomi-
cal, physiological, and clinical factors. A multidisciplinary approach involving
pediatricians, surgeons, and other specialists is vital for providing comprehen-
sive care and support. This case study emphasizes the need for further research,

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
© 2023 The Authors. Clinical Case Reports published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Clin Case Rep. 2023;11:e8012. | 1 of 5

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guidelines, and collaborative efforts to enhance the management strategies for

this vulnerable population.

acute watery diarrhea, anorectal malformation, colostomy, management challenges,
multidisciplinary approach

1 | I N T RO DU CT ION the challenges faced by pediatricians and surgeons when

managing acute watery diarrhea in a child with congen-
The development of the anal and rectal areas is impacted ital anorectal malformation and colostomy. By delving
by a variety of congenital defects known as anorectal mal- into these complexities, this research aims to contribute
formations (ARM). From simple anal malformations to to a deeper understanding of the management strategies
complex anorectal malformations including various clo- required for optimal care in such cases. Thus, emphasiz-
acal components, they exhibit a wide spectrum of sever- ing the necessity for more research to produce evidence-­
ity. ARM is estimated to occur in approximately one out based management options that meet the particular needs
of every 5000 live births1 It is intriguing that about 50% of these patients along with the significance of a collab-
of ARM instances are classed as non-­syndromic, and the orative and multidisciplinary approach in dealing with
remaining 50% are associated with complex multiple con- the problems provided by this distinct combination of
genital abnormalities, chromosomal aberrations, or recog- illnesses.
nized genetic syndromes. It is yet unknown what leads to
non-­syndromic instances.2 The colostomy is a commonly
employed intervention in the staged management of chil- 2 | C ASE HISTORY
dren with anorectal malformation (ARM) aimed at pre-
venting complications.3 Acute watery diarrhea (AWD) is A 2-­year-­old child was brought to the hospital by his par-
the passing of three or more liquid or loose stools within ents due to complaints of acute watery diarrhea. Accord-
a 24-­h period.4 The presence of acute watery diarrhea in ing to the parents, the child history of watery stools for the
children with congenital anorectal malformation (ARM) past 3 days, with more than eight episodes daily, accom-
having done colostomy presents notable management panied by abdominal discomfort and foul-­smelling stools.
complexities for pediatricians and surgeons. After a co- The child appeared irritable, with a mild decrease in ap-
lostomy surgery, stool from the colon is directed into a petite. The parents had been maintaining the child's fluid
colostomy pouch or bag. It is important to note that the intake but were concerned about the persistent diarrhea.
consistency of stool is often more liquid than it was prior The child's past medical history revealed a diagnosis of
to the surgery. The specific type of colostomy and the level congenital anal canal anomalies shortly after birth, with
of colon activity will also play a role in determining the previous two-­stage of reconstructive surgeries performed
consistency of the stool.5 The management of acute wa- to correct the deformities. The colostomy was performed
tery diarrhea becomes more complex when a colostomy before the pull-­through procedure. The posterior sagittal
is present, necessitating focused attention from both pe- anorectoplasty PSARP, for reposition in the correct loca-
diatricians and surgeons. Acute watery diarrhea in this tion, and an anal opening will be created (Figure 1). The
population can be attributed to various factors, including baby had a difficult time passing a stool, causing consti-
infections, dietary issues, medication side effects, or un- pation and possibly discomfort before surgery. The de-
derlying gastrointestinal complications.6 The presence velopmental assessment indicated normal growth, motor
of an anorectal malformation and a colostomy creates a skills, and cognitive development. The family history was
unique set of challenges for healthcare providers involved unremarkable for gastrointestinal disorders or congenital
in the care of these children. anomalies, and the child resided in a clean and hygienic
Pediatricians bring their expertise in diagnosing and home environment with access to safe drinking water and
treating acute diarrhea, assessing nutritional status, and proper sanitation facilities. During the physical examina-
managing fluid and electrolyte imbalances. Surgeons con- tion, vital signs were within normal limits, although mild
tribute their knowledge of the underlying anorectal mal- tenderness or distension may be observed during the ab-
formation, the impact of colostomy on bowel function, dominal examination. The surgical scars from previous
and potential complications related to surgical interven- reconstructive surgeries were evaluated, showing no signs
tions. The objective of this case study is to shed light on of infection or abnormalities, and no perianal or perineal

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AMIN et al.    3 of 5

transforms into stool, which is eventually eliminated

through the anus. Typically, stool remains loose and liq-
uid as it travels through the upper colon, where water is
absorbed, resulting in firmer stool as it approaches the rec-
tum. However, in the context of a colostomy, which alters
the normal passage of stool, it can cause changes in stool
consistency, potentially leading to loose or liquid stool.5
Among the factors contributing to loose watery stool, nu-
tritional deficiency is a common concern in patients with
stomas. The presence of a stoma disrupts normal gut func-
tion with impaired digestion and absorption of nutrients.
Furthermore, patients with stomas often have inadequate
dietary intake due to underlying health conditions, socio-­
economic factors, or as an attempt to manage the stoma
output. These factors collectively increase the risk of nu-
tritional deficiencies, including wasting, which is charac-
terized by insufficient food intake and a higher incidence
of diarrheal diseases.8 Moreover, reducing surgical site in-
fections is a complex task due to the numerous potential
entry points for pathogens to contaminate wounds. The
FIGURE 1 Colostomy in a pediatric patient. primary source of these infections is often attributed to
the patient's own skin or other mucosal membranes and
viscera.9 When an infection occurs at the site of the co-
skin irritation was noted. The patient was treated with lostomy, it can lead to inflammation and irritation of the
oral rehydration solution (ORS) after each loose motion surrounding tissues. This inflammation in turn can dis-
to correct dehydration and electrolyte imbalances, along rupt the normal absorption of fluids and nutrients in the
with a five-­day course of syrup azithromycin and syrup colon, resulting in loose stools or diarrhea.10 Furthermore,
zinc supplementation. Additionally, recommendations dietary changes can play a role in the occurrence of diar-
were provided for adequate nutrition and dietary modi- rhea in individuals with colostomies. While most people
fications based on the child's tolerance and nutritional with ostomies can follow a regular diet, adjustments may
requirements. Given the patient's history of previous re- be necessary if issues like diarrhea arise. While introduc-
constructive surgeries, surgical follow-­up with the pedi- ing new foods to such patients, it is recommended to do
atric surgeon who performed the procedures was deemed so one at a time, especially foods that may contribute to
essential. The surgeon will assess the healing of the sur- potential problems such as diarrhea.10 Similarly, certain
gical sites, address any complications, and determine the medications and supplements can contribute to diarrhea
need for further interventions. Regular follow-­up appoint- in individuals with a stoma for different reasons. Antibiot-
ments were scheduled to monitor the resolution of acute ics, while helpful in eliminating harmful bacteria, can also
diarrhea and assess the healing progress of the surgical disrupt the balance of healthy bacteria involved in diges-
sites. tion. Additionally, over-­the-­counter medications contain-
ing magnesium or calcium may also induce diarrhea due
to their ability to relax the digestive tract and counteract
3 | DI S C USSION stomach acids.10
Anorectal malformations encompass various abnormal-
Diarrhea, characterized by frequent loose watery stools, ities, including a narrow anal passage, the presence of an
can be attributed to various factors such as illness, stress, anal membrane, imperforate anus, and abnormal connec-
dietary choices, and certain medications. When expe- tions between the rectum and the urinary tract or repro-
riencing diarrhea, particularly if it is severe or persists ductive system known as fistulas. The type and number of
for more than 2 days, it is important to consider possible required surgeries vary based on the nature and severity of
causes such as illness, gastrointestinal disturbances, or the anomaly.11 Anorectal malformation (ARM) itself is not a
food poisoning.7 direct cause of diarrhea. However, depending on the specific
As food moves through the digestive system, it pro- type and severity of the malformation and type of surgery
gresses from the small intestine to the large intestine conducted, it can indirectly contribute to the development
or colon. During this journey, the indigestible residue of diarrhea through the following mechanisms: Bowel

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obstruction: In some cases of ARM, there may be partial or subsequent colostomy. They would be responsible for the
complete obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract, which can surgical aspects of the child's care, including the repair or
prevent the normal passage of stool. When stool is unable reconstruction of the anorectal malformation. Close col-
to pass through the affected area, it can lead to bowel dis- laboration and communication in this complex case be-
tention and the accumulation of fluid and stool above the tween the surgeon and the pediatrician is crucial to ensure
obstruction. This can cause diarrhea-­like symptoms due to the child's comprehensive care and the seamless coordi-
leakage of fluid and stool around the obstruction. Impaired nation of surgical interventions with the management of
stool control: The primary cause of rectosigmoid emptying acute diarrhea. To protect the wellbeing of children with
in individuals with an anorectal malformation is a forceful congenital anorectal malformation (ARM), this calls for
involuntary peristaltic contraction, occasionally aided by thorough post-­operative care and handling challenges as
a Valsalva maneuver. Many patients with anorectal mal- well. After a successful procedure and the child restoring
formation experience a disruption in this complex bowel normal bowel function the surgeon's role subsequently
motility mechanism.12 This in turn can result in difficulties shifts to long-­term monitoring, complication treatment,
with stool control and increased stool frequency, which may surgical site care, surveillance, and potential future in-
resemble diarrhea. Children with ARM are at higher risk of terventions. Nutritional support, in some cases, children
developing certain associated conditions or complications with ARM and colostomy may require specialized nutri-
that can cause diarrhea. For example, they may be more tional support to address any ongoing dietary challenges.
prone to gastrointestinal infections, such as gastroenteri- The surgeon may collaborate with a dietitian or nutrition-
tis, due to the altered anatomy and potential for bacterial ist to ensure the child's nutritional needs are met. As such
overgrowth. a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses both acute
In regards to the management of such patients with co- diarrhea and the long-­term management of the anorectal
lostomy having diarrhea, pediatricians and surgeons face malformation will be achieved. This may involve multiple
difficulties in managing the acute watery diarrhea due to interventions, including surgical procedures, nutritional
several factors. Firstly, the changes in the anatomy and support, and ongoing medical care. In some cases, a multi-
physiology disrupt the natural mechanisms responsible disciplinary team, including pediatric surgeons, pediatric
for regulating stool consistency and absorption, posing gastroenterologists, and pediatric nurse specialists, may
challenges in effectively managing diarrhea. Secondly, the be involved in providing comprehensive care and support
presence of a colostomy necessitates careful consideration to the child and their family.
of fluid and electrolyte balance, as rapid fluid loss can lead
to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. Thirdly, the
underlying condition and previous surgical interventions 4 | LIMITATION
may impact the choice of treatment options and necessi-
tate tailored approaches to alleviate symptoms and man- One limitation of this case report is the lack of a defini-
age complications. Thus, the occurrence of acute watery tive diagnosis for the cause of acute watery diarrhea in the
diarrhea after colostomy requires proper evaluation by a patient. Although stool analysis, blood tests, and imaging
healthcare professional so that proper assessment of the studies are important diagnostic tools, the specific patho-
specific factors contributing to the causation of diarrhea is gen or underlying gastrointestinal abnormality responsi-
done and appropriate management strategies are recom- ble for the diarrhea could not be identified in this case.
mended. Moreover, treatment may involve addressing any Further investigations, such as molecular diagnostic tests
underlying infections, adjusting diet or medication, pro- or endoscopic procedures, may have provided more con-
viding fluid and electrolyte replacement, and optimizing clusive results. The study focuses on a single case, which
colostomy care to minimize complications and promote may not represent the entire population of children with
healing. The involvement of a pediatrician would be in the congenital anorectal malformation and colostomy. Each
overall management of the child's health, which is focus- case of ARM and colostomy can vary in terms of severity,
ing on evaluating the child's hydration status, monitoring underlying conditions, surgical techniques, and individ-
their electrolyte balance, and providing appropriate fluid ual responses to treatment.
and nutritional management, including the assessment
and treatment of acute watery diarrhea. In addition to
this, the pediatrician would also address any underlying 5 | CONC LUSION
causes of diarrhea and consider additional investigations
or interventions if needed. This case study emphasizes the importance of a collabo-
On the contrary, a surgeon would play a crucial role in rative and multidisciplinary approach in managing acute
managing the congenital absence of the anal canal and the watery diarrhea in children with congenital anorectal

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malformation and colostomy. The collaborative approach Mohammad Delwer Hossain Hawlader https://orcid.
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How to cite this article: Amin MA, Manna RM,
The patient's parents had written informed consent taken
Nahin S, Hawlader MDH. Multidisciplinary
for publishing this case report.
strategies for managing acute watery diarrhea in
children with congenital anorectal malformation
and colostomy: A case study. Clin Case Rep.
Mohammad Ashraful Amin https://orcid.
2023;11:e8012. doi:10.1002/ccr3.8012

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