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Here are some common instances of innovative examples at my work place/organization that we

emulate and adapt:

 creating a new digital platform that streamlines our organization’s online processes or
 encouraging collaboration between organization and other complementary organizations
 designing a product that puts sustainability at the forefront of our organization’s actions
 proposing collaborations within the local community to drive brand awareness with core
 marketing a product unusually or appealingly to increase sales
 connecting with younger generations to gain new insights and broaden our audience
 motivating colleagues to improve internal morale and productivity
 implementing technology and social media to realign the company as an attractive,
modern option
 streamlining current processes to get tasks completed more efficiently and more
 involving customers/members in the development of new products/systems or services to
be relevant to consumer needs
 combining two or more existing elements to create improved options for the company
How we set an innovation
 Think openly
 Create a positive outlook
 Research other innovations
 Broaden our network
 Develop an idea
 Propose it to the organization
 Be confident in our innovation

Benefits of innovative thinking at our organization

 Organization recognition
 Personal satisfaction
 It can encourage collaboration
 Motivation increase
Many skills that can display innovation at work are transferable from your previous roles. These
skills typically include:
 Creativity
 Problem-solving
 Critical thinking
 Risk-taking
 Curiosity

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