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Ticket number 1.
1. Lung tissue consolidation syndrome, causes, etiological factors.
2. The concept of arterial hypertension syndrome, its types and causes of

Ticket number 2.
1. Lung tissue consolidation syndrome, mechanisms of occurrence.
2. Normal blood pressure indicators: optimal, normal, increased normal blood

Ticket number 3.
1. Clinical symptoms (complaints, physical findings) of pulmonary
consolidation syndrome.
2. Criteria for arterial hypertension, degree of increase in blood pressure in
arterial hypertension.

Ticket number 4.
1. Diagnosis of pulmonary tissue consolidation syndrome (instrumental
diagnostic methods).
2. Essential (primary) arterial hypertension, causes and mechanisms of
Ticket number 5.
1. Pneumonia as a disease most often characterized by consolidation of lung
tissue: types of pneumonia, modern classification, etiology, symptoms and
2. Secondary symptomatic arterial hypertension, causes of development.

Ticket number 6.
1. Causes, mechanisms of cavity formation in the lungs. The main clinical
manifestations of the syndrome of the presence of a cavity in the lung tissue.
2. Clinical manifestations of arterial hypertension syndrome: main complaints,
anamnesis and physical examination data.
Ticket number 7.
1. Syndrome of increased airiness of lung tissue, causes, clinical
manifestations, diagnosis. The concept of pulmonary emphysema.
2. Diagnosis of arterial hypertension. Methods for identifying hypertension and
blood pressure control: office measurement, home measurement (home
blood pressure self-monitoring), 24-hour blood pressure monitoring

Ticket number 8.
1. Obstructive lung dissases, causes, clinical signs, mechanisms of their
2. Reasons for the development of heart failure, its types, mechanisms of
development (changes in hemodynamics and compensatory mechanisms).

Ticket number 9.
1. Basic and additional methods for diagnosing obstructive lung dissases. Study
of external respiration function: spirometry, peak flowmetry.
2. Acute heart failure, causes, mechanisms of development, main
manifestations. Cardiac asthma and pulmonary edema.

Ticket number 10.

1. Obstructive bronchitis as a disease characterized by bronchial obstruction
syndrome: etiology, symptoms, diagnosis. The concept of chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
2. Chronic heart failure (CHF), etiology, modern NYHA classification. The
concept of ejection fraction and its significance in the diagnosis of CHF.

Ticket number 11.

1. Fluid accumulation syndrome in the pleural cavity, causes, clinical
manifestations, diagnosis.
2. The concept of coronary insufficiency syndrome and its types, causes of

Ticket number 12.

1. Pneumothorax, causes, clinical manifestations, diagnosis.
2. Risk factors for the development of coronary insufficiency (coronary heart
disease), modifiable and non-modifiable.

Ticket number 13.

1. Characteristics of acute respiratory failure syndrome. Clinical manifestations
of the syndrome, their mechanisms, diagnosis.
2. Acute coronary syndrome (ACS): causes of its development and main
clinical manifestations. ACS with ST segment elevation and ACS without
ST segment elevation. Diagnostics.
Ticket number 14.
1. Diagnostic value of visual methods in the diagnosis of lung diseases. X-ray
of the lungs, its types. The concept of CT, MRI, ultrasound of the chest
2. Myocardial infarction, clinical manifestations, diagnosis.

Ticket number 15.

1. Asthma as a disease characterized by bronchial obstruction syndrome:
etiology, symptoms, diagnosis.
2. Myocardial infarction with ST segment elevation and myocardial infarction
without ST segment elevation.

Ticket number 16.

1. Characteristics of chronic respiratory failure syndrome. Clinical
manifestations of the syndrome, their mechanisms, diagnosis.
2. Ischemic heart diseases: causes of its development and main clinical
manifestations (angina pectoris, Chronic ischemic heart diseases).
Ticket number 17.
1. Exudative pleuritis as a cause of hydrothorax syndrome, etiology, symptoms
and their mechanisms, diagnosis.
2. Classification of angina pectoris and diagnosis at the present stage from the
standpoint of evidence-based medicine.

Ticket number 18.

1. Lung abscess as the cause of a cavity in the lungs. Main clinical
manifestations, diagnosis.
2. The main etiological factors of acquired heart defects: rheumatic heart
disease, infective endocarditis, atherosclerosis.

Ticket number 19.

1. Emphysema as a cause of the syndrome of increased airiness of the lung
tissue, causes, symptomatology, diagnosis.
2. Mitral stenosis. Etiological factors. Hemodynamic disorders. Clinical
manifestations. Diagnostics.

Ticket number 20.

1. Atelectasis of the lung, types, causes of development, clinical symptoms,
2. Mitral insufficiency. Etiological factors. Hemodynamic disorders. Clinical
manifestations. Diagnostics.

Ticket number 21.

1. The concept of spontaneous pneumothorax, causes, symptoms, diagnosis.
2. Aortic stenosis. Etiological factors. Hemodynamic disorders. Clinical
manifestations. Diagnostics.

Ticket number 22.

1. Physical manifestations of consolidated lung tissue syndrome, mechanisms
of symptoms.
2. Aortic insufficiency. Etiological factors. Hemodynamic disorders. Clinical
manifestations. Diagnostics.

Ticket number 23 .
1. The concept of Lung abscess.
Symptomatology of lung cavity syndrome.
2. Tricuspid valve insufficiency. Etiological factors. Hemodynamic disorders.
Clinical manifestations. Diagnostics.

Ticket number 24.

1. Obstruction lung dissases. The concept of reversible and irreversible
bronchial obstruction, causes, mechanisms, diagnostic methods.
2. Main clinical symptoms of aortic insufficiency.

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