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Travelling by sea

I used to travel by sea several times a year - it was an opportunity to spend time
with the members of my family who live abroad. We went from Tallinn to Stockholm
by ferry. So I’d like to tell about the time we did it last Christmas and this journey is
my favourite for now.
I really like the Christmas embellishments in Europe - the way they decorate
displays, city streets and their houses strikes and inspires me. The same was about the
ferry decoration. In the ferry restaurant we enjoyed wonderful dishes that included
traditional for Estonia and Sweden Christmas meals - gingerbreads, Christmas ham
and different fish plates. The entertainments on board were most for children but still
we took part in them and we liked it so much and got the lacking Christmas mood!
I really miss that times and my only wish for now is that there was no
coronavirus and the borders were free to cross!

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