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1.Why the innovation Strategy is important? Discuss?

An innovation strategy is important for organizations to stay competitive and relevant in their
respective industries. It helps them identify areas for growth and improvement, develop new
products or services, and stay ahead of their competitors. It also promotes a culture of
continuous learning and experimentation, which can lead to increased efficiency, customer
satisfaction, and profitability.

2.Mention some types of innovation Strategies in practice?

Incremental Innovation: This involves making small improvements to existing products or


Disruptive Innovation: This creates a new market by providing a simpler, cheaper or more
convenient alternative to existing solutions.

Open Innovation: This involves collaborating with external partners such as customers,
suppliers, and universities to develop new ideas.

Blue Ocean Strategy: This involves creating a new market space with uncontested competition.

Platform Innovation: This involves creating a new platform or ecosystem that enables others to

3.What do you think about the role that innovation plays in business

Innovation is essential for businesses to remain competitive and adapt to changing market
demands. It allows companies to improve their products or services, streamline processes, and
create new revenue streams. By fostering a culture of innovation, businesses can stay ahead of
the curve and achieve long-term success

4.How do you implement innovation in a company?

To implement innovation in a company, a culture of creativity and experimentation must be

fostered, with a focus on identifying customer needs and pain points. Encourage idea-sharing
across departments, allocate resources for R&D, and establish clear goals and metrics for
measuring success.

5.Bring out the importance of creativity techniques in managing technology

Creativity techniques play a crucial role in managing technology by facilitating the generation of
innovative and effective solutions to complex problems. These techniques enable technology
managers to think outside the box, explore new ideas, and implement cutting-edge solutions
that drive business success and competitiveness in a rapidly evolving technological landscape.
6.Why innovation is important to the competitive of companies?

Innovation is important to the competitiveness of companies because it allows them to create

new products, services, and processes that can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and increase
customer satisfaction. By constantly innovating, companies can stay ahead of the competition
and remain relevant in a rapidly changing market

7.What is business model innovation and how do you innovate one

Business model innovation involves creating new ways to generate revenue, deliver value to
customers, and structure a company's operations. To innovate a business model, identify key
customer needs and pain points, and experiment with different approaches to addressing them.
Iterate quickly and use customer feedback to refine your ideas

8.Knowledge push or need pull. Which is more important? Discuss

Both knowledge push and need pull are important in driving innovation and progress.
Knowledge push generates new ideas and technologies, while need pull identifies real-world
problems and opportunities. The balance between the two depends on the specific context and
goals of the situation.

9.Differentiate Knowledge Pull and Need Pull.

"Knowledge pull" and "need pull" are two concepts related to the way in which information is
acquired or generated within an organization or system.

"Knowledge pull" refers to a situation where individuals or teams proactively seek out new
knowledge or information that may be useful to them. This can involve conducting research,
attending conferences, or networking with experts in their field. The motivation behind
knowledge pull is often driven by curiosity, a desire for personal or professional growth, or a
need to stay ahead of the competition.

On the other hand, "need pull" is a concept where individuals or teams seek out information or
knowledge as a response to a specific problem or challenge they are facing. In other words,
they pull knowledge to address a need or gap in their understanding. This can involve
conducting research, seeking out expert advice, or consulting with colleagues who have relevant
experience or knowledge.

In summary, knowledge pull is a proactive approach to acquiring knowledge, while need pull is a
reactive approach to addressing specific gaps in knowledge or understanding. Both approaches
are important in organizations, and a balance of both can help ensure that individuals and
teams have the knowledge they need to be effective in their roles.

10.What are the roles of design driven Innovation.Explain it neat diagram

Design-driven innovation involves using design thinking to drive innovation and create products
and services that meet the needs of users. It involves identifying user needs, prototyping,
testing, and iterating to create products that solve real problems. The roles of design-driven
innovation include improving user experience, creating competitive advantage, and fostering
customer loyalty.

[Diagram shows a circular process with arrows pointing from one step to the next: Discover
user needs, Define the problem, Ideate solutions, Prototype, Test, Iterate. At the center of the
circle is the user, indicating that user needs are at the heart of the process.

11.How do you generate more good ideas and avoid bad ones?

To generate more good ideas, try brainstorming and ideation exercises with others, seeking out
diverse perspectives, and exploring new areas of interest. To avoid bad ideas, consider potential
drawbacks, test and validate concepts before investing too much time and resources, and be
open to constructive criticism and feedback

12.Write the steps which help to develop product life cycle

The product life cycle can be developed by following these steps:

Conduct market research to identify customer needs and preferences.

Develop and test the product prototype.

Launch the product in the market and promote it through various marketing channels.

Monitor sales and customer feedback.

Make necessary changes and improvements to the product to maintain its relevance in the

Eventually, phase out the product as it reaches the end of its life cycle

13.How many ways a firm can innovate? Give the concept of “Innovation Rader”. Support your
answer with suitable real world examples.
A firm can innovate in various ways such as product innovation, process innovation, marketing
innovation, organizational innovation, and business model innovation. The Innovation Radar is a
tool used to assess the level of innovation within a company across these different dimensions.
Examples include Apple's introduction of the iPod (product innovation), Toyota's use of lean
manufacturing (process innovation), and Airbnb's introduction of the sharing economy
(business model innovation).

14.Consider you as technical expertise reputed by customer in a company. Provide expected

advice in order to make a company on going high level margin profitable in market.

To make a company highly profitable and competitive in the market, my advice would be to
focus on the following key areas:

Streamline operations and optimize costs

Offer high-quality products and services that meet customer needs

Build a strong brand and reputation

Invest in research and development to stay ahead of the competition

Continuously monitor and analyze market trends to adapt and evolve accordingly.

15.Involvement and Open Innovation: The Case of Decision-Maker Openness Social Media,
Open Innovation & HRM: Implications for Performance

User-involvement and open innovation can lead to improved decision-making and performance.
Decision-maker openness and social media can facilitate these processes. HRM practices that
support open innovation can enhance employee engagement and creativity, leading to better
organizational outcomes.

16.Differentiate the collaborative model with the open innovation model

Collaborative models refer to the collaboration between two or more organizations or

individuals working together towards a common goal. Open innovation models, on the other
hand, involve the integration of external ideas and resources into an organization's innovation
processes. While collaborative models focus on partnership and joint efforts, open innovation
models prioritize external input and idea-sharing

17.Suggest a few guidelines on the steps involved in implementing a successful open

innovation strategy.

Clearly define your goals and objectives for open innovation.

Build relationships with external partners and create a culture of collaboration.

Identify and prioritize areas for innovation.

Use technology to facilitate communication and collaboration.

Measure and track progress to continuously improve the open innovation strategy.


1.Bring out the importance of integrating internal and external operations and process in
innovation management?

Integrating internal and external operations and processes is essential for successful innovation
management. Here are some reasons why:

Access to external expertise and resources: Innovating in isolation can be challenging,

especially if the organization lacks the necessary expertise, skills, or resources. By integrating
external operations and processes, organizations can gain access to external experts, partners,
and resources that can help them develop new ideas and bring them to market.

Collaborative Innovation: In many cases, the most successful innovations are the result of
collaboration between multiple parties. By integrating internal and external operations and
processes, organizations can foster collaboration and co-creation between their employees,
customers, suppliers, and partners.

Faster time-to-market: Integrating internal and external operations and processes can help
organizations reduce the time it takes to bring new products or services to market. By
collaborating with external partners and leveraging their resources, organizations can speed up
the development process and bring new innovations to market faster.

Improved risk management: Innovation can be risky, and integrating internal and external
operations and processes can help organizations mitigate those risks. By working with external
partners and leveraging their expertise, organizations can identify potential risks and develop
strategies to manage or mitigate them.

Enhanced competitiveness: Finally, integrating internal and external operations and processes
can help organizations stay competitive. By collaborating with external partners, organizations
can tap into new markets, technologies, and ideas that can help them differentiate themselves
from their competitors.
Overall, integrating internal and external operations and processes is essential for successful
innovation management. It can help organizations access new expertise and resources, foster
collaboration, speed up time-to-market, manage risks, and enhance competitiveness.

2.Categorize the innovation types and process in detail with suitable examples.

Innovation can be broadly categorized into different types based on the nature and impact of
the innovation. There are four main types of innovation:

Incremental innovation:

Incremental innovation involves making small improvements or modifications to existing

products, services or processes. It is an ongoing process that aims to make incremental
improvements to existing products or services in order to enhance their functionality,
performance or efficiency. Examples of incremental innovation include the addition of new
features to an existing product, upgrading technology or materials used in a product, or
streamlining a manufacturing process.

Example: Apple Inc. regularly releases new versions of its iPhone that incorporate minor
improvements such as faster processors, better cameras, and longer battery life.

Disruptive innovation:

Disruptive innovation involves the creation of new products, services or business models that
disrupt existing markets or industries. It involves the introduction of a new product or service
that is significantly different from existing offerings, typically at a lower price point, and initially
appeals to a niche market before gaining wider acceptance.

Example: Uber disrupted the traditional taxi industry by introducing a new business model that
allows people to request a ride using a mobile app and pay using a credit card, which made it
more convenient and affordable.

Open innovation:

Open innovation involves collaborating with external partners such as customers, suppliers, or
other companies to develop new products, services or technologies. It involves sharing
resources, knowledge, and ideas to create innovative solutions.

Example: Lego has a crowdsourcing platform called Lego Ideas, where fans can submit their
own ideas for new Lego sets. If an idea receives enough support from other fans, Lego will
consider producing it as a new product.

Radical innovation:

Radical innovation involves the creation of new products, services or technologies that
fundamentally change the way things are done. It involves developing entirely new solutions to
problems and challenges, often using new technologies or business models.

Example: Tesla has developed a revolutionary electric car that has disrupted the traditional
automotive industry and forced established car manufacturers to adapt to a new market reality.

In terms of the innovation process, it can be divided into five main stages:

Idea generation:

The first stage involves generating new ideas for products, services or processes. This can be
done through brainstorming sessions, customer feedback, market research, or by observing
trends and changes in the industry.

Concept development:

The second stage involves developing the ideas into concrete concepts, including determining
the feasibility of the idea, developing a business plan, and conducting a preliminary market

Product development:

The third stage involves the actual development of the product or service, including designing,
prototyping, testing and refining the product until it is ready for launch.

Launch and commercialization:

The fourth stage involves launching the product or service in the market, which involves
marketing, distribution, and sales efforts to reach the target audience and generate revenue.
Monitoring and feedback:

The final stage involves monitoring the performance of the product or service, collecting
customer feedback, and using this information to make improvements and further develop the
product or service.

Innovation can be a complex and challenging process, but understanding the different types and
stages of innovation can help organizations develop effective strategies for staying competitive
and driving growth.

3.Discuss different types of creativity techniques used in a business for generating new ideas

There are several creativity techniques that businesses can use to generate new ideas and
solve problems. Here are some of the most common ones:

Brainstorming: This is one of the most popular creativity techniques used in businesses. In a
brainstorming session, a group of people comes together to generate as many ideas as
possible on a specific topic or problem. There are no wrong answers, and everyone is
encouraged to share their ideas.

Mind Mapping: This is a visual technique used to explore and organize ideas. It involves creating
a diagram that connects different ideas and concepts related to a particular topic.

SCAMPER: This acronym stands for Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use,
Eliminate, and Rearrange. This technique is used to prompt creative thinking by encouraging
participants to consider different ways to modify an existing product or process.

SWOT Analysis: This is a strategic planning tool used to identify a business's strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It can be used to generate new ideas by exploring ways
to leverage the business's strengths and opportunities while addressing its weaknesses and

Reverse brainstorming: This technique involves flipping the problem or challenge to generate
new ideas. Instead of asking, "How can we solve this problem?" participants ask, "How can we
make this problem worse?" This prompts the group to think outside the box and come up with
innovative solutions.

Six Thinking Hats: This technique involves assigning different "thinking hats" to participants,
each representing a different thinking style. For example, the white hat represents objective
thinking, the red hat represents emotional thinking, and the green hat represents creative
thinking. This technique encourages participants to approach a problem from different
perspectives, generating more ideas.

Random Word Association: This technique involves selecting a random word and using it to
prompt new ideas. Participants are asked to generate ideas related to the word, even if they
seem unrelated at first.

These are just a few of the many creativity techniques that businesses can use to generate new
ideas. By using a combination of techniques and encouraging participation from all team
members, businesses can foster a culture of innovation and creativity.

4.Write a note on knowledge spillover in large and small firms in the context of innovation

Knowledge spillover refers to the transfer of knowledge or ideas from one entity to another,
often unintentionally. In the context of innovation organization, knowledge spillover plays a
critical role in facilitating technological progress and promoting innovation.

In large firms, knowledge spillover is more likely to occur due to the size of the organization and
the number of employees. Large firms usually have extensive research and development (R&D)
departments and have access to a wide range of resources, which makes it easier to generate
new ideas and knowledge. As a result, employees are more likely to interact with each other and
exchange information, leading to knowledge spillover.

On the other hand, small firms have a more limited pool of resources and a smaller employee
base. Knowledge spillover is less likely to occur in small firms due to their limited resources and
a smaller pool of employees. However, small firms can still benefit from knowledge spillover
through their connections with other firms, suppliers, customers, and other external networks.
Innovation organization can benefit from knowledge spillover, as it can lead to the creation of
new ideas, products, and services, which can drive economic growth and improve the
competitiveness of firms. Large firms can benefit from knowledge spillover by leveraging their
extensive resources and employees to generate new ideas and knowledge. Small firms can
benefit from knowledge spillover by accessing external networks and partnerships and
collaborating with other firms to share knowledge and ideas.

In conclusion, knowledge spillover plays a vital role in promoting innovation and driving
technological progress. While large firms have more resources and employees, making
knowledge spillover more likely, small firms can still benefit from knowledge spillover by
accessing external networks and collaborating with other firms.

5.Find out the various financing opportunities that are available for innovation organizations.

Innovation organizations can access a range of financing opportunities to support their

research and development activities. Here are some of the most common financing options

Grants: Organizations can apply for grants from government agencies, private foundations, and
corporations to support their innovation activities. Grant funding typically does not require
repayment and can be an excellent source of support for early-stage organizations.

Equity financing: Organizations can raise capital by selling equity shares to investors. This type
of financing typically involves giving up some ownership of the organization in exchange for

Debt financing: Organizations can also raise capital by taking on debt, such as loans from banks
or other financial institutions. Debt financing typically involves paying interest and principal on
the borrowed funds over time.

Crowdfunding: This method of financing involves raising funds from a large number of
individuals via online platforms. Crowdfunding can be an effective way to reach a large audience
and raise funds quickly.
Venture capital: Venture capital firms invest in early-stage organizations with high growth
potential. These investments often involve taking an equity stake in the organization and
providing support and guidance to help the organization grow.

Angel investors: Angel investors are wealthy individuals who provide funding to early-stage
organizations in exchange for equity in the organization. Angel investors often provide more
flexible terms than traditional venture capital firms.

Corporate partnerships: Organizations can also form partnerships with corporations that have a
vested interest in their innovation activities. These partnerships can provide funding, as well as
access to expertise, resources, and networks that can support the organization's growth.

It's important to note that each financing option has its advantages and disadvantages, and
organizations should carefully consider their options before making a decision. Additionally,
some financing options may be more appropriate for certain stages of an organization's
development than others.

6.Enunciate the sources of innovation.

There are various sources of innovation, including:

Customer Needs: Customers’ feedback and suggestions can be a great source of innovation.
Understanding their pain points and addressing them through new products or services can lead
to successful innovation.

Market Research: Analyzing market trends and conducting research can help identify gaps in
the market that can be filled with innovative products or services.

Technology: Advances in technology can lead to new ways of doing things, as well as the
development of new products and services.

Competition: Competition can drive innovation as companies strive to outdo each other in terms
of product quality, price, and features.
Government Regulations: Changes in government policies and regulations can create new
opportunities for innovation in industries affected by those changes.

Collaborations: Collaborations with other organizations, universities, or even customers can

lead to new ideas and innovative solutions.

Employee Creativity: Encouraging and empowering employees to be creative can result in new
and innovative ideas being generated from within the organization.

Serendipity: Sometimes, innovation can come about by chance or accident, such as when a
scientist discovers a new chemical compound while working on an unrelated project.

Overall, innovation can come from a variety of sources and is often the result of a combination
of factors.

7.Technology is for large scale firms, Technology is for small scale firms –Justify your answers
with suitable explanations.

It is not accurate to say that technology is solely for large or small scale firms, as technology
can be beneficial to businesses of all sizes. However, the impact and importance of technology
may vary depending on the size of the company and its specific needs.

Large scale firms typically have greater resources and budgets, which can enable them to invest
in more advanced and expensive technologies. These technologies can help improve efficiency,
increase productivity, and enhance the overall competitiveness of the company. For example,
large corporations often use enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, which integrate and
automate various business processes, providing real-time data and insights that can help
decision-makers identify trends and make informed choices.

On the other hand, small scale firms may have limited budgets and resources, which can make
it difficult for them to invest in high-end technology. However, they can still benefit from
technology in various ways. For example, cloud-based software can help small businesses to
access powerful tools and resources without the need for expensive hardware or IT staff. Social
media and e-commerce platforms can also provide small businesses with a cost-effective way
to reach a wider audience and expand their customer base.
In conclusion, technology can benefit businesses of all sizes, and the specific technologies and
their impact may vary depending on the company's size and needs. While large firms may have
greater resources to invest in advanced technologies, small businesses can still leverage
technology to improve their operations and compete effectively in the marketplace.

8.‘Innovators are rarely able to capture the full financial return associated with their innovation
‘.Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Why?

I agree with the statement that innovators are rarely able to capture the full financial return
associated with their innovation. There are several reasons for this:

First-mover disadvantage: Innovators who are the first to develop a new product or service often
face significant costs in terms of research and development, market testing, and marketing.
They may also have to create a new market for their product or service, which can be a
challenging and costly task. As a result, competitors who enter the market later may be able to
replicate the innovation at a lower cost and capture a larger share of the financial return.

Patent infringement: Even if innovators obtain a patent for their innovation, it can be difficult to
prevent others from infringing on their intellectual property rights. Competitors may find ways to
circumvent the patent or may be able to convince a court that their product or service does not
infringe on the patent. This can reduce the innovator's ability to capture the full financial return
from their innovation.

Market dynamics: Markets are often unpredictable, and even the most innovative products or
services may not achieve the success that was anticipated. This can be due to a variety of
factors, including changing consumer preferences, economic downturns, and increased
competition. In such cases, innovators may not be able to capture the full financial return
associated with their innovation.

Strategic decisions: Innovators may make strategic decisions that prioritize long-term growth or
social impact over short-term financial gain. For example, a company may invest heavily in
research and development for a new product even if it is not expected to generate significant
profits in the near term. While such decisions may be beneficial for the company in the long run,
they may result in the innovator not capturing the full financial return associated with their
innovation in the short term.
Overall, while innovators can benefit significantly from their innovations, there are many factors
that can limit their ability to capture the full financial return. It is important for innovators to
carefully consider these factors and to develop strategies that maximize their chances of

9.What are the key stages involved in an innovation process? Andwhat are the characteristic
sets of activities which take place at eachstage? How could such an innovation process look for:
a. a fast foodrestaurant chain? b. an electronic test equipment maker? c. ahospital? d. an
insurance company? e. a new entrant biotechnologyfirm?

The key stages involved in an innovation process can vary depending on the industry and the
specific context of the innovation. However, a general framework often includes the following

Ideation: This is the stage where ideas are generated for new products, services, or processes.
This can be done through brainstorming sessions, customer feedback, market research, or
other methods.

Concept development: This stage involves evaluating the feasibility of the ideas generated in
the ideation stage. The ideas are analyzed to see if they align with the organization's goals,
resources, and capabilities. Concept development may also include creating prototypes or mock
-ups to help visualize the idea.

Testing and validation: In this stage, the organization tests the concept to see if it is viable. This
could involve focus groups, user testing, or beta testing.

Implementation: Once the concept has been tested and validated, it can be implemented. This
stage involves developing a detailed plan for executing the innovation and launching it in the

Commercialization: This stage involves scaling up the innovation and bringing it to market. This
may involve marketing, distribution, and sales activities.
Here are some examples of how the innovation process could look for different organizations:

a. Fast food restaurant chain:

Ideation: Brainstorming sessions to come up with new menu items or restaurant concepts.

Concept development: Evaluating the feasibility of the ideas, testing them with focus groups or
through prototyping.

Testing and validation: Testing new menu items in select locations before rolling them out

Implementation: Developing a plan for introducing the new menu items or restaurant concept.

Commercialization: Launching the new menu items or restaurant concept nationally, with
marketing campaigns to promote them.

b. Electronic test equipment maker:

Ideation: Conducting market research to identify new areas of demand for test equipment.

Concept development: Developing prototypes of new test equipment to address the identified

Testing and validation: Testing the new equipment in real-world scenarios and with potential

Implementation: Developing a plan for manufacturing and selling the new equipment.

Commercialization: Launching the new equipment and promoting it to potential customers.

c. Hospital:

Ideation: Identifying areas where the hospital could improve patient outcomes or reduce costs.

Concept development: Developing ideas for new processes or technologies to achieve these

Testing and validation: Piloting the new processes or technologies in select areas of the

Implementation: Implementing the new processes or technologies hospital-wide.

Commercialization: There is no commercialization stage for a hospital, as it is a non-profit


d. Insurance company:
Ideation: Identifying new insurance products or services that could meet evolving customer

Concept development: Developing prototypes of new insurance products or services.

Testing and validation: Testing the new products or services with focus groups or pilot

Implementation: Developing a plan for offering the new products or services to customers.

Commercialization: Launching the new products or services and promoting them to potential

e. New entrant biotechnology firm:

Ideation: Identifying areas where the firm could develop new drugs or therapies.

Concept development: Developing ideas for new drugs or therapies and conducting preliminary

Testing and validation: Conducting clinical trials to test the safety and efficacy of the new drugs
or therapies.

Implementation: Developing a plan for manufacturing and distributing the new drugs or

Commercialization: Launching the new drugs or therapies and promoting them to healthcare
providers and patients.

10.‘Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to yourdoor!’ Will it? What are the
limitations of seeing innovation simplyas coming up with bright ideas? Illustrate your answer
withexamples drawn from manufacturing and services.

The statement "Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door" is often
attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson. This quote implies that if you create a better product or
service, customers will naturally gravitate towards it. However, this oversimplifies the process
of innovation and ignores the many challenges that innovators face.

Firstly, innovation is not just about coming up with bright ideas. It requires a significant
investment of time, money, and resources to turn an idea into a marketable product or service.
Even the best ideas can fail if they are not executed properly. For example, Kodak invented the
digital camera in 1975 but failed to capitalize on the technology, and ultimately lost its market
dominance to companies like Sony and Canon.
Secondly, innovation is not a one-time event, but rather an ongoing process. Companies must
continually innovate to stay competitive in their markets. This requires a culture of innovation
and a commitment to continuous improvement. For example, companies like Apple and Google
are constantly releasing new products and services to stay ahead of their competitors.

Thirdly, innovation is not always met with acceptance by consumers. Sometimes, consumers
are resistant to change, and it takes time for them to adopt new products or services. For
example, when Airbnb first launched, many people were hesitant to use the platform to book
accommodations in someone else's home. However, over time, as the platform became more
established, consumers became more comfortable with the idea.

Finally, innovation is not always driven by a desire to create a better product or service.
Sometimes, innovation is driven by a desire to reduce costs or increase efficiency. For example,
Toyota's production system, which emphasizes continuous improvement and waste reduction,
revolutionized the manufacturing industry and helped the company become one of the most
profitable automakers in the world.

In conclusion, while coming up with a better mousetrap can be a key driver of innovation, it is
not enough on its own to guarantee success. Companies must also be committed to the
process of innovation, be willing to invest in new ideas, and be open to feedback and criticism
from consumers. Only then can they hope to build products and services that truly resonate with
their customers.

11.How does innovation contribute to competitive advantage? Supportyour answer

withillustrations from both manufacturing and services.

Innovation is crucial to gaining and maintaining competitive advantage in today's fast-paced

business environment. It allows companies to create unique products, services, and processes
that set them apart from their competitors. This, in turn, enhances customer satisfaction,
increases market share, and improves profitability. Here are some examples of how innovation
contributes to competitive advantage in both manufacturing and services:


Product innovation: Manufacturing companies that continuously innovate their products can
stay ahead of the competition. For example, Apple's iPhone is a good example of how product
innovation can create a competitive advantage. Each year, Apple releases a new version of the
iPhone that has new features and capabilities, which helps to keep the company ahead of its

Process innovation: Manufacturing companies that innovate their production processes can
increase efficiency, reduce costs, and improve quality. For example, Toyota's lean
manufacturing process has helped the company to produce high-quality cars at a lower cost
than its competitors.


Service innovation: Service companies that continuously innovate their services can
differentiate themselves from their competitors. For example, Airbnb's innovative platform
disrupted the hotel industry by allowing people to rent out their homes to travelers, providing a
unique and personalized experience that hotels could not match.

Process innovation: Service companies that innovate their processes can provide faster and
more efficient services, which can improve customer satisfaction. For example, Amazon's
innovative supply chain management and delivery process has allowed the company to provide
faster and more reliable delivery than its competitors.

In conclusion, innovation plays a crucial role in creating and sustaining competitive advantage in
both manufacturing and services. By continuously innovating products, services, and processes,
companies can stay ahead of the competition, improve customer satisfaction, increase market
share, and improve profitability.

12.Is innovation manageable or just a random gambling activity whereyou sometimes get lucky?
If it is manageable, how can firmsorganize and manage it – what general principles could they

Innovation is both manageable and involves an element of risk. While there may be some
element of chance involved in innovation, firms can take proactive steps to manage the
innovation process and increase their chances of success.

There are several general principles that firms can use to organize and manage innovation:
Foster a culture of innovation: Encourage employees to come up with new ideas and reward
them for doing so. Create an environment where innovation is valued and celebrated.

Invest in research and development: Allocate resources to research and development to

generate new ideas and technologies. This could involve setting up a dedicated R&D team,
collaborating with universities or other research institutions, or providing funding for employees
to work on their own projects.

Identify and prioritize opportunities: Conduct market research and identify opportunities for
innovation. Prioritize these opportunities based on their potential impact, feasibility, and
alignment with the company's strategic goals.

Develop a structured innovation process: Establish a structured innovation process that

includes ideation, prototyping, testing, and commercialization. This process should be tailored
to the specific needs of the organization and should be flexible enough to accommodate
different types of innovation.

Foster collaboration and partnerships: Work with external partners, such as suppliers,
customers, or other companies, to co-create new products or technologies. Foster collaboration
and knowledge-sharing within the organization to generate new ideas and insights.

Manage risk: Manage the risk associated with innovation by setting clear goals, timelines, and
budgets. Monitor progress regularly and adjust the innovation strategy as needed.

Overall, innovation can be managed, but it requires a proactive approach and a willingness to
take calculated risks. By following these general principles, firms can increase their chances of
success and generate new products, services, and technologies that drive growth and

13.To improve the participation rates in ideation, What should you focus on solving real
problems or tackling interesting opportunities?

To improve participation rates in ideation, it's important to focus on both solving real problems
and tackling interesting opportunities. This is because both aspects can motivate people to
engage in the ideation process for different reasons.
Solving real problems can be a powerful motivator for many people. When they feel that their
ideas could help address a pressing issue or challenge, they may be more likely to participate in
ideation sessions. By focusing on real problems, you can also create a sense of urgency and
importance, which can further encourage participation.

On the other hand, tackling interesting opportunities can be equally compelling. Some people
may be drawn to the prospect of exploring new and exciting ideas, even if they don't directly
address a pressing problem. By highlighting interesting opportunities, you can tap into people's
curiosity and desire to be part of something innovative and cutting-edge.

Ultimately, the key to improving participation rates in ideation is to strike a balance between
these two approaches. By focusing on both real problems and interesting opportunities, you can
create a dynamic and engaging ideation process that motivates a wide range of people to
participate and contribute their ideas.

14.A company is in business of electronic goods and is ready to introduce a new model of
washing machine for higher income households. What strategies should be adopted for
positioning the product in the minds of the consumer?

When introducing a new product, it is important to position it in a way that makes it stand out
from competitors and resonates with the target market. Here are some strategies that the
company could adopt for positioning the new washing machine:

Highlight the benefits: The company should highlight the benefits of the washing machine that
are important to the target market. For example, if the target market is higher income
households, the benefits could be things like superior cleaning power, energy efficiency, and
advanced features like smart controls.

Create a unique selling proposition (USP): A USP is a feature or benefit that sets a product apart
from competitors. The company could focus on a particular feature of the washing machine
that makes it unique, such as its advanced cleaning technology or sleek design.

Emphasize quality: Higher income households may be more willing to pay for a high-quality
product. The company could position the washing machine as a premium product with superior
build quality and materials.

Leverage endorsements: Endorsements from experts or celebrities can help build credibility and
generate buzz around a new product. The company could consider partnering with a well-known
designer or celebrity to promote the new washing machine.

Create a brand identity: A strong brand identity can help the company differentiate its products
and build a loyal customer base. The company could create a brand identity for the new
washing machine that emphasizes quality, luxury, and advanced technology.

Offer a competitive price: While the company may be targeting higher income households, it is
important to offer a competitive price compared to other premium washing machines on the
market. The company should conduct market research to determine an appropriate price point
that reflects the product's features and benefits.

Overall, the company should focus on creating a compelling message that resonates with the
target market and positions the new washing machine as a premium, high-quality product with
advanced features and technology.

15.Mention the three challenges that companies face when they opted for collaborative or open

Companies that choose to pursue collaborative or open innovation often face three main

Protecting Intellectual Property: When companies collaborate with external partners or

individuals, there is a risk of exposing sensitive information and intellectual property. It is
important to establish clear guidelines and agreements to protect intellectual property rights
and to safeguard the company's confidential information.

Aligning Interests and Incentives: Collaboration requires alignment of interests and incentives
among all parties involved. If the incentives are not aligned, the collaboration may not be
successful. Companies must ensure that all parties have a clear understanding of the goals and
benefits of the collaboration and are appropriately motivated to contribute.
Managing Complexity: Collaborative innovation often involves multiple parties with different
backgrounds, cultures, and ways of working. Managing the complexity of such collaborations
can be a challenge, especially when it comes to communication, coordination, and decision-
making. Companies must invest in building strong relationships and establishing effective
communication channels to ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards the
same goals.

16.Point out the measure, success and failure in creating a new product in a business

Creating a new product in a business organization can be a challenging and complex process.
To evaluate the success or failure of a new product, there are several measures that businesses
can use, including:


Market share: A key measure of success for a new product is its ability to capture a significant
share of the market. This can be measured by tracking sales volume and revenue generated
compared to competitors in the market.

Customer satisfaction: The level of customer satisfaction with the new product can be
measured through feedback, surveys, and ratings. Positive customer feedback is a good
indication that the product is meeting or exceeding expectations and is on the path to success.

Return on investment (ROI): ROI measures the return on the investment made in the new
product. This can be calculated by comparing the costs of developing and marketing the
product with the revenue generated by sales.


Meeting customer needs: A successful product should meet the needs of customers in a unique
and effective way.

Competitive advantage: A successful product should provide a competitive advantage over

other products in the market, whether through quality, features, pricing, or other factors.
Sustainability: A successful product should have long-term sustainability and profitability
potential, providing value to the business over an extended period.


Low market share: If a new product fails to capture a significant share of the market, it may be
considered a failure.

Poor customer feedback: If customers are not satisfied with the new product, it may be
considered a failure.

Low ROI: If the costs of developing and marketing the new product outweigh the revenue
generated by sales, it may be considered a failure.

17.Let us consider that there is open innovation in new build organisation. What are all the
behaviours changes to be faced in our organisation?

Open innovation in new build organizations can bring about several behavioral changes, both
among employees and the organization as a whole. Here are some of the key behavioral
changes that may be faced:

Increased collaboration: Open innovation involves working with external partners, such as
customers, suppliers, and other organizations. This can lead to increased collaboration and
teamwork within the organization, as employees work together to share ideas and knowledge.

More openness: Open innovation requires a more open and transparent approach to
communication and decision-making. Employees may need to be more willing to share their
ideas and opinions openly and be receptive to feedback from others.

Greater risk-taking: Open innovation often involves experimenting with new ideas and taking
risks. Employees may need to be more comfortable with ambiguity and uncertainty, and be
willing to try new approaches and solutions.
Enhanced creativity: Open innovation can encourage employees to think more creatively and
explore new ideas and possibilities. This can lead to a more innovative and dynamic culture
within the organization.

Increased flexibility: Open innovation requires a more flexible and adaptable approach to work.
Employees may need to be more agile and responsive to changing circumstances, and be
willing to adjust their priorities and goals as needed.

Stronger customer focus: Open innovation often involves working closely with customers to
understand their needs and preferences. This can lead to a stronger customer focus within the
organization and a greater emphasis on delivering value to customers.

Overall, open innovation can bring about significant behavioral changes within an organization,
requiring employees to be more collaborative, open, innovative, flexible, and customer-focused.

18.What can be learned from case studies on the successful use of innovation in starting a new
venture, and how can entrepreneurs effectively identify and utilize innovative strategies to bring
their ideas to life and achieve their goals?

Case studies on successful use of innovation in starting a new venture can provide valuable
insights into the strategies and techniques that have worked well in the past. These case
studies can help entrepreneurs to identify and utilize innovative strategies to bring their ideas to
life and achieve their goals.

Entrepreneurs can learn a lot from successful case studies on innovation by understanding how
the entrepreneurs who created those businesses identified the market needs, developed new
solutions, and executed their strategies effectively. The following are some of the key
takeaways from case studies on successful use of innovation:

Identify market needs: Entrepreneurs should start by identifying market needs and trends that
are not being met or addressed by existing products or services. This could involve conducting
market research, gathering customer feedback, or observing trends in the market.

Develop new solutions: Once entrepreneurs have identified a market need, they should develop
innovative solutions to address it. This could involve designing new products, services, or
business models that are more effective, efficient, or user-friendly than existing solutions.

Test and validate: Before launching a new product or service, entrepreneurs should test and
validate their ideas through market research, customer feedback, and prototyping. This can help
to ensure that the product or service is viable and meets the needs of the target market.

Execute effectively: Once entrepreneurs have validated their ideas and developed their products
or services, they should focus on executing their strategies effectively. This could involve
developing effective marketing and sales strategies, building partnerships and alliances, and
managing operations and finances effectively.

Continuously innovate: Successful entrepreneurs understand that innovation is an ongoing

process, and they continually seek to improve and evolve their products, services, and business
models to stay ahead of the competition.

Overall, entrepreneurs can effectively identify and utilize innovative strategies by studying
successful case studies, learning from the experiences of other entrepreneurs, and applying the
lessons learned to their own ventures.

19.Define the critical steps and factors that entrepreneurs need to consider when developing a
new product or service, and how can they ensure they have the necessary resources and
support to bring their ideas to market and succeed in a competitive environment?

Developing a new product or service can be a challenging process for entrepreneurs. To

increase the chances of success, they need to consider several critical steps and factors. Here
are some of the key things to keep in mind:

Conduct market research: Entrepreneurs should research the market to determine if there is a
demand for the product or service they are planning to offer. They should also identify their
target customers and analyze the competition.

Develop a business plan: A business plan outlines the entrepreneur's goals, strategies, and
financial projections. It serves as a roadmap for the development and launch of the product or
Determine the necessary resources: Entrepreneurs need to identify the resources required to
develop and launch the product or service. This includes finances, technology, equipment,
personnel, and other necessary resources.

Build a team: Entrepreneurs need to build a team of skilled and dedicated professionals to help
bring their ideas to market. This includes designers, engineers, marketers, and other
professionals with relevant expertise.

Create a prototype: Developing a prototype allows entrepreneurs to test their ideas and make
improvements before launching the product or service.

Test and refine the product or service: Entrepreneurs should test their product or service with a
select group of customers and refine it based on their feedback.

Develop a marketing strategy: Entrepreneurs need to create a marketing strategy that effectively
communicates the benefits of their product or service to potential customers.

Secure funding: Entrepreneurs need to secure the necessary funding to develop and launch their
product or service. This can be done through a variety of sources, including venture capital,
angel investors, and crowdfunding.

To ensure they have the necessary resources and support to bring their ideas to market and
succeed in a competitive environment, entrepreneurs can:

Network: Entrepreneurs should network with other professionals and organizations in their
industry to build relationships and gain support.

Seek mentorship: Entrepreneurs can seek mentorship from experienced entrepreneurs or

industry experts to help them navigate the challenges of starting and running a business.
Join an incubator or accelerator: Incubators and accelerators provide entrepreneurs with
resources, support, and mentorship to help them develop and launch their products or services.

Participate in competitions: Entrepreneurs can participate in business competitions to gain

exposure, funding, and other resources.

Continuously learn and adapt: Entrepreneurs should continuously learn and adapt to changes in
the market and industry to stay ahead of the competition.

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